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Pokémon Go |OT 2| Servers...gotta crash 'em all!

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if you're by a body of water or especially if the stops have water related names to them, if you drop a lure it's likely to bring out squirtle, staryu, magikarp and the like.
Is that confirmed to be a factor?

the name of this stop is something like "north fish on the pond"... it is in the middle of the city in East LA, all the rest of the area are stuff like rock Pokémon, fighters, and fire


the lure module brings out more water stuff, but also regular crap as well, but I think being next to the ocean would just help in that factor.


if you're by a body of water or especially if the stops have water related names to them, if you drop a lure it's likely to bring out squirtle, staryu, magikarp and the like.

I spent 5 days on a water front with many lures going. Only saw 1 Squrtle. Magikarp, Psyduck, Slowbro, and Dratini were the usual spawns. Only the occasional Staryu and other water pokemon. Didn't see a single Shelder or Seel.

Water pokemon were common anyway. The lures just spawned more of what was there for the most part.
I have to check how much money I dropped on this

hopefully not as much as I wasted on No Man's Sky

edit: checked google wallet eeeesh maybe they won't count the soft bans with all that cash blinding them
This sound cutting off when a notification happens bug is one I've almost never seen mentioned but has probably annoyed me more than every other negative thing that's happened with this game since launch, from footstep removal to the old server overload. All it takes is one text, facebook popup, or discord notification and my sound is shot unless I restart. I hope they fix it soon.


Any other colorblind players out there cannot see the difference between an usable Pokestop and an already used one? Just a minor annoyance, but when I'm sitting on a Pokestop I would like to refresh it asap, and I just don't know when I can use it again because it's supposed to be blue or pink and all I see is the same color. :(

Also, having some motivation issues... I'm level 22 and pokedex at 97 pokemon, I just don't seem to have much to do now, XP to level up is too much and I'm just grinding - spending stardust to level up seems pointless. Any ideas?
Nice day. Caught some Dratinis, a Growlithe, some Bulbasaurs, Nidorans and Poliwags. I'm fairly close to getting Poliwrath and Nidoking. Venusaur and Nidoqueen will take a little longer.

Also added Blastoise and Slowbro to the pokedex. Would have added Grimer if not for the bug.


Any other colorblind players out there cannot see the difference between an usable Pokestop and an already used one? Just a minor annoyance, but when I'm sitting on a Pokestop I would like to refresh it asap, and I just don't know when I can use it again because it's supposed to be blue or pink and all I see is the same color. :(

Also, having some motivation issues... I'm level 22 and pokedex at 97 pokemon, I just don't seem to have much to do now, XP to level up is too much and I'm just grinding - spending stardust to level up seems pointless. Any ideas?

Lol colorblind here and have the same issue. It's annoying as hell but if I focus really hard it looks like it becomes a lighter shade when ready to spin. I think you get what I mean by that given that we are both colorblind… Color still looks the same but it just looks a little lighter when ready. Then again this could be useless to you due to how different colorblindess can be from one person to another

I'm 28, only way to really level up requires lucky eggs and still takes forever.

Obviously best method is mass evolving but I've also had some luck with mass catching Pokemon around several lures.

Let's say you have 4 stops around you with lures on them. That's 400 xp every 5 mins from lures + 420 xp for each Pokemon caught with excellent curve throw

I evolve in between if I want a break from catching em

You won't get as much XP as mass evolving, but at least it's not nearly as boring


Any other colorblind players out there cannot see the difference between an usable Pokestop and an already used one? Just a minor annoyance, but when I'm sitting on a Pokestop I would like to refresh it asap, and I just don't know when I can use it again because it's supposed to be blue or pink and all I see is the same color. :(

If it makes you feel better, the colour doesn't really refresh accurately anyway. It will change back and still be unusable for a while yet.


Lol colorblind here and have the same issue. It's annoying as hell but if I focus really hard it looks like it becomes a lighter shade when ready to spin. I think you get what I mean by that given that we are both colorblind… Color still looks the same but it just looks a little lighter when ready. Then again this could be useless to you due to how different colorblindess can be from one person to another

I'm 28, only way to really level up requires lucky eggs and still takes forever.

Obviously best method is mass evolving but I've also had some luck with mass catching Pokemon around several lures.

Let's say you have 4 stops around you with lures on them. That's 400 xp every 5 mins from lures + 420 xp for each Pokemon caught with excellent curve throw

I evolve in between if I want a break from catching em

You won't get as much XP as mass evolving, but at least it's not nearly as boring

Thanks, I just tested with 2 pokestops near each other and indeed the lighter shade means ready to spin, but even then it's not 100% for me. This will be helpful when there are pokestops nearby to compare, but when a pokestop is by itself I have a really hard time telling the colors/shades apart. :/

Today I did my first rush of mass evolving + lucky egg and it was fun but I felt some emptyness like "what for", as I am not enjoying gym battles much.

