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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Romney's so goddamned pathetic:

Wikipedia has a great county-level map

Mitty = Orange
Ricky = Green
Newty = Purple
Ronny = Yellow
(Perry = blue)

It doesnt take much imagination to fill in the rest of the country.

Private-Sector Jobs Rose by 216,000 in February

The pace of job creation by U.S. private employers accelerated more than expected in February, a report by a payrolls processor showed on Wednesday.

The private sector added 216,000 jobs last month, the ADP National Employment Report showed, topping economists’ expectations for a gain of 208,000.

January’s payrolls figures were revised up to an increase of 173,000 from 170,000.

The report is jointly developed with Macroeconomic Advisers.

GOP Spin coming in...3...2..1...
Well, Obama isn't challenging OK for sure

In the Oklahoma Democratic presidential primary, President Obama won 57% of the vote but four other candidates combined for 43% of the vote, including anti-abortion activist Randall Terry who received 18%, the AP reports.

"According to Democratic Party rules, Terry is eligible for a delegate since he won more than 15% of the statewide vote. Terry beat Obama in 12 counties, mostly in western Oklahoma. Terry acknowledges he can't win the presidency but says he hopes to cause Obama's defeat in the fall."

US Wages Jump Amid Modest Productivity Gains

U.S. wages rose much faster than initially thought in the fourth-quarter amid modest gains in productivity, but labor market slack will keep inflation pressures contained.

Unit labor costs rose at annual rate of 2.8 percent, the Labor Department said on Wednesday, revised up from the 1.2 percent pace it reported last month.

Economists had expected unit labor costs, which are closely watched by the Federal Reserve for signs of inflation, would be unrevised. Wages rose at an upwardly revised 3.9 percent pace in the third quarter, which was previously reported as a 2.1 percent drop.

The relatively firmer pace of wage growth was flagged in last week's revised fourth-quarter gross domestic product report. The economy grew at a 3 percent rate in the final three months of 2011 rather than 2.8 percent.

Nonfarm productivity increased at a 0.9 percent pace, the Labor Department said on Wednesday, an upward revision to its previous estimate of 0.7 percent.

Economists polled by Reuters had forecast productivity, which measures hourly output per worker, being revised up to a 0.8 percent growth rate. Productivity rose at a 1.8 percent pace in the third quarter.

Productivity has slowed after growing rapidly as the economy emerged from the 2007-09 recession, suggesting that business will have to hire more workers to increase output.
While just anecdotal evidence, I'd say a lot of especially young college students were out in full force today supporting Ron Paul. A lot of people on my newsfeed were urging people to vote for Ron Paul today. So I disagree that people were voting "not-romney" so much as there is a decent base of people in VA that are pro-Ron Paul. On top of that Gingrich and Santorum aren't splintering the base.


Ron paul has yet to win a single state, and rarely gets anywhere above 25% no matter how much effort he puts in.

Yet he ends up with 40% of the vote in VA, while not even campaigning there? Only the most optimistic Ron Paul supporters can chalk that up to anything less than anti-mitt romney protest votes from Gingrich and Santorum supporters who literally could not vote for anyone else.

Why do such people bother to identify as Democrats?

this also confused me.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives

US Wages Jump Amid Modest Productivity Gains

You missed one of the most important parts of the article.

Productivity has slowed after growing rapidly as the economy emerged from the 2007-09 recession, suggesting that business will have to hire more workers to increase output.

That's very important when looking out a few months.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
You missed one of the most important parts of the article.

That's very important when looking out a few months.

Nah, productivity, streamlining, and more overtime will prevail. Americans are the world's most productive first world country because all of our coworkers have been fired and we shoulder their share of the work. :p

The whip will just crack more instead of massive amounts of hiring.
Newt staying for Lousianna, Alabama, Mississpi at the end of the month and Texas in early April.

Texas bro! Texas that will be the decided or the prolonguer


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Newt staying for Lousianna, Alabama, Mississpi at the end of the month and Texas in early April.

Texas bro! Texas that will be the decided or the prolonguer

If that's the case then Santorum also will stay until May 29th's Texas primary day. Which in my opinion is good for Obama.
I think if the increase is back up to ~9%, what else could you argue?
My guess: it jumps up to 8.6-8.7%

I held this position not long ago, but analysts are showing the participation rate will stay reletively low all year; old people are leaving the work force and others have given up. If that's true we won't see UE rise significantly, and could get as low as 8% in the coming months. Assuming we don't crash again, Israel doesn't fuck things up, etc


I've been saying this for a long time, but if Newt and Santorum really want Mitt to not be the nominee, they should really band together. If one of them dropped and endorsed the other one I could see them beating Mitt. Santorum could especially run away with it if Newt dropped, endorsed him, and then Santorum shut the hell up about any social conservative stuff and focused on his manufacturing spiel. That would absolutely be dangerous to Mitt. Why aren't there tons of those in the conservative base calling for this to happen?

