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Penny-Arcade: "Marketers of the Avenger Controller are thieves and liars".

So basically the meme is kinda

"Present stance on issue out of context"

"Throw pity party once all points on issue are shot down"

Am I doing it right?
Who's a defender? I see people calling into question the extent of people's reactions to this issue, and people putting forth that further discussion of this issue is a waste of time...

No one, that I have read, is actually DEFENDING this guy Paul.

If anything it is those who wish to continue shaking their fists at Ocean Marketing who are defending their right to do so to people who are sick of hearing about it.
"Defends the indefensible"

"Complains at being called a defender"

You're right, it totally is memetic.

However my case is a case of someone getting called out for having an opinion, which is a factual thing. Examples: The numerous apologist/defender mentioning there has been in this

While your example is the opinion of someone being judged as invalid because the person viewing it does not agree, and then proceeds to call that person out with a complaint from the person who got judged for their subjective point of view.

So it's quite different in my opinion.

However it's true that there has been some inverted case of people calling out others for having an opinion about the matter with the opposite point of view.
another thing i like is how he's used the whole 'you can't tell tone on the internet' thing to defend his comments, and continues to assert that the guy he responded to got 'snippey' with him in an email, when most everyone else reads it differently.

he should sue PA. i'm sure this case gaining even more publicity won't make things even worse for him, and i'm not talking about the internet harassment, i'm talking about his reputation and the rest of it.

Lol if he does this , it will be just another step for the hole he is digging ..maybe to rise at an unforgotten internet meme ?


Lol if he does this , it will be just another step for the hole he is digging ..maybe to rise at an unforgotten internet meme ?

I'm pretty sure that if he does sue, he'll end up setting himself up as the quintessential example of how not to PR and he'll make it into Marketing 101 textbooks for it.


I'm pretty sure that if he does sue, he'll end up setting himself up as the quintessential example of how not to PR and he'll make it into Marketing 101 textbooks for it.

Hell he's probably already headed into textbooks. I've already seen several articles using him as a prime example of how not to handle PR.


We're all harassing him by reading and then commenting on the interviews he keeps doing.

I'm thinking bad thoughts of him. Does that count?

Hell he's probably already headed into textbooks. I've already seen several articles using him as a prime example of how not to handle PR.

I kind of hope he does. Not to mess with him, no, but just because the actual message there really does need to be restated.


I'm thinking bad thoughts of him. Does that count?

I kind of hope he does. Not to mess with him, no, but just because the actual message there really does need to be restated.

Oh I'm sure they'll not mention his name. It will simply be a tale of a stupid guy trying to play PR. They'll simply call him a PR guy.
What do you guys think about people snatching up @oceanstratagy and people making similar names like @oceanmarteking and making fake posts?

I didn't like them and felt it caused too much confusion.
What do you guys think about people snatching up @oceanstratagy and people making similar names like @oceanmarteking and making fake posts?

I didn't like them and felt it caused too much confusion.

It's hilarious because this guy's business was built on the false claim that he was an expert at social media.


works for Gamestop (lol)
What do you guys think about people snatching up @oceanstratagy and people making similar names like @oceanmarteking and making fake posts?

I didn't like them and felt it caused too much confusion.

It's not the people with fake twitter names you should be complaining. It's Paul for misspelling his Twitter name in the first place, and changing his name thinking it would trick people in thinking he's gone
I mean... the way he's describing it is basically accurate, but everything he says is just so saturated with aggression. He can't even describe anything without it sounding like a bar fight.

Reading good his new interviews I think he is *good* at PR. He just didn't think his emails where he acts like a trur redneck/ jersy shore jerk would leak outside. Now in the official interviews he does good damage control and never misses a chance to paint PA black. I like how he is basically moving all the blame from himself and painting himself as the victim (Gabe KO'd him).


Reading good his new interviews I think he is *good* at PR. He just didn't think his emails where he acts like a trur redneck/ jersy shore jerk would leak outside. Now in the official interviews he does good damage control and never misses a chance to paint PA black. I like how he is basically moving all the blame from himself and painting himself as the victim (Gabe KO'd him).

lol no he doesn't. Anyone who has kept up with this whole debacle, which should be any interviewer, would be able to see right through his bullshit.
It's not the people with fake twitter names you should be complaining. It's Paul for misspelling his Twitter name in the first place, and changing his name thinking it would trick people in thinking he's gone
Well I thought it was hilarious when people took and squatted on names. I didn't like all the fake posts they and others made.


Neo Member
My show, Dead Pixel Live, has an interview scheduled with Paul today at 7pm. I talked to him briefly yesterday to set it up and he seems somewhere in the middle of riding the attention wave and wanting to get off.
My show, Dead Pixel Live, has an interview scheduled with Paul today at 7pm. I talked to him briefly yesterday to set it up and he seems somewhere in the middle of riding the attention wave and wanting to get off.

