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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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President Clinton was an awesome debator. He would literally fuck you up like a dog with its tail between its legs. God I miss him being POTUS.

And I'm not sold on the Buffet tax unless it's a different version from the one a month ago where it was revealed the tax wouldn't increase the revenue much. I'm for letting all Bush tax cuts expire, AND adding the Buffet tax.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
It's too early for Romney to campaign very hard against Obama. He has to wait for gas prices to get higher, for Greece to go in default, or for the individual mandate to be rules unconstitutional.

If everything goes well, then he has to bring up some bullshit social issue to act pissed off about. As we have seen, that can massively backfire.

This general election may possibly be more entertaining than the Republican primaries. We'll see.

President Clinton was an awesome debator. He would literally fuck you up like a dog with its tail between its legs. God I miss him being POTUS.

And I'm not sold on the Buffet tax unless it's a different version from the one a month ago where it was revealed the tax wouldn't increase the revenue much. I'm for letting all Bush tax cuts expire, AND adding the Buffet tax.
The Buffet Tax isn't meant to fix the deficit at all. It's whole purpose was to show how ridiculous the Republicans are in defending the rich. I never assumed it would be more than campaign fodder.


Yeah because him being overwhelmingly disapproved by... well, everyone will just disappear once he's the anointed one.

Doesn't have to be everyone. Just the Democrats and Independents who are fickle and dumb enough to forgive or forget. Republicans will largely fall in line once the ring wing propaganda machine gets completely and loudly behind Mitt. I think Phoenix's time frame is off, but that may be it.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Eventually,Romney will trend up in swing state polls, but he has an uphill battle with his record of flip-flopping and all the crazy conservative views he had to endorse during the primaries. The anti-Romney ads are going to be pretty brutal.

Not to mention that the economy is improving and that Obama's campaign/superpacs probably will have more money to spend.


Professional Schmuck
Something Wicked this way comes.

Also, PD: excited to see your orgiastic play-by-play of Romney's eventual 7-point loss. "his numbers should be going up any day now!"

And I'm not sold on the Buffet tax unless it's a different version from the one a month ago where it was revealed the tax wouldn't increase the revenue much. I'm for letting all Bush tax cuts expire, AND adding the Buffet tax.
The Buffet tax will probably never go anywhere. The point of the Buffet tax is to point out that the GOP is running a candidate that paid 13.9% tax on $20 million during times of massive deficits . . . and wants to cut his taxes further. Just repeat that for the next 6 months and win the election.

Edit: Beat by Al-ibn Kermit
speaking of Voldemort (Rick Scott)

Rick Scott Vetoes Bill Sending Non-Violent Drug Offenders To Rehab After Serving Half Sentence In Jail

What a fucking asshole

They should be able to over-ride it since 99% voted for it.

More of that great GOP "fiscal conservatism"

The prison system would have chosen inmates based on their good behavior, the severity of their addictions and the likelihood that rehabilitation would save taxpayer dollars, a House analysis said.
In other words, the bill, properly implemented, could have reduced the cost of government, the very thing that Scott talks about so much.

Well, at least he had a good reason to veto it . .

Florida Governor Rick Scott on Friday vetoed a widely popular bill that would send certain non-violent drug addicts to treatment after serving half their sentences.

“He said it was a 'public safety’ issue. No it’s not,” said bill sponsor Sen. Ellyn Bogdanoff (R-Fort Lauderdale) according to the Miami Herald. “These are non-violent drug offenders.”

I . . . I . . . I just don't understand.



Yeah, the dude just give me the creeps.
More of that great GOP "fiscal conservatism"

Well, at least he had a good reason to veto it . .

I . . . I . . . I just don't understand.

The Republican stance on drugs has always been baffling.

Until you realize Republicans just want to control your lives in every social aspect except when it comes to money. Then you're free to do whatever the fuck you want.

