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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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Has everyone more or less tried everyone once? I've played a good chunk but I stick with about 6. There's another 15 or so I either have never played ever or have played one game with.

I need a Saturday to play each character at least once.

I cycle through pretty much all of them except roadhog, zarya, bastion. Will never understand the people that just stick to one character.

My highest in playtime last time i looked were pharah and lucio
Fighting McCrees is really a pain, because even if you reflect his flashbang, either you don't have time to kill him before he turns around and FtH (even if you dash to cancel the reflect, because you can't use the combo that way) or good McCrees will throw the FB on the ground and RIP. Against McCree you should run and try to attack from a distance, from behind him, only get close him if you are sure that you can sneaky behind and he have enough HP to be comboed to death.

Reaper is not the easist target because of the 250 HP still way easier than McCree, if you are really close to him try reflecting some head shots and dash to win if he is a good player and does not attack you try jumping around maybe getting some safe distance and than combo him.

Winstons are the real trouble, there is no way to fight him 1v1 with Genji, just run to your allies and pray.

Genji actually has a lot of bad matchups for a character considered to be relatively good


Winston - You lose this, his electricity goes through reflect, and he can match your mobility with his jump

Roadhog - Even if you parry or dodge his hook this doesn't give you free rain to damage him, he can out heal your DPS to buy time and gain support from allies. While a single hook will kill you

McCree - Even if you parry his stun you don't get the opportunity to kill him for it. Fan the hammer will kill you far sooner than you kill him with your alternate fire and right click.

Mei - You can outrange her but you're unlikely to kill her. Up close her frost can't be parried and therefore, kills you pretty quickly.

Zarya - She shoots through your parry and her shield prevents you killing her from afar.

Reaper - Parry can kill him if he fires blindly, but that aside, you can't engage him up close and expect to win. At a distance he can phase away from threat in order to heal.


Pharah - A rocket at your feet can't be parried, and you're unlikely to hit Pharah with a parried rocket anyway. Hitting her in the air in general is quite difficult due to your shuriuken travel time. With that said, if you wait and force her on the ground, she can be killed very quickly and you are one of the few characters that can harass a Pharah that's attempting to perch on one of the upper areas of the map.

Symattra - Her damage beam passes through your parry, you can alt fire and combo her for a quick kill but you will need to make sure it's quick, otherwise you can out range her but be wary of shield recharge. Up close she can kill you, at range you can theoretically kill her, but usually she'll take cover and regen her shield.

Junkrat - His grenades can kill you surprisingly quickly and parry is unreliable in preventing these from damaging you. You can take him from afar however, if you can get a good angle.

Reinheart - Too much health and shield for you to put any significant dent into. He isn't likely to kill you, but you're not likely to kill him either, what you can do however is quickly get to a good position and force him to turn around, helping your team mates take him out.

Hanzo - On paper Hanzo is pretty easy to kill but the number of times I've been one-shot by stray arrows can make this a frustrating matchup. Riochet arrow will also instantly kill you with a little luck.

Torbjorn - Turrets aren't explicitly a problem or something that's easy to deal with for Genji, though the lack of damage drop off does help you take them out from afar. Up close, Torb himself isn't much of a problem, and parry can really help here.

D.Va - Not much of a threat to you but takes a very long time to kill, by the time her mech is down you're at risk of being pretty low yourself, so she can still take you out, but a quick combo to follow up usually makes her an easy finish.

Tracer - Your low damage at mid-long range coupled with her rewind and teleports mean you can't kill her easily, at the same time, she can't kill you easily because you can take the high ground which she can't access. These fights can be relatively purposeless and seem never ending if you're left to 1 vs 1.


Soldier 76 - Easy to predictably parry and finish with Genji's combo. His heal can prove troublesome but usually you can pressure him off of it for the kill.