I'll try the pokemon catch rush method, sounds way more fun than hoarding stuff to evolve, only problem is being higher level feels like I'm a worse trainer, lol, those super elusive 300 CP pidgeys and stuff. I wish XP/stardust scaled with CP of pokemon caught.

Thanks for the tips. :)

If it makes you feel better, the colour doesn't really refresh accurately anyway. It will change back and still be unusable for a while yet.

Hmm I think this kinda explains why the above method wasn't working all the time. Thx. :)


This sound cutting off when a notification happens bug is one I've almost never seen mentioned but has probably annoyed me more than every other negative thing that's happened with this game since launch, from footstep removal to the old server overload. All it takes is one text, facebook popup, or discord notification and my sound is shot unless I restart. I hope they fix it soon.

I guess this is because tons of people play with gamesounds OFF.


Thanks, I just tested with 2 pokestops near each other and indeed the lighter shade means ready to spin, but even then it's not 100% for me. This will be helpful when there are pokestops nearby to compare, but when a pokestop is by itself I have a really hard time telling the colors/shades apart. :/

Today I did my first rush of mass evolving + lucky egg and it was fun but I felt some emptyness like "what for", as I am not enjoying gym battles much.

I'll try the pokemon catch rush method, sounds way more fun than hoarding stuff to evolve, only problem is being higher level feels like I'm a worse trainer, lol, those super elusive 300 CP pidgeys and stuff. I wish XP/stardust scaled with CP of pokemon caught.

Thanks for the tips. :)

Hmm I think this kinda explains why the above method wasn't working all the time. Thx. :)
To be fair, I don't have color blindness but when a stop is halfway through being ready to spin, it looks almost the same as one that's ready, just a tiny tiny bit darker which is retry hard to tell. There's been a couple times when I was sure I could spin it, yet it wouldn't and after waiting a couple more minutes it would...


there seems to be some sort of lag between when a stop indicates it's ready to be spun again vs when in reality it's actually ready, gotta wait a lil even after it changes color

also yeah i'm kinda running out of shit to do at level 28

seems like the only really viable method of getting high IV pokemon is hatching eggs, which is unfortunate because it has killed the incentive to seek out the same pokemon again and again once you have plenty of candy

for example, i have like 700 eevee candy which is more than enough to power up several perfect IV eevee evolutions

given that i pretty much am guaranteed to not get a perfect IV eevee in the wild, and given the amount of candy i have, the only incentive is ~100-200 xp and 100 dust, which isn't much of an incentive when it costs ~4k dust to power up my most my pokemon once and 300k xp to level



Was just finishing up a boss grilled cheese with chicken and bacon (the GOAT) and pulled up Pokemon Go only to see a Venusaur was nearby, pulled up the godly pokemonnearby, found it, spent 20+ regular balls on it (no berries, no better balls) and it eventually ran.

The highs and lows of this game folks... gaaaaaaah.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
hmm, I never had this lag with Pokestops you guys are talking about when I wait for it. In my experience, if it's blue it's always immediately spinnable.

It actually has 3 different colors, it goes through a different shade of purple before it's active again.


(not my pics)

edit: I always jump out of the stop while I wait, but idk if that makes any difference
Went to Long Beach Pike area last Thursday. It was hundreds and hundreds of Pokemon players. It was insane. Whenever someone yells something rare, the whole mob moves to that particular direction lol. There were a couple of trolls too, fuckers.
This sound cutting off when a notification happens bug is one I've almost never seen mentioned but has probably annoyed me more than every other negative thing that's happened with this game since launch, from footstep removal to the old server overload. All it takes is one text, facebook popup, or discord notification and my sound is shot unless I restart. I hope they fix it soon.
No one plays with sound one so you're probably the first person to notice it.
Went to a park that's home to a Poliwag nest. Caught 22 in just over 2 hours (enough for a Poliwrath now), along with 2 Horsea, 3 Omanyte, a Magikarp, a Slowpoke, and a Ninetales. Caught some other things too, but nothing particularly interesting (at least, not interesting my area). Also hatched a Krabby, and I now have enough candy for a Kingler (I actually have a few new evolutions lined up).


Just mass evolved some pokemon with a lucky egg active and I went from level 17 to 20, it feels good to have some incubators again


wtf is up with everyone thinking any negative experience is the result of a soft ban?

Or they have mad confirmation bias.Pokemon always ran away, more so on high lvls but people seem to forget that. Even if before the fix they had 9/10 Pokemon escape it still isn't fixed in their eyes if 1/10 escapes....


I can play again, my provider just isn't allowed to offer free play to prepaid costumers anymore. So kind of niantic.


i regret transferring all my starters that were 91-93% IV perfection

figured i played enough to get a 100% IV perfection in the not too distant future but my 2k eggs have been utter shit for the past week or so

then again i've been low on incubators which doesn't help

i have a 91% squirtle that i'm contemplating evolving, which is something i never previously considered


You didn't keep your best one?
I only transfer a Pokemon if I get a better one.