Yeah, the dude just give me the creeps.

this gif is freaking me out.
Republicans will largely fall in line once the ring wing propaganda machine gets completely and loudly behind Mitt

That might not even matter if other swing states are like Colorado - the PPP poll from today already has Mitt winning Republicans 83-11.

This thing is going to hinge on independents forgetting at least the last four months.

Yeah, the dude just give me the creeps.

Oh god I can't stop laughing at that GIF



Yeah, the dude just give me the creeps.
A great post should not go unrewarded. Good job.
A paragon of fiscal responsibility.
The check bounce comes as no surprise as Gingrich confirmed a debt of almost $4.5 million to ABC News on Tuesday. The last Federal Election Commission report from February showed a debt of less than $2 million.


Obama is going to win, but I have to assume Romney can make it a faux-race at least at some point. McCain-Palin did before McCain SHUT IT DOWN FLYING BACK TO SAVE THE DAY because of the economy.
is this real life

Rove projection tactics to their most predictable.


It's part and parcel of it. I just saw someone on FB post this:

Raised the debt more than any other president in their first term, created uncertainty in the economy through hundreds of new regulations, create more division among races, refuses to drill in shale fields, bows down to every other world leader while numerous previous pro-US states are now run by people against the US, gave hundreds of millions of dollars to campaign donors in corrupt solar deals, accepted the 2nd most amount of money from Fannie/Freddie Mac while he refused to reform the companies responsible for the 08 Recession... Oh but everyone cites his biggest accomplishment as enacting a divisive law that forces us to buy health insurance that is arguably unconstitutional.

Never mind that:
Republican Presidents have been largely responsible for the debt.
Uncertainty is caused by lack of knowledge of what regulations are going to be, not by new regulations which are unknown quantities.
Racial relations are getting better.
More drilling is going on overall.

Ect. ect. ect.



I can't find it now unfortunately (it was from back in Feb I think), but I saw an article about how the whole "war on women" idea fires up the conservative women base which does a lot of heavy lifting and thus brings in the men.

Basically, conservative men support Republicans, it's what they do but they might stay home, and it's the conservative females who bring in the turnout and get people riled up.

Correspondingly you have low turnout in "liberal" women so they don't really impact elections as much. (Like young people.) But all of these conservative women get out in droves, forcing their men to the polls and etc.

Wish I could find it. Tried searching but honestly didn't try too hard.

Maybe it was a Derbyshire article though, so who knows.

In other words, I can't find the fucking link, but I did want to forward the idea because it's mildly interesting.
Never mind that:

Ect. ect. ect.

Don't worry, those of us who are logically consistent won't do anything but vote for Gary Johnson if he survives the cult.
Various high profile conservative women have been turning the war on women debate around by highlighting how conservative women are the target of ridicule and insult by liberals. War on conservative women etc. It's ridiculous.


I think Romney's success thus far is indicative of the power the DrudgeReport has over influential Republicans in America. Talk Radio and Fox News have not been carrying the Romney banner for the past 6 months. In fact, they have been slying digging on his campaign and trying to boost up whatever flavor of the month they could latch onto.

Granted, much of Romney's success also lends to his opponents sticking their own gun into their mouth and repeatedly pulling a trigger ... but only one right-wing source has been there to report each time it has occurred.

It's impossible of course to quantify this is an real manner, but I think it's just another example of why people like Rush or Fox News don't quite have the pull some people in the left like to grant them.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I think Romney's success thus far is indicative of the power the DrudgeReport has over influential Republicans in America. Talk Radio and Fox News have not been carrying the Romney banner for the past 6 months. In fact, they have been slying digging on his campaign and trying to boost up whatever flavor of the month they could latch onto.

Granted, much of Romney's success also lends to his opponents sticking their own gun into their mouth and repeatedly pulling a trigger ... but only one right-wing source has been there to report each time it has occurred.

