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People seem to forget that the Pro is premium product


That $700 isn’t really just $700 for us either. Where I live sales tax is about 10%, so that becomes almost $800 for me.

My launch DE was $399 before tax, and this is still a pretty big increase of $300 comparatively.

I do feel bad seeing people mention exchange rates and what it means to them. Sounds like some of you are definitely getting it worse.

At least Americans seem to be getting “the best” pricing. Euro pricing is artificially hiked up beyond currency exchange math. And for Canada, system + drive + stand is $1,100 excluding tax.
And they will line up for the 5090. And the Pro will sell well.

People are really just salty they can't afford it lol
I think this is just the true crux of the matter. People are upset because they wanted to buy it but cannot now afford it. The anger comes across as entitlement really. If people can pay $2000 plus for a 4090, you best believe that people will pay $700 for a pro. Instead of people being honest that they are disappointed at the price, they're attempting to bash the product because they cannot afford it at launch. It's really poor discourse.

most in the west can easily afford it, its about value proposition, its just not good
Not in this economy they can't.
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Gold Member
Not only that:
1. It's aimed at a specific type of player that switches to PC mid-gen due to performance/IQ
2. It's not obligatory for playing PS games
3. There's a cheaper option

Like there's no reason to complain at all because the product is not aimed at them and they have at least two other alternatives (PC and base PS5).

I've felt I'm the only one defending it on the whole world and I'm far from being a Sony fanboy lol (actually, I'm far from being even a normal fan)


Console generations typically last 6-7 years.
As they go on, the processing power gap between the PCs and consoles grow larger and larger.
The likelihood of parts of the market jumping from console to PC grows each year as the console grows older.

A console maker can avoid this by creating a premium option.

It is thus clear that the PS5 Pro is not meant as a mass market product.
Rather, it is targeted at a small minority of console gamers that can afford to jump to the high-end PC market.

It is certainly more profitable to sell regular PS5's to everybody else.
Looks to me that Sony forget what premium product is........ofc.....except price.....
The disc reader cost 120 euros in europe

Cheap ass plastic and noisy too. There's nothing premium about it. Maybe a premium RIP off.

Same goes for the PSU and the shitty fan.


Yes, they will offer the worst value for the most money to the extent that people will put up with it. The trick is to convince them that offering a good value for a reasonable price is the direction you want them to take. And the way you convince them by collectively opening or closing your wallets. I can see the downvotes on the YouTube Announcement trailer. This is a very unpopular value proposition, and it's another L they didn't need after Concord.
Your mistake here is that you think this is an L for them.

Its not. This does not impact sales of the standard PS5 in any way. And that is all that matters. And if they make 1M of these things and ship them worldwide, they make money on every unit they sell. And if people are lucky, maybe they drop its price to $600 in time for GTA6. Hell, maybe its even bundled with the game at $600. Either way, it makes no difference to Sony.

THE PS5PRO... is STILL a PS5. This is not the PS6, its not the only way to play PS5 games going forward... its just a PS5+. Now if you feel the + is enough for you to spend $700.. fine, if you feel its not,m then don't.
Yes, this isn't a 4090. I think the PS5 Pro will sell out initially, but once the scalpers and diehards have theirs, it's going to become very available very quickly.

The purpose of a console is to be a cheaper but well-utilized all-in-one alternative to a PC. I already have a PC, and I was planning to buy a PS5 Pro. At this price, I might as well just upgrade my GPU instead.
And this is still a cheaper all-in-one alternative to a PC. And the second part of your point is what I find crazy... so as you say you already have a PC, and wanted to buy an "all in one PS5pro", but because it cost $700 (or whatever it costs in your region)... you are willing to instead spend that amount or more... on just a GPU for your PC.

And you don't see how crazy that sounds?


People continue to buy them, indicating that they find value in the product.

The iPhone 16 is rumored to sell 90 million units in 2024 alone, with many of these being the 1500 Pro version.

Apple, Nvidia & Sony don't care about what some losers are talking in forums, the real world will dictate how they move forward and by seeing iPhone & Nvidia prices increasing or remaining the same something tells me that the real world is buying those products.
Is the 16 Pro $1500 where you are?


