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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Romney flipped again. This time on minimum wage.


It didn't get much notice amid the buildup to Super Tuesday. But after conservative outcry over his support for raising the minimum wage, Mitt Romney quietly reversed his position this week.

"There's probably not a need to raise the minimum wage," the Republican front-runner told CNBC's Larry Kudlow on Monday.

As recently as January, Romney said he was in favor of a hike in the minimum wage. "My view has been to allow the minimum wage to rise with the CPI [Consumer Price Index] or with another index so that it adjusts automatically over time," he told a staffer for a labor-backed group that supports a raise. And he confirmed that stance last month, telling reporters: "I haven't changed my thoughts on that."


Wondering what the Right-leaning FSU football forum I used to post at (before GAF) was saying about the latest Limbaugh controversy, so I went over there....and WHY DID I GO READ THAT?!?!

Not necessarily a flip. He is saying that right now there is no need to raise it. As the CPI goes up, then MW should, too.
AB, that is weak sauce, and you know it. He didn't say there's no need to raise the minimum wage "right now." He said there's no need. Full stop.

The man is categorically unprincipled.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
AB, that is weak sauce, and you know it. He didn't say there's no need to raise the minimum wage "right now." He said there's no need. Full stop.

The man is categorically unprincipled.

Context really is needed before I pile on the man for a statement as broad as this. Any link to the full interview?


I've also read some places where people think his death is some giant conspiracy.

The tin foil hats are thick for some people...

After watching the Limbaugh supporters flood on Facebook, since it fascinated me, it was always the ones with the Breitbart avatars that seemed to be the craziest and most prone to conspiracy theory word choices.
Obama Rebukes Fox News' Ed Henry For Gas Price Question At Press Conference
Posted: 03/06/12 02:47 PM ET | Updated: 03/06/12 11:49 PM ET


President Obama had a sharp response to Fox News' White House correspondent Ed Henry at his press conference on Tuesday.

Henry asked about high gas prices, which some have warned will increase if a war with Iran breaks out.

"Your critics will say on Capitol Hill that you want gas prices to go higher, because you have said before that will wean the American people off fossil fuels onto renewable fuels. How do you respond to that?" he said.

Obama's reply combined annoyance and derision.

“Ed, just from a political perspective, do you think the President of the United States, going into reelection, wants gas prices to go up even higher?" he said. Turning to the room at large, he added, "Is there anybody here who thinks that makes a lot of sense?”


First of all......... LOL!!!! Second I didn't know Ed left CNN. Does anybody know what happened here and how did he get to FoxNews so fast?

The guy must love getting slapped by the president: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoOqEyjBYMI&feature=related
The radical republican transportation bill isnt radical enough.

A republican mutiny has taken place and their committee chairman has been tossed out. Apparently, hes too moderate, possibly because he once said he supported trains in the northeast.

CQ and AmericaBikes are reporting that Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman John Mica (R-FL) has received a rebuke from House leadership, and will play a lesser role as the House reworks its foundering transportation bill. Mica will retain his chairmanship, but he will take a back seat to Railroad Subcommittee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-PA).

Shuster talks a hard line in favor of giving states a blank check to dictate transportation policy, and told an audience at this year’s TRB annual meeting that “when you start getting into the inner city, the federal government has less of a role to play. It’s up to the local community and state to decide [their transportation priorities].” Presumably it was this philosophy that guided the house’s evisceration of transit, bicycle, and pedestrian funding the first time around.


The old bill didnt have a chance in hell of passing the senate or Obama. It looks like they now want to aim for even less of a chance.

....which sort of works for the GOP. National transportation is funded today on continued extensions of an old bill. Every time the funding is simply extended, the real value drops, because I dont believe its pegged to inflation (nothing ever is).

So if the GOP keeps treading water by pushing out toxic bills, in 20 years, transportation funding would have fallen by half, relative to inflation.

Someone correct me if Ive gotten that wrong.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Income goes up...especially for the rich
By Tami Luhby March 5, 2012: 12:09 PM ET

After two years of declines, Americans' income finally rose in 2010. The Internal Revenue Service provided a first peek at taxpayers' returns and it showed that adjusted gross income totaled $8 trillion, up 5.2% from 2009. But a closer look at the data reveals that only the wealthiest Americans will be popping the Cristal.

