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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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Look guys, I'm fine if you pick Tracer. But just know how to play her. A good damn Tracer is so annoying in the right hands, constantly harassing the enemy team and killing the backlines. It pains me to see a Tracer just walking with us as a group and not using her strengths at all.

Same with Genji.

no need for elitism,,, the game is out less than a week. Let players experiment as they wish.


With Reinheardt, you do not have to get behind him: your gun goes through his shield.

I know, but he can lower the shield and charge you or swing at you or send that flashy strike - happened too many times.

When you get behind what happens is he's usually occupied with players from my team, blocking damage, and she's way faster anyway.


I now officially hate Zarya.

It's like her only thing tho. Otherwise she would be middling. This is why a lot of experienced players use her as a tank. Against other good players, those shields make her or a nearby ally a "do not shoot," which is basically just psych-out mitigation. You fuck with players' whole approach.

That said: I agree she is frustrating. It sucks to unload a good attack just to realize you are feeding the beast.


And thank god. Turrets in TF2 were obnoxious af. The knockback from that thing alone made me hate that game.

Nothing obnoxious about them, it focused on something different.
Defense in TF2 heavily relied on Sentries and offense in trying to overcome them. The entire game was centered around the offense team coming together to push through and deal with the sentries with every means they had i.e. Spy, Demoman, Heavy, Soldier, Scout, Sniper and Ubercharge.

This is why more than half the cast were able to deal with them, despite the fact that the game only had 9 characters.
I circle around characters! I'm on PS4, my aim will always be true, theirs will not. I find I'm actually a pretty good killer of Tanks whilst they are in the vicinity of my turrets. Alone, it's more of a 'oh shit, can't get away, oh well, let's try to kill this person' thing. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
I've found I'm a pretty good killer of almost everything whilst in the vicinity of the sentries. Like so:


Once Sym's photon projector is fully charged she deals a whopping 120 dps with that beam. That's only slightly less powerful than a fully charged secondary photon orb, and it chains to new targets as well. Squishies like Lucio and Zen die in mere seconds, and even tanks don't last long if they let her beam grow. Miss Satya is not to be trifled with, no ma'am, no sir!


Haha so much yeah, I'm starting to really dislike bad Symmetra players, on both teams (Why would you put turrets there? Where's your teleporter? Why aren't you using that gun?). I rarely offense with her, except for Nepal. If you manage to setup a mini turret base on point A there and place a teleporter nearby it's hell for enemy team.

But, really important, if you play DEFENSE and if you play Symmetra... play it like offense. Flank and spam enemies with your beam, they usually start panicking, especially if there's a turret or two above, it just shakes them. That feisty blink/tsk sound of elimination will surely follow. Especially if it's Hanzo (he can't aim at you if you're doing circles), or Tracer (the beam catches onto her, sort of), or even Reinheardt (just get behind his ass and spam the beam).


Symmetra is love, Symmetra is life.
I've started to get like that, too. If someone wants to play Sym I'll gladly switch to Lucio or Winston as the comp requires, but damn if I'm not going to quietly be critical of everything she does if it's not on point. Minute and a half and no teleporter up? Girl you playin'.


I know, but he can lower the shield and charge you or swing at you or send that flashy strike - happened too many times.

When you get behind what happens is he's usually occupied with players from my team, blocking damage, and she's way faster anyway.


At this point, I am pretty practiced at baiting the charge and sidestepping that I no longer think of it as a threat.

That said, This is usually with Lucio and Genji. I have no idea how feasible it is with others.


the holder of the trombone
no need for elitism,,, the game is out less than a week. Let players experiment as they wish.

Eh, that's not really being elitist. If it's mean spirited it's elitist, but some advice is good.

Like I tend to start defending numbani maps with a "please don't all run to the spawn point only to all die and everyone is respawning as they take our point"

Doesn't always work though. But I'm not berating them for it.


I've found I'm a pretty good killer of almost everything whilst in the vicinity of the sentries. Like so:


Once Sym's photon projector is fully charged she deals a whopping 120 dps with that beam. That's only slightly less powerful than a fully charged secondary photon orb, and it chains to new targets as well. Squishies like Lucio and Zen die in mere seconds, and even tanks don't last long if they let her beam grow. Miss Satya is not to be trifled with, no ma'am, no sir!


Made a quintuple kill with Symmetra this way. Kinda sad that the sixth enemy was nowhere to be seen or i would have made a team kill.
Is this guy full of shit or have I've been fucking myself over this whole time?