I don't think it takes a "fanboy" to be excited for this machine

I have said many times here I prefer the Xbox hardware and I can't wait to get this Pro in the house and see what it can do with my own eyes
I am excited about the ps5 pro . We are all here because we are core gamers one way or another and releasing a new platform is always exciting. Will I buy it ? 95% chance as of today no. But I might cave in to the hype and fuck it and go all in.

But spitting rubbish like what was mentioned in the OP is beyond excitement . It’s clearly fanboyism and a blind one at that.

More power to him if that’s what makes him happy and not kill people on the street then by all means , go buy them all

But don’t come and state this is a premium a product when a 4 years old main stream gpu like 3080 beats the living crap out of this.

The PS5 pro price is set like this for 2 purposes only:

1 - See ( and study ) how much they can pull out of customers before they reduce the price by a 100$ or 50 $ same time next year
2 - prepare the clients for a 700 and 800$ version of the PS6 while the base one around 600$.

That’s it. Nothing in that box is worth close to 700$.

But knowing you, you already know this :)

Even MS is watching this and doing their own thing with that retarded Xbox series X 2tb for 600$. Just push to the limit and see what can they get away with.
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I think this is just the true crux of the matter. People are upset because they wanted to buy it but cannot now afford it. The anger comes across as entitlement really. If people can pay $2000 plus for a 4090, you best believe that people will pay $700 for a pro. Instead of people being honest that they are disappointed at the price, they're attempting to bash the product because they cannot afford it at launch. It's really poor discourse.

Not in this economy they can't.
I dunno. I can afford it but I’m not seeing the value in what I’d be buying so I’m choosing not to. Just because you can afford something, it doesn’t mean you’re willing to bend over and get shafted in the ol’ rusty bullet hole on price. It’s simply just not worth it for a mid gen upgrade. And I’d even think twice about paying that for a launch console, if I’m honest.


World’s Biggest Weeb
I was very upset about the price until someone reminded me that it’s a premium product. This is some great damage control.

I think Mark Cerny should personally call each PlayStation fan and explain to them that PS5 Pro is a premium product. That would make everyone feel a lot better about this whole ordeal.


Gold Member
Yes, they will offer the worst value for the most money to the extent that people will put up with it. The trick is to convince them that offering a good value for a reasonable price is the direction you want them to take. And the way you convince them by collectively opening or closing your wallets. I can see the downvotes on the YouTube Announcement trailer. This is a very unpopular value proposition, and it's another L they didn't need after Concord.

Yes, this isn't a 4090. I think the PS5 Pro will sell out initially, but once the scalpers and diehards have theirs, it's going to become very available very quickly.

The purpose of a console is to be a cheaper but well-utilized all-in-one alternative to a PC. I already have a PC, and I was planning to buy a PS5 Pro. At this price, I might as well just upgrade my GPU instead.
This isn't a videogame that needs a huge playerbase. It's a piece of hardware that offers a premium experience for those willing to pay for it. They don't need the people down voting it, quite frankly. Nor do they want to lower the profit margin to get those people to buy it. They are basically saying, buy it if you want, if you don't buy a PS5.

And the fact is, the price of videogame hardware, including on the PC, has gone up a lot in the past four or five years.

I was very upset about the price until someone reminded me that it’s a premium product. This is some great damage control.

I think Mark Cerny should personally call each PlayStation fan and explain to them that PS5 Pro is a premium product. That would make everyone feel a lot better about this whole ordeal.
I just don't know why anyone would be upset about it. If it is too expensive, then just don't buy it and stick with the PS5. It's not an ordeal.
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most in the west can easily afford it, its about value proposition, its just not good
It's a great value to many people, including a number in this thread.

Many are the same of us with 4090s, I'd imagine, but can only speak for myself. I think people have a hard time understanding that there are people for whom $700 is a good value for what is on offer.
I think this is just the true crux of the matter. People are upset because they wanted to buy it but cannot now afford it. The anger comes across as entitlement really. If people can pay $2000 plus for a 4090, you best believe that people will pay $700 for a pro. Instead of people being honest that they are disappointed at the price, they're attempting to bash the product because they cannot afford it at launch. It's really poor discourse.

Not in this economy they can't.
It's pretty transparent that people are throwing a fit because they cannot afford it, lol. That's totally fine though -- it wasn't made for them. Sony is a behemoth of a company, they know the market they are chasing with this product.