Lucio - While just a squishy support Lucio can be troublesome to hit and quickly flee to the support of his team mates. He's not likely to kill you, but he's far the most sustainable support option, the trickiest for you to kill. Still, a combo and some alternate fire will down him if he's alone.

Bastion - Parry destroys bastion in sentry mode, and outside it he's weak and easy to hit with shuriukens.

Mercy - Easy to isolate and dispatch with alt fire and the melee slash combo. With that said, Mercy players are rarely alone, and the tanks that accompany them can be a big issue for Genji.

Zenyatta - At 150 health he is an instant-kill to the melee dash combo. Very easy target, even when supported by tanks he'll be dead before anyone realizes you're there.

Widowmaker - Easy to flank and kill before she's even aware you're there, be wary of spider mines though.

The problem with this distribution isn't that Genji isn't useful when all characters are considered, but rather that successful team compositions generally feature many of your counters. For instance as an attacker, Soldier 76 is easy to dispatch, but most good team comps don't feature Soldier 76. Instead, they feature the likes of McCree, Reaper, Winston, Reinheart and two supports. You can deal with the supports and when circumstances present themselves, snag opportunity kills on the others, but it feels as if characters like Reaper and Tracer outmatch you in this offensive utility as they can do the same, but also pose a significant threat to tanks and other popular attackers.

These are my thoughts from 16 or so hours of Genji.


How the hell are people already level 83? they play this game 24/7 or what? lol

I think I'm 44 right now and I've played almost the absolute max limit that someone with a full time job could. In a group too, so 20% extra xp most of the time.

I guess an extra 40 hours on top of what I put in would get you in that vicinity. I can't imagine what 14+ hours a day of just this game would do to your mind but I also fully believe there are people doing it.


Being the best D.Va is like being the fastest wheelchair racer, she's the most crippled hero in the game. She can't function as a tank because the crit box on her mech is too large for her to be a useful damage sponge. Combined with the mech's peashooters that basically turn her into a melee range turret when firing, the only way to effectively play her is as a hit and run assassin, albeit a much weaker one than the heroes actually designed for that role.

I use her to break enemy lines. Shields up and boost in. Knock a couple back, usually Rhien to get rid of his shield. Then blast them as my team swarms in. Or self destruct which is also hilarious. I don't usually live when i do this but again it breaks their line for my team. Team player!
I can get on board with this.

Her primary weapon is so annoying, if you get caught in her spray you basically just have to sit there and watch yourself get frozen while she headshots you. When I first started playing I thought Widowmaker and Hanzo were unfun to play against, but Mei takes unfun to a whole new level.
She is the worst. The absolute worst. When I get demolished by a Widowmaker, McCree, Genji, whomever, I can usually applaud the effort and skill.

More than half of my "fights" with Mei involve me spamming everything I can to escape her stupid freeze gun, then turning around and demolishing her only to have her run away behind a wall or go in her ice block. I end up tilting and going off script just to kill her, because I want her to die and not escape-button her way to safety every time.

I think I'm 44 right now and I've played almost the absolute max limit that someone with a full time job could. In a group too, so 20% extra xp most of the time.

I guess an extra 40 hours on top of what I put in would get you in that vicinity. I can't imagine what 14+ hours a day of just this game would do to your mind but I also fully believe there are people doing it.
I'm 52, so you're not at that max limit!

I did take Friday off, though.
Holy shit I just found out I'm the #9 Lucio in the world on PS4.

#11 D.Va

super unexpected...

I guess taking off a week for work; worked out lol.


just FYI since i still see people get this wrong:

if you're playing defense on a payload map you don't need to stand on the payload to make it move back. that does stop it from moving if they're pushing it but once you've killed the enemy team you can keep moving up to stop them from reaching it and it'll still roll back.


I think on PC, Mcree is pretty broken. Even when I'm playing Mcree I'm like "fuck mcree" after he kills me. Getting flashbanged is so rage inducing. I literally crouch walk around the map listening for footsteps so the enemy Mcree doesn't flashbang me first.
The # rankings on Master Overwatch should be taken with a grain of salt, by the way, as they seem to be, to some degree, a cumulative or counting stat based on playtime and score accrued.

