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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Washington Post shows Romney got more delegates than Gingrich or Santorum in Mississippi. How is that?
I imagine he won the support of the state party's automatic delegates who can pledge themselves to a candidate of their choosing.
To be fair that's how it goes for most long wars, historically.
Moreover, Afghanistan's mountainous, semi-arid environment is not exactly hospitable in the winter.
Damn . . . Santorum made a pretty good case for him today where he talked about how he is being out-spent many times over and Romney has all the endorsements but Santorum still wins.

Give the GOP what the base really wants . . . Santorum!

Damn, Ricky is suckering me in again. He's gonna get crushed in Illinois then.
It is just strange that Romney placed third and he ends up with the most delegates. The RNC has created quite the ridiculousness with these primary rules.
They need to be careful about that. If the process ends up looking like Romney is just winning by buying officials and other skullduggery, they are going to alienate their voters.

He may already have such a reputation among Santorum & Ron Paul fans. They called Iowa for Romney . . . then it got over-turned. They called Maine for Romney before counting all the votes. If these voters feel their favored candidate was 'cheated' out of the fair shot then they might not come out and vote for Romney in the general.
Ron Paul Ready to cut a deal with Romney? Can't wait to see how Paul supporters defend this.


"Aides say if Paul can't win the nomination, four legislative priorities would top the Texas Representative's wish list: deep spending cuts that lead to a balanced budget; the restoration of civil liberties; a commitment to reclaim the legislative branch's right to declare war, which it abdicated to the executive branch in recent decades; and reforms that shore up the U.S. monetary system, such an audit of the Federal Reserve or competing-currency legislation."


He trusts flip flop Mitt?

It's not like it's costing him anything though if Mitt doesn't follow through with a promise like giving him a speaking spot at the convention for Rand or whatever. His supporters will think he's a god regardless of what slimy backroom deals he makes.
Fareed Zakaria spitting hot fire:

To gain credibility with his conservative critics and with the current Israeli government, President Obama has gone along with them, ruled out containment, insisted that he does not bluff and spoken of a “window” of opportunity for negotiations. This might prove a serious error: It boxes in the United States, limits Obama’s options and forces him on a path that could push him into an unnecessary, preventive war.

Anguish over the prospect of an Iranian nuclear weapon is understandable. It would be better for Israel, the Middle East and the world if Tehran does not acquire such weapons. The U.S. effort, in collaboration with almost the entire international community, to prevent this from happening and to put tremendous pressure on Tehran, is the right policy. But were Tehran to persist, were its regime to accept the global isolation and crippling costs that would come from its decision, a robust policy of containment and deterrence would work toward Iran as it did against Stalin’s Soviet Union, Mao’s China, Kim Jong Il’s North Korea and the Pakistani military.
They need to be careful about that. If the process ends up looking like Romney is just winning by buying officials and other skullduggery, they are going to alienate their voters.

He may already have such a reputation among Santorum & Ron Paul fans. They called Iowa for Romney . . . then it got over-turned. They called Maine for Romney before counting all the votes. If these voters feel their favored candidate was 'cheated' out of the fair shot then they might not come out and vote for Romney in the general.

Don't forget Michigan with the rules suddenly being different all along and Romney getting +2 delegates.

Chuck Whitlock

Neo Member
It is just strange that Romney placed third and he ends up with the most delegates. The RNC has created quite the ridiculousness with these primary rules.

Don't you guys realize that you are powerless to practically affect political machinations? Even if your opinions were somehow (benevolently) considered it would be impossible for world policy to be directed by the fickle and irrational desires of the masses. I guess one could feel that being engaged in the deplorable role of a recording device is a dignified use of time, but I doubt most of you have ever given this subject serious clear thought.
Why don't you devote your limited mental energies to something more productive and meaningful, like video games or facebook, lol
Doesn't surprise me. Ann Coulter isn't an idiot, she's just a despicable human being.

she's more like a republican with mccarthyism tourettes. every other republican will say "we have to do what we have been avoiding with airplane security" or some other dog whistle, but she will just outright demand that the TSA target muslims specifically.

But then again up until 2008 that was her shtick. She would outright say dumb shit every other republican would say in dog whistles.

You mean someone exactly like her? Do as I say, not what I do!

exactly. since the rise of the tea party her vitrol has started to not stick out as much. She now literally sounds like any other conservative pundit instead of the republican who forgot their dog whistle. Without that "especially shocking" factor she becomes much more easily replaceable.
No, she's also an idiot.

No she isn't. In the same way that Rush, Hannity, and Oreilly aren't idiots. They know how to make millions of dollars from capitalizing on peoples' emotions. They don't have to believe anything they say. They just have to convince other people to.

Also, the criticism the president is receiving from the right for talking about extracting energy/oil from algae is a perfect, perfect, example of why you have to be willingly ignorant to listen to what they're saying. What is oil? Why is it called a fossil fuel? Oh, that's right, because it's created naturally from the remains of organisms like plants. God.