I'd be interested to see a venn-diagram of the people bitching about the price of the Pro and those using cheap Chinese knockoff Android phones and cheap PC laptops who are militant about the "idiots" who "pay Apple Tax".
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Console generations typically last 6-7 years.
As they go on, the processing power gap between the PCs and consoles grow larger and larger.
The likelihood of parts of the market jumping from console to PC grows each year as the console grows older.

A console maker can avoid this by creating a premium option.

It is thus clear that the PS5 Pro is not meant as a mass market product.
Rather, it is targeted at a small minority of console gamers that can afford to jump to the high-end PC market.

It is certainly more profitable to sell regular PS5's to everybody else.
Is it really “premium” if it’s doing what ps5 already does? The specs sound impressive but all this will do is slightly improve frames and some ray tracing. No thanks for the first time Sony, I’ll pass. Give me NEXT GEN..


Gold Member
I think this is just the true crux of the matter. People are upset because they wanted to buy it but cannot now afford it. The anger comes across as entitlement really. If people can pay $2000 plus for a 4090, you best believe that people will pay $700 for a pro. Instead of people being honest that they are disappointed at the price, they're attempting to bash the product because they cannot afford it at launch. It's really poor discourse.

That's a bad take. People who cannot afford things are often the first ones to buy them. People who can afford things are often the ones who restrain themselves from doing so. Why make assumptions that people who think this isn't a great deal is based entirely on whether they can afford it or not?

Omnipunctual Godot

Gold Member
Your mistake here is that you think this is an L for them.

Its not. This does not impact sales of the standard PS5 in any way. And that is all that matters. And if they make 1M of these things and ship them worldwide, they make money on every unit they sell. And if people are lucky, maybe they drop its price to $600 in time for GTA6. Hell, maybe its even bundled with the game at $600. Either way, it makes no difference to Sony.
It's a PR L for them, full-stop. There's no debating this. It might not be the PR and financial mega-ton L of Concord, but it's an L nonetheless. And PR losses will damage a brand over time, especially when they stack up consecutively.

THE PS5PRO... is STILL a PS5. This is not the PS6, its not the only way to play PS5 games going forward... its just a PS5+. Now if you feel the + is enough for you to spend $700.. fine, if you feel its not,m then don't.
I don't, and I'm expressing why. What is so hard for people to understand about this? It's the purpose of this website.

And this is still a cheaper all-in-one alternative to a PC. And the second part of your point is what I find crazy... so as you say you already have a PC, and wanted to buy an "all in one PS5pro", but because it cost $700 (or whatever it costs in your region)... you are willing to instead spend that amount or more... on just a GPU for your PC.

And you don't see how crazy that sounds?
I never said I wanted to buy the PS5 Pro because it's an all-in-one system. I said the purpose of a console is to be an affordable all-in-one system alternative to PCs. What I am saying is that if Sony is offering an $800+ console, nearly double the cost of the original PS5, why wouldn't I, as a PC owner, just spend one or two hundred extra dollars at that point and get a GPU that would obliterate it performance-wise? It makes the proposition very unappealing.
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Nah....maybe for some this is out of their price range, but many of us who can afford it are just not certain it is worth it.

Either way, if someone can't afford this then I don't see why anyone should mock them for it.

It's a weird thing some posters do where they have to look down on others for not being able to spend $700 on a plastic box or for expressing their dissatisfaction with the price point. It says more about the person doing the mocking than anything else.

For me I just don't like this nickel and dime stuff they are doing with the disc drive, the accesories and the lack of a cpu upgrade. I would have probably even bitten if they did a 749.99 (1k cad lmao) with the disc drive and fuck it why not the stand. God knows ive spent more on frivolous shit.

Either way, if someone is struggling economically they should not be made fun of, we all have been there at some point and if you haven't you better damn hope you'll never be.
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It's not a premium product, it's the same base product with more power and a bigger SSD and therefore costs more money. The problem is that the price increase doesn't corelate with how much extra power you're getting, not to mention Sony now wants you to pay extra for the drive and even for the stand (lol).
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As if value is objective
it is.

If it would pack 100% Power instead of 45% on it. the 800€ would be perfectly fine. (even if trhe ps4 pro did just that for the SAME price as the launch ps4...) but todays market is not the same as 2016.

you also cant say an apple costs ten bucks because its objectively terrible value.