Taxpayers earning more than $250,000 saw their total adjusted gross incomes rise by 13.8%, while those bringing home between $200K and $250K enjoyed a 6.7% increase, according to a CNNMoney analysis. Middle-class Americans? Not so fortunate. Those making between $50K and $100K saw their incomes creep up only 1.5%. Part of the imbalance comes from differences in the growth of wages, the largest component of adjusted gross income.

Overall, salaries and wages grew 2.1%. But the super-rich saw an 11.2% hike, and those just below them enjoyed a 4.6% increase. But the middle class saw a drop of 0.7% in wages. And while capital gains rose healthily for most income brackets, the wealthiest taxpayers benefited from a 37.6% hike, and those in the bracket below pocketed 32% more. Middle-income folks saw only a 19.8% increase.

Looking at it another way, the Top 1% of taxpayers captured 93% of the income gains in the first year of the economy recovery, according to Emmanuel Saez, an economics professor at University of California, Berkeley. The Top 1% had incomes above $352,000 in 2010. And their dominance is expected to continue since corporate profits and dividends -- sources of income for the rich -- grew strongly last year, while wages increased only modestly. "It is likely that this uneven recovery has continued into 2011 as the stock market has continued to recover," Saez said.


Dat damn top 1%. My god they are rolling in the dough!


LA, Phili or Jersey.
I don't see how that's a difficult choice.

depends where he is from. I've lived on the east coast all my life. I've been to random places in California over the years for weeks here and there. I could never imagine living there... that world is so foreign to me
Shit, everyone's getting their decisions already...

Makes me nervous, goddamn.
Yeah, I had an awkward moment yesterday talking to someone who sent their applications in before me but hadn't heard back from a school that had admitted me... eesh.

And then I got a second letter today from my alma mater with a fellowship offer that makes returning there pretty attractive, even though it would take longer to earn the degree at this program. First world problems, etc.


it always boggles my mind that people post comments on articles from their facebook account... proudly putting a name and face behind their stupidity.
LA, Phili or Jersey.
I don't see how that's a difficult choice.

Well, its about the quality of the school, not just location.

Rutgers has the best ranked program of those I applied to, but it is indeed in NJ, and I dont know how well known it is. Do people hiring in California know that Rutgers is so highly ranked, or would they say "who?"

UCLA offers in state tuition, which is huge, and is also highly ranked, but I really dislike LA. Everyone knows who UCLA is.

UPenn is UPenn, although Ive never been to Philly.

U Michigan is near detroit, which is actually a good thing for my study track.

I applied to a couple of others, although to be honest, besides USC, those first three are the strongest.

....and theres the whole financial aid thing as well, which hasnt been sorted out.

it always boggles my mind that people post comments on articles from their facebook account... proudly putting a name and face behind their stupidity.

There was a food review site I frequented, but they switched their comment system to facebook. Havent commented since, and now they get very little conversation on their articles.
Well, its about the quality of the school, not just location.

Rutgers has the best ranked program of those I applied to, but it is indeed in NJ, and I dont know how well known it is. Do people hiring in California know that Rutgers is so highly ranked, or would they say "who?"

UCLA offers in state tuition, which is huge, and is also highly ranked, but I really dislike LA. Everyone knows who UCLA is.

UPenn is UPenn, although Ive never been to Philly.

Seriously, if the financial situation is not an issue, go to UPenn. It's a great university and the best advice I ever received was to get an Ivy League school on my CV/resume. It helped more than I ever imagined. Also, Philly is a great city to live in, especially if you get a place in the Rittenhouse area.
Seriously, if the financial situation is not an issue, go to UPenn. It's a great university and the best advice I ever received was to get an Ivy League school on my CV/resume. It helped more than I ever imagined. Also, Philly is a great city to live in, especially if you get a place in the Rittenhouse area.

Im going to try and hit their open house on April 2nd, possibly swing by Rutgers as well, but airline tickets right now are out of control. $800 for a cross country? What the hell. Should be $250. Ill vote for the first candidate that can promise that to me.
Got a job today.

Thank God the Republicans were elected to Congress and could stop Chairman Obama's march towards socialism, otherwise this wouldn't have happened.
Seriously, if the financial situation is not an issue, go to UPenn. It's a great university and the best advice I ever received was to get an Ivy League school on my CV/resume. It helped more than I ever imagined. Also, Philly is a great city to live in, especially if you get a place in the Rittenhouse area.
I think that depends heavily on your field, though I can't be sure. Having Ivy credentials hasn't appeared to be especially advantageous for me, but I may underestimate the esteem with which employers view such credentials.
I will be getting mine in about a week. Super nervous.

