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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Join a game on Route 66, 5 McCrees
I join in for shits n' giggles as the 6th

So many High Noons going off lol
Holy Shit!

The Defend crew went into hiding for like 2 parts of the stage, I think those 5 McCree timed their High Noons perfectly that Defend would hide, they push the payload like halfway before the fight would restart

Sometimes this game has it WTF moments, makes you appreciate the game more

I remember I joined GAF team on PS4 for like 30+ matches, last match, we all went Winston, we all were just laughing as the other team just chasing us down, all of us jumping and dropping shields
I swear the other team loathed us for not giving a flying fuck

Sometimes those things make this game livelier


The weekly brawl is horseshit sometimes
Really your going to give the enemy team 3 Mercy, 2 S76, and a Reaper for Lijang Towers
While we get 4 Symms, 2 Zenyattas...

One thing they have to fix is whenever KOTH comes every round start should be random, not w/e last class you were you get to carry over next round
Also suiciding to get a good character defeats the purpose...
Only way I'd through elimination death, not suicide

Enemy team once got to the objective like @80% to 0% in our favor, all had been suiciding choosing the right setup, then steamrolled us that point and next
You shouldn't be rewarded like that
What's the fun in that...
Torbjorn can be a little ridiculous. Especially if you have like 3 on your team.

For a while people were just hunkering down behind the turret and banging on it all round like the tf2 engineer, but now I'm seeing a lot more people drop turrets at the front lines and fight around them. It's pretty hard to hack your way through if they have 3 or 4 people doing it.


I get 0 kills with Symmetra. I don't know where to put sentries. They seem to do no damage.

Put then on entrance ways or corners but do it so the attacker won't get zapped by them until they walk past them if that makes sense.

Spam your orbs (they do 125 dmg charged up!)

Stay in cover. If someone comes for your sentries beam 'em while they're distracted taking the sentries out. Run away and let shield regen. Beam is auto-targeting so strafe around and jump like crazy and make yourself hard to hit.

That's pretty much it.
I get 0 kills with Symmetra. I don't know where to put sentries. They seem to do no damage.

You haven't lived until you've marched into a room to grab a health pack and been ambushed by no one... and a bunch of sentries.

Put them up high, down low, behind, and in general in weird spots. Preferably in places they'll be in threat of crossfire by your allies, and unseen on approach. The time it takes an enemy to spot and kill these sentries can give a big advantage to your team either way. Or, put them in a group near a health pack (preferably in a spot they won't see it until it's too late) and you can get some free kills.

One really devious strategy is to mass them up near one pathway to lock it down. Very few heroes can actually kill those things very easily, save for Winston who will annihilate them effortless.


Having not played the beta, I was just thinking today that it would be great to have a random button for choosing your hero. I've just been closing my eyes, cycling through them, and randomly pushing the button, but now there's a whole arcade mode for new character exploration!


I get 0 kills with Symmetra. I don't know where to put sentries. They seem to do no damage.

You need to put sentries in places where you know the enemy needs to come through, in particular choke points. You need to put 3 or more together to do real damage and in addition you need to stay close to finish them off and keep them distracted from destroying your sentries. For example, In temple of Anubis, a good place to put sentries is in the left and right entrances to the large archway.
I get 0 kills with Symmetra. I don't know where to put sentries. They seem to do no damage.

I have a 78% win rate with Sym, and I usually play her on Payload Defense only, though I have started to play her on KOTH maps as well. I usually put turrets near the objective I am defending, but spread out and at different heights so they can't be taken out with an attack like Pharah's rocket.

You can even put a turret or two on the payload itself (facing away from the direction the enemy is coming from so they don't blow it up immediately.

Put them above doorways, so they hit enemies that run through. I usually put 2-3 around one doorway/chokepoint, and a few on another, usually behind me so they can help slow down flankers.

They also work as a warning system: if a turret is destroyed, you know someone is coming that direction.

Read these as well:



For you.
Man, Symmetra can be so good when played right.




Is anyone bothered by how little proficiency is awarded in this game?

I've got a way better win ratio and a ton more gold medals than my brother but he's got more lootboxes because the way experience is doled out is heavily weighted towards time spent.

I know some of the game's appeal is in "hiding the fact you suck" but why not reward those who are excelling with a slightly reduced grind in claiming some loot?

Medals should grant currency and epic/legendary should award loot boxes (with some voting/party restrictions, though). While I'm largely OK with the reward structure I think certain things are lacking incentive.
Playing with gaf tonight


Of course the random is complaining.

Oh, best part was when someone kept crying that I tracer ult'd him while he was standing alone. He kept saying "YOU JUST UTL'D ONE PERSON" in chat. LMAO - but look at that, at least 8 ult'd in a single game. Tracer don't give a fok!


Probably a Mei. :^)
Mei at this point is the official troll of the game. It doesn't matter what team you're on or what she's doing who she is fighting. If there's a Mei somewhere in your match and something went wrong for you...it's most likely Mei's fault.

I wonder if Blizzard knew Mei would be like this when they put in her "Sorry!" voice line'

Having not played the beta, I was just thinking today that it would be great to have a random button for choosing your hero. I've just been closing my eyes, cycling through them, and randomly pushing the button, but now there's a whole arcade mode for new character exploration!
I agree, so much fun. It needs to be a permanent mode.


Do people just not understand the concept of flanking and working together? We were attacking on Temple of Anubis and the enemy team had set up a Reinhardt, two Torb turrets, and a Bastion to wipe out our team at the first choke point. We could have easily made it through had we split into groups of three and sandwiched the enemy team between us but my team was content just to keep throwing themselves at the turrets hoping that this time they would solo the entire enemy team.


