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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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And the dumbest tweet I've sen of the evening comes courtesy of David Frum:

Santorum ISNT sweeping South. He's sweeping evangelicals and rural voters. There happen to be more of those in South.
No shit?
And the dumbest tweet I've sen of the evening comes courtesy of David Frum:

No shit?
David Frum is trying desperately not to realize that he's a blue dog.

PoliGAF, I've been an infrequent poster in these threads since 2009. I formally joined the PoliGAF community in 2008 (I was FlightOfHeaven then) and I learned A LOT in those threads. I still do, honestly. I used to post a lot, but not so much anymore. I still recognize the regulars.

I tell you this because I love the community here. There's silliness and bias and bad arguments, but there's a lot of good posts and posters, too. So I want to share this with you:

I got into Stanford's MA program for East Asian Studies! wooot!
Congrats, man.

We need to start a technocratic illuminati thread or something.

Mike M

Nick N
A conservative former coworker of mine had a FB post about having signed a student loan debt forgiveness petition.

Was tempted to make a crack about Occupy, but decided against starting a Facebook fight today...


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
A conservative former coworker of mine had a FB post about having signed a student loan debt forgiveness petition.

Was tempted to make a crack about Occupy, but decided against starting a Facebook fight today...

I wonder if they could at least push through a Student Loan Interest forgiveness program. After all it is the government making these loans, why the interest in the first place other then an incentive to pay it off faster?


Do these fucking dolts think women don't vote? They're going to get slaughtered of they keep this rhetoric up. Well, theyve been on that path for a while, but alienating female voter will seal the deal.


The more viable Santorum becomes, the more Romney will go to the right which will kill him in the general

And the longer this goes on, the less time he has to pivot and the more people will pay attention to his primary phase. Romney is really digging himself a hole.
Do these fucking dolts think women don't vote? They're going to get slaughtered of they keep this rhetoric up. Well, theyve been on that path for a while, but alienating female voter will seal the deal.

Women aren't single voters. If the economy is still shitty in November they'll vote for whoever is the republican nominee.


I think most women who'd be agitated specifically about withdrawing support for Planned Parenthood are already disinclined from supporting Republicans. Still, this doesn't exist in a vacuum. The GOP's recent display of social extremism has made social issues inordinately toxic for the general election. It's foolish for Romney to even discuss social issues; it only perpetuates the narrative.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Re: the Ego of the various Republican candidates:

WTF? Seriously.Talk about driving a party that already stands with its feet planted in the air to the brink of sheer retardation. All four of them are a special kind of stupid in their own ways.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Will the conservatives eventually coalesce around the republican nominee or does this election show that the further we go in this century the more there are two distinct conservative camps? Will everyone just end up voting republican no matter what anyways because they are the R candidate and not the D?

I wonder if this primary season really echoes the fact that in the new millennium there is just a larger gap between a group of relatively normal people that just feel conservative leanings on economic issues are the way to go forward, and these people usually involved in business couldn't give a fuck about all of these "hot button" social conservative issues. Then you have the usual evangelical block that really care about social conservatism as a way of life.

Somehow I don't see your economic guy that leans towards conservative principals giving his take on things on say CNBC during Power Lunch even remotely giving two fucks about all the shit the evangelical voting block passionately cares about. Makes me wonder how this all plays out not just in the short term aka this primary season and this general election, but for the next 10-20 years.


Women aren't single voters. If the economy is still shitty in November they'll vote for whoever is the republican nominee.

Damn dude, I have been enjoying your election troll but there are some things which even in jest are factually wrong lol

Women will go full Republican the same time Gays go full Republican
For fucks sake, Ron paul actually wins a godamn state but the liberal media keeps it on the down low?

And the ridiculous rules still give romney more delegates?

Look, you might hate ron paul, but youve got to admit, the american electoral system is stuffed to the brim with moscow-style horse shit.

WHNT Staff Reports

3:57 p.m. CDT, March 11, 2012

Ron Paul got the most votes in the Republican Caucus in the Virgin Islands, but Mitt Romney walked away with more delegates. Why? The caucus system is a complicated one in the Virgin Islands.

Romney received 7 delegates, to Ron Paul's 1. However, Paul received 112 votes, to Romney's 101.


Now on his second bid for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination, Ron Paul has secured his first ever victory in a state or territory’s presidential nominating contest, a milestone for the Texas congressman and champion of limited government, individual liberty, and the Constitutional rule of law.

Over the weekend, in the U.S. Virgin Islands caucus, Ron Paul took first place with 29% of the vote, Mitt Romney was a close second with 26%, and Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich statistically tied for last with a 6% and 5% finish, respectively.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
jamesinclair, i'm pretty sure the primaries are setup by the party.


Damn dude, I have been enjoying your election troll but there are some things which even in jest are factually wrong lol

Women will go full Republican the same time Gays go full Republican

Gays have been complaining about Obama for a while now and threatening not to vote for him. Women might not go Republican but they might not vote for Obama either.
For fucks sake, Ron paul actually wins a godamn state but the liberal media keeps it on the down low?

The U.S. Virgin Islands are not a state.

Plus he only got 112 votes. For an 11 vote margin of victory.

Plus none of those people are allowed to vote in the presidential election itself because the territory has no electoral votes.

