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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
How can you sincerely apologize when you double down on your comments over multiple days?


The RNC often acts like a clique of high school girls. Jeez, get over it ladies.
Well, they are a political party. If he wants to enjoy the benefits they offer and gain access to their richest donors, he shouldn't attack them and advocate the inception of a third party.
Good. And considering how he's been maligned this past week, I'd hope many members of PoliGAF would apologize to him.
Please based god let this happen.


And considering how he's been maligned this past week, I'd hope many members of PoliGAF would apologize to him.

Dear Rush Limbaugh,

For over 20 years you've illustrated the absurd with complete blathering idiocy, three hours a day, five days a week, and for years I have criticized you for it. In this instance I chose the wrong words when I called you a vile piece of human garbage. I did not mean to attack the virtues of garbage.

I think it is absolutely absurd that during these very serious political times you are leading an ignorant crusade using misinformation. You personally do not agree that American citizens should pay for these social activities, and I can accept that as your opinion. What happened to accountability? Where do we draw the line? Should we pay for your viagra? Should we not call you out when you come back from the dominican republic with that viagra? Should the moral crusaders of our day and age be taking advice from a drug addict? I posited that you possibly engaged in the sex trade, and it is not my business whatsoever to know what's going on in your bedroom.

My choice of words was not the best and in an attempt to fight your misinformation I helped in a boycott. I sincerely apologize again to you. And to garbage. Garbage especially doesn't need to be compared in this way.


He continued, "In my monologue, I posited that it is not our business whatsoever to know what is going on in anyone's bedroom nor do I think it is a topic that should reach a Presidential level."

So it's not our business to know what's going on in anyone's bedroom, but Fluke should videotape and upload her sexual encounters? This is a pretty thin apology even for Rush.


So it's not our business to know what's going on in anyone's bedroom, but Fluke should videotape and upload her sexual encounters? This is a pretty thin apology even for Rush.

The more important political question is so it's not our business to know what's going on in anyone's bedroom but it is our business to have the government and/or insurance poking around at every contraception prescription from a doctor to see exactly what it's for, whether it's for sex based activities or any one of the numerous other things it could be for?


The more important political question is so it's not our business to know what's going on in anyone's bedroom but it is our business to have the government and/or insurance poking around at every contraception prescription from a doctor to see exactly what it's for, whether it's for sex based activities or any one of the numerous other things it could be for?

Yeah, although I guess we're both wasting our time picking apart hypocrisies and inconsistencies in Rush arguments.
What's up with the Washington State Caucus?
Is it completely worthless?

Mitt Romney has won the Republican caucuses in Washington state, according to an ABC News projection.
With 43 percent of precincts reporting, Mitt Romney leads with 37 percent of the vote in Washington state, followed by Ron Paul and Rick Santorum with 24 percent, and Newt Gingrich with 11 percent. Go to the Tumblr page of the Washington state Republican Party for the latest results.
None of the state's 43 delegates will be awarded Saturday, but the victory gives a sense of momentum to Romney's candidacy, three days before the 10-state election on Super Tuesday. Washington is the fifth state in a row that Romney has won in the Republican Party's presidential nominating process.

Romney continues to get weak wins.

I wonder if the if the Santorum 'make me throw up' stuff on the JFK speech hurt him with evangelicals. He's been their guy lately but they probably don't want to hear that Santorum could possibly take directives from the Pope. (A reasonable inference of him rejecting the JFK speech.)
I'm starting to think that Santorum is purposefully moving more and more to the crazy right to make Romney look more moderate and help him win the GE.

A woman at a rally here tearfully asked Mitt Romney on Saturday why her Army daughter is still in Afghanistan nearly a year after the death of Osama bin Laden. He seized on her question to accuse President Obama of failing to clearly communicate the mission to U.S. troops serving there.

Romney has criticized Obama for announcing a withdrawal schedule and for the pace of the withdrawal. Some 10,000 U.S. troops left Aghanistan in 2011 and another 23,000 are scheduled to withdraw by this summer, leaving 68,000. The plan is for Afghan forces to be entirely in charge of security by 2014. Polls show most Americans want the war to end.

Most surprising thing is the Mother is still voting for either Romney or Santorum. You know, not the guy who is actually winding down the wars...but the guys who criticized Obama for Iraq withdrawal and having a timeline for Afghanistan withdrawal
Do you guys think anyone will drop out after super tuesday? Paul is here till the end, I cannot see Santorum giving up unless he does terrible and Gingrish probably wants to hurt Romney more than he wants to win anyway


Santorum screwed up in Ohio:
Santorum failed to submit the required paperwork in three of the state’s congressional districts to be eligible to win any delegates and only partial paperwork in six other districts. And it’s in those six where things start to get complicated.

The former Pennsylvania senator’s campaign needed to come up with at least three names in each of the state’s 16 congressional districts for full delegate eligibility, but his failure submit full slates in some places will result in “unbound” delegates, which will be up for grabs after Super Tuesday.


