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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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the holder of the trombone
I've been watching some of the pro games being played in the weekend. And I really don't like the trend of teams doubling up on heroes. Getting seriously boring to see double winstons, mcree's, lucio's etc. Not being able to have more than one of each character per team would encourage more diverse team compositions

That would cause way too much whining in pubs but I can see it being good in competitive.
As far as nerfs go I think a 3-5 sec cooldown on McCree's fan would be good.

It's just ridicilous how easy it is to pop a flash --> fan the hammer --> roll-reload --> fan the hammer again --> pop a flash again and so on...

The cooldown would make it just right imo.

I'd rather they address flashbang itself. But we need more time to see the pro level stats before thinking of nerfs.

I play tracer a lot, so I loathe McCree. I have had several situations where I have encountered one, Blinked away as they threw the flashbang, only to be moved back to where I was[/b] and then be killed by the FTH.

I just can't stand "I win" buttons in games, and that flashbang is certainly one of them. I understand what McCree is supposed to do, but I feel like the FB should really be something that has a (small) timer on it, rather than an explode on impact. It should be something that is best used when sneaking up on someone, rather than meeting them head-on and saying "Well, u ded now."


I definitely agree that his flashbang needs to be reworked since as of right now it's pretty much a free kill on anyone you stun.

I think a better way for the skill to work would be that instead of stunning enemies it just disables their skills for the duration. This would still allow him to lock enemies down without outright stunning them.
Are there any decent tracer counters besides the flashbang though? Turrets can hit her but she can still rewind out of those. Can she blink while Mei hits her, assuming Mei is close enough?

If Tracer could still move while flashbanged, good luck hitting her.


yeah don't worry about the kill streak achievements etc. Just have fun. You will get them even without realizing it :)

Exactly that, I'm specialising as Reinhardt (I dabble with Reaper occasionally), he seems to be the most fun for me and is devastating when I'm well supported. I've tried a few other characters but keep going back to the beast lol.
I've been watching some of the pro games being played in the weekend. And I really don't like the trend of teams doubling up on heroes. Getting seriously boring to see double winstons, mcree's, lucio's etc. Not being able to have more than one of each character per team would encourage more diverse team compositions

I'd prefer a max of two heroes from the same category rule. No more team sweden turret raping, please :(
As far as nerfs go I think a 3-5 sec cooldown on McCree's fan would be good.

It's just ridicilous how easy it is to pop a flash --> fan the hammer --> roll-reload --> fan the hammer again --> pop a flash again and so on...

The cooldown would make it just right imo.

Remove the reload on tactical roll altogether and lower the cooldown time of tactical roll significantly. Trade some of his insane burst for more mobility.

If you touch flashbang it probably ruins him alltogether.


I'd prefer a max of two heroes from the same category rule. No more team sweden turret raping, please :(

The more I play the more I am seeing teams of Torbjörn on defence. Kind of frustrating when your team just keeps running into his turrets..


If you happen to come across the Mei spray where she's sitting in front of an ice block reading a book I'd be super grateful if you could convert that.

You mean this one?


Are there any decent tracer counters besides the flashbang though? Turrets can hit her but she can still rewind out of those. Can she blink while Mei hits her, assuming Mei is close enough?

If Tracer could still move while flashbanged, good luck hitting her.

Maybe it could also slow enemies as well as disabling their skills. I just don't think it should take total control away from the player.
Are there any decent tracer counters besides the flashbang though? Turrets can hit her but she can still rewind out of those. Can she blink while Mei hits her, assuming Mei is close enough?

If Tracer could still move while flashbanged, good luck hitting her.

Tracer is a hard-counter to Mei, so don't bother there.

(In my experience) things that can mess her up are McCree, Roadhog, Turrets, Symmetra (Close range primary), Genji and Widowmaker.
Can she blink while Mei hits her, assuming Mei is close enough?

Yup. Right up until the point she is frozen Tracer can teleport away, and it's infuriating because they only have to be out of the spray for a couple of seconds for it to have totally worn off.