Nothing in the pro is expensive only the 2 TB nvme SSD is relatively. Sony gets a very good price from amd for mass ordering. sony is making a lot of money per unit on the ps 5 pro at that price. not even including all the disc drives that get sold on top that is fucking 120€ here third market are 20-30€ but sony needs internet connection to couple it to ensure one cant do that. the stand is 30€ its just plastic.

so yes it is indeed.
That implies this product meets the definition of the word "premium", which it doesn't. It meets the niche genre of slight performance increase for a price tag of almost $800 if they have a physical library.

If you are one of those suckers who constantly falls for company's "premium product" marketing shtick, then I don't fault you for believing it is. It just means that companies are getting better at hyping their products no matter the price tag, even though the value doesn't justify the price.
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That's a bad take. People who cannot afford things are often the first ones to buy them. People who can afford things are often the ones who restrain themselves from doing so. Why make assumptions that people who think this isn't a great deal is based entirely on whether they can afford it or not?
It's ironic, you claim I'm making assumptions while at the same time making broad generalizations about who purchases what. Afford doesn't mean you have the ability to purchase. Lots of people can "afford" it by purchasing on credit. You can afford it if purchasing it makes no material difference to your finances. I plan on buying 2 because I want it and purchasing 2 will make no difference to my finances. If you have to start doing mathematics and calculations about purchasing it, you cannot afford it. As for value, that's in the eye of the beholder. If price is the factor determining value, you cannot afford it.


Consoles were always a value proposition ... this one is not. Simple as that.

I can afford 10 of these if I want ... but It dosent seems smart to right now pay so much for something with marginal first party improvements, 550 digital or 599 with drive should be more acceptable with those specs... theses spec are not eye popping... jesus just check the difference between the ps4 and ps4 pro for the exactly same launch price.

This is a whale product with very little value proposition, I may even buy one...but saying I buying a really premium console product is ridiculous.

Ps4pro was 15% of ps4 sales... I doubt the ps5pro will achieve this margin .. and if it dosent how well will be supported ? Only first party with REAL pro modes ? Well.. sony isnt exactly booming with first party titles right now to justify either. They sended the psvr2 to die. I think they are doing the same with this console.


There's definitely A LOT to criticize Sony for here, including the shitty, rushed presentation they just had.
But at the end of the day? Yeah, this isn't nearly as big of a deal as people make it seem like.
Everyone will forget about it the moment Ghost of Tsushima 2 or something gets announced.
That's a bad take. People who cannot afford things are often the first ones to buy them. People who can afford things are often the ones who restrain themselves from doing so. Why make assumptions that people who think this isn't a great deal is based entirely on whether they can afford it or not?
Sony doesn't even CARE if you can afford it or not. Because guess what; you don't magically give Sony more money by playing on a Pro compared to a standard PS5. PS5 is where they want the sales to be, the Pro sales is just a bonus. The console delivers games, and the games are sold the same regardless of which PS5 version you buy.


Unless I’m wrong, I don’t think even any VR games are auto boosted. If they all got to be manually patched, good luck expecting games made by small studios bothering with it.
Games will need to be patched. Otherwise they'll just like they would would as on PS5. Well maybe run stuff at more stable framerates for games with dodgy frametimes negating the need for VRR.


Wonder how long people will cope with realizing that not everything is meant for them. Was driving to the office and realized it was by far the cheapest component in my HT. Here's the current replacement value for my HT in Canadian fake money :

- Speakers LCR : Paradigm Monitor SE 6000F, SE 2000C : 1350$
- Speakers Surround : Paradigm Monitor SE X 6 (only running height Atmos X2) : 2,160$
- SVS PB-1000 : 1,350$
- Yamaha Aventage RX-A6A: 3,500$
- 65 inch LG C series : 2,800$
- PS5 Pro : 959$

12,119$. Let's cut 310$ on the source doing most of the work : 11,809$.

Before anyone asks, the 4090 is at the computer desk in the office, with some lowly powered Edifier speakers (which are actually pretty good, just not compared to what else is in the house).
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Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
A premium product that requires you to buy a 120 euro disc drive for it to be considered a viable console?