Ohio Republican Party rules state that representatives for any of the presidential candidates can file a petition with the state party to claim the outstanding delegates. Such a petition would trigger the formation of a “Committee on Contests” — a three member panel to be chosen by Ohio GOP Chairman Kevin DeWine.

The committee would consider legal arguments from each of the interested campaigns and take their decision to the state party’s central committee for approval. Complicating matters further, the composition of the Ohio GOP’s central committee will change on Super Tuesday when new members are chosen.


Question: A lot of conservatives seem to be very angry about Sandra Fluke being a 30 year old and not a 23 year old like originally reported. Who originally reported that anyway? Was that some sort of deliberate change somewhere? I can't find any source about it except on wacky conservative sites that seem to be really pissed about it. I should note that I really don't give a crap what her age was, I'm just curious if stuff was reported differently and if so by whom.


I got really caught up and riled up with this whole Fluke/Limbaugh debate. I'm not sure why it's riled me up this much. But it became a sort of cascade where I'm really invested in it. I've seen a lot of stuff today. It's kind of sad. You'd like to think that people don't take Rush Limbaugh seriously, that he's not really a leader. People think he's mostly joking right? He's just a pompous personality for entertainment. Let me tell you the things I've seen. Never have I seen a more uninformed group of people in my life. And they're so convinced of what they (don't) know!

And the crazy thing for me, the really absolutely CRAZY thing is that there are so many that are absolutely livid about some of these companies pulling their ads and just angry at the liberals and they're railing against Fluke... but so many of them never even read or watched what she said! They have no idea what she said! I've seen people say exactly "What do ovarian cysts have to do with birth control pills?" when I mentioned what she actually said! That was the entire point of her testimony! And so many of them are women, too!

I just don't get it. When I find out something that I disagree with I try and at least go to the source and hear it. I don't just take someone's anger and vitriol at face value. That'd be silly! It's just crazy to me that so many people couldn't even google to get the transcript or probably find it on youtube, and yet the have the time to go bitch and moan about Limbaugh being the victim of censorship or something now....


This was the last one I saw:

Momentum has swung strongly in Mitt Romney's direction among
Washington Republicans over the last two weeks. He now leads in the state with 37% to
32% for Rick Santorum, 16% for Ron Paul, and 13% for Newt Gingrich
. That represents
a reversal from PPP's previous poll which found Santorum in the driver's seat with 38%
to Romney's 27%. The large shift in Washington reflects what has happened in the race
nationally over that period of time
i hope someone asks Newt how does it feel to be the 1st gop presidential candidate since 1980 to win South Carolina but lose the nomination.

Wouldnt be surprised if Nicki Haley got some of the blame too
I got really caught up and riled up with this whole Fluke/Limbaugh debate. I'm not sure why it's riled me up this much. But it became a sort of cascade where I'm really invested in it. I've seen a lot of stuff today. It's kind of sad. You'd like to think that people don't take Rush Limbaugh seriously, that he's not really a leader. People think he's mostly joking right? He's just a pompous personality for entertainment. Let me tell you the things I've seen. Never have I seen a more uninformed group of people in my life. And they're so convinced of what they (don't) know!
You really shouldn't let such things bother you. I personally don't understand why anyone is upset about it; a person who gets paid to say inflammatory things said something inflammatory.

And as for the bolded:


You really shouldn't let such things bother you. I personally don't understand why anyone is upset about it; a person who gets paid to say inflammatory things said something inflammatory.

The reason it's aggravating is because it's not just a person, it's a person who is practically the de-facto leader for a large chunk of one of the only two political parties in this country LIED about a situation and then made absolutely inflammatory things about someone. He's a troll that lowers the political discourse of this country, and makes it hard to progress as a nation.


I'm watching Meet the Press and watching Newt trying to force a smile is so creepy.

EDIT: Does Eric Cantor always sound like a broken record? Economics. Jobs. Mitt Romney. Economics. Jobs. Mitt Romney. Economics. Jobs. Mitt Romney.
I'm watching Meet the Press and watching Newt trying to force a smile is so creepy.

I turned it off when Newt ignored the contraception question and started babbling on about the media. Turned it back 10 minutes later and Cantor says Romney/Paul are the 2 that made the ballot in Virginia. Gregory then said Romney has it won because he's the only one on the ballot. Cantor repeated Paul is on the ballot. Gregory moved on refusing to acknowledge Paul.

Shit's ridiculuos.
The reason it's aggravating is because it's not just a person, it's a person who is practically the de-facto leader for a large chunk of one of the only two political parties in this country LIED about a situation and then made absolutely inflammatory things about someone. He's a troll that lowers the political discourse of this country, and makes it hard to progress as a nation.
What's the first rule of responding to trolls?


I turned it off when Newt ignored the contraception question and started babbling on about the media. Turned it back 10 minutes later and Cantor says Romney/Paul are the 2 that made the ballot in Virginia. Gregory then said Romney has it won because he's the only one on the ballot. Cantor repeated Paul is on the ballot. Gregory moved on refusing to acknowledge Paul.

Shit's ridiculuos.
C'mon now. There's literally no chance of Paul winning in Virginia.
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