Why does Reinhardt's dash and Roadhog's hook take bastion out of sentry mode but Winstons ult and Lucio's boop doesn't? That doesn't make sense wtf
Edit: Does Zarya's ult take him out of sentry mode?
Why does Reinhardt's dash and Roadhog's hook take bastion out of sentry mode but Winstons ult and Lucio's boop doesn't? That doesn't make sense wtf
Edit: Does Zarya's ult take him out of sentry mode?
I still wish they'd experiment with how a Reinhardt with a 1000 HP shield would work. I understand that he is always going to be a useful hero because he fulfills a special role, but cutting down on Lucio's healing and speedboost did a lot to make alternative options for team comp viable. Why shouldn't it work the same with Reinhardt?
If I ranked ok on S1 and bad on S2 but haven't played S3, how much will that matter if I were to do my placement matches in S4?
I honestly mostly avoid Comp because it isn't for me.. but I want to be good, and I felt like pushing in S2 helped me a little.
How much am I weighed down by my old ranks (but haven't played S3) even if I do decently during S4 placements? Should I just get another account?
I'm surprised some people were angry about the changes to Roadhog, if anything I think they are killing me more often with just normal shots with that spread.
Thanks for replying! I feel too demotivated to play comp I think, but I might do a few placements matches slowly to see how it goes.I would assume that the system has you already pegged to a skill level which would translate to a SR value in whatever season of comp. You could go 10-0 for placements but if your skill level is only gold tier you are not going to place in master tier, for example. And getting a new account probably will not help unless you have drastically improved since your last comp experience.
Horizon came out at the perfect time.
just finished a game where we were getting rolled on attack and a guy with torb was getting tilted because we had tanks on defend on 66 while they had rein and bastionno one really knows what to do in comp right now
lol and we had the game at its best place
lucio was nerfed but still viableI still wish they'd experiment with how a Reinhardt with a 1000 HP shield would work. I understand that he is always going to be a useful hero because he fulfills a special role, but cutting down on Lucio's healing and speedboost did a lot to make alternative options for team comp viable. Why shouldn't it work the same with Reinhardt?
I haven't seen anyone that's angry. The changes were actually a pretty decent buff to Roadhog overall.
I had a game with Moon and Pooh where we had Bastion/Torb/Symmetra/Rein/Mercy/Hog.
I couldn't kill the Bastion for the life of me lol. I don't even know if a Dive comp would be viable in that situation.
I can't tell if this is supposed to be praise or insults
Are people throwing games in competitive more often? Been an...odd day.
Reinhardt with 1000HP shield is absolutely awful. Would completely kill him.
lucio was nerfed but still viable
that would just remove rein from the game entirely
That's what people have been doing again bastion, but by dive I mean genji+tracer+pharah+soldier/mccree/widow.
kicking rein out of the meta would cause some cancerous shit. first and foremost hog would run wild over everyone.I'd be willing to try it. I mean, even if that's true, I'd like to try out a meta that Reinhardt doesn't have a place in, since he feels like a foundation stone to the one we have right now. Worst case scenerio, they just bring it back up in the next patch.
But I nevertheless disagree. His shield is the ultimate clutch. It's a humongous blue rectangle that blokes extreme amounts of damage while letting your team shoot through it. It can block several ultimates and save teams. And most importantly, like Lucio's speedboost, there is nothing remotely like it in the rest of the game. I would totally think that Reinhardt would still be viable, but teams would ahve to be smarter about using his shield. As a much more limited resource, teams would need to learn to maximize the protection it offers for other stuff, and Reinhardts themselves may have to learn to save it for truly necessary events like if they see a big D.Va ult coming.
That's what I think anyway. I think this way because when D.Va got nerfed, I thought she was just plain fucked. But no, she's actually still really good, you just need to play smarter (which actually made her more enjoyable to play for me). I want Reinhardt to still be good, he's not a hero I hate like Soldier, but maybe have to think more critically than he currently does about how to utilize his shield. But if that's all wrong, then whats the worst that could happen? They patch it back in next time. If Blizzard is willing to make extreme alterations like giving Zenny a 50% discord to before figuring out what his real sweet spot is for that ability, or making bastion onto the Omnic terror he is now, I don't see whats wrong with just trying it.
I finished re7 the day before horizon released so I didn't get it back to gamefly in time. I'm playing overwatch :/Horizon came out at the perfect time.
Forgot there was another update on PS4. Preparing slow as fuck
I assume people here have completed their placements. Gonna solo q then.
Any idea what this patch is for? I had a game where I wasn't able to self-heal as Bastion but I'm sure that would have been more widely reported if it was a bug.
I don't understand the bastion problems. I have yet to see a bastion dominant a game. Good communication and a good comp can take care of it.