Mike M

Nick N
Texas is in May? I thought it was April

Keeps getting rescheduled due to the ongoing redistributing dispute.

I've been saying this for a long time, but if Newt and Santorum really want Mitt to not be the nominee, they should really band together. If one of them dropped and endorsed the other one I could see them beating Mitt. Santorum could especially run away with it if Newt dropped, endorsed him, and then Santorum shut the hell up about any social conservative stuff and focused on his manufacturing spiel. That would absolutely be dangerous to Mitt. Why aren't there tons of those in the conservative base calling for this to happen?

Most of Newt's supporters have Romney as their second choice, him dropping out could actually hurt Santorum further. I'm hesitant to speculate that an endorsement of Santorum could potentially mitigate such damage, if only because I have significant difficulty relating to a mindset where I would give a shit about who my chosen candidate tells me I should vote for when they drop out.
I held this position not long ago, but analysts are showing the participation rate will stay reletively low all year; old people are leaving the work force and others have given up. If that's true we won't see UE rise significantly, and could get as low as 8% in the coming months. Assuming we don't crash again, Israel doesn't fuck things up, etc
I really have no idea. But it seems we're stuck in la la land right now with no real sign of getting out of this. How does it feel in Michigan right now? I haven't been back in a while. Depressed as usual? Or do you feel signs of improvement?

Wishful thinking.
no way. I was going to write in my post that it's not wishful thinking but I took it out. My guess is 1/3 instinct, 2/3 polls, and the other 1/2 pure genius. Wait and see!
I've been saying this for a long time, but if Newt and Santorum really want Mitt to not be the nominee, they should really band together. If one of them dropped and endorsed the other one I could see them beating Mitt. Santorum could especially run away with it if Newt dropped, endorsed him, and then Santorum shut the hell up about any social conservative stuff and focused on his manufacturing spiel. That would absolutely be dangerous to Mitt. Why aren't there tons of those in the conservative base calling for this to happen?

I think Santorum may have a chance if Newt did this.

By the way. Mark Halperin is terrible. He's like the PD of the political world, always wrong with predictions and people start shaking their heads or rolling their eyes at his logic.
I really have no idea. But it seems we're stuck in la la land right now with no real sign of getting out of this. How does it feel in Michigan right now? I haven't been back in a while. Depressed as usual? Or do you feel signs of improvement?

I think it depends on where you are. There are areas that are doing well thanks to the auto industry, there are areas doing poorly. Detroit is Detroit. I'm kind of in a bubble in Ypsilanti/Ann Arbor, as things are fine here. At the dental office I work at, we're noticing a lot of auto workers showing up, whereas early last year we lost quite a few auto worker patients who were laid off and lost insurance.
Obama slurs more of his words and adds a bit of a drawl to his voice when he speaks in the south. Anyone notice that? He's speaking in north Carolina right now. He seriously just said, "I didn't know you was a preacher" to the guy who introduced him lol.


Obama slurs more of his words and adds a bit of a drawl to his voice when he speaks in the south. Anyone notice that? He's speaking in north Carolina right now. He seriously just said, "I didn't know you was a preacher" to the guy who introduced him lol.

People do this all the time. I think he does it fairly well. Imagine Mitt trying to add a little southern drawl to his voice. lol
Even if the unemployment rate rose, if the economy is adding 200-250k jobs a month, first of all it probably wouldn't spike to something ridiculous like 8.6%, and adding jobs regardless of what the actual UE rate is at is a good thing.

It's more likely it'd stay the same or even (gasp!) drop further.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Obama Rebukes Fox News' Ed Henry For Gas Price Question At Press Conference
Posted: 03/06/12 02:47 PM ET | Updated: 03/06/12 11:49 PM ET


President Obama had a sharp response to Fox News' White House correspondent Ed Henry at his press conference on Tuesday.

Henry asked about high gas prices, which some have warned will increase if a war with Iran breaks out.

"Your critics will say on Capitol Hill that you want gas prices to go higher, because you have said before that will wean the American people off fossil fuels onto renewable fuels. How do you respond to that?" he said.

Obama's reply combined annoyance and derision.

“Ed, just from a political perspective, do you think the President of the United States, going into reelection, wants gas prices to go up even higher?" he said. Turning to the room at large, he added, "Is there anybody here who thinks that makes a lot of sense?”


First of all......... LOL!!!! Second I didn't know Ed left CNN. Does anybody know what happened here and how did he get to FoxNews so fast?
Would you consider it bad?

Of course not, it's a good video; also shows him giving an impressive speech off the cuff. The PBS doc part focused on how Obama maneuvered through the complex racial problems on campus to become president of the Harvard Law Review. He managed to unite liberals without alienating conservatives. And when he won the job he often put more conservative pieces in the Review than liberal ones, and he also didn't give African Americans many spots on the Review's page.
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