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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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We need a image like the one below for Obama:


Man, I hate that show. But how cool would it be to get paid to be stoned and talk on the History Channel. :lol

Georgia: Are you guys crazy? Polls say: Yes!


An interesting note: The last two days where I listened to the Rush Limbaugh show because of all the controversy (I was listening for advertisers the first day, and the 2nd day just pure social curiosity, I suppose), I ONLY heard Newt Gingrich ads. There was nothing else for any other candidate. This is in Wisconsin, by the way (though I'm entirely unsure if those were national ad buys or what)
By 9pm tonight, Romney will be our nominee!

Let the General Election Games Begin!

It is really funny to see Santorum lose Catholic voters to Romney

Santorum is appealing to Evangelicals, not Catholics- Catholics tend to trend democratic.

Evangelicals he's taking in a landslide pretty much everywhere.
Another random data point from Virginia re: low voter turnout.

Sitting downstairs with my parents watching tv, looking for something and I see CNN covering Super Tuesday. "Ooh. Super Tuesday. Ten Primaries." I say, to which my parents queried. "Which states?" Apparently no idea that the polls had just closed in Virginia while they were asking.

Now really sure if this in indicative of anything beyond my parents simply not knowing the primary was today, but I myself wouldn't have known if it weren't for PoliGAF.


Another random data point from Virginia re: low voter turnout.

Sitting downstairs with my parents watching tv, looking for something and I see CNN covering Super Tuesday. "Ooh. Super Tuesday. Ten Primaries." I say, to which my parents queried. "Which states?" Apparently no idea that the polls had just closed in Virginia while they were asking.

Now really sure if this in indicative of anything beyond my parents simply not knowing the primary was today, but I myself wouldn't have known if it weren't for PoliGAF.

Would not surprise me, 2 people on the ballot it was basically a waste of time.
Another random data point from Virginia re: low voter turnout.

Sitting downstairs with my parents watching tv, looking for something and I see CNN covering Super Tuesday. "Ooh. Super Tuesday. Ten Primaries." I say, to which my parents queried. "Which states?" Apparently no idea that the polls had just closed in Virginia while they were asking.

Now really sure if this in indicative of anything beyond my parents simply not knowing the primary was today, but I myself wouldn't have known if it weren't for PoliGAF.

Also Virginia is doing quite well: enemployment is 6% there. Obama's approval ratings are also at 51% there. Pretty interesting dynamic. The demographics there favor Obama, and while republicans obviously could win it (with McDonnell as VP) it's looking good for Obama overall. And if he wins Virginia in November that would probably indicate he's on his way to a big re-election win.
Kooch with a slight lead.

[U.S.] OH Dem House Dist. 9
Dennis Kucinich (Inc.) 12,225 49%
Marcy Kaptur (Inc.) 11,909 48%
Graham Veysey 834 3%

I supported Kooch in 2004 and worked for his Presidential bid briefly in 2007.

source: http://www.newsnet5.com/generic/news/political/elections_local/march-2012-primary-election-results

And the lead is gone.

[U.S.] OH Dem House Dist. 9
Marcy Kaptur (Inc.) 15,168 52%
Dennis Kucinich (Inc.) 13,053 44%
Graham Veysey 1,201 4%
Looks like I'm going to UCLA for a Public Policy Master's in the fall. Just thought my PoliGAF brethren should know. :)
Nice, congrats. I'm still waiting to hear from the other programs I applied to about aid and such, but I'll likely be starting at the Maxwell School this summer.
[U.S.] OH Dem House Dist. 9
Marcy Kaptur (Inc.) 26,785 54%
Dennis Kucinich (Inc.) 21,173 42%
Graham Veysey 2,099 4%

Kooch is done. Guess we'll see him in Washington State next.


Kos is an asshole. When you RT someone, you basically have to follow them. Twitter etiquette. Yet he's not following PD. Fucker.


Apparently he's retweeted him twice now? Lord knows when I retweet someone twice, I have the decency to follow that person.
Matt Ysgelsias has RTd me before, but didn't follow. No biggie. It's good to know my political insight is appreciated by multiple national figures.
National Journal on Virginia:

Virginia's role on Super Tuesday was largely ignored on the basis that there was no real contest there - Mitt Romney faced neither his biggest rival for the nomination, Rick Santorum, nor his Southern regional nemesis, Newt Gingrich. Weak organization kept both Santorum and Gingrich from qualifying for the ballot.

But the exit polls for Virginia are more revealing than the lopsided win for Romney indicates. They show Romney being forced to share roughly 40 percent of the Republican primary vote with Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, the fourth candidate in the race who has virtually no chance of winning the nomination.
The pro-Paul voters cut across income groups, they included blue-collar workers and college graduates, they were tea party supporters and tea party agnostics. Even Republicans who said they consider themselves moderate or liberal philosophically -- Romney's core supporters -- voted for Paul, 50-50 percent. They all took the trouble to go to the polls to vote for a candidate who did not target the state and barely campaigned there.

The likely conclusion is, they weren't voting for Paul at all. They were voting against Romney. Roughly 40 percent of primary voters of all demographic shapes and sizes got themselves turned out on an overcast, 40-degree day in Virginia just to register their unhappiness with their likely Republican nominee.

Virginia, a big win for Mitt Romney Tuesday? Hardly.

Doesn't sound that good for Romney. I was surprised too that Paul got 40% of the vote.

PPP is tooting their horn on twitter, comparing their final polls to the actual results. They got nearly everything right

Excellent. They are polling PA and NC this weekend, should be interesting to see those.
National Journal on Virginia:

Doesn't sound that good for Romney. I was surprised too that Paul got 40% of the vote.

Excellent. They are polling PA and NC this weekend, should be interesting to see those.

While just anecdotal evidence, I'd say a lot of especially young college students were out in full force today supporting Ron Paul. A lot of people on my newsfeed were urging people to vote for Ron Paul today. So I disagree that people were voting "not-romney" so much as there is a decent base of people in VA that are pro-Ron Paul. On top of that Gingrich and Santorum aren't splintering the base.

You must favor, and live up to, abstinence before marriage.
You must be faithful to your spouse. Your spouse cannot be a person of the same gender, and you are not allowed to favor any government action that would allow for civil unions of people of the same sex.

You cannot now, from the moment you sign this pledge, look at pornography.

Holy Crap this is amazing!! The entire party should employ this. The party would crash and burn really fast.
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