It's impossible of course to quantify this is an real manner, but I think it's just another example of why people like Rush or Fox News don't quite have the pull some people in the left like to grant them.
Agreed. I have been amazed at the low amount of support that romney has gotten from any talk radio personality, despite the fact that he has almost always been a lock for the nominee.
I think Romney's success thus far is indicative of the power the DrudgeReport has over influential Republicans in America. Talk Radio and Fox News have not been carrying the Romney banner for the past 6 months. In fact, they have been slying digging on his campaign and trying to boost up whatever flavor of the month they could latch onto.

Granted, much of Romney's success also lends to his opponents sticking their own gun into their mouth and repeatedly pulling a trigger ... but only one right-wing source has been there to report each time it has occurred.

It's impossible of course to quantify this is an real manner, but I think it's just another example of why people like Rush or Fox News don't quite have the pull some people in the left like to grant them.

I think you're reading too much into it. Romney's successes have been the result of "someone who can defeat Obama", ie, default candidate. Had a single competent candidate ran this year, he could've easily bested Romney and defeated the other clowns by a wide margin. Seriously. The rest of the field is so depressing. Rick Santorum, a guy who lost his senate seat by 18 points and Newt Gingrich? C'mon. Even Romney sucks ass. Dude's campaigning for half a decade and wins FL by a slight margin after overspending his opponent by 4 times. He can't do shit without drowning his opponents in attack money.


I think Romney's success thus far is indicative of the power the DrudgeReport has over influential Republicans in America. Talk Radio and Fox News have not been carrying the Romney banner for the past 6 months. In fact, they have been slying digging on his campaign and trying to boost up whatever flavor of the month they could latch onto.

Granted, much of Romney's success also lends to his opponents sticking their own gun into their mouth and repeatedly pulling a trigger ... but only one right-wing source has been there to report each time it has occurred.

It's impossible of course to quantify this is an real manner, but I think it's just another example of why people like Rush or Fox News don't quite have the pull some people in the left like to grant them.
That seems a bit reductive. Drudge was certainly influential. But it's merely a component of a broader explanation for Romney's success. It was apparent whom the party wanted, or perhaps rejected this cycle as the alternatives were unpalatable. It wasn't the most enthusiastic embrace, but none of his competitors legitimately contended for party support after Perry's candidacy spectacularly fizzled.

But I agree this contest displayed the limits of the partisan press. The old institutions of power still matter.
Without the economy being terrible, I think Mitt Romney is totally unable to generate a single affirmative reason for voters to support him.
Even the economy was not necessarily a reason to vote for Romney as much as sanction Obama. The consequences are identical, yet the motivations are distinctive. He'd just be the beneficiary given our political dyad. And that's largely a function of the retrospective nature of elections.


I think Romney's success thus far is indicative of the power the DrudgeReport has over influential Republicans in America. Talk Radio and Fox News have not been carrying the Romney banner for the past 6 months. In fact, they have been slying digging on his campaign and trying to boost up whatever flavor of the month they could latch onto.
From what I read yesterday, Drudge is part of the lamestream media plot to smear Newt Gingrich by quoting what he says, undermine his conservative bonifides and hand over the nomination to the Marxist Mitt Romney.


Various high profile conservative women have been turning the war on women debate around by highlighting how conservative women are the target of ridicule and insult by liberals. War on conservative women etc. It's ridiculous.

I saw a lot of this when the Rush Limbaugh thing came out. Actually, a lot of the most ardent Rush supporters railing against "paying for someone else's birth control" were old women. Women can be kind of vicious with each other, especially when there's an age divide, so it wouldn't surprise me much if the conservative women were riled up now.

It's impossible of course to quantify this is an real manner, but I think it's just another example of why people like Rush or Fox News don't quite have the pull some people in the left like to grant them.

Rush may not have as much pull as he used to, but look at the line Romney's touting now. He's saying Obama's economic policies are the war on women. I heard that same line straight from Rush first, and then Fox news followed shortly behind.


