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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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The dude wanted to nuke Nam, go to war with the Soviet Union and kill social security.

Oh and he said he wanted to saw off the eastern seaboard, which at the time had almost 50% of the population.

At least Goldwater had clear principles and beliefs, and wasn't just changing faces to appeal to new audiences.

Dukakis was worse than Romney


If public was privy to the language of world leaders inside closed doors meetings, diplomacy as a concept would cease to exist. No clue which dimension these morons live in.
I think that if the public was privy to the language of world leaders inside close doors meetings, they wouldn't dare do half the clandestine crap they dare to do now, and the world was for the most part, better for it.

But yeah, Romney demand is stupid in the context of the way the world currently works, but generally, fuck that secrecy.


Hah, the Wisconsin recall election date has been announced... and it's on my dad's birthday. I've told you guys about my dad before. He's probably one of the biggest Walker fans in the state.


Hah, the Wisconsin recall election date has been announced... and it's on my dad's birthday. I've told you guys about my dad before. He's probably one of the biggest Walker fans in the state.

If Walker is recalled that would be one lovely birthday present. :lol

Romney's taxes are going to be an enormous issue during the campaign. And I expect his team to mishandle it at every opportunity.
I think that if the public was privy to the language of world leaders inside close doors meetings, they wouldn't dare do half the clandestine crap they dare to do now, and the world was for the most part, better for it.

But yeah, Romney demand is stupid in the context of the way the world currently works, but generally, fuck that secrecy.

That's what I think, too. I could get on board with Romney's proposal, but I would also be the first to admit how radically democratic it was. The problem I have with his saying it is that he doesn't mean what he says. He's basically just being a racist. Which is what the Republican party is today: the party of racists.
That's what I think, too. I could get on board with Romney's proposal, but I would also be the first to admit how radically democratic it was. The problem I have with his saying it is that he doesn't mean what he says. He's basically just being a racist. Which is what the Republican party is today: the party of racists.


The point I'd make is that this is another case of "typical things presidents do" that Obama is apparently not trustworthy, capable, or qualified enough to do, according to conservatives. Be it talking to school children, playing the role of "comforter-in-chief" or acknowledging political realities to a foreign leader, the right has made it clear Obama should keep the whole being president thing to himself. They did the same with Clinton in many regards.


lol, Scott Walker said that the reforms he made (dropping collective bargaining) were necessary to ignite the economy. I guess he means ignite and then burn it to the ground, because Wisconsin's economy certainly isn't ignited.
lol, Scott Walker said that the reforms he made (dropping collective bargaining) were necessary to ignite the economy. I guess he means ignite and then burn it to the ground, because Wisconsin's economy certainly isn't ignited.

Where can I go to get a quick reliable wrapup of how my Wisconsin has been doing since duder has taken office?

The dude wanted to nuke Nam, go to war with the Soviet Union and kill social security.

Oh and he said he wanted to saw off the eastern seaboard, which at the time had almost 50% of the population.
Based on some of his recent statements, at least a couple of those demerits don't establish a difference between Goldwater and Romney. I just have a hard time reckoning with how manifestly absurd the things this purportedly intelligent person keeps saying are.


That's what I think, too. I could get on board with Romney's proposal, but I would also be the first to admit how radically democratic it was. The problem I have with his saying it is that he doesn't mean what he says. He's basically just being a racist. Which is what the Republican party is today: the party of racists.

Is this only official since all the ex-Klan Democrats are dead?
Is this only official since all the ex-Klan Democrats are dead?

No, that was just the one who adapted instead of invading a different party to continue advancing white supremacy.

You say this like I have any desire to defend Democrats. I'm not a Democrat. I didn't vote for Obama. And Republicans are still the party of racists.


Where can I go to get a quick reliable wrapup of how my Wisconsin has been doing since duder has taken office?