Mei at this point is the official troll of the game. It doesn't matter what team you're on or what she's doing who she is fighting. If there's a Mei somewhere in your match and something went wrong for you...it's most likely Mei's fault.

I wonder if Blizzard knew Mei would be like this when they put in her "Sorry!" voice line'

I agree, so much fun. It needs to be a permanent mode.

Judging from all the voice lines and most of those sprays, yea, they're pretty aware, imo. Depends if it's liked or hated enough for them to tweak the heroes because of it.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
I get 0 kills with Symmetra. I don't know where to put sentries. They seem to do no damage.

Learn chokepoints that are lanes to the objective
There's always 2-4 ways to enter

Room lanes are best if you space them out, the turrets that is
Always parallel them in pairs, away from line of sight

Most Symm just place them out in the open or very easy to spot
You have to force the enemy to turn and take them out

Like Hanamura for example

I place 3 in the room to the left
2 inside enclosed from getting destroyed unless your inside the room
1 on the ceiling above the door
So 3 of them are set up like a triangle spaced out enough that all 3 are hitting, but can only destroy one at a time
To enhance this effect I place 1 outside behind the big door leading into the temple, the main chokepoints, why?, enemy gets buzzed, they have their back to the objective, you won't believe how many players try to take out the turret and die to fire for not protecting themselves

The other 2 I place on the other side just as annyonce, near the stairs open window
It stops those Genjis/Hanzo from flanking

If turrets blown up, team inside temple, place them near objective lane where enemy is flushing in from
Place as many as possible

If objective lost you can place 3 turrets on the left alleyway that looks down B
2 on those light lanterns overlooking B
Last one you save till you have aggro push from the right side, place just as an annoyance

Symm has an amazing alt fire, that does go through Reins shield
Also it deters enemies from running straight up
If you keep angling the same shot, enemies do run into your shot, sometimes netting you a free kill

So never place the turrets way to obvious in the way
Some are easily destroyed from afar, which defeats your purpose
Always corner, spread apart, make the enemy look and have them put their backs to it
I've gotten many POTG with Symm by just doing that
If you are really sneaky, lie in wait within a corner hidden away, just as your turrets start buzzing, run in and lock on

Temple of Anubis is Symm's paradise, either room can lockdown the team from using it
I got the car wash trophy there so many times
Place 6 in room spaced our, buzz goes off, watch as 3-5 enemies die in there, most forget about you and worry about turrets
Even if most destroyed leave 1-2 back in same place, then move the rest a little further away, no you keep them DOT'ted, Reaper can bypass 2, but not all 6, if you stagger place them


Do people just not understand the concept of flanking and working together?We were attacking on Temple of Anubis and the enemy team had set up a Reinhardt, two Torb turrets, and a Bastion to wipe out our team at the first choke point with a problem, we could have easily made it through had we split into groups of three and sandwiched the enemy team between us but my team was content just to keep throwing themselves at the turrets hoping that this time they would solo the entire enemy team.

Tactics too hard for pubs


the holder of the trombone
Mei at this point is the official troll of the game. It doesn't matter what team you're on or what she's doing who she is fighting. If there's a Mei somewhere in your match and something went wrong for you...it's most likely Mei's fault.

I wonder if Blizzard knew Mei would be like this when they put in her "Sorry!" voice line'

I agree, so much fun. It needs to be a permanent mode.

I'm usually more annoyed at the people who run all the way to the enemy spawn point while defending numbani, only to die and then have to haul ass as I'm freezing the red team from taking point A.

Bad players are bad players.
Do people just not understand the concept of flanking and working together?We were attacking on Temple of Anubis and the enemy team had set up a Reinhardt, two Torb turrets, and a Bastion to wipe out our team at the first choke point with a problem, we could have easily made it through had we split into groups of three and sandwiched the enemy team between us but my team was content just to keep throwing themselves at the turrets hoping that this time they would solo the entire enemy team.

"Don't worry Imma headshot all of them as Widowmaker/Hanzo."

"Hey! You fucking got me killed, why didn't you kill that Tracer!"


I'm usually more annoyed at the people who run all the way to the enemy spawn point while defending numbani, only to die and then have to haul ass as I'm freezing the red team from taking point A.

Bad players are bad players.

And they always die one at a time


I 100% agree with the people who said random hero on spawn needs to be a permanent game mode, holy shit this brawl is stupid fun.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
And they always die one at a time

Best is that l33t Widow or Hanzo who will just shhot aimlessly from afar, while 4 of you are protecting the base, you die yet they will be like Nope I'm not gonna die in that

Get wrecked because congrats your position is known to 4-5 players and they come for you for easy pickings and get the objective easily cause "Contested" is just there for show


I thought Brawl would be fun, but the game literally just switched me back and forth between bastion and torjbjorn the whole game lol.

I guess toblerone is cool tho. Never tried him before


i want five guys

Uh.. hi girl, I'm a guy.

I thought Brawl would be fun, but the game literally just switched me back and forth between bastion and torjbjorn the whole game lol.

I guess toblerone is cool tho. Never tried him before

I honestly like Tolbjork. Throw your turret down, grab scrap and body fools that don't respect your weapon's damage. tbh I wish he was adjusted so that he couldn't repair turrets, idk if you played TF2 but mini-turret Engineer was one of my favorite playstyles. Drop a turret and then run around and body fools.
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