This isn't a big story. It is an exceedingly small story.


Will the conservatives eventually coalesce around the republican nominee or

It's not an uncommon occurrence. In 2008, there was a large bloc of voters that voted for Huckabee all the way until the end. In 1992, there was a large bloc that voted for Buchanan all the way to the end. Both of those years, perceived RINO's (McCain and Bush Sr.) were the frontrunners.

Should be noted that both frontrunners lost pretty convincingly.


Gays have been complaining about Obama for a while now and threatening not to vote for him. Women might not go Republican but they might not vote for Obama either.

He repealed DADT, gays will vote for him.

Women won't vote for him just like women did not vote for him because he beat Hilary right?

Seriously guys, its like saying that African Americans and Hispanics won't vote for Obama either.

In every block there are some that won't but to believe that there is some great majority that will sit out is stupid and naive. The facts just don't back it up and in any recent election.

Add to that the recent attempt by the GOP to alienate women as much as they possibly can and that makes it even more naive.


He repealed DADT, gays will vote for him.

Women won't vote for him just like women did not vote for him because he beat Hilary right?

Seriously guys, its like saying that African Americans and Hispanics won't vote for Obama either.

In every block there are some that won't but to believe that there is some great majority that will sit out is stupid and naive. The facts just don't back it up and in any recent election.

Add to that the recent attempt by the GOP to alienate women as much as they possibly can and that makes it even more naive.

I remember tons of angry threads about how Obama delayed repealing DADT and hasn't made gay marriage the law of the land.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Gays have been complaining about Obama for a while now and threatening not to vote for him. Women might not go Republican but they might not vote for Obama either.
I wouldn't be so sure about that assessment. Depending on how long these social issues continue to percolate to the surface (ie: so long as Santorum is given 5 minutes and a free mic) there will be constant reminders from the GOP that under their purview reproductive and sexual rights are far from 'settled law.'


The voting blocs that traditionally lean democrat (women, minorities, gays, etc.) are going to continue to for this election, the question is enthusiasm. Considering Mitt has been very vocal about being anti-immigration and against womens health issues on top of being a remarkably well documented flip flopper going against the first African American president, it's not going to be difficult to get those groups rallied against Mitt when Obama enters full-on campaign mode.
Gays have been complaining about Obama for a while now and threatening not to vote for him. Women might not go Republican but they might not vote for Obama either.

If Gays are satisfied with Obama losing and electing a bunch of people who would do things like reinstate DADT, or again push for federal amendment to define marriage between a man and a woman or restart defense of DOMA. More Power to them.

They don't. Gay right advocates are among the top Obama backers/donors


Clothed, sober, cooperative
If Gays are satisfied with Obama losing and electing a bunch of people who would do things like reinstate DADT, or again push for federal amendment to define marriage between a man and a woman or restart defense of DOMA. More Power to them.

They don't. Gay right advocates are among the top Obama backers/donors

There is certainly a vocal cadre of fairly activist gay people who are really unhappy with Obama, but

A: they are not the majority
B: they are voting for Obama anyway


The voting blocs that traditionally lean democrat (women, minorities, gays, etc.) are going to continue to for this election, the question is enthusiasm. Considering Mitt has been very vocal about being anti-immigration and against womens health issues on top of being a remarkably well documented flip flopper going against the first African American president, it's not going to be difficult to get those groups rallied against Mitt when Obama enters full-on campaign mode.

That is the big thing here as well. Things, especially polls could and hopefully swing wildly in favor of President Obama once he starts campaigning. Regardless of what republicans are trying to say he isn't yet. Once he starts putting up ads going down the list of the things he's accomplished (equal pay for women for example) while listing the things republicans have blocked time and time again I don't see how he doesn't win. What do republicans have that can actually counter that? They're going have to lie but the lies will be have to be so wild and transparent that the media will have no choice but to call them that.

The republican primary is showing even if you blanket a state with money it doesn't help you win. It makes me wonder if some of the rich republican donors will in the end tone down how much they put up or just stay out of it and wait until 2016. Wouldn't it simply be a waste of money at this point?


From this morning's Wonkblog:

Unemployment rates are declining in swing states.​
"Joblessness remains high but has fallen in a handful of states expected to be closely contested in November, a turnaround from a year ago that has shifted the political debate in the presidential election. U.S. unemployment declined to 8.3% in January from 9.1% a year earlier, and the drop was more pronounced in a group of states that could tilt the election, Labor Department data released Tuesday show. The biggest job gains have come in the industrial Midwest--places such as Ohio and Michigan--where manufacturers have stepped up hiring in response to a surge in auto sales and other exports. The unemployment rate in Michigan fell more sharply than in any other state, to 9% in January, down nearly two percentage points from a year ago. The jobless rates in Colorado and Ohio fell by at least a percentage point each to 7.8% and 7.7%, respectively. In all, six of 10 states expected to be closely contested have a jobless rate below the national average."


I remember tons of angry threads about how Obama delayed repealing DADT and hasn't made gay marriage the law of the land.

I read your previous post and was going to ask for a national poll/statistic, but I see your information is 100% based on the reactions of a few GAF posters that makes up .000001% of the gay voting population in America.

Nevermind then.
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