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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
WEll, seems Mittens shitbaked:

Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Barack Obama's treatment of dogs?
Favorable: 44
Unfavorable: 14
Not sure: 42

Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Mitt Romney's treatment of dogs?
Favorable: 20
Unfavorable: 29
Not sure: 51

Who do you think would be a better President for dogs: Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?
Obama: 37
Romney: 21
Not sure: 42

Romney had a good run. :(

They just want to make sure its really rape rape

WTF Idaho

So it's a republican version of "like you like you"?

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Winder has always been a pile of shit. I wish I was knowledgeable enough to get involved in Idaho politics. We've got some real nuts that need to be booted out.


The ramifications of Planned Parenthood v. Casey are still reverberating. It's clear this policy, and the innumerable others passed since 2011, places an undue burden on the woman's reproductive rights. Obviously, that's the intent. I would be surprised if this survived a challenge in the judiciary. Although I admittedly don't follow abortion politics closely, so a similar policy may already have survived a legal challenge.
Romney: I was washing a shirt in the sink and drying it out with an iron this morning.

Real life, is it this?
I'm sure Romney conceived this as an attempt to be humorous and unassuming. But it comes across as contrived and weird. Also, it seems oddly incompetent. How can a multi-millionare running for president not possess a clean shirt? Yet he expects us to trust him with access to nuclear weapons.
What's the most effective and efficient way to tell someone who says something like "i dont like politics cuz it doesn't affect me and in the end everyone sux"? Has anyone come across dolts who say this?


Yes they can. Marriage doesn't give a husband a license to have sex with his wife whenever he wants, regardless of her choice.

He was only carrying on the dry trend of the last several pages, no need to worry.

I might go to a Santorum rally tomorrow, just for fun.


Yes they can. Marriage doesn't give a husband a license to have sex with his wife whenever he wants, regardless of her choice.
The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.
Unless it was a mutually designated period of fasting and prayer, they can't. Sorry. God's word trumps yours.


I've seen it too; I just thought I had enough street cred such that if I appeared to go full Santorum, it would be appreciated that I was joking.

You do, I was just being touchy. I'd actually just come from that other thread shaking my head about what people will defend, read that and didn't know what. Probably should have given you more credit.

That said, it's well established that my scarcasm detecter is broken beyond all repair. So we'll probably do this again some time. :lol

50 pages? what the hell happened in that thread?

A mix of outrage, steady updates, topics that are explosive (murder, racism, etc.) and some odd white knight action.


Come on, guys.
If the only way to understand it's a joke is by knowing your post history, then maybe it's a joke you shouldn't make.
Not everyone here is a regular.

Don't get me wrong, I love me some good sarcasm, but the internet version of it (I know, I'll write the opposite of what I'm thinking!) just bog down conversations and do little else.
Poor Romney

The pro-Romney super PAC had $10.5 million on hand at the end of February and raised $6.2 million, my colleague Ken Vogel reports today.

But that's considerably less than at the end of 2011, when the group had $23.6 million on hand. Per FEC reports, ROF spent $12.2 million just last month.

And combined with the Romney campaign's numbers, the difference in the total war chest backing Romney is even starker. The campaign and ROF had a combined $43.5 million on hand at the end of December, and today the combined figure is just $17.8 million -- a drop of $25.7 million in just two months.

The current figure of $17.8 million -- $10.5 million for ROF, and $7.3 million for the campaign -- is still far higher than the funds available to the rest of the GOP field. But it underscores the amount Romney and his allies have had to spend as the race has continued much longer than they hoped it would.

To me the shitty fundraising total for ROF in Feb is interesting.


Poor Romney

To me the shitty fundraising total for ROF in Feb is interesting.

Nobody wants to invest in the Titantic, he might be the most electable in that shitty field but people know that unless the economy tanks or an unforseen event happens it is throwing money away.

And people were mocking Obama for not bringing in as much as he did in 2008 lol


Nobody wants to invest in the Titantic, he might be the most electable in that shitty field but people know that unless the economy tanks or an unforseen event happens it is throwing money away.

And people were mocking Obama for not bringing in as much as he did in 2008 lol

until the Fall when we have shitheads like Adelson singlehandedly delivering into the pocket $100,000,000. One person.
Nobody wants to invest in the Titantic, he might be the most electable in that shitty field but people know that unless the economy tanks or an unforseen event happens it is throwing money away.

And people were mocking Obama for not bringing in as much as he did in 2008 lol
I think he is a very viable candidate . . . I wonder if the issue is more "Would you give money to a guy with $250 million?" If he really wants the job then he can spend lots of his own money. Why would Joe-lunch-pail donate $50 to the guy with $250 million?

Romney has lately been running fund raising efforts where he asks for $3 or $5 just so he can lower the average contribution number since he is not being very successful in getting $20 to $50 donations.
No Illinois primary thread? I guess it is kinda dull.

But if Mitt Romney get's more than 50% of the vote I think that will give him the big Mo argument.

Mike M

Nick N
No Illinois primary thread? I guess it is kinda dull.

But if Mitt Romney get's more than 50% of the vote I think that will give him the big Mo argument.