No she isn't.
Right. She just plays one on TV.
Gingrich trying to lick santorum's ass and ron paul cozying up to mittens.
The sooner Santorum ends his campaign, the sooner these disgusting jokes disappear. Mind you, they're not noisome because you're attacking Santorum. Rather, the images they evoke are repulsive.
This is primarily a function of our current fatuous policy. The current nonproliferation regime's approach has been predicated entirely upon punitive recourse. Dialog is stupefyingly absent. I agree with him that it's foolish to dismiss containment. But in order to entertain containment, we must drastically transform our current policy. Otherwise, the acceptability of containment undermines the credibility of their measures. Essentially, policymakers fail on both accounts.
The recent polls seem encouraging but these numbers might be more important. If folks think Obama is going to win anyway they'll probably stay home.

Out of the frying pan into the oven. Obama can't catch a break, this is going to be tough.
(Obama wins a second term)

PD: Obama just can't catch a break, he can't even run in 2016 now.
She's pretty spot on. Too many Republicans are just in it for selling books and hoping to score a gig on Fox News, not because they actually care about governing.

The problem is that republicans don't care about governing, their sole interest is dismantling it. That's why the tea party will never be satisfied by a national candidate, and they would have ran Reagan out of town. So of course republican officials prefer to stay on Fox and promote books that detail what they "would" do if they were in power. They're like a bunch of fake rappers rapping about gangster shit they never did and never would do.


The problem is that republicans don't care about governing, their sole interest is dismantling it. That's why the tea party will never be satisfied by a national candidate, and they would have ran Reagan out of town. So of course republican officials prefer to stay on Fox and promote books that detail what they "would" do if they were in power. They're like a bunch of fake rappers rapping about gangster shit they never did and never would do.

I don't think all Republicans are like that, but you're definitely describing the Tea Party freshman set. Some of them literally believe that slashing a trillion dollars from the federal budget would fix the economy overnight.
I don't think all Republicans are like that, but you're definitely describing the Tea Party freshman set. Some of them literally believe that slashing a trillion dollars from the federal budget would fix the economy overnight.
And the second they try to do it they'll have millions of senior citizens on their case & throwing them out of office. The Tea Party people think the budget can be fixed by cutting off foreign aid, food stamps, the EPA, and NEA. In reality that would hardly do anything. And farmers in red states would go nuts since they profit off foreign aid & food stamps. They are just not serious people.


And the second they try to do it they'll have millions of senior citizens on their case & throwing them out of office. The Tea Party people think the budget can be fixed by cutting off foreign aid, food stamps, the EPA, and NEA. In reality that would hardly do anything. And farmers in red states would go nuts since they profit off foreign aid & food stamps. They are just not serious people.

Check out this balanced budget proposal I found:


One of the highlights:

Department of Education
End K-12 education subsidies 52.7 (billion)
End student aid and all other programs 33.1
Total cuts (terminate the department) 85.8


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Guys, so this highway bill that got passed in the senate (weirdly enough) is supposed to be both bi-partisan AND will supposedly create 3 million jobs? Is this true? Anyone got any details on this? I heard of the highway bill throughout the past few weeks, but didn't know it was this big.
Guys, so this highway bill that got passed in the senate (weirdly enough) is supposed to be both bi-partisan AND will supposedly create 3 million jobs? Is this true? Anyone got any details on this? I heard of the highway bill throughout the past few weeks, but didn't know it was this big.



I don't see any job numbers though and the 3 million number is doubtful.

Big problems still is house tea party republicans.


Weekly UI claims reversed last week's increase, and then some.

In the week ending March 10, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 351,000, a decrease of 14,000 from the previous week's revised figure of 365,000. The 4-week moving average was 355,750, unchanged from the previous week's revised average of 355,750.

Last week was the first increase in a couple of months and I was watching to see if it was noise, or the start of a trend. So far looks like noise.

Also, the first manufacturing report of the month (Empire State survey) showed an increase in production; expectation was for a small drop. Economic data is off to a good start this month.
Taliban suspends peace talks with U.S. as Panetta concludes Karzai visit
By Greg Jaffe and Ernesto Londoño, Updated: Thursday, March 15, 8:00 AM

KABUL—The Afghan Taliban has suspended preliminary peace talks with the United States and will forgo opening a political office in Doha due to Washington’s “alternating and ever changing position,” the group said in a statement on Thursday.

It was not immediately clear whether the decision was related to Sunday’s killing of 16 Afghan civilians, apparently by a rogue U.S. staff sergeant, or the burning last month of several Korans on a U.S. military base. Both incidents sparked widespread outrage in Afghanistan.

The Taliban’s announcement came as U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta was concluding a trib to Kabul to meet with President Hamid Karzai. The two discussed, among other things, the contentious issue of whether the U.S.-led NATO coalition should be able to continue launching night raids on Taliban leadership.

U.S. military officials tout the raids by U.S. and Afghan special operations forces as essential to defeating the Taliban insurgency. Karzai has complained that the raids produce too many casualties.

Karzai’s spokesman said in an interview this week that the Afghan government hopes the issue can be resolved through a memorandum of understanding, similar to a recent agreement that laid out the terms for the gradual transfer of U.S. detainees to Afghan custody. Spokesman Aimal Faizi said the Afghan government is insisting that foreign troops be barred from entering Afghan homes and that soldiers obtain search warrants before storming into the houses of suspected insurgents.
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