You know, it'd be pretty cool if Doomfist was an evil rage version of Winston.
We know that Winston's father, Dr. Harold Winston, was killed by the other intelligent gorilla's who'd been experimented on on the moon (man, sometimes you forget how absurd OW's story can be until you say it out loud). Winston had a rocket and escaped to earth. As far as we know, the gorilla's who lead the coup are still up there. What have they been doing?
Now we have no idea who current Doomfist is, but the poster in Numbani implies that the unrevealed wielder of Doomfist, "The Successor", is human. But we do know that he randomly attacked the airport, which implies that he's a Villain rather than a Hero. So as the Gorilla's on the Moon (awesome band name right here) are one of the few villain factions we know exist but haven't entered the story yet, it'd be cool to see them reappear.
And idk, given Winston's ultimate is to get enraged and start smashing things, it might be cool and a little scary to have an intelligent gorilla with no moral compunctions to control his anger get a hold of technology that helps him smash things even more.
That, and I kind of want another animal hero now that we got another robot.