I don't think "people who make it" is getting to a specific rank, more-so of holding your own because of where you came from (console). I can't tell you how many times I watched game play video of someone doing something impressive on console (even PC standards, it's still impressive), only to be downplayed by "LOL THIS IS MASTERS ON PS4? THIS LOOKS LIKE BRONZE ON PC LOLOL, THESE GUYS WOULDN'T MAKE IT PAST GOLD ON PC" or other similar comments.
You're doing something similar, you're saying most people are just getting by with game sense and not aim. I can tell you this is probably true to a certain extent, but that doesn't mean someone from console can't have good aim relative to PC players. Look at the post AbadabadaFadi made, kslims was the #1 McCree on console for various seasons. He mentioned his switch to PC that he got by with game sense until he felt more comfortable on KB/M. What's his stats on PC with some of the more aim heavy characters (someone who never played PC before, and is only really a month in OW on PC)?
If that's not good aim regardless of platform I don't know what is.