You're better off looking at some of the top players for each hero category and using the (very cool) compare tool.

just FYI since i still see people get this wrong:

if you're playing defense on a payload map you don't need to stand on the payload to make it move back. that does stop it from moving if they're pushing it but once you've killed the enemy team you can keep moving up to stop them from reaching it and it'll still roll back.
Contesting it stops them pushing it forward, but yes, people don't seem to realize this. Also, it's usually better to regroup around a natural choke than to fight it every inch of the way, get team-killed, and let them roll through unopposed. Putting your entire team in contest mode will get you flanked, horribly.


Day 2 of me not being able to win a single game thanks to worthless assholes who can't play the game to save their lives. But then again, maybe I'm just out of the new meta loop where we need three Widowmakers and two Solder 76's and no healer when we're attacking on a payload map. Fuck people.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I just still find it weird that pharah being Egyptian is rocking native American skins. Then again I also thought sym with her Hindu god skins were going to cause more trouble among the Hindu community (like the smite issue with Hindu gods had) but nothing came about from that.

I don't think Blizzard took a serious look with the skins. Just what look cool. I mean, one of Lucio legendary skin is a hockey costume. And the guy is from Brazil. I don't think hockey is very popular over there. :p


the holder of the trombone
I use her to break enemy lines. Shields up and boost in. Knock a couple back, usually Rhien to get rid of his shield. Then blast them as my team swarms in. Or self destruct which is also hilarious. I don't usually live when i do this but again it breaks their line for my team. Team player!

Yeah in a co-ordinated team I'm usually the one destroying turrets and taking out snipers.

Sure, tracer and genji can do it too but D.Va is so much more... direct. Shields up, boost, cya.


Day 2 of me not being able to win a single game thanks to worthless assholes who can't play the game to save their lives. But then again, maybe I'm just out of the new meta loop where we need three Widowmakers and two Solder 76's and no healer when we're attacking on a payload map. Fuck people.

so, become a healer.


Contesting it stops them pushing it forward, but yes, people don't seem to realize this. Also, it's usually better to regroup around a natural choke than to fight it every inch of the way, get team-killed, and let them roll through unopposed. Putting your entire team in contest mode will get you flanked, horribly.

when it comes to teamwork i think we need to get people to stop spawning alone and running into 6 enemies before we can get to more advanced stuff like fight placement


Being the best D.Va is like being the fastest wheelchair racer, she's the most crippled hero in the game. She can't function as a tank because the crit box on her mech is too large for her to be a useful damage sponge. Combined with the mech's peashooters that basically turn her into a melee range turret when firing, the only way to effectively play her is as a hit and run assassin, albeit a much weaker one than the heroes actually designed for that role.

I think the ting about DVa is that she isn't the best tank, nor is she the best back lane harasser, but she can do both fairly reliably which is something that no one else can say. She can neuter a Bastion or a Torb turret with her Defense Matrix so that your teammates can get around or kill it, she can pester enemy healers and get away quickly and safely, and she can contest the objective pretty well. Obviously she's not the best at any of these things, but she can do all of them.
She is the worst. The absolute worst. When I get demolished by a Widowmaker, McCree, Genji, whomever, I can usually applaud the effort and skill.

More than half of my "fights" with Mei involve me spamming everything I can to escape her stupid freeze gun, then turning around and demolishing her only to have her run away behind a wall or go in her ice block. I end up tilting and going off script just to kill her, because I want her to die and not escape-button her way to safety every time.

