Man, this beta is even buggier then the last one. Invisible Kratos, people appearing mid way through the game, people stuck in the air, warping everywhere. Invincible characters. List goes on.
One thing that kept happening with me and my brother was, well, I was on the Vita and he was on the PS3, and bunch times when the game starts there are no opponents on his screen. And my screen on the Vita I see him and the opponents but he doesn't see them and I'm pretty sure they don't see him because they're all after me. Or one time, he could see one opponent but not the other... so that opponent could fight him but the other could only fight me.
So I just gave up on playing on the Vita and picked up the second PS3 controller.
Unfortunately, this is the
MAJORITY of how my matches in the game have run. Been playing with brother as P2 on PS3, and sometimes it's good 4p matches... other times, it's both of us, ganging up on 1 guy, with a phantom 4th appearing only after Sudden death / on the results screen.
The game never MOVES laggy, but there are loads of character warping going on, probably because the characters are being hit in 2 "instances" of the same world... it's pretty freaky.
I haven't been able to get a fully open NAT on my PS3 (this system gives me
so much more online troubles than my Xbox 360...), thus I wonder if some of the issue relate to that...
So that's all annoying.
But what do I think about the game itself?
...Well, percieved weaknesses from videos still ring true, and feel weird. I know I want more voicework. Sound effects range from AWESOME to awful (lowercase!) pretty easily, but it's mostly pretty nice.
I DO like the heavily-hitstun-based combo system of the game; it (and other things) do make the game feel "slow", but a small bit of slowness helps in a 4 person fight. It kinda makes it feel more Strategic, rather than Chaotic, which is truly not a bad thing.
This feels like the CAPCOM side of Smash-a-Likes, balance wise; every character has nice tools, but some glaring weaknesses. Thus, I don't see why anyone would want to play this 1 vs 1; In a way, teamwork produces "a complete character", or that's how I feel, anyway. Everyone seems to have at least 1 tool that can totally make another character feel ineffectual.
In this way, I do say it differs heavily from Smash.
Don't get me wrong; Smash has different character too, but they feel a bit more well-rounded, personally. These guys feel like they fall into a niche, and are purposely given weaknesses, to emphasize teamwork with characters that cover those deficiencies.
Killing with Supers? Sure, why not? Why does this turn people off so much? Smash makes you incur a certain amount of damage, before characters are in a fully killable state... This is the same thing. Like a flip side of the same coin. Especially great in 2v2, as so many of the supers are more effective, with some coordination.
Sometimes, I wish there was more variety in the tilt-for-attack settings; I want to toss some abilities in diagonals and up, rather than just at some pre-determined, goofy angle. I also like how Smash would allow a sweep to occur on spot, or sometimes, with a slide movement, depending on if you held down, or down-forward; that doesn't seem to exist here, and I find myself missing it.
Character wise, for me, it's all Fatty P and Radec. (Funny, as I really have barely ever played Killzone.) Princesses minion spam is nice (feel her AP gain is kinda meh, though?), and I like the range her scepter gives her. Really surprised at how understaded some of her attacks sound; it's like the might as well have never hit. The amount of floor-sit stuns she has, however, are great, though her supers feel kinda meh sometimes.
Radec is cool, though I question his button layout in some ways, and I DO wish he had a straightforward mine he could lay (Sly and Sweet Tooth have one, and he doesn't?). His supers have the perfect balance of skill & effect, and he has some very solid voicework.
Overall, Local MP fused with online (something not readily supported in most 1v1 fighters, even with team modes or tagteam) is going to be the main reason I play this, but I'll enjoy myself while playing it, because it overall seems to be a solid game.
Bring on those DLC characters! (Kat!) While tourney players may disagree, to me, this is the kind of game DLC was made for. Adding new matchups, and a new environments, from such a huge list of potential sources, means a game like this could last until new console graphics demands.. well, demand an update.