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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Let's all thank President Bush for saving us from Another Depression


“I keep hearing the president say that he’s responsible for keeping America from going into a Great Depression,” Romney told a crowd at a town hall meeting in Maryland Wednesday. “No, no no. That was President George W. Bush and Hank Paulson that stepped in and kept that from happening.”

To me...this is Great.


You and I both know that will NEVER EVER happen. Never.
A man can dream.

getting them back to Clinton levels really should be a stable place for them, though, so I doubt we need more unless/until the country goes full public option.
I'd be happy with this, a a start. At the least it would reverse the trend.


"I keep hearing the president say he's responsible for keeping the country out of a Great Depression," Romney said at a town hall in Arbutus, Maryland. "No, no, no, that was President George W. Bush and [then-Treasury Secretary] Hank Paulson."

Romney trying out the old "Bush recovery" line, while at the same time reminding people that Obama did not sign the hugely unpopular TARP. I'm actually starting to believe the joke that he's a Democratic plant.

Edit: goddamn it.
lol Ghal, sorry.

I think that statement carries more weight, and possibly more creates more issues for Romney, than the Etch a Sketch comment earlier today. If Romney believes that, it means he will follow the same policies (actually he has suggested worse policies than Bush), I see attack ads coming on this.

Also, good to see this, WH ups their attacks on GOP for supporting Paul Ryan's ridiculous deficit increasing budget


I mean, again, it is -- you have to be aggressively and deliberately ignorant of the world economy not to know and understand that clean energy technologies are going to play a huge role in the 21st century. You have to have severely diminished capacity to understand what drives economic growth in industrialized countries in this century if you do not understand that education is the key that unlocks the door to prosperity. The budget proposed by Chairman Ryan and supported overwhelmingly already by Republicans suggests that those problems exist in the minds of the supporters of that plan.

It's a code!
Obama met with a (seemingly) deaf person. What may look like Obama using sign language, it could actually be some secret form of communication only known to black people. Like the terrorist fist bump.

It's pretty awesome Obama (and Michelle) know some sign language. Of course, you know nevitable conservative snark on the matter is coming lol


Fork 'em, Sparky!
It's pretty awesome Obama (and Michelle) know some sign language. Of course, you know nevitable conservative snark on the matter is coming lol


Unless I see otherwise, simply saying thank you or you are welcome in sign language is like people saying "hola" you dont have to know any sign language to know that.


So if Bush saved us from a great depression . . . who created that situation close to the create depression?

Did Clinton line things up so that there would be a recession in 2001 and an economic meltdown in 2008?

I saw a tweet earlier today along the lines of, Bush saved us from a great depression like Vader saved Luke from the Emperor. Some stuff happened first in both...

Unless I see otherwise, simply saying thank you or you are welcome in sign language is like people saying "hola" you dont have to know any sign language to know that.

Well, in theory, he signed "thank you" because he understood whatever the supporter signed to him in the first place... ("I'm proud of you", apparently)
What is this? Hating on rich people? Alrighty Newty. You git on that classwarfare brah.
Who is he trying to pander and appeal towards. Hating on rich people, setting up moon bases by 2020, $2.50 gas prices, having a moral high horse about preserving the sacred act of marriage despite being divorced twice and claiming to be alot more knowledgeable about science than liberals.
Obama met with a (seemingly) deaf person. What may look like Obama using sign language, it could actually be some secret form of communication only known to black people. Like the terrorist fist bump.

us black folk are slipping, white america is watching! cant be letting them in on the secret codes!

i blame Dave Chappelle, damnit
Scott Walker had a real fun time bashing Illinois for raising the state personal & corporate income tax rate over the last couple of years. I guess he should have tried something similar...



Just heard about the Romney camp's latest gaffe. Can't really blame Romney for this one. Then again, if he hadn't built such a reputation of being a flip-flopper, that comment wouldn't have gotten the attention it did.
Been listening to Ann Romney in interviews and radio lately, and I think I'm ready to say that she's easily the most likable thing about this race. By far. Seems very down to earth, reasonable, moderate, etc.

Watch her Piers Morgan interview.
A Rick Santorum spokeswoman was handing out Etch A Sketches before a Mitt Romney town hall Wednesday in Arbutus, Md., furthering the goading of the GOP front runner after a gaffe by his campaign earlier in the day.

And it apparently worked. After the event, Romney shot back at reporters who quizzed him about it.

"I'm not doing a press conference right now, OK?” a testy Romney said, grabbing a reporter’s tape recorder. He then hastily called a media avail and took one question.

"Organizationally, a general-election campaign takes on a different profile,” Romney said. “Issues I'm running on will be exactly the same.”

Wow. This has to have been recorded.


So if Romney do not reach up to the right amount of percentage at the convention and Newts delegates joins Santorum, then Paul could be the one deciding?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
So if Romney do not reach up to the right amount of percentage at the convention and Newts delegates joins Santorum, then Paul could be the one deciding?

From my understanding it does not really work that way, the Paul delegates would be the ones deciding, not Ron Paul himself. Paul could give a suggestion, but once the delegates are released it would be up to them.
taxing the top 1% even 10% more was never going to do that much for the budget on any level. It was never a way to "fix the budget", but instead offer as a way to get those filthy rich people to pay their share, and now that it is even getting considered, it is showing how little it will actually do to fix the budget. People thought it was a silver bullet, but come on!

Why would anybody care about fixing the "budget"? Ironically, the best reason to raise taxes on the rich really is to raise taxes on the rich. To literally destroy some of the financial assets at their disposal.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Why would anybody care about fixing the "budget"? Ironically, the best reason to raise taxes on the rich really is to raise taxes on the rich. To literally destroy some of the financial assets at their disposal.

