I still think Symmetra is more of a detriment to the team than an asset in most cases.
Sometimes it can work out, but often times she will get picked off easily on a push and your team is at a disadvantage quickly. She also has relatively weak team fight macro.
PC. I can see how she could be a nightmare on console since snap turning and aiming is no where close.
I wouldn't say she's insurmountable, but only if you have a team that works together. Or, shit, not even that, but you need someone whose specifically dedicated to Symmetra duty. I can't tell you how many games I had where people did absolutely nothing about the generator and they kept dying in wave-like fashion.
On the other hand, eventually, I'm the one that often just goes "fuck it" and goes Generator hunting, and that collapses the entire team by itself. Like, last night, we had a team on Anubis B that kicked our ass so soundly that we were stuck outside of the temple for 99% of the match. They just wouldn't even let us get close. Eventually, I just charged in, managed to destroy the generator, and we won the game on the last few seconds after not getting anywhere near the objective the entire game.
So, yeah, Sym can be a problem, especially on console, but I find her managable if you have a team that coordinates in the slightest bit.