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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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I don't think it will. Santorum destroyed his campaign, he's finished. Staying in the race to win southern states and bloody Romney would only serve to kill any future political aspirations he might have as a republican.

There's no possible way the GOP will hand Santorum the nomination at a brokered convention, that's pure fantasy land. It will be Romney, or someone like Jeb Bush or Paul Ryan.

It's very likely this will essentially be over by midnight. Republicans have run out of Not-Romneys
There is absolutely nothing presidential about Paul Ryan.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Keep the funny coming, the base GOP is not the ones who need convincing to vote its the independents and the moderate GOP that the current GOP has thrown away

50-50 my ass, if Santorum and Gingrinch can bloody Romney I hate to see what the coming months have setup for him an a non-crazy opponent

This is true. The Republicans started going full retard with Palin, and now it is broken in half. The idea that common sense will prevail ignores the last four years of GOP behavior. One of the main reasons they want corporations to be people is that they are running out of actual humans to go to the polls. They're simply dragging out the current flavor as long as possible, until demographics force a complete reset.

I think when the SuperPAC money actually negatively effects the economy in November (no other corporations will be able to afford broadcast advertising) that even corporate America will have to take a deep breath and realize it overreached.
Here in Roanoke Virginia (biggest city in southwest Virginia), local news is reporting turnout is at about 1%. No matter how you look at it, that's fucking awful.
This is true. The Republicans started going full retard with Palin, and now it is broken in half. The idea that common sense will prevail ignores the last four years of GOP behavior. One of the main reasons they want corporations to be people is that they are running out of actual humans to go to the polls. They're simply dragging out the current flavor as long as possible, until demographics force a complete reset.

I think when the SuperPAC money actually negatively effects the economy in November (no other corporations will be able to afford broadcast advertising) that even corporate America will have to take a deep breath and realize it overreached.

This is actually a pretty good point.
That can't be true, can it?

None of the candidates have come here, I've yet to see an ad for anybody but Obama, and the news is reporting empty polling places during peak times. It appears true

In fact at the Salem Civic Center, polling workers were busier putting together a puzzle than helping voters.

I'm trying to find more evidence of the one percent, but this isn't far off:

It may be hard for some of you to believe but turnout in some precincts is expected to be in the single digits. That's unusual for a presidential primary in an election year.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
None of the candidates have come here, I've yet to see an ad for anybody but Obama, and the news is reporting empty polling places during peak times. It appears true

There are multiple things I can read into this, but I'm going to wait until polls close then type them out... seems so insane and can have some significant ramifications, considering Virginia is a swing state.
There are multiple things I can read into this, but I'm going to wait until polls close then type them out... seems so insane and can have some significant ramifications, considering Virginia is a swing state.
Romney doesn't even have a grassroots get out the vote office in here (Currently in DC area for business trip). Obama has 5 and they're already hard at work registering people for vote.


This is true. The Republicans started going full retard with Palin, and now it is broken in half. The idea that common sense will prevail ignores the last four years of GOP behavior. One of the main reasons they want corporations to be people is that they are running out of actual humans to go to the polls. They're simply dragging out the current flavor as long as possible, until demographics force a complete reset.

I think when the SuperPAC money actually negatively effects the economy in November (no other corporations will be able to afford broadcast advertising) that even corporate America will have to take a deep breath and realize it overreached.

Can you imagine what TV will be like when 50% of all advertisements on every channel are political attack ads?
There are multiple things I can read into this, but I'm going to wait until polls close then type them out... seems so insane and can have some significant ramifications, considering Virginia is a swing state.

It's bad

As of 11 a.m. 75 people had voted at Forest Hill Presbyterian Church in South Richmond, a precinct with more than 3,000 eligible voters. A precinct worker said the precinct apparently had the largest turnout in the city.

In Hanover County the Cold Harbor precinct, one of the city's largest, also reported 75 voters out of about 3,000 registered, said Shirley M. Morris, the county's deputy voter registrar.

It's just been slow, no problems," Morris said.

In Montgomery County in Southwest Virginia, one person had voted in one precinct -- and that was an officer of election, Morris said.