45 % more power for 60 % more price. That's some premium alright. PS4 Pro was twice as powerful for the same price as the original. Something doesn't add up here.
Especially since most components which it is using, which PS5 used, is much smaller and cheaper 4-5 years on.
Unless I’m wrong, I don’t think even any VR games are auto boosted. If they all got to be manually patched, good luck expecting games made by small studios bothering with it.
It is just the reverse of the Series S Parity rule for Xbox; instead of demanding features that are the same on Series S as on Series X, Sony would demand some kind of performance enhancement mode for Pro for certification. And it wouldn't be hard; slight improvement in frame rate or resolution is hardly rocket science on stronger hardware.


If price is the factor determining value, you cannot afford it.
Price and value are related. There's plenty of people (me included) who can afford to buy it but will wait to see if the price is worth it.

Simple math suggests upgrading will probably cost around $500 (per machine, we have 3) if I want to be able to still play occasional discs. That is rounding down the cost of the machine, disc drive, and taxes, while deducting an assume 300 for trading in the old model. And bear in mind that this is admittedly a mid-gen refresh. Which means in another couple or few years there will almost certainly be something called PS6 that I will want unless I get drawn into a new eco-system (which I doubt will happen). Can I afford 500 to play games with modest visual upgrades for a couple or few years? Absolutely. But at that cost I need to see tangible benefits first.


Neo Member
Well then OP, why didn't they include Dualsense Egde, if it's a premium product as you implied we all forgot. Or disk drive, as it's a premium product. Or a fucking 50 cent stand, as it's a pReMiUm PrOdUcT.

And a Pro at that.
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Well then OP, why didn't they include Dualsense Egde, if it's a premium product as you implied we all forgot. Or disk drive, as it's a premium product. Or a fucking 50 cent stand, as it's a pReMiUm PrOdUcT.

And a Pro at that.
You are trying to justify the price by making it more economical, the exact opposite of a premium product.

The whole point of a premium product is to overpay. The opposite of a Premium product is an Economical product. If you want something worth your money, you buy something cheaper.
Price and value are related. There's plenty of people (me included) who can afford to buy it but will wait to see if the price is worth it.

Simple math suggests upgrading will probably cost around $500 (per machine, we have 3) if I want to be able to still play occasional discs. That is rounding down the cost of the machine, disc drive, and taxes, while deducting an assume 300 for trading in the old model. And bear in mind that this is admittedly a mid-gen refresh. Which means in another couple or few years there will almost certainly be something called PS6 that I will want unless I get drawn into a new eco-system (which I doubt will happen). Can I afford 500 to play games with modest visual upgrades for a couple or few years? Absolutely. But at that cost I need to see tangible benefits first.
To a certain extent, price and value are related. However, sane people expected this to come in at $599 and it came in at $699. The difference is $100 so if someone is kicking, screaming, and crying over $100, they couldn't afford it in the first place. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being priced out. It's not attack on anyone as a person. We all get priced out at some extent. My problem is that instead of being honest, people are being dishonest in their arguments.
Nuh no disc drive doesnt make it premium, i still have the og ps3 i think thas premium
PS3 is NOT Premium, because it was sold at a massive loss to the player's benefit. You got the opposite of Premium, a really powerful device for way too cheap, with its weakness being too alien to make normal games on.


Gold Member
It's ironic, you claim I'm making assumptions while at the same time making broad generalizations about who purchases what. Afford doesn't mean you have the ability to purchase. Lots of people can "afford" it by purchasing on credit. You can afford it if purchasing it makes no material difference to your finances. I plan on buying 2 because I want it and purchasing 2 will make no difference to my finances. If you have to start doing mathematics and calculations about purchasing it, you cannot afford it. As for value, that's in the eye of the beholder. If price is the factor determining value, you cannot afford it.

I'm pointing out specific people who are making specific decisions. That is not a "broad generalization". Either way, everyone can decide for themselves if they can afford PS5 Pro. That shouldn't be a part of the debate.

My problem is that instead of being honest, people are being dishonest in their arguments.

Except you don't know that to be the case at all.
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Neo Member
You are trying to justify the price by making it more economical, the exact opposite of a premium product.

The whole point of a premium product is to overpay. The opposite of a Premium product is an Economical product. If you want something worth your money, you buy something cheaper.
Tf are you taking about
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