Been playing this online for last few days and am wondering if they should rename the game to "Yu Fighter Arena 4" since he gets picked 90% of the time. Second seems to be Labrys (spam those normals!) and really...that's about it. Was thrilled to do some player matches against a guy who picked a bunch of the rest of the cast like I did! I have yet to fight against anyone using Yuki and played against only one Yosuke player so far.
I'm definitely maining Teddie though. Been doing well with him and ranked up to C class already. (The ranking system goes F-, F, F+, D-, D, D+, C-, etc.) Teddie's Persona projectiles come out in a random pattern, but they still really help with zoning or getting certain set-ups off for big damage. Some of the other characters just don't have the reach or lack projectiles and I think it may make things harder for them, although with that said I seem to be the only one using the dash ability that goes through projectiles on the ground (everyone has it), LOL.
The more I play this game, the more I think it may be Arc's most-accessible fighter yet- Hokuto No Ken and Basara X felt similar to me in this regard, but P4 Arena doesn't seem to have the problems those games did. There's also way, way too players just spamming the auto-combo attack and doing nothing else. It doesn't work unless you're Mitsuru, lol.
Mitsuru's DP looks so annoying. Looks like it's gonna be the new INFERNO DIVIDER in terms of spam.
That move takes away a bit of Mitsuru's lifebar every time it's used- if anyone is stupid enough to spam it like crazy, they're just going to make it even easier form them to lose.