Lemme drop some knowledge on you. Zarya's shield last about 2 seconds long, they absorb up to 200 damage, after that the shield goes away and she can take damage. even if the two second buff hasnt expired do 200 damage and the shield drops. As far as how much energy that builds, its up to 50 per shield. So if the shield takes 200 damage she'll gain 50 energy.


Eh, that's not really being elitist. If it's mean spirited it's elitist, but some advice is good.

Like I tend to start defending numbani maps with a "please don't all run to the dozen point only to ask die and everyone is respawning as they take our point"

Doesn't always work though. But I'm not berating them for it.

Yup. Some people--myself included--only really learn certain things when it is pointed out to them.

Largely why I hang around this thread so much: I learn a lot about characters and scenarios that I have not experienced myself.


It'd be better just to let them know whats up.

I think its safe to assume that anything not covered in the game's microscopic tutorial isn't going to be well understood by most.

You don't have to yell anything at anyone. You could just explain to them that it's in everyone's best interest to contest the point, even if that means sacrificing yourself. Calling people names is nothing but a bad habit that could eventually pollute the playerbase.

Uhh... I probably should have explained that I wasn't on voice chat with them. It wasn't like I was calling them dumbasses to them. I was just saying it to the TV.

Unless your telling me neither of you have gotten angry at someone on a game and said something to them, even though you know they can't hear you.

Also If I'm going to be honest, but if you're level 30 ~ 40 and you still don't understand overtime and contesting. You deserve to be called a dumbass. That's over a hundred matches to learn that. (I know that sounds harsh, but really! I can't believe people have played that much and still don't understand some of the most basic of stuff in the game!)

Even if the tutorial doesn't teach it- it's not an obscure mechanic and after that point, people should pick up on it!
the game is out less than a week. Let players experiment as they wish.

This. I'm now comfortable with like 1/3 of the roster and can play them well. But now I have to branch out more. This means I'm playing characters I'm not great with, or just playing the same 6-8 characters until I burn out.

For instance, I'm not the best with Hanzo, but I helped capture B in a final push combo ult with Zarya that wiped the enemy team earlier tonight. If I hadn't been with gaffers, I would switch before that moment just because I'd want to avoid their scorn if it was bad. In this phase of the game, we need to understand and foster experimentation. You never know what someone is capable of doing, that tracer could get a clutch sticky ult in a crucial moment later on. Until then, just let them play and try to help them by giving them advice to make them (and your team) better.


You are me a few days ago, haha.
I never got into TF2, don't do well in online shooters in general, and hadn't been following pre-release at all, but I read up on it, watched a bunch of gameplay vids and got some "console casual" reassurance on here before taking the plunge.

Started out as Zenyatta, who's apparently a difficult support character to use effectively, but I still felt like a team asset straight off the bat. Now I feel comfortable branching into other characters and playstyles, while always having a healer to hand if needed.

I recommend getting a feel for a new character in the practice range, then playing some AI matches (your team is human, opposition is bots) so you can get some experience without pissing people off too much. You earn in-game EXP in bot matches as well (of which there are 3 difficulties), so it's never a waste of time if you're looking to raise your confidence with a new hero.

If I were a seasoned online gamer, this is where I would say "glhf", but alas, I would probably butcher the pronunciation.
Perfect. Exactly what i needed to hear. Thanks :)


Ok ok ok... So now that we have had some time to dig in and get to know the game, what kind of hero would YOU introduce next if it was up to you?


Haha this match was great, we all started out as Reaper and pushed all the way towards the end until they all went Bastion/Torb and 2 of our guys decided to switch characters at the end. Luckily our opponents didn't know how to play the objective and we got an easy win. I love this game! :)


Does shooting Zarya's shield boost her energy grenades too?

If you only have 1 ammo left with Zarya, do you still do full damage with an energy grenade?
Does shooting Zarya's shield boost her energy grenades too?

If you only have 1 ammo left with Zarya, do you still do full damage with an energy grenade?

Yes and yes. It makes her grenades do more damage with a bigger aoe

And yes, even with one ammo left her grenade will still do the same amount of damage. I've tested it. So ideally you wanna drop to as close to one ammo and finish off with a grenade.
There's like a turnover point around 3AM EST when everyone I play with goes out of their way to be a dick. Like, I don't mind being called nasty mean names, but at least have the decency to be able to afford a mic so I can hear how pathetic you are when I respond to garbage insults. Kids these days.