Same here. Somebody hold us. :(

Also, Ivy League diplomas are only as good as you leverage them. I have a friend that went to a top tier school but didn't network. Consequently, their diploma didn't help much after graduation.
Im going to try and hit their open house on April 2nd, possibly swing by Rutgers as well, but airline tickets right now are out of control. $800 for a cross country? What the hell. Should be $250. Ill vote for the first candidate that can promise that to me.

Try Southwest. OC to DC, you can grab for $130 if you book a week in advance.


Nah, productivity, streamlining, and more overtime will prevail. Americans are the world's most productive first world country because all of our coworkers have been fired and we shoulder their share of the work. :p

The whip will just crack more instead of massive amounts of hiring.

This can't go on forever.

Eventually, many of the people on salary working 60 hour weeks (when they signed up for 40) will have the option to take positions at competing companies where they won't be run into the ground. In a normal economy, you can't abuse your workforce, because they'll leave. That hasn't been the case for the last four years, but hopefully it'll become the case again soon.


Passing metallic gas
Income goes up...especially for the rich
By Tami Luhby March 5, 2012: 12:09 PM ET

After two years of declines, Americans' income finally rose in 2010. The Internal Revenue Service provided a first peek at taxpayers' returns and it showed that adjusted gross income totaled $8 trillion, up 5.2% from 2009. But a closer look at the data reveals that only the wealthiest Americans will be popping the Cristal.

Taxpayers earning more than $250,000 saw their total adjusted gross incomes rise by 13.8%, while those bringing home between $200K and $250K enjoyed a 6.7% increase, according to a CNNMoney analysis. Middle-class Americans? Not so fortunate. Those making between $50K and $100K saw their incomes creep up only 1.5%. Part of the imbalance comes from differences in the growth of wages, the largest component of adjusted gross income.

Overall, salaries and wages grew 2.1%. But the super-rich saw an 11.2% hike, and those just below them enjoyed a 4.6% increase. But the middle class saw a drop of 0.7% in wages. And while capital gains rose healthily for most income brackets, the wealthiest taxpayers benefited from a 37.6% hike, and those in the bracket below pocketed 32% more. Middle-income folks saw only a 19.8% increase.

Looking at it another way, the Top 1% of taxpayers captured 93% of the income gains in the first year of the economy recovery, according to Emmanuel Saez, an economics professor at University of California, Berkeley. The Top 1% had incomes above $352,000 in 2010. And their dominance is expected to continue since corporate profits and dividends -- sources of income for the rich -- grew strongly last year, while wages increased only modestly. "It is likely that this uneven recovery has continued into 2011 as the stock market has continued to recover," Saez said.


Dat damn top 1%. My god they are rolling in the dough!

It will trickle down. (LOL)
Wondering what the Right-leaning FSU football forum I used to post at (before GAF) was saying about the latest Limbaugh controversy, so I went over there....and WHY DID I GO READ THAT?!?!


You want to know something scary?

Back in the day, you would have agreed to what they posted.
Jon Stewart did a funny bit on the war drums for Iran.

The GOP candidates really can't lose by talking about Iran war non-stop. They are not in office, they have no real responsibility. They feel it makes them seem like tough-guys. And the more they talk like that, the more the price oil goes up such that the more gas prices go up. And then they can criticize Obama for the high gas prices . . . which ironically they are helping cause with such war talk that spooks the oil markets. Also ironically, that puts them in an aligned interest with the Iranian government who also love the high oil prices.

The GOPer candidates kinda have Obama trapped with this situation. Not much he can do but tell them to simmer down . . . yeah, like that will be effective.
I don't know about that, I think going to another war in that region is not something most Americans are excited about.

Well, they are not playing to the general American audience yet . . . they are still throwing out red meat for the GOP base. Bomb-bomb-bomb, bomb-bomb Iran.


I saw this story rumble across Twitter. Gave me warm fuzzies.
Ousted Iowa Judges to Receive JFK Profile in Courage Award

Three Iowa Supreme Court justices who voted to legalize same-sex marriage and were later removed from the bench by voters will be honored with the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award.

Justices Marsha Ternus, Michael Streit, and David Baker voted in 2009 to legalize same-sex marriage in Iowa, making the state the first outside of New England to offer marriage equality. A year later, a right-wing effort brought by Family Leader CEO Bob Vander Plaats helped oust the judges when they were up for a retention vote.

At a ceremony in May, Ternus, Streit, and Baker will be honored for their ruling, which ultimately cost them their jobs.
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