Well, the quickest thing I can find is this recall site, though it's obviously going to be at least a bit biased since it's the democrats' website. Personally I've just been following things as they come through a Young Progressives Facebook group that my buddy I grew up with is a part of. They link to a lot of news stories in our local newspapers. My wife also brings up things she finds on Something Awful. They had a big Governors Gone Wild thread for a while (not sure if it's still there), and she frequents SA a lot.
Where can I go to get a quick reliable wrapup of how my Wisconsin has been doing since duder has taken office?
Under Walker, Wisconsin has had the lowest (or close to) job growth in the country and actually lost jobs in 2011.

I know his PR team is trying to spin it by saying the unemployment rate is going down, when it's really due to people leaving the work force, not the economy actually adding jobs. Which is a little disingenuous, since national Republicans like to argue that the national unemployment rate is only going down for the same reason, and that Obama shouldn't get credit for it, but hey, reality has a liberal bias etc.

All Barrett or Falk need to do is show this chart


Contrast it to his campaign promise of 500,000 new jobs and ask why he's wasting his time on union busting, voter ID, other bullshit that doesn't matter. And why every other state is gaining jobs except his.

Only in a post-Citizens United environment would a tool like Walker have a chance at holding on. If the Koch brothers weren't able to swamp WI airwaves, he'd be out on his ass in no time.


Under Walker, Wisconsin has had the lowest (or close to) job growth in the country and actually lost jobs in 2011.

I know his PR team is trying to spin it by saying the unemployment rate is going down, when it's really due to people leaving the work force, not the economy actually adding jobs. Which is a little disingenuous, since national Republicans like to argue that the national unemployment rate is only going down for the same reason, and that Obama shouldn't get credit for it, but hey, reality has a liberal bias etc.

All Barrett or Falk need to do is show this chart


Contrast it to his campaign promise of 500,000 new jobs and ask why he's wasting his time on union busting, voter ID, other bullshit that doesn't matter. And why every other state is gaining jobs except his.

Only in a post-Citizens United environment would a tool like Walker have a chance at holding on. If the Koch brothers weren't able to swamp WI airwaves, he'd be out on his ass in no time.

It would be a great victory for Dems if they succeeded in the recall. The economy will probably start picking up in WI by next year regardless of who's in office, but the democrats will have a pretty nice if not somewhat disingenuous graph to chart that shows when Walker leaves office and when jobs start to come back.
It would be a great victory for Dems if they succeeded in the recall. The economy will probably start picking up in WI by next year regardless of who's in office, but the democrats will have a pretty nice if not somewhat disingenuous graph to chart that shows when Walker leaves office and when jobs start to come back.
While it wouldn't have any practical effect on politics outside of WI, I think Walker losing would greatly boost Dems' morale. A lot of Democrats seem resigned to the notion that even if Obama wins, Republicans will still control the House and maybe the Senate as well, and we'll be stuck with four more years of gridlock, with Obama and Boehner headbutting over some new catastrophe every six months.

However, I'm more inclined to believe that 2010 was a fluke, with Republicans fired up, Democrats disillusioned by backdoor politicking re:healthcare (and financial reform to a lesser extent), and independents impatient with the lack of recovery. Even if Democrats don't take back the House, they'll probably make a significant enough gain (like 10-20 seats) that Pelosi and crew will have some pull on major policy initiatives, while the Blue Dog caucus continues to get smaller and smaller. And I'm guessing the Senate will probably be a wash, or close to one either way, with Harry Reid still majority leader come 2013.

So what better way to illustrate that 2010 should be ignored than booting out a radical right-wing governor in Wisconsin, as well as Democrats taking back the state senate? (Which they probably will, it's already tied anyway)


Fork 'em, Sparky!
It's going to sting really bad when the worst candidate in the modern era beats Obummer.
But don't worry. I'll be here to comfort you.

Bulbo, you don't really believe that, do you? I mean, you are just trying to poke the bear, right?

You are delusional if you believe this. It's going to be a landslide like it was in 2008. Obama will get the same numbers coming out to support him. Bet on it.

Obama will not get the same numbers as 2008. That was a once-in-a-lifetime shot.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I think that if the public was privy to the language of world leaders inside close doors meetings, they wouldn't dare do half the clandestine crap they dare to do now, and the world was for the most part, better for it.