Bingo. It's laughable how many heroes she can win a 1v1 fight against just because of her freeze gun.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
jump sniping a Mcree out of high noon felt good :3

Likelihood that Blizzard adds more heroes before the years' end?

in 6 months time? probably very likely


I'm actually kind of concerned about this too, even though I love the Thunderbird skin. I've seen some isolated comments here and there about it potentially being cultural appropriation, but for whatever reason people don't seem that concerned. Others brought up the point that other characters also have skins that change their cultural background (i.e. Reaper's mariachi) and none of the legendaries are particularly concerned with maintaining character canon, so maybe it's a matter of being too sensitive. For now, I continue to use the skin because the case doesn't seem so clear-cut to me, but I'd be curious to hear more opinions. I'm not a Native American so on some level I can't know if it's offensive or no big deal.

I mean you could at least make the argument that Reaper is Mexican-American or Chicano (since he was born in LA but with last name Reyes), so the mariachi outfit at least plays a bit into his characters background. It was just something to think about, not something I want to make a huge issue out of, I am usually the first person to say others should not be offended for a particular culture, that the people of that culture can have the autonomy to be offended if they want and don't need others to be offended for them.

I don't think Blizzard took a serious look with the skins. Just what look cool. I mean, one of Lucio legendary skin is a hockey costume. And the guy is from Brazil. I don't think hockey is very popular over there. :p

I mean there is a big difference between a brazilian that likes hockey and a skin that's literally called raindancer and has native american symbolism on it (from the eagle to the face paint to feathery parts of the outfit. What I'm getting at is that could it be considered cultural misappropriation? Perhaps but I'll let an actual native american person speak on that behalf. I'm sure there were more egyptian style gods or imagery the (or something completely different like more birds or insects or things that fly) they could have and maybe will do with Pharah. For instance, her epic skins anubis clearly plays more into her egyptian background.


I use her to break enemy lines. Shields up and boost in. Knock a couple back, usually Rhien to get rid of his shield. Then blast them as my team swarms in. Or self destruct which is also hilarious. I don't usually live when i do this but again it breaks their line for my team. Team player!

Think about this strategy in a competitive setting though. Your mech will die almost instantly after the shield drops and any damage you caused will be healed. You might survive for a few more seconds in pilot form, but even then your team is down a tank with almost nothing to show for it. I just don't think she's viable on the frontlines in her current form.

I think the ting about DVa is that she isn't the best tank, nor is she the best back lane harasser, but she can do both fairly reliably which is something that no one else can say. She can neuter a Bastion or a Torb turret with her Defense Matrix so that your teammates can get around or kill it, she can pester enemy healers and get away quickly and safely, and she can contest the objective pretty well. Obviously she's not the best at any of these things, but she can do all of them.

I think Winston is both a better tank and backline harasser.


the holder of the trombone
Also people thinking that just because her ult is easy to predict makes it worthless, but honestly, being able to mark a section as "Do not enter", and then quickly get another fully healthed up mech is pretty dang useful.

Think about this strategy in a competitive setting though. Your mech will die almost instantly after the shield drops and any damage you caused will be healed. You might survive for a few more seconds in pilot form, but even then your team is down a tank with almost nothing to show for it. I just don't think she's viable on the frontlines in her current form.

In a competitive setting all anyone is doing is running around with 2 mccree, lucio, mercy, reinhardt, and whatever else. It really has nothing to do with the pub game and it's also super fucking boring.

She's also not meant to play like a tank.


Think about this strategy in a competitive setting though. Your mech will die almost instantly after the shield drops and any damage you caused will be healed. You might survive for a few more seconds in pilot form, but even then your team is down a tank with almost nothing to show for it. I just don't think she's viable on the frontlines in her current form.

Think about it in a fun setting though. It's pretty damn fun to do.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Had a crazy idea for a hero.

What if it was a support char that could drop a health or buff zone anywhere on the map - or some incentive for the team to head that direction. They could basically "orchestrate" the team and dictate where they go... forcing teamwork.


not characteristic of ants at all
Had a crazy idea for a hero.