I think you're reading too much into it. Romney's successes have been the result of "someone who can defeat Obama", ie, default candidate. Had a single competent candidate ran this year, he could've easily bested Romney and defeated the other clowns by a wide margin. Seriously. The rest of the field is so depressing. Rick Santorum, a guy who lost his senate seat by 18 points and Newt Gingrich? C'mon. Even Romney sucks ass. Dude's campaigning for half a decade and wins FL by a slight margin after overspending his opponent by 4 times. He can't do shit without drowning his opponents in attack money.

Don't get me wrong, the intangibles of Romney made him a viable candidate. He had executive experience in both private and public life, is relatively scandal free, has a huge money advantage and had run for President already. These factors already gave him a leg up on his competitors. But he also had some huge liabilities that made him extremely vunerable to be eclipsed by just about anyone. I'm not trying to insinuate that Drudge plucked some guy out of obscurity and elevated him to front runner, I'm just saying that he definitely helped him weather the storms and come out on top.

I'm just contending that in the whole right-wing media landscape, Drudge is undoubtedly more powerful and influential than the others.


Hugely popular though:

A new Quinnipiac poll in New Jersey finds that voters approve of the job Gov. Chris Christie (R) is doing by 59% to 36%, his best score ever.

I don't disagree with his statement. There should always be a worry that large segments of abled-bodied people view government as "daddy". That's a horrible perception for people to acquire if you want people moving in a positive direction.


At a time when welfare is helping less people, we need to be concerned about a large segment of the population viewing the government as "daddy"? Okay.

Those numbers seem to be in line with the last time we faced a long recession. This one being much deeper and with more population affected.
well damn

Poll shock: Obama ties Romney at 43 percent in conservative Jacksonville

Jacksonville Daily Record:

Presidential candidates President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney tied in a University of North Florida poll.

The poll found that in a contest between Obama and Mitt Romney, each candidate received 43 percent in the poll results. Obama was beating Rick Santorum 48 to 39 percent.

Santorum ended his campaign Tuesday.

As the Tampa Bay Times Adam Smith notes "Duval is a Republican stronghold where Democrats have been gaining ground dramatically in recent years. Four years ago, McCain won the county by just 1.9 percent, which shocked plenty of political observers."



An updated review of the CTBT by the NRC dispels manufactured concerns about the unreliability of the monitoring regime and our ability to maintain a functional stockpile without testing. There was scant reason to reject the treaty in the late 90s, and the few legitimate objections have been thoroughly confuted. The issue will not be addressed before the election. But I suspect Obama will pursue ratification next year. The BAS has a brief primer distilling the most salient conclusions of the report.
The case for the CTBT: Stronger than ever
By Kingston Reif | 9 April 2012

In his April 2009 speech in Prague, President Barack Obama outlined a vision of a world free of nuclear weapons and pledged to "immediately and aggressively" pursue approval of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), which prohibits any nuclear test explosions that produce a self-sustaining, supercritical chain reaction and creates a robust international verification regime. Now, within days of the second Obama-initiated global Nuclear Security Summit, the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) has released its much-anticipated report on the technical and security issues related to the CTBT. It provides ample evidence that the case for the test ban has never been better.

Also, the seeds for a residual presence in Afghanistan are already being sown. And unlike the Iraqis, Karzai wants our presence. He can fulminate and claim otherwise, but it's obvious our presence buttresses his regime. A decade on, and we're still profligately wasting exorbitant sums on a target of marginal strategic value.


I've been convincing myself that Obama won't win Florida, but if he somehow did he would win by default because there's really no path to victory for Romney without Florida, while there is for Obama.

All Obama really needs is the Kerry map + Iowa + Nevada + Colorado + New Mexico. I think he'll be fairly safe in all of those states.


PPP's latest have Obama up 13 in Colorado, 16 in New Mexico, and 8 in Nevada. Not much polling data from Iowa lately but it's probably pretty safe to say Obama will win there, too. Of course he has states like Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, and Virginia in play, as well, so he has many more paths to 270 open to him than Romney.
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