Sitting at 49.9%, down from 56% with 48% reporting. No idea what the breakdown is of reporting precincts, but 50% + seems probable.

EDIT: 49.5% with 49% reporting. Dat Santorum surge!
LOL, no.


Rick Santorum loathes an intrusive government that tramples liberty and dictates our personal lives. That's why he'd ban contraception and wage a war on pornography.
until the Fall when we have shitheads like Adelson singlehandedly delivering into the pocket $100,000,000. One person.

Which is why Romney's current fund raising problems are irrelavant. He's going to raise endless amounts of money through his Super PAC, even if personal donations are nonexistent.

Mike M

Nick N
Looks like Romney may be denied the 50% threshold afterall, his percentage keeps edging down the more precincts that report in.
If the only way to understand it's a joke is by knowing your post history, then maybe it's a joke you shouldn't make.
Not everyone here is a regular.

Don't get me wrong, I love me some good sarcasm, but the internet version of it (I know, I'll write the opposite of what I'm thinking!) just bog down conversations and do little else.
Fair enough. My thinking was that being moved to community comes with the liberty of assuming that people know what's what.

wonder how Santorum would spin a PA loss to Romney
The same way Romney will spin his GE loss in his home state(s).
Mittens should be able to wrap this up now. Santorum needed to have a more respectful showing to at least drag this out longer.

I think he needs 47% of the remaining delegates to wrap this up outright...and santorum is looking too strong in the south and mitt too weak everywhere else for this to be a certainty. Really, he should be pulling over 60% in illinois


I think he needs 47% of the remaining delegates to wrap this up outright...and santorum is looking too strong in the south and mitt too weak everywhere else for this to be a certainty. Really, he should be pulling over 60% in illinois

And he shouldn't have had to outspend Santorum 7-1 in order to do it.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I think he needs 47% of the remaining delegates to wrap this up outright...and santorum is looking too strong in the south and mitt too weak everywhere else for this to be a certainty. Really, he should be pulling over 60% in illinois

I think you are definitely wrong about this. Romney will have this thing locked up in no time. 47% of the remaining delegates should be easy with the populous states. Romney will win all/almost all of them and most will be winner-take-all from here on out. 47% of the remaining is as much of a guarantee as Obama winning at this point. :)
I think you are definitely wrong about this. Romney will have this thing locked up in no time. 47% of the remaining delegates should be easy with the populous states. Romney will win all/almost all of them and most will be winner-take-all from here on out. 47% of the remaining is as much of a guarantee as Obama winning at this point. :)


"The earliest Mitt Romney could win the 1,144 delegates needed to capture the GOP nomination, per our count is May 29, and that's assuming he wins every single delegate after today. If you assume that he wins a 60%-40% split of the remaining the delegates, Romney won't get to 1,144 until June 26, when Utah holds its primary. And if Romney and Rick Santorum continue to trade victories as they've been doing over the past month -- with Santorum winning his demographic strongholds and Romney winning his -- Romney would fall about 50 delegates short of the magic number, according to our math."
And if Romney and Rick Santorum continue to trade victories as they've been doing over the past month -- with Santorum winning his demographic strongholds and Romney winning his -- Romney would fall about 50 delegates short of the magic number, according to our math."

I doubt that will happen but it would be kinda funny.


Fork 'em, Sparky!

What do they have his tally at? The number varies wildly. That might nudge the numbers one way or the other more than you might think, although I do retract my "in no time" comment. He is going to win this, though, that is certain.

April is going to be extremely favorable for Romney and nuke most/all of Santorum's supposed "momentum" or campaign legitimacy.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Santorum winning TX will throw a wrench in Romney's delegate machine.

Lucky for Romney is occurs at/after the race should already be over. If not, he will be able to focus on Dallas, Austin, Houston, Fort Worth, San Antonio if he needs it and win the state based on the huge cities alone.
And he shouldn't have had to outspend Santorum 7-1 in order to do it.

I think this is the untold story of the primary. Romney's wins in MI, IL, OH were helped by Santorum's gaffes and folks looking for "defeating Obama" as their main voting issue (which is not going to convince a lot of Dems to crossover in the general, but I digress), but especially because he has spent millions upon millions of dollars there. Without the money, how does Romney do in those states? We'll never really know that, but come the general election, we'll get to see how having that spending benefit neutralized affects him.


Except for the pattern where Romney keeps getting a couple more delegates than he is supposed to in a lot states. I doubt that's being taken into account.

That's just the GOP establishment rigging the primaries in Romney's favor despite the GOP electorate preferring Santorum.


I think this is the untold story of the primary. Romney's wins in MI, IL, OH were helped by Santorum's gaffes and folks looking for "defeating Obama" as their main voting issue (which is not going to convince a lot of Dems to crossover in the general, but I digress), but especially because he has spent millions upon millions of dollars there. Without the money, how does Romney do in those states? We'll never really know that, but come the general election, we'll get to see how having that spending benefit neutralized affects him.

Untold? It's been said to death. Everyone knows it at this point, there's just nothing any can, or wants, to do about it.
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