He should try Reaper, seems more his speed.
was expecting Reaper, leave disapointed
He should try Reaper, seems more his speed.
was expecting Reaper, leave disapointed
Still waiting on this Zarya skin and Victory Pose.
A lot of the legendary skins are pretty bad.
Yeah, like the Soldier 76 daredevil one. First legendary I got post release. Absolute garbage. His best skin is obviously is obviously golden.
Yeah, like the Soldier 76 daredevil one. First legendary I got post release. Absolute garbage. His best skin is obviously is obviously golden.
Out of all the legendary skins...
TracerEveryones top 5 chars GO!!!
(in no particular order)
Everyones top 5 chars GO!!!
(in no particular order)
So, King's Row attack, a guy picks Torbjorn and builds a turret in our spawn point. Genius.
Smooth as Silk trophy is mine 8)
I mean, if you're going to use torbjorn on attack, there's no reason not to build a turret in the ready room before the game starts. It might not be the best placement, but until the game begins, it's the best available.
Maybe he really wanted to feed the Zenyatta, Genji, and Tracer players armor pickups?
pretty sure no one has a positive win lose percentage lol
What am I missing here? This looks alright to me. A good fit for Volskaya Industries.
I cant wait to get this and punk Tracer >=(
Ive a killed a Hanzo twice today standing right in front of the upper spawn point on Kings Row and Dorado by reflecting his shot back right to hit head lool.
Youd think seeing a Genji just waiting infront of your door would send some warnings.
The more I play, the more I'm convinced that having a (good) Lucio in your team increases your chances to win A LOT. I actually have a 75% winrate with him (around 50 games), and I don't know how many times I have changed the course of a game just by switching to him in the middle of a potentially lost game
I really love him
I hate the EZ shit. At least say it in team chat if you must, dont say it in general :/
Maybe, or maybe not. In the next game, Numbani on defense, the same guy built it in the same spot where I placed my turrets as Symmetra.
I had no idea Tracer could 'heal' by reversing time before reading the trophy. I see the significance of that ability now besides being another blink skill.
Also: Anyone find emote menu akward? You end up steering in direction of option after.
About how many levels before I can afford a 1,000 credit skin (if I buy nothing else)?
I hate the EZ shit. At least say it in team chat if you must, dont say it in general :/
About how many levels before I can afford a 1,000 credit skin (if I buy nothing else)?
Be glad you didn't get a griefing Symmetra who put her teleporter in a place where it dumps you over the side of the map.What's with this new plague of Mei's that constantly troll their own team with ice walls? V annoying!
Tipical Mei players, that character is trash.What's with this new plague of Mei's that constantly troll their own team with ice walls? V annoying!
What's with this new plague of Mei's that constantly troll their own team with ice walls? V annoying!
It would really depend on your box drops.About how many levels before I can afford a 1,000 credit skin (if I buy nothing else)?
Be glad you didn't get a griefing Symmetra who put her teleporter in a place where it dumps you over the side of the map.
That's exactly what I mean, by a cliff, thereby dumping you off the side of the map.That's nothing. Try having Symmetra that puts a teleporter just next to a cliff.
LMAO. I'm calling him that from now on.Junkbag is too much fun
Junkbag is too much fun
That's exactly what I mean, by a cliff, thereby dumping you off the side of the map.
The fact that we don't have a good report system on console makes those douchebags a real menace.