I simply hate having to deal with Tracer as Mei, unless I get a ridiculously lucky icicle headshot she's just going to keep warping around me being annoying as hell. The worst part is how single minded Tracer players are when fighting Mei, they'll keep hunting you down forever even though I can completely heal the minuscule damage taken every few seconds, along with using cryo-freeze to survive her ult. I have to waste my time walking to a team member that can kill her and getting their attention just to get her useless ass off my back.

You mean this one?
That's the one! Thank you!
I kind of want a support shotgunner.

I'm down with this. Lucio and Zenyatta excel at mid - long range targets with their accuracy, symmetra is situationally good at long or short range, and mercy is a more of a mid range support, so having a short range support would cover the spectrum.
Played Mei on temple of anubis and my only experience in the game was being stun/fanned two times in a row while they rushed the objectives. You must play against some real entry-level teams to think that this hero is good.


the holder of the trombone
Played Mei on temple of anubis and my only experience in the game was being stun/fanned two times in a row while they rushed the objectives. You must play against some real entry-level teams to think that this hero is good.

Then you have a really bad team not looking out for chokepoints or aren't blocking the chokepoints with icewalls.

Her role in that map is basically reducing the number of entry ways as much as possible.


Tracer is kinda annoying for sym when you have players who actually know to look out for turrets.

Turrets, fine, but beam is where it's at. Unless it's a reeally good Tracer, then I hate her.

My favorite moment was triple Tracer kill yesterday on Hanamura. Team of six Tracers all over the map, like tiny mosquito tingles but nothing ever happened.

Different match - two Tracers managed to took both point A and B, on Hanamura as well... took them minute and a half maybe. I couldn't believe what just happened lol. I guess nobody from our team bothered with guarding the point so early in the game and my turrets were on the main wooden doors and not point A.


As a Tracer main I find Lucio super annoying. Not in that he kills me but in that in trying to kill him I often get picked off because it is sooooo hard to deplete his health. Even a optimized smg round will not kill so that give him time to be recovering.


That's a common thing in my experience: people worrying about dying when the objective is seriously compromised. I think a lot of players don't realize that the few seconds they could buy by taking a death could possibly win the match if you have allies en route. One of the reasons I roll with D.Va so much in low time. Can get in, distract, maybe get a kill and THEN jump around like an ass on foot still buying seconds.

Randoms absolutely refuse to die. The average matchmaking teammate would rather lose a hundred games than walk into a single overtime point and risk losing a hundreth of a K/D ratio point. It's soul-crushing.


Played Mei on temple of anubis and my only experience in the game was being stun/fanned two times in a row while they rushed the objectives. You must play against some real entry-level teams to think that this hero is good.

In what world is that exclusive to Mei? You don't think that doesn't happen to any other heroes?
As a Tracer main I find Lucio super annoying. Not in that he kills me but in that in trying to kill him I often get picked off because it is sooooo hard to deplete his health. Even a optimized smg round will not kill so that give him time to be recovering.

You basically need almost all your shots to land. Tracer can deal 240 in a clip over a single second. Lucio with boosted healing heals 30 per second iirc. Toss in a punch of land a couple headshots. It's not easy, mostly because of his knockback which has a very short cooldown. Not to mention the good lucios that barely touch the floor due to wall run mechanics.


As a Tracer main I find Lucio super annoying. Not in that he kills me but in that in trying to kill him I often get picked off because it is sooooo hard to deplete his health. Even a optimized smg round will not kill so that give him time to be recovering.

Then you must love Roadhog


Randoms absolutely refuse to die. The average matchmaking teammate would rather lose a hundred games than walk into a single overtime point and risk losing a hundreth of a K/D ratio point. It's soul-crushing.

Yup the time I have seen widowmakers or hanzos standing miles from clutch objective moments is killing me
Played Mei on temple of anubis and my only experience in the game was being stun/fanned two times in a row while they rushed the objectives. You must play against some real entry-level teams to think that this hero is good.

McCree does that to everyone, Mei at least has an answer in the form of predicting the flashbang and using cryo-freeze. She's mediocre on attack on Anubis (mostly useful just to get past the gate if they are doing Bas+Rein) but absolutely cruel on defence. Literally any doorway choke point is Mei's battleground, she'll cut you off from your team as you try to make a push leaving you alone against an entire team. Just her beam spraying towards the enemies direction is enough to make them back off.
The hell is this new OT title? Two swings and two misses. Surely we can put somebody else in charge at this point, haha.