And yeah, IVs are minor enough that there's really no need to aim for a 100% one, anything 90+ is good.

up until recently, i was transferring every pokemon if it had under 95% IV perfection unless it was one i already spent a ton of dust on before learning about IVs in the game

for example, my stronger pokemon is a Snorlax that's around 2500 cp i believe. he has a not so great IV but has perfect move set. figured i spent so much dust on him its worth keeping.

as for the starters, i've had so little luck getting their candy i thought i'd wait for a perfect, since gettin candy is a huge bitch

i feel like i had better luck hating starters a few weeks ago, but i think the real reason is because i had way more incubators running

anyways, yeah my 100% iv requirement was probably silly given that ive caught over 4000 pokemon, hatched over 300 eggs, but have only identified about 5 perfect IV pokemon


...hate me...
what do you mean?
That we could exit the app and (at least for a while) still get notifications for encounters, gyms/pokestops, and/or get the mileage (for hatching eggs) to still count with the app in background.


That we could exit the app and (at least for a while) still get notifications for encounters, gyms/pokestops, and/or get the mileage (for hatching eggs) to still count with the app in background.

yeah, that would be nice

i used to not care as much until recently. i made a rant post about it but long story short, i had the phone in my pocket unlocked (because if you lock the screen it stops tracking steps), and i guess i basically did the equivalent of pocket dialing and ended up spending all my coins on pokemon storage upgrades

probably one of the most useless upgrades in the game

and i believe it bought it 3 times? i'm at 450, believe i voluntarily upgraded once and started at 250? so yeah 3 upgrades i didn't want and 600 coins wasted

i now try to spend my coins asap and not hoard them


can't sleep and have been thinking about this for a while so figured fuck it why not share. so if this post starts to run on, i'll try to keep it short, which i'll probably fail horribly at doing.

so i got a theory as to why it seems like some of the most common pokemon are suddenly much, much more difficult to catch. i'm curious what others think about this. this is entirely based on my own personal experiences and opinions and has 0 in game/API based data to support it

i've noticed that the pokemon who have seemed to recently become much more difficult to catch are base pokemon who can evolve

given equal CP, i've had the most trouble catching caterpie, weedles, and pidgeys

they seem to be more difficult to catch for a few reasons:

1. most obvious reason being that they break out of the ball much, much more frequently
2. they have a pretty high flee rate
3. they're extremely close to you at the start. this might seem like an advantage but it's not. it's hard as FUCK to get excellent curved throws at pokemon that are right in your face. i've seen that others have noticed this and posted in this thread, so i'm not alone. it's actually much easier to land decent throws when you have some distance.

so not too long ago it started making sense to me why changes to the game that make them more difficult to catch might have been made. again, pure speculation and i think niantic at one point might have even straight out denied this claiming it was related to a bug (which makes no sense, given that i have absolutely zero issues catching pokemon which are much more uncommon yet either have no evolutions or 1 evolution that requires a decent amount of candy), but figured i'd share my thoughts anyways:

1. as well all know, weedle/caterpie/pidgey all only need 12 candy to evolve and are incredibly common. i think niantic might have started realizing that the lucky egg/mass evolve trick needs to be addressed given how easy they are to catch

i've seen 854 pidgeys and caught 667. might seem like a lot but this is actually pretty much the highest % escape rate i have for any pokemon i've seen over 100 times.

i have a much higher success rate catching pokemon like growlithe, which should be more uncommon and generally have a much, much higher CP

2. other reason i think they might be more difficult to catch now is due to how high you can get their CP purely out of evolving. for 62 candy i can turn a pidgey that is roughly 300 CP to a pidgeot that is over 2k CP.

just for purposes of this thread, i just fully evolved a caterpie that was barely 100 CP into a butterfree that was 826 CP

the benefits of evolving become more dramatic at higher levels. if i evolve a growlithe thats around 900 CP it will be well over 2k CP when it becomes an arcanine.

all the arcanines you see below were never powered up. they were simply growlithes i caught in wild and ended up mass evolving. this is what i ended up with using only candy and 0 dust...


anyways, given how incredibly difficult it is to get dust in this game, combined with the huge dust requirements later on, i think they might have realized they need to make adjustments in regards to the huge benefits evolving provides when requiring 0 dust in doing so. again, i have hundreds of growlithe candy so the candy requirement for powering him up is a non issue, it's only 4 candies. yet the dust requirement for most my pokemon i use at gyms is 5k. im about to hit level 29 and 5k dust is still no joke. powering up a pokemon that is ~1k-1.5k to 2k-2.5k takes insane amounts of dust but hardly any candy. anyways, im done rambling!
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