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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio Gov. John Kasich will propose a new tax on a form of oil and gas drilling known as horizontal fracking and then use the fresh revenue to give a personal income tax cut to Ohioans, The Plain Dealer has learned.

The complicated plan also would make changes to various existing taxes petroleum companies pay for pumping out oil and natural gas from beneath Ohio. And it even contains a tax break for some smaller operators, according to documents obtained by The Plain Dealer and confirmed by the governor's office.

But the moneymaker in the deal is the new tax Kasich wants to apply to Ohio's most sought-after resource, the natural gas liquids trapped deep below in Marcellus and Utica shale formations reached through fracking, a process that shoots a water and chemical concoction down through a drilled hole to break up the shale. Big Oil is salivating at the opportunity to reach these gases -- butane, ethane and propane.

Over the next five years, based on today's market prices, Ohio could net between $666 million and $1 billion through the new oil and gas tax structure


Almost good. The revenues should be re-invested into green energy subsidies and set aside for potential environmental clean-up hazards.


Romeny being the nominee nulifies any debates against Obama-care because of Romney-care.

Republicans who think they can drive a wedge on Obama-care will get cock-blocked because of Romney-care past
It'll definitely alter the dynamic, but never underestimate the GOP's ability to revise history in order to win elections.


Actually, more likely embedding the industry into the state revenue stream so they dare not ban it when the Dem's regain power.

Yup. Make the state dependent on their revenue, then cut taxes by a corresponding amount. Puts who ever wants to reduce fracking in the position of raising taxes or making other cuts to make up for it.


So uh... about Israel and Iran.

Does anyone get the sense it's kind of funny how Israel keeps hinting at this during an election year? Like they just want to start fucking shit up to see how Obama reacts in hopes that he will pull a Jimmy Carter and be unable to make fast decisions when under extreme pressure? Not to mention, this would cause gas prices to soar.

I eagerly await exactly how he's going to do this. It should be pretty fascinating.
Fascinating because you think he'll fail at it?

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
So uh... about Israel and Iran.

Does anyone get the sense it's kind of funny how Israel keeps hinting at this during an election year? Like they just want to start fucking shit up to see how Obama reacts in hopes that he will pull a Jimmy Carter and be unable to make fast decisions when under extreme pressure? Not to mention, this would cause gas prices to soar.

It's a political strategy, but the goal is to put pressure on Iran (not the US) to make them think Israel is crazy enough to attack even though they really don't have the capability to sustain enough air strikes on the nuclear sites to do meaningful damage. Neither side has much capability to attack each other and if they do, the consequences are pretty huge.

Most likely, in the next few months their will be a deal to drop the sanctions in return for Iran not enriching past 5%. In which case the whole fiasco may be forgotten by November. Unless Santorum somehow wins the nomination and beats the war drums/calls Obama a snob for thinking Libya is worth helping more than Israel.


Maybe this cover could go in the OP:




Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
he's right, while most women who use contraceptives do use it for more than one reason, a vast majority of them use it for preventing pregnancy. I think it's somewhere right above 80% use it primarily for said reason.

EDIT: Here's the study


No you and PhoenixDark are dead wrong. And it makes it worse that you were wrong because you linked to the study.

The most common reason U.S. women use oral contraceptive pills is to prevent pregnancy, but 14% of pill users—1.5 million women—rely on them exclusively for noncontraceptive purposes. The study documenting this finding, “Beyond Birth Control: The Overlooked Benefits of Oral Contraceptive Pills,” by Rachel K. Jones of the Guttmacher Institute, also found that more than half (58%) of all pill users rely on the method, at least in part, for purposes other than pregnancy prevention—meaning that only 42% use the pill exclusively for contraceptive reasons.

There's no reason to make women look a certain way when he have evidence that points to the opposite. And with me having a wife the uses it for multiple reasons I just wanted to get the facts out there for our majority male readers and contributors of PoliGaf.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
So...apparently the big Breitbard reveal is that Obama went to a play about Saul Alinsky in 1998...

Wow, so.. Is this why these secret scary tapes have even hidden for so long? So that FoxNews and all the republican pundits can play up how big bad, scary evil Saul Alinsky is (a guy no one has ever heard of) before it's revealed that Obama read his book or saw a play of his!

Jesus christ. How can any republican not see how manufactured this shit is they keep doing
Financial and intellectual bogeymen (and ladies) are not exclusive to one side.

