aha so much yeah, I'm starting to really dislike bad Symmetra players, on both teams (Why would you put turrets there? Where's your teleporter? Why aren't you using that gun?). I rarely offense with her, except for Nepal. If you manage to setup a mini turret base on point A there and place a teleporter nearby it's hell for enemy team.
But, really important, if you play DEFENSE and if you play Symmetra... play it like offense. Flank and spam enemies with your beam, they usually start panicking, especially if there's a turret or two above, it just shakes them. That feisty
blink/tsk sound of elimination will surely follow. Especially if it's
Hanzo (he can't aim at you if you're doing circles), or
Tracer (the beam catches onto her, sort of), or even
Reinheardt (just get behind his ass and spam the beam).
Symmetra is love, Symmetra is life.