You are exactly right and that is what is scary/interesting/insightful
Romney addresses aide's misstep during visit to Maryland

"Organizationally, a general election campaign takes on a different profile," Romney said. "The issues I'm running on will be exactly the same. I'm running as a conservative Republican. ...The policies and positions are the same."


Yeah, except the question was not about the organization . . . it was about the issues.

JOHN FUGELSANG (CNN): “Is there a concern that [Rick] Santorum and [Newt] Gingrich might force the governor to tack so far to the right it would hurt him with moderate voters in the general election?”

FEHRNSTROM: “Well, I think you hit a reset button for the fall campaign. Everything changes. It’s almost like an Etch-A-Sketch. You can kind of shake it up and restart all of over again. But I will say, if you look at the exit polling data in Illinois, you’ll see that Mitt Romney is broadly acceptable to most of the factions in the party. You have to do that in order to become the nominee…”

BTW, John Fugelsang is pretty funny. He is the son of Franciscan brother and Catholic nun such that he really knows his Bible. He does a great act about how Jesus was really liberal


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Heh, the company that created the Etch A Sketch sent out a press release:

Happy to see Etch A Sketch, an American classic toy, is DRAWING attention with political candidates as a cultural icon and important piece of our society. A profound toy, highly recognized and loved by all, is now SHAKING up the national debate. Nothing is as quintessentially American as Etch A Sketch and a good old fashion political debate.

We are pleased with the added attention being drawn to Etch A Sketch which is truly one of the most recognizable, iconic and fun toys ever developed. As one of the most classic toys of all time, Etch A Sketch has always sold particularly well with today’s consumer. It is too early to tell, but we are hopeful to see if there is an uptake in sales given this recent exposure.

Guess the Republicans ARE job creators afterall!


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I wonder what outdated toys Newt, Santorum, and Paul's staffers will use as an analogy about why their candidates are better than the others.

Analysis: More drilling hasn't lowered gasoline prices

Analyzing 36 years of gasoline prices and U.S. oil production, the Associated Press finds no statistical correlation between how much is pumped out of the ground and how much is paid at the pump.

AP says four independent statisticians came to the same conclusion.

As it was four years ago, the price of gasoline is an issue in the presidential campaign. This year, it's Republican candidates -- notably Newt Gingrich -- claiming that more domestic oil production would lower pump prices. AP writes, "If more domestic oil drilling worked as politicians say, you'd now be paying about $2 a gallon for gasoline. Instead, you're paying the highest prices ever for March."

When you put the inflation-adjusted price of gas on the same chart as U.S. oil production since 1976, the numbers sometimes go in the same direction, sometimes in opposite directions. If drilling for more oil meant lower prices, the lines on the chart would consistently go in opposite directions. A basic statistical measure of correlation found no link between the two, and outside statistical experts confirmed those calculations.​

As one energy economist put it: "Drill, baby, drill has nothing to do with it."

You can't put a gun to the head of an oil company and make them drill. They'll drill when they feel it is profitable to them. If they fracked like crazy and drove gas down to $2.50/gallon, it would no longer be profitable.

I wonder what outdated toys Newt, Santorum, and Paul's staffers will use as an analogy about why their candidates are better than the others.
Santorum would use a butt plug because . . . no that is a little too direct.
Even taxing Capital Gains as normal income won't necessarily do it. Ending the Bush tax cuts really are the only way for the country to get the revenue it needs to not run $1T+ budget decifits.

This is really important though. The very rich receive the vast majority of their income through capital gains.
You can't put a gun to the head of an oil company and make them drill. They'll drill when they feel it is profitable to them. If they fracked like crazy and drove gas down to $2.50/gallon, it would no longer be profitable.

Why doesn't socializing energy companies, like oil companies, solve this problem?

Is it really that prone to corruption?


Fork 'em, Sparky!
This is really important though. The very rich receive the vast majority of their income through capital gains.
And? You think it would really do that much? You would be sorely mistaken. I have been in favor of taxing capital gains as regular income for years, with a few caveats for the first x amount of dollars, but it is only to normalize all forms of income for people, not to childishly punish the wealthy like many people are clamoring for.
Why doesn't socializing energy companies, like oil companies, solve this problem?

Is it really that prone to corruption?

Are you asking "Can Nationalizing an oil company increase drilling and thus reduce prices?" If so, the answer is a resounding "NO!" For a variety of reasons, National oil companies tend to produce oil MUCH SLOWER than private oil companies. This is what drives people on the right crazy about Hugo Chavez. That guy is sitting on some of the world's largest reserves but their oil production is dropping because they just don't reinvest enough. They divert the money to social programs. In the long run, they may end up being a great for the country since they'll have a pile of oil later when it is more valuable. But it drives capitalists bat shit crazy.

But it is true all over . . . the IOCs (private) tend to produce faster and NOCs tend to produce slower. The NOCs just don't have the drive for profits, stock price, etc.
And? You think it would really do that much? You would be sorely mistaken. I have been in favor of taxing capital gains as regular income for years, with a few caveats for the first x amount of dollars, but it is only to normalize all forms of income for people, not to childishly punish the wealthy like many people are clamoring for.

Yeah, I still think that idea of having a separate progressive tax rate for people's capital gains would be awesome.


Greta Van Susteren ‏ @gretawire
Governor Mitt Romney did not say etch a sketch remark: I think everyone should stop hammering Governor Mitt Romney

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