Of course but, but they're very heavily skewed towards one. it's not equivalent, which is what you're trying to insinuate. There's no equivalent to the right running against what can only be described as a fictional candidate, something they've set up to be destroyed. Instead of condemning this, you prefer to dismiss and excuse it with intellectually cowardly implications of equivalence. Why? Cognitive dissonance is astounding.
Wow, so.. Is this why these secret scary tapes have even hidden for so long? So that FoxNews and all the republican pundits can play up how big bad, scary evil Saul Alinsky is (a guy no one has ever heard of) before it's revealed that Obama read his book or saw a play of his!

Jesus christ. How can any republican not see how manufactured this shit is they keep doing

If you read the comments on that site, this shit will shatter Obama's chances for re-election and is a real smoking gun. People who want to hate can convince themselves of anything. That Obama attending this play or whatever in 1998 will 'reveal who he REALLY is', and not the last 4 fucking years of his presidency.How can people be this demented, delusional? This shit might have worked before he was President, but now?

Mike M

Nick N
I have no idea who Saul Alinsky is outside of knowledge that Mahar apparently had a rant about how no one knows who he is, and from what I can gather he's the new Soros in right wing conspiracies.
So...apparently the big Breitbard reveal is that Obama went to a play about Saul Alinsky in 1998...
Wonder if anyone who's ever seen The Producers is a Nazi sympathizer.

I was almost worried for a minute. I'm sure one day someone will uncover a video of college Obama smokin' the dope and saying something outlandish about America. But not today.

PhoenixDark said:
Another thing: who in their right mind believes in this fantasy Obama who's a bitter partisan, hates America, has disdain for whites, etc.
I conducted a scientific study with 10 of my fellow dumbshit white teabagger friends, and we reached the unanimous conclusion that not only will Obama lose in a landslide, but will also be tried and hanged for treason. Since this is a completely accurate picture of America, we can only assume this will happen.
Really, based on what? Your confirmation bias? Or did someone sit down and quantify it over a 50 year time period and produce some results?

Based on being a sane, rational, reasonable human being that is able to look at things from a logical point of view based on what history has shown us. No, but you're right. It's EXACTLY 50/50, anyone who says otherwise has 'confirmation bias', damned the reality we see every single day, and we need a 'study' to prove what to any rational, non ultra-partisan human being is blatantly obvious. You HONESTLY believe this sort of trivial, manufactured 'this should outrage you!' garbage gets packaged up and peddled by the left in such a consistent manner? I mean...really? There's a new 'thing' every week about Obama that we should be outraged about. When the claims turn out to be almost complete bullshit, it's replaced with some other manufactured, dredged up 'outrage'.

And yeah, as if you'd actually be swayed by such a theoretical study. You would attack the source and claim its partisan or some other such bullshit.


Based on being a sane, rational, reasonable human being that is able to look at things from a logical point of view based on history has shown us. No, but you're right. It's EXACTLY 50/50, anyone who says otherwise has 'confirmation bias', damned the reality we see every single day.

So, 'because you say so'. Interesting intellectual argument. In some parts of the world people would call that 'bullshit'.

And yeah, as if you'd actually be swayed by such a study. You would attack the source and claim its partisan or some other such bullshit.

Inventing arguments now or is it a constant battle of voices in your head?

You know how I know women are bad drivers? Everytime one cuts me off or does something dangerous I check to see who is driving .. and it's almost always a woman! Herp derp 'It's just logic!'
No you and PhoenixDark are dead wrong. And it makes it worse that you were wrong because you linked to the study.

Where did I say that people don't use the pill for other reasons often?

The article states very clearly that while most women use it for multiple reasons, 86% state contraception as at least one reason for using it.

I never said 86% use it exclusively for contraceptive reasons.

There's no reason to make women look a certain way when he have evidence that points to the opposite. And with me having a wife the uses it for multiple reasons I just wanted to get the facts out there for our majority male readers and contributors of PoliGaf.

There is no reason for you to claim I said something I didn't. Next time you accuse me of getting a study wrong, make sure you read carefully my wording so you don't mix up "use it for" and "use it exclusively for".


I think a lot of people lie when they answer polls so far out from election time. They want to appear objective so they will say undecided when they actually are going to break a certain way (unless something unusual happens that changes their mind).
Although I concur the majority are already inclined towards a particular candidate by means of partisan affiliation, I wouldn't necessarily label it lying. Instead, I think most are presently disconnected from the campaign. Moreover, it's primarily weak partisans and leaners who've hitherto invested nothing in the campaign. I'm guessing many only have a vague idea who Warren is. And although most will probably support their preferred party irrespective of the candidate, they probably feel undecided aptly describes them.
Why? He is still lying about the girl's testimony even in the apology.
I was kidding. I intended to induce equally disingenuous apologies thereby mocking the artificiality of Limbaugh's apology. And PoliGAF did not disappoint.
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