What if it was a support char that could drop a health or buff zone anywhere on the map - or some incentive for the team to head that direction. They could basically "orchestrate" the team and dictate where they go... forcing teamwork.
Lucio is pretty similar to this


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
Stat update for hitting level 50. I'm back to #3 D.Va on PS4, but #1 and even #2 seem unreachable now...

How do you even get 77 elims with DVA? The most I've gotten is like 40 and that was a highly contested 3-games in Nepal. I'm on PC though.

Had a crazy idea for a hero.

What if it was a support char that could drop a health or buff zone anywhere on the map - or some incentive for the team to head that direction. They could basically "orchestrate" the team and dictate where they go... forcing teamwork.

Yeah, this is Lucio, but worse, because you'd see your nice zones all empty and ignored. At least with Lucio you can force yourself on people who need you.
matchmaking is terrible, you win a few and the game tries to balance it by sticking you with shit teammates against pros, this is the worst way to balance a game and so many games do it.

the WORST.


Dunno, if this has been posted yet, but:

Overwatch's McCree and D.Va Could Be Changed, Here's How
Overwatch designer says Blizzard has been looking at potential buff and nerfs to its characters.

Basically, Blizzard's principal designer considering a Mcree damage nerf. And as for D.Va, he says there may be "some room for some D.Va improvements", whatever that means.

D.Va is my favorite hero, but I do feel like without a healer sometimes she feels useless in certain scenarios (but that's kind of the whole point of Overwatch, huh?). As for Mcree, I think he needs bullet fall-off over raw damage lowering, to be honest. He's a beast up close, but he's supposed to be. He should not be a beast at long long range. I think that's why's he's so overpowered. He can kill from anywhere, so he effectively doesn't have a hard counter. With a Reinhardt he can quickly go from raw damage dealer at range (a la Soldier 76) to flanking death-bringer (a la Genji or Reaper). That's my beef with Mcree.

Anyway, we'll see how it shapes up.

Holy shit I just found out I'm the #9 Lucio in the world on PS4.

#11 D.Va

super unexpected...

I guess taking off a week for work; worked out lol.

Is this hidden in career profile somewhere? I can't seem to find it.


Day 2 of me not being able to win a single game thanks to worthless assholes who can't play the game to save their lives. But then again, maybe I'm just out of the new meta loop where we need three Widowmakers and two Solder 76's and no healer when we're attacking on a payload map. Fuck people.
Why don't you play as a healer though? Unless you already do.
just FYI since i still see people get this wrong:

if you're playing defense on a payload map you don't need to stand on the payload to make it move back. that does stop it from moving if they're pushing it but once you've killed the enemy team you can keep moving up to stop them from reaching it and it'll still roll back.

So does it just roll back if no enemy is on it?

Good to know, thanks.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
Yeah! DVA Buffs. Bring it. If she did more damage (or had less damage drop off) and maybe a bit more armor, she'd be great. That or just lower the CD on her booster so she can be zipping about all over the place.


just FYI since i still see people get this wrong:

if you're playing defense on a payload map you don't need to stand on the payload to make it move back. that does stop it from moving if they're pushing it but once you've killed the enemy team you can keep moving up to stop them from reaching it and it'll still roll back.

Hey, thanks.


Symmetra + Toblerone is the best combo. Everyone gets shields and armor. Those health bars look like nightmares to the other team.

Symmetra on final objective is so useless. The spawn is right there, she doesn't have time to set up turrets and her weapon is pretty bad.


the holder of the trombone
Just dropping that speed drop off when she's shooting would already be a pretty good buff. Hell, add a reload if you have to.

Symmetra on final objective is so useless. The spawn is right there, she doesn't have time to set up turrets and her weapon is pretty bad.

I have won so many defense games on the last point with symmetra. The team gets so focused on pushing and your team is so concentrated on trying to stop them that you can place turrets nearly willy nilly.

Also her gun is amazing in the last point where it's nearly all close quarters.


so, become a healer.

