Played a match against 5 Torbjorns on Numbani a few minutes ago. That was a real treat. Couple of things I learned:
-Pharah does in fact work great against turrets if you're comfortable with running back to get health pickups after blowing one up. You kinda have to kill Torb along with the turret though or he'll just make another one right there. Her ult is still garbage though with that many turrets, because one of them will focus fire you out of the sky while you're killing another.
-Molten Core is fucking busted. Makes the turret effectively invulnernable and makes Torb just as good at killing people if his aim is good. When it turns on, you basically can't go near the objective for 10 whole seconds, and with 5 Torbs it meant that it was rarely never on. That's the only reason we lost, because every time we tried to push someone turned on Molten Core and pushed everyone back.
-Numbani is a shitty map for Torb because there are so many wide open spaces where you can get LoS on him and the turret without either knowing. 2 Widowmakers on my team just went ham. Pity they couldn't get near enough to push the objective.
Two things with this:
A good Torb will make killing him and the turret difficult by being nowhere near his turret. For myself, I rarely ever stand by mine, and I generally don't "fight" it being destroyed. Repositioning turrets is a big part of the strategy.
However, it is worth remembering that a turret that gets thrown right up is pretty damn weak and easy to knock out, so if you see the Torb throwing his new baby up, go after it.