Loving the new title :lol

Also, I'm the only onw that performs better in the solo-queue? I win ~40% when in a group instead of the normal +50%.


If that's seriously how she'll play, ima gonna fall in love. Theres the healer in Evolve who plays similarly and I couldn't get enough of it.

It would make sense. At this point, long range accuracy belongs to kill abilities. If there was a way for a sniper to provide some real support at long range (on a cooldown) that would fit right into this game.
There's like a turnover point around 3AM EST when everyone I play with goes out of their way to be a dick. Like, I don't mind being called nasty mean names, but at least have the decency to be able to afford a mic so I can hear how pathetic you are when I respond to garbage insults. Kids these days.

It's likely because the only people playing at 3AM don't have jobs, lives and social skills. I recommend going to bed.


Yes and yes. It makes her grenades do more damage with a bigger aoe

And yes, even with one ammo left her grenade will still do the same amount of damage. I've tested it. So ideally you wanna drop to as close to one ammo and finish off with a grenade.
Thanks, that's very good to know.

Loving the new title :lol

Also, I'm the only onw that performs better in the solo-queue? I win ~40% when in a group instead of the normal +50%.
Yeah grouping with 3-6 people seems to lose way more games, presumably because our skill levels vary a lot.


I started extracting and converting textures from the game. Made avatars from some of the sprays, help yourself


Don't mind if I help myself to the Zenyatta one.
Thanks, that's very good to know.

Yeah grouping with 3-6 people seems to lose way more games, presumably because our skill levels vary a lot.

I think it's because pre made groups get paired against pre made groups and there's probably a lot of competition level players with their team of elites out there. I feel the same about my win/loss percentage in pickups vs groups. We usually do ok but every once in awhile we get absolutely demolished. Like not even able to get past the first choke point at the temple before we lost type of bad. Or instant wipe at the limo in Hollywood followed by a payload that never stops moving full speed level of beat down.

Looks like it might be that. Either way, it is always great to play.


Loving the new title :lol

Also, I'm the only onw that performs better in the solo-queue? I win ~40% when in a group instead of the normal +50%.

I think it's because pre made groups get paired against pre made groups and there's probably a lot of competition level players with their team of elites out there. I feel the same about my win/loss percentage in pickups vs groups. We usually do ok but every once in awhile we get absolutely demolished. Like not even able to get past the first choke point at the temple before we lost type of bad. Or instant wipe at the limo in Hollywood followed by a payload that never stops moving full speed level of beat down.


Another weird thing with the skins: So I was looking at Zenyatta's legendary skins yesterday, and apparently, he has two Egyptian themed ones while Pharah doesn't in her legendary skins.

I started extracting and converting textures from the game. Made avatars from some of the sprays, help yourself


I wasn't planning on changing my avatar until Horizon's release, but I totally would if there was a pixelated spray art of Pharah's Anubis skin.
I've found I'm a pretty good killer of almost everything whilst in the vicinity of the sentries. Like so:


Once Sym's photon projector is fully charged she deals a whopping 120 dps with that beam. That's only slightly less powerful than a fully charged secondary photon orb, and it chains to new targets as well. Squishies like Lucio and Zen die in mere seconds, and even tanks don't last long if they let her beam grow. Miss Satya is not to be trifled with, no ma'am, no sir!


I've started to get like that, too. If someone wants to play Sym I'll gladly switch to Lucio or Winston as the comp requires, but damn if I'm not going to quietly be critical of everything she does if it's not on point. Minute and a half and no teleporter up? Girl you playin'.

I really don't find much value in Symetra personally, the teleporter can be a big deal on defense but it's not that worthwhile on the second objective, so even then she's only especially valuable on one side of a select few gametypes.

The turrets make short work of naive players but they're not difficult to clear out and they're a pain to rebuild up if cleared. Winston or Roadhog can clear them out with ease, and it's not at all difficult for either of those tanks to kill symetra in the process. Once the enemy team is on the objective, she's not especially useful in clearing them off.

It's easy to kill bad players with anyone, but it doesn't make much of a statement for the characters viability.

Personally I think they should make her drones heal allies. That would be neat, and encourage more flexible placement as you would have to think about whether you wanted them to be placed most viably to either hurt or heal. The heal would need to quite slow though.


She's pretty much a waste of a slot on attack unless the person in question is amazing. I get trying but the game isn't really set up for that. They need a full bot mode or something

There is a full bot mode. And widow and hanzo are perfectly fine on attack in most situations. There are more and less favorable maps, but the hero themself is not the problem :(
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