Don't learn that one first. The one you want to learn is already starting from orgia mode. Sweep > orgia boost j.B > j.C > (land) > 5B > j.B > j.C (1 hit), 236C+D (SB Megido Fire), (land), (delay) > 214A > j.B > jc > j.B > j.C (2 hits) > 236D. Does around 4.5k and it's her bnb. Uses 25 meter. If you're low in orgia meter by the end of the combo, or if you just need that EXTRA damage to finish an opponent, you can end with B+D. I wouldn't recommend it if you have orgia meter for the 2nd set of mixups though.
If I don't have 25 meter, I do sweep > orgia boost j.B > j.C > 5B > j.B > j.C (1 hit) > 236D > 5B > j.B > j.2B. Then you have another setup and you have 25 meter.
Don't think that you need to go from non-orgia to orgia mode in a combo. She has tons of combos that ends her in oki setups. The most basic one is 2AAA > jc > j.B > 22A. And you're in perfect distance to do some mixups/baits.
edit: Also, that combo is bad because it's distance dependent, which means that it's not a good first combo to learn. Learn the one you're going to be using the most. Just because a combo does low damage doesn't mean that it's a bad combo. Some combos end in a favorable oki setups, which Aigis has TONS for. This doesn't mean that the combo you posted is bad, it's just that you wouldn't normally learn as your first one. I would be lying if I told you I never do that one.
edit 2: I just read the combo again. That combo sucks. Don't learn it. Also, have no idea how you can connect 214A from j.2B.