Stop harassing this guy. Can't you just leave him alone?


My show, Dead Pixel Live, has an interview scheduled with Paul today at 7pm. I talked to him briefly yesterday to set it up and he seems somewhere in the middle of riding the attention wave and wanting to get off.

I would be your biggest fan if you called him out on any spin or bullshit he tries to spew your way. =D
My show, Dead Pixel Live, has an interview scheduled with Paul today at 7pm. I talked to him briefly yesterday to set it up and he seems somewhere in the middle of riding the attention wave and wanting to get off.

so can we expect some softball questions or do you plan to call him out on his mountain of tomfoolery?
on that whole 'picking a fight with an mma expert' analogy, the reason why that doesn't work for me, is that he picked a fight with someone he had no idea was well connected after bragging himself about how well connected he was, and that given how well connected he was that there was nothing a single upset customer could do to hurt him.

that's like me walking up to some random guy in the street, bragging about how i'm an expert MMA guy who has trained in every martial art and has trained at all the biggest MMA gyms in the world, Blackhouse, AKA, ATT, Greg Jackson, etc etc.

then some guy walks up to me and says 'hey, stop picking on that random guy, I'm Josh Koscheck' for me to turn around and say 'what are you going to do about it, didn't you hear about how awesome i am at MMA? be careful who you pick fights with dude.'

it goes so much beyond the idea of 'picking a fight' with a random stranger. he bragged about having all these elite connections to a guy much better connected than him who given the connections he claimed to have, he should have known by name as being well connected.

so it's Mike's fault that a guy *claiming* to be able to give him a fight was lying about it?


Neo Member
No softball questions planned (but I'm not going to go all Nancy Grace on him either.) Plus, he's agreed to take questions from the audience (sent to the hosts via the chatroom, sorry, no call ins) and stay on for as long as needed.

I was told that I shouldve asked the customer on the show, too.. but no one has stalked him enough to get his phone number.
No softball questions planned (but I'm not going to go all Nancy Grace on him either.) Plus, he's agreed to take questions from the audience (sent to the hosts via the chatroom, sorry, no call ins) and stay on for as long as needed.

I was told that I shouldve asked the customer on the show, too.. but no one has stalked him enough to get his phone number.

i'd really like you to get more detail on him over those accusations of the stolen $35,000 he levied. if that isn't remotely true, the more we get him on record saying it, the better, and if it is true, he's got nothing to worry about making such accusations.



Well, that about wraps it up for me I guess =/

I even posted a link...I'm so ashamed

Yeah, you sho---shit, I left the link in there. Damn it!

Tell him to sign up for a GAF account so he can defend himself against GAFFers attacking him


i'd really like you to get more detail on him over those accusations of the stolen $35,000 he levied. if that isn't remotely true, the more we get him on record saying it, the better, and if it is true, he's got nothing to worry about making such accusations.

I'm kind of curious as to why there hasn't been more said on that. A claim like that seems pretty serious.
Yeah, you sho---shit, I left the link in there. Damn it!

Well at least we can be hypocritical jackasses together

Totally going to the chat if I can make it, should be good times

edit: Derrick, you thought about sending an e-mail to Mike? I wouldn't be surprised if he agreed to pop in at some point. Especially after that Forbes interview
My show, Dead Pixel Live, has an interview scheduled with Paul today at 7pm. I talked to him briefly yesterday to set it up and he seems somewhere in the middle of riding the attention wave and wanting to get off.

Ooh, nice. Can you please hammer into his thick head that people are mad because he's a bully and he's not understanding that he's treating people like shit on a consistent basis?


All you guys harassing and sending death threats to Paul and his family need to stop right now and let this thing die. You guys are seriously worst than Hitler. All Paul did was have a bad day and then you creepy weirdo perverts go through all his private stuff, hack his accounts and threaten him.

You guys really are the worst and I'm sure that you all should be banned from GAF because of the no detective rule so bye bye.

Joke post?


Sorry but what is wrong in the sentence ? English not being my first language, i don't see what is wrong.

It's because you made the same typo as Paul has been making in all of his correspondence so far.

Wrong: Words words , words words .
Right: Words words, words words.
Sorry but what is wrong in the sentence ? English not being my first language, i don't see what is wrong.

That poster made a small, grammatical error which Paul Christoforo made a lot.

In particular, the spacing of punctuation like so:

Hello , nice to meet you .

Instead of:

Hello, nice to meet you.


Sorry but what is wrong in the sentence ? English not being my first language, i don't see what is wrong.

It was just the spacing, much like the question mark in this post. If you look at the OP, Paul's emails were littered with such things. Nothing big and I wasn't laughing at you btw.
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