It's barely even being covered on the news here. I gotta believe the lack of candidates being here combined with the state Republicans going full retard as far as required intrusive vaginal ultrasounds, has really helped the presidents numbers in the state.
The lack of Gingrich and Santorum on ballot in Virginia definitely hurts turnout, at least in Virginia. But, the lack of enthusiasm from Republicans in this primary continues.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
The lack of Gingrich and Santorum on ballot in Virginia definitely hurts turnout, at least in Virginia. But, the lack of enthusiasm from Republicans in this primary continues.

Ah, that might explain the crazy low numbers to some degree.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I don't think it will. Santorum destroyed his campaign, he's finished. Staying in the race to win southern states and bloody Romney would only serve to kill any future political aspirations he might have as a republican.

There's no possible way the GOP will hand Santorum the nomination at a brokered convention, that's pure fantasy land. It will be Romney, or someone like Jeb Bush or Paul Ryan.

It's very likely this will essentially be over by midnight. Republicans have run out of Not-Romneys



Ok, this pisses me off.

High School Senior asks him about rising college costs, and Romney responds with:

“It would be popular for me to stand up and say I’m going to give you government money to pay for your college, but I’m not going to promise that,” he said, to sustained applause from the crowd at a high-tech metals assembly factory here. “Don’t just go to one that has the highest price. Go to one that has a little lower price where you can get a good education. And hopefully you’ll find that. And don’t expect the government to forgive the debt that you take on.”

Fuck you Romney. I honestly feel like this is a stupid, personal jab. The kid wasn't asking about that. He was asking about rising college costs, which is a real problem.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Ok, this pisses me off.

High School Senior asks him about rising college costs, and Romney responds with:

Fuck you Romney. I honestly feel like this is a stupid, personal jab. The kid wasn't asking about that. He was asking about rising college costs, which is a real problem.

That pisses me off, too. Sorry, Mitt--5 more years of teaching and the government actually WILL forgive my debt.

The guy is an ass.

I'd love for someone to actually show him how much college costs these days as a percentage of someone's total income. He probably has no idea any more (or doesn't care). College costs are out of control.

This is exactly why the GOP is going to "crazy" itself into irrelevance in the next 15 years if they keep taking these stances.


That pisses me off, too. Sorry, Mitt--5 more years of teaching and the government actually WILL forgive my debt.

The guy is an ass.

I'd love for someone to actually show him how much college costs these days as a percentage of someone's total income. He probably has no idea any more (or doesn't care). College costs are out of control.

This is exactly why the GOP is going to "crazy" itself into irrelevance in the next 15 years if they keep taking these stances.

It just makes me think he's lumping this in with the whole inequality thing, where it should only be talked about in quiet rooms. Like college costs isn't a real problem with things to be done about it. I honestly feel like, for me personally, this is the most out of touch, stupid thing he's said.


Junior Member
Ok, this pisses me off.

High School Senior asks him about rising college costs, and Romney responds with:

Fuck you Romney. I honestly feel like this is a stupid, personal jab. The kid wasn't asking about that. He was asking about rising college costs, which is a real problem.

If it wasn't for government money, I wouldn't have been able to afford to go to community college, much less a 4 year college.

I paid back all of my loans too. So instead of me wallowing on the poverty line, I was actually able to go from lower working class to middle class.

So yeah, Fuck you Romney! All of us aren't born with a silver spoon in their mouth.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Right, because the only way to address the rising costs of higher education is through 'hand-outs' and loan forgiveness...



"Now, what's said on the campaign trail -- you know, those folks don't have a lot of responsibilities. They're not commander in chief," he said. "And when I see the casualness with which some of these folks talk about war, I'm reminded of the costs involved in war; I'm reminded of the decision that I have to make, in terms of sending our young men and women into battle, and the impacts that has on their lives, the impact it has on our national security, the impact it has on our economy."

"This is not a game," he said. "And there's nothing casual about it."

My president.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
The problem is that the energy has to last, which won't be easy since as soon as Romney gets nominated you will see much more negative ad focus on Obama.

That fact that the difference between better and worse among independents is so small right now worries me.

