I really think the Torbjorn problem (at least on the console) would be helped somewhat if it got a range nerf.
There are just some spots where it is really diffficult to plink down without being in its range, and when you have two in lots of matches (5 is rare but 2 is getting more and more common from where I'm standing) it's not a lot of fun to deal with.
Yeah. The loading screen tip says that it only has a range of 40 meters, but that's a massive amount of distance and there are tons of places where the only way to get LoS on the turret is to get within that 40 meters.
Either nerf the range or nerf the speed at which it locks on to targets. The turret shouldn't be sniping dudes from across the map that dare to poke their head out from around a corner. You can buff the fire rate to make it better up close if you want, but I think it does too well at distance.