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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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C'mon now. There's literally no chance of Paul winning in Virginia.

True but you can at least give the man respect for making the ballot as those other 2 buffoons failed to do. Gregory just totally ignored Paul not once but twice. I'm no Ron Paul fan...have never and will never vote for him but come on dude at least give him respect for making the ballot.


True but you can at least give the man respect for making the ballot as those other 2 buffoons failed to do. Gregory just totally ignored Paul not once but twice. I'm no Ron Paul fan...have never and will never vote for him but come on dude at least give him respect for making the ballot.
Should we respect someone for doing the bare minimum that is required?


Paul is pulling in 25-30 percent of Virginia's vote. That's more than the bare minimum.
When there's only two choices between candidates, there will always be a percentage of people who will vote for the other guy. Getting on the ballots is like writing your name on a test, the bare minimum that shouldn't be applauded.
EDIT: Does Eric Cantor always sound like a broken record? Economics. Jobs. Mitt Romney. Economics. Jobs. Mitt Romney. Economics. Jobs. Mitt Romney.
You should hear him talk about Israel. He's essentially a Likud member of the Knesset way more than a US Congressman.
You really shouldn't let such things bother you. I personally don't understand why anyone is upset about it; a person who gets paid to say inflammatory things said something inflammatory.

And as for the bolded:

What does each quantile represent?


Saul Alinsky's name comes up for the sole fact that he authored a book titled Rules for Radicals.
I think this was some scheme Newt came up with for attacking Obama on being a community organizer.
Yeah, it probably sounded more clever in his (giant) head.

But I'll bet you he got quite a few people to pick up that book, and that's a good thing (though I would imagine many would be radicals will be disappointed to find very few instructions about bricking Startbucks stores there).
He's essentially a Likud member.
Oh hell no, he knows English.
Zing! regional political humor!


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Texas (April 3rd) will be the decider end all of be all or drag this to convention

Super Tuesday IMO will be split

Split in which way? Romney takes Vermont, Massachusetts, Virginia, and probably Ohio. He might even eke out wins in two other states. He will pick up delegates in all states that are not winner take all and if the other candidates care about a republican even having a shot at the White House this year, they are going to back off.
Scott Brown is here to stay for a long time. This is how Olympia Snowe's are born, Republicans in heavily blue states. Democrats fucked up that seat big time and it's going to haunt them for years and years to come, thanks in no small part to Martha Coakly.


Brown v Warren:

Warren's support seems a bit more solid than Brown's, with 72 percent saying very sure compared to 66 percent for Brown. It is worth noting that 40 percent of independents still might change their minds, so much can happen over the next several months and Warren still has opportunities to close the gap.

Way too early to call that poll anything.


I think a lot of people lie when they answer polls so far out from election time. They want to appear objective so they will say undecided when they actually are going to break a certain way (unless something unusual happens that changes their mind).


A new NBC/Marist poll of Ohio registered voters shows President Obama at the fifty percent mark in the swing state against former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who sees 38 percent versus the President. Obama leads all possible GOP challengers in the state by double digits, which sampled over 3,000 Ohio voters.
Ah if only the election were tomorrow.


Surprised that Warren isn't a lock, but don't know much about Mass politics. I guess Brown just didn't fuck anything up and looks charismatic enough.

I think she is a lock, but it's not going to really look like one until closer to the election, once the general has started. If she's still showing as behind mid summer or early fall, then I'll be worried.
Can't wait for Dax's spin

Warren is not connecting with voters
Brown v Warren:

Way too early to call that poll anything.

I think she is a lock, but it's not going to really look like one until closer to the election, once the general has started. If she's still showing as behind mid summer or early fall, then I'll be worried.

I heard internal GOP polling is showing it a toss-up. Hoping PPP gets in there soon.

I think a lot of people lie when they answer polls so far out from election time. They want to appear objective so they will say undecided when they actually are going to break a certain way (unless something unusual happens that changes their mind).

Yeah, I think it is way too difficult to call. The numbers are relatively close and very fuzzy. It could certainly go either way.
I'm spinning so hard right now, PD.
I think she is a lock, but it's not going to really look like one until closer to the election, once the general has started. If she's still showing as behind mid summer or early fall, then I'll be worried.

To me the worrying sign is that we had polls earlier that showed Warren leading or statistically tied. Now we have had a string of polls that show that Brown is leading outside the margin of error. And all this is happening while the contraception issue has been at the forefront of the Mass. race.

Will have to see how this plays out after the Blunt amendment vote in the coming weeks.
She's making no traction during a national debate over contraception, in MA. Where her opponent supported and voted for a ridiculous law most of the country rejects. Yea
Some of you are outrageous. Worrying about polls for November? Had the past month not taught you people that 20 point swings can happen in four days?


Can't wait for Dax's spin

Warren is not connecting with voters
dat spin

But for reals, I think it's a bit too early for a MA Senate race to matter so much. Like GhaleonEB said, start panicing if this doesn't change by the summer.

And frankly if Warren still loses Dems have no one but themselves to blame. MA is the bluest of blue in the US, so if they can't even come up with a plan to beat Scott Brown after what happened last time, well, there's really not much else left to say.

Wow, this is incredible. :lol

Palin says allen west should be GOP VP

thoughts Gaf?
Palin is but a fading memory in US politics and that's thankfully never going to change. It'd be best to stop bringing up anything she says; "Don't feed the troll." I'm glad her little stint is finally over, the fact that she at one point had real momentum to support a Presidential run was downright terrifying, but I'm so happy nothing ever came of it.
Romeny being the nominee nulifies any debates against Obama-care because of Romney-care.

Republicans who think they can drive a wedge on Obama-care will get cock-blocked because of Romney-care past
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