The republicans have been running more as anti-Obama's than anything else, pretty much unopposed might I add. Once Romney gets the nomination, Obama can actually start campaigning against him.
The problem is that the energy has to last, which won't be easy since as soon as Romney gets nominated you will see much more negative ad focus on Obama.

That fact that the difference between better and worse among independents is so small right now worries me.

How much negative ad focus has Romney had? He's outspent everyone 4-5 (or more) to one. He won't have that advantage in the general.


Poet Centuriate
I might consider Romney if he did flip back and forth so often. Yes, I know that point has been dragged though the mud from here to London and back, but that's a big issue that makes me seriously question his fitness for the presidency. It's okay to change your mind and opinion, of course, but the rate and speed at which he does and why concerns me.

Additionally, he and Santorum are just way too against my social beliefs to vote for them.


Romney will literally say anything to win an election. All politicians do to a degree, but he takes it to the extreme. He's also obviously out of touch with reality, he has lived an extremely privileged life and has no clue why everyone else didn't.


I am probably being naive about my understanding, but why did the Republicans hammer Obama on Libya for interfering, and are now hammering him on Iran and Syria for -not- doing anything?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I am probably being naive about my understanding, but why did the Republicans hammer Obama on Libya for interfering, and are now hammering him on Iran and Syria for -not- doing anything?

Because he's Obama.


Poet Centuriate
I am probably being naive about my understanding, but why did the Republicans hammer Obama on Libya for interfering, and are now hammering him on Iran and Syria for -not- doing anything?

Because they're supposed to hammer him? It doesn't make much sense politically to admit that your opposition is doing something right. I guess.


Romney will literally say anything to win an election. All politicians do to a degree, but he takes it to the extreme. He's also obviously out of touch with reality, he has lived an extremely privileged life and has no clue why everyone else didn't.

I would say its all that plus political ineptitude. He just doesn't realize that people want you to be principled and at the same time willing to look into other opinions. He comes across as morbidly opportunistic with not a shred of integrity. I honestly have never seen anything quite like this. He is the moderate in the race, that is an image he will NEVER escape so why even try to lie about it like its going to give him some credibility with the base? The primary process has morphed his image into such a negative light that I'm not sure there is an 'base' that he will fit in anymore. I said before and I will say again, Romney 'was' the best shot at being the 'invisible' candidate, the choice one would make if they didn't like Obama, but his constant flip flops and gaffes has made it way too easy to let Obama make the race about how he compares with Romney, rather then have the race be just about him. The far right and Romney have no one to blame but themselves.


Because they're supposed to hammer him? It doesn't make much sense politically to admit that your opposition is doing something right. I guess.

It's just stupid. There's a difference between having a legitimate reason to get involved militarily (not just because they are against Israel) and getting involved just because the president doesn't want to. These people are just... stupid.


That girl in the bunny hat
It's just stupid. There's a difference between having a legitimate reason to get involved militarily (not just because they are against Israel) and getting involved just because the president doesn't want to. These people are just... stupid.

Welcome to politics!


And I also hate when people say he can just slide back to the middle during the GE. I'm sorry but how the heck can he pull that off and NOT piss off the far right? Wouldn't they just sit at home if he pushed back to the middle?
No. They're going to award their least preferred candidate to spite a more preferred candidate? I understand the Downsian model isn't particularly fashionable, but it still retains some utility. Also, I think people misconstrue "moving" back to the middle. It's not that Romney will necessarily shift on policy. Instead, he'll tend to focus on issues that appeal to moderates. Instead of wasting time on birth control and Obama's fictive war on religion, he'll focus on issues where he can maintain a modicum of moderation. Although, he'll not entirely avoid the damage reactionary extremists have wrought on the party.
Meanwhile, in Libya:
I'm loath to derive much significance from a single development. This is still an inchoate state let alone democracy. And even if it's ultimately successful, the process will be slightly chaotic. Nonetheless, that this has developed along Libya's tribal cleavages, in addition to their domination of Libya's oil endowment, is not especially encouraging.
Because he's Obama.

We need a image like the one below for Obama:

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