But yeah, Romney demand is stupid in the context of the way the world currently works, but generally, fuck that secrecy.

This makes no sense at all when it comes to the real world. Yeah in a perfect world all transcripts of leaders speaking in meetings should be released.

But what happens when some world leaders that just want attention or to when a local race say things in meetings just to make headlines in their own countries? Or if someone in good faith wants to do the best thing in their eyes (and the negotiations fail), and the citizens of that country fail to understand why their leader only offered a half loaf deal?
Political info from a car article . . .

“They think of a car as a giant bummer,” said Mr. Martin. “Think about your dashboard. It’s filled with nothing but bad news.”

There is data to support Mr. Martin’s observations. In 2008, 46.3 percent of potential drivers 19 years old and younger had drivers’ licenses, compared with 64.4 percent in 1998, according to the Federal Highway Administration, and drivers ages 21 to 30 drove 12 percent fewer miles in 2009 than they did in 1995.

Forty-six percent of drivers aged 18 to 24 said they would choose Internet access over owning a car, according to the research firm Gartner.

This is a big reason for all the voter ID laws. The young don't get cars as much these days (because they can't afford them) so they are less likely to have driver's licenses. And thus they may not have IDs they can use for voting.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I think it will be a lot closer than people here are predicting. This thing hasn't even started yet.

Well, when you have PantherLotus who had predicted an even bigger margin than 2008, of course you are right, but Barack Hussein Obama, the magic negro, is going to win again, despite what rightwing raido shows would have you believe. This thing is about as good as over.
Well, when you have PantherLotus who had predicted an even bigger margin than 2008, of course you are right, but Barack Hussein Obama, the magic negro, is going to win again, despite what rightwing raido shows would have you believe. This thing is about as good as over.

Remember when people thought "With the economy this bad, Obama is going to have a lot of trouble this election. He might not make it"? That seems like such a long ago.


Remember when people thought "With the economy this bad, Obama is going to have a lot of trouble this election. He might not make it"? That seems like such a long ago.

For those that opposed Obama, I think their intensity in the fall will be directly linked to the SC decision on Obamacare. If it's overturned and the economy looks like it's ticking back steadily, most probably won't care as much - especially if the House stays Republican and the Senate tightens up, which it will.


This thing is about as good as over.

No, it's not. Even if everything else was hunky dory, after the census the delegate math has changed in the Republicans' favor. That alone will make his reelection hard.

Also, more importantly, voters have the memory of a goldfish and when Romney changes all his positions and rhetoric again for the general election his approval is going to skyrocket.
Well, when you have PantherLotus who had predicted an even bigger margin than 2008, of course you are right, but Barack Hussein Obama, the magic negro, is going to win again, despite what rightwing raido shows would have you believe. This thing is about as good as over.
It would be over if the election were today. But Bulbo has a good point in that you can't count your chickens before they hatch. There will be lots of developments in the economy, international events, and scandals between now and the election. So you never really know.

But yeah, the odds are much in Obama's favor. I certainly wouldn't be surprised to see a lead change . . . for example, right after the GOP convention Romney will get a bump that could put him in lead. But that will dissipate. I think a major outside event is Romney's only chance.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
By saying this thing is as good as over, that is what we are ALL saying.

The only caveat anyone can offer is, well yeah, unless some crazy outside event takes Obama down.

I have never heard another candidate make as many gaffes as Romney has. It is crazy, but he just cannot seem to go a week without saying something entirely stupid or crazy.


especially if the House stays Republican.
Is this one of the least popular congresses since they've been recording approval ratings?

If Obama gets re-elected, the Democrats will almost certainly win back the House. I'm not confident on the senate though, since the odds are stacked against Democrats.
Is this one of the least popular congresses since they've been recording approval ratings?

If Obama gets re-elected, the Democrats will almost certainly win back the House.
I'm not confident on the senate though, since the odds are stacked against Democrats.
There's no way the chances are "almost certainly." Reagan didn't win the House for the Republicans in his landslide election in 1984, nor did Clinton for the Democrats in 1996.
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