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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Drudge says Romney has Mississippi.


Silver reported the exit polls indicate Romney won the evangelical vote in MS by 4%. If that is valid, he should win by a few points.
Has Sarah Palin gotten hotter? They were showing some clips of her on MSNBC and I found myself thinking "Fuck, she's beautiful." Damn shame that she isnt very smart.

Mike M

Nick N
Sooooo... Missouri on Saturday? Any polling more recent than late January where Santorum was slaughtering everyone?

Curious to see how much Romney has spent there. Or if his campaign has even bothered...


Looks like not only will Romney lose both MS and AL, but he will also come in 3rd in both as well. Embarrassing. In states where the anti-Romney vote is heavily split, Romney can't even get a close 2nd place. And that's not even considering the money Romney and his allies spent.



PoliGAF, I've been an infrequent poster in these threads since 2009. I formally joined the PoliGAF community in 2008 (I was FlightOfHeaven then) and I learned A LOT in those threads. I still do, honestly. I used to post a lot, but not so much anymore. I still recognize the regulars.

I tell you this because I love the community here. There's silliness and bias and bad arguments, but there's a lot of good posts and posters, too. So I want to share this with you:

I got into Stanford's MA program for East Asian Studies! wooot!


And there was talk of Romney wrapping up the nomination tonight..... Looks like its going to continue to be a giant money suck for him. He won't have anything left for the GE.


Mitt Romney would end all funding for Planned Parenthood


Women ma women, come back to Obama.


But I thought women didn't need contraceptive services covered in their insurance because they could go to PP and get them for $9!

And there was talk of Romney wrapping up the nomination tonight..... Looks like its going to continue to be a giant money suck for him. He won't have anything left for the GE.

He doesn't need to have anything left for the GE because his SuperPAC will get a throbbing cash infusion after he formally becomes the nominee.
At this point my I just can't wrap my brain around the countless people that vehemently defend Scott Walker. I just can't. The dude has done nothing for our state. I guess bullying the unions was worth ruining our state in countless other areas for them?

people love bullies. same thing here in NJ, christie hasn't really done anything of note but bully the teacher's union and people love him.

though to be fair to the man he hasn't been actively hurting our state like walker has been doing. though if he had the legislature, who knows.
PoliGAF, I've been an infrequent poster in these threads since 2009. I formally joined the PoliGAF community in 2008 (I was FlightOfHeaven then) and I learned A LOT in those threads. I still do, honestly. I used to post a lot, but not so much anymore. I still recognize the regulars.

I tell you this because I love the community here. There's silliness and bias and bad arguments, but there's a lot of good posts and posters, too. So I want to share this with you:

I got into Stanford's MA program for East Asian Studies! wooot!


Welcome to my neighborhood. (I live right near Stanford.)
Forget all your polling things that matter but not as much as this!

Bloomberg said:
More Americans now say they are personally better off since President Barack Obama took office than worse off, the first favorable reading for the president on that question since Bloomberg began asking in December 2010.
Morning in America, baby!
Forget all your polling things that matter but not as much as this!

Morning in America, baby!

More from that Bloomberg/Selzer survey:

While Republicans attack Obama over rising gasoline prices, Americans don’t primarily blame the White House. Sixty-six percent place more responsibility on oil companies and Middle East nations taking advantage of tensions with Iran. Only 23 percent say the White House is more at fault. Even Republicans put more blame on oil companies and Mideast governments, 49 percent compared to 45 percent who point at the administration.

The White House has an advantage over Republicans in its core economic message. Asked the better way to promote growth, 51 percent favor government investment in infrastructure, education and alternative energy, a theme often sounded by Obama. Forty-one percent prefer reductions in taxes and government spending, a rallying cry of Republicans.

The edge was less-pronounced among political independents, with 50 percent favoring investment compared with 43 percent who choose spending cuts. Whites divide on the question, with government investments favored by 46 percent to 45 percent.
The administration’s economic message resonates with support across a range of demographic groups considered swing political constituencies, including suburban independents and men without college degrees.

Elderly Americans prefer spending cuts with 50 percent support over 37 percent favoring government investment.

Unemployment and jobs remains the dominant concern of Americans, cited by 42 percent, followed by the federal deficit, chosen by 21 percent and gasoline prices, 11 percent.

While Americans don’t accept the argument that Obama is to blame for rising gasoline prices, the Republican message of expanded domestic oil drilling and exploration has more credibility as a way to reduce U.S. dependency on foreign oil. Forty-nine percent of poll respondents back that approach compared with 46 percent who prefer expanded development of alternative fuels and conservation.

There is a deep generational divide on energy. Fifty-nine percent of Americans under 35 say alternative fuels and conservation offer the best course for energy independence while the same 59 percent majority of people 65 and older favor more oil drilling.

Americans are growing less pessimistic about real estate: 46 percent say they expect home values in their area to return to pre-recession levels within five years, up from 41 percent who thought so last September.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Not related to anything, but goddamn, S.E. Cupp looked fricken gorgeous today (she's pretty hot most of the time anyway, but today in particular...very yummy).
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