Still having a blast. Pub players do not really seem to be getting better, but at least got plenty of people to play with now in groups. If the situation allows it I seem to be picking McCree every time, defintiely my favourite and helps that he dominates.

Looking forward to hopefully seeing more support added sooner rather than later. Anything to encourage more support play! :D


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
GGs to the gaffers I just played with.

Turns out the "We're all soliders now" team actually does work.


Exactly that, I'm specialising as Reinhardt (I dabble with Reaper occasionally), he seems to be the most fun for me and is devastating when I'm well supported. I've tried a few other characters but keep going back to the beast lol.

You are absolutely right, the key word being 'well supported'. He is one of those characters that sometimes get completely ignored by the teammates for whatever reason. I mean hey guys here's a big ass shield..use it and attack and cover me when i need to recharge...or you can go do ur own thing and get killed that's fine too lol But yeah Reinhardt is fun to play as for sure. My favorite tank

As a Tracer main I find Lucio super annoying. Not in that he kills me but in that in trying to kill him I often get picked off because it is sooooo hard to deplete his health. Even a optimized smg round will not kill so that give him time to be recovering.

haha music to my ears :p Lucio is really growing on me. For some reason he has damn good luck with tracer and Reaper


It's even more shitty if you play vs AI a lot and catch bad tactics from that mode. It's better for people to jump straight in to MP games.

I think it really depends on the sort of player.

This is my first real shooter, so I found that the A.I. battles were great to learns a lot of the basics. Like how to aim under pressure.
The worst part is how single minded Tracer players are when fighting Mei, they'll keep hunting you down forever even though I can completely heal the minuscule damage taken every few seconds, along with using cryo-freeze to survive her ult. I have to waste my time walking to a team member that can kill her and getting their attention just to get her useless ass off my back.

That's because Mei is an incredibly high priority target, as she has the ability to fuck over pretty much every other class in the game as well as shutting down a team. Tracer is a hard counter to Mei, hence why you will get focused by them. I'd say 8/10 times I reliably kill Mei as Tracer.

And if you ever come up against me, that damage won't be minuscule ;)


Is DVa kinda terrible? Have tried using her and I just can't get anything going.

Likely I am just bad

Need to be in an enemy's face to do good damage, at 4m is when dmg drops off I read. D.va is all about getting in their back lines, flanking and distracting. Then dropping that sick bomb. You're super mobile, so put on that shield to mitigate dmg while flying in or use it to bait out ammo and start pounding on them when they reload.
Is DVa kinda terrible? Have tried using her and I just can't get anything going.

Likely I am just bad

I'm getting the hang of her, but she is definitely more "flimsy" than you would think as a tank character. Her gun spread is huge so at long range she's basically useless. But she's the most mobile tank, so that's the trade-off. Fly around back, get up in fool's faces, blast em point-blank, then fly away. But avoid crowds.


the holder of the trombone
Is DVa kinda terrible? Have tried using her and I just can't get anything going.

Likely I am just bad

If you're playing her as a tank then don't. She's nearly like a tankier tracer except designed to hunt down and kill.

Then into a pseudo sniper out of the mech.


Is DVa kinda terrible? Have tried using her and I just can't get anything going.

Likely I am just bad

I have had some great games with her but she can be really hard to get going against a really good group because of how easily her armor gets destroyed and how short range her cannons are.
This biggest concern I have with this game is that if you don't have your set crew to play with, you're gonna get stomped.

Four matches in a row with randoms against a clearly coordinated team. We never had a chance.

Maybe I need to just try brawl when I go solo.


Is DVa kinda terrible? Have tried using her and I just can't get anything going.

Likely I am just bad

I would argue she's actually the best, or at least one of my favorite characters to play.

Just remember that your guns are garbage at range, think of them as automatic shotguns. You're classed as a tank, but you don't want to really do any traditional tanking, your shield works in three dimensions, its best to watch a D.va in in third person to understand it. Also you can fly with your shift-ability, some people don't realize and just dash along the ground like Reinhardt -- also you can combo your shift-ability with your self destruct, launching your mech safely into the distance.

Edit: Well everyone has summed up this faster than I can type.
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