I was playing with a friend last night, and it got to the point where we were always leading the team in damage done, eliminations, etc.

The problem being, we would be forced to play some kind of support roll as random players refuse to do so. It's a toss up between, do we have enough damage to win the game, or are we able to sustain their push effectively? Frankly, I noticed it was too costly to put one of us on support as we wouldn't have the damage to even be competitive otherwise, though we would play the support classes anyways.

Going to have to setup more consistent GAF groups rather than trying to beat your head against the wall with the random player base.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
Just dropping that speed drop off when she's shooting would already be a pretty good buff. Hell, add a reload if you have to.

I have won so many defense games on the last point with symmetra. The team gets so focused on pushing and your team is so concentrated on trying to stop them that you can place turrets nearly willy nilly.

Not having a reload is what makes her low damage tolerable. If you remove that... she wouldn't be very good, even if she could just run around shooting.


I'm actually kind of concerned about this too, even though I love the Thunderbird skin. I've seen some isolated comments here and there about it potentially being cultural appropriation, but for whatever reason people don't seem that concerned. Others brought up the point that other characters also have skins that change their cultural background (i.e. Reaper's mariachi) and none of the legendaries are particularly concerned with maintaining character canon, so maybe it's a matter of being too sensitive. For now, I continue to use the skin because the case doesn't seem so clear-cut to me, but I'd be curious to hear more opinions. I'm not a Native American so on some level I can't know if it's offensive or no big deal.

part of the reason i feel weird about pharah is because native americans are basically never represented in media unless it's as a costume like this. there's mexican cultural appropriation but mexican people also have some face time in games and movies, it's just not the same for native americans.


The # rankings on Master Overwatch should be taken with a grain of salt, by the way, as they seem to be, to some degree, a cumulative or counting stat based on playtime and score accrued.

You're better off looking at some of the top players for each hero category and using the (very cool) compare tool.

Contesting it stops them pushing it forward, but yes, people don't seem to realize this. Also, it's usually better to regroup around a natural choke than to fight it every inch of the way, get team-killed, and let them roll through unopposed. Putting your entire team in contest mode will get you flanked, horribly.
All ranking systems are based on playtime tbh.
Even the one for Destiny for example, you can get a true skill rating from 1-50 which isn't based on playtime but when there are other people who are rated 50 it's the playtime that comes into count by cause of higher number of games and wins.


matchmaking is terrible, you win a few and the game tries to balance it by sticking you with shit teammates against pros, this is the worst way to balance a game and so many games do it.

the WORST.

I really don't feel that at all. I've had 10 match winning streaks and then dumped into a game which just felt more competitive before going into a match where everyone is terrible. I was under the impression that the matchmaking wasn't doing much at all right now and it's mostly random.
I have terrible aim at FPS games so i use Mei and Reinhardt, but for some reason i seem to be picking up a crap tone of ranged kills with Mei ice shoot. Im not complaining its just really surprising :p

Not Spaceghost

I hope so, i am tired of play of the game just being q of the game. It makes it hard for characters that don't have room clearing Qs to get ptog.


the holder of the trombone
Not having a reload is what makes her low damage tolerable. If you remove that... she wouldn't be very good.

Her damage is pretty good up close. The problem is that people can easily outrange her so it's hard for her to finish them off.

That's why it's so easy for her to dismantle bastions and turrets. They can't run off!


not characteristic of ants at all
I was playing with a friend last night, and it got to the point where we were always leading the team in damage done, eliminations, etc.

The problem being, we would be forced to play some kind of support roll as random players refuse to do so. It's a toss up between, do we have enough damage to win the game, or are we able to sustain their push effectively? Frankly, I noticed it was too costly to put one of us on support as we wouldn't have the damage to even be competitive otherwise, though we would play the support classes anyways.

This is inherently the problem. Everyone has this mindset - "I'm the best at killing people, so if I'm not in that role then our team is clearly at a disadvantage. Someone else should pick the healer."
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