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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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I wonder what Gingrich is gonna do.

I want to thank Senator Santorum for having the decency to concede to me and me alone. And let me preempt my esteemed colleague from Pennsylvania: yes, I will gladly accept all of your voters and delegates. No, no thanks necessary, Rick. I am just glad to be of service.


Professional Schmuck
Sounds like someone put the memo out. Gingrinch all but admitted he was done over the weekend, and Santorum's sick little girl only delayed today's announcement, which was inevitable anyway.

That leaves Ron Paul.


Sounds like someone put the memo out. Gingrinch all but admitted he was done over the weekend, and Santorum's sick little girl only delayed today's announcement, which was inevitable anyway.

That leaves Ron Paul.

Paul was never a serious contender to begin with. Even he himself acknowledges this. He runs mostly to get his message out.

And attract really naive people.


Professional Schmuck
On a serious note, Santorum had to quit the election before the PA primary, if not to save face, but because Romney and RomneyPACs probably would've ruined his career there. Better to get out now, and when Romney loses, he can carry the we weren't conservative enough! banner.
This primary wore out its welcome a long time ago. Fortunately, Mitt Romney hung his own noose with all the batshit insane and factually wrong things he said. So that's a + at least.


Now the fun can really begin.

On the upside for Romney at least he no longer has to please the insane base

Activate the etch a sketch mittens its time for a redo


Rubio might get Romney Florida...

If his backstory doesn't backfire on him first... and if he doesn't piss off every other Hispanic constituency.
Now that the nomination process has effectively concluded, one of our nation's favorite political parlor game can fervidly commence. I wouldn't be worried about Rubio pissing off Hispanics. Instead, Rubio's presence imperils the ticket by increasing the salience of immigration. The more pertinent immigration is this election, the more the GOP's standing with Hispanics erodes. Now, I don't think it would be a massive backlash. But the possibility of alienating even a small proportion of Hispanics in key battle ground states, in addition to his lack of experience, should be enough to give Romney pause. Rubio's not going to be the running mate.
Yes and no. If the national poll gap is wide enough, there's no realistic electoral picture that would upset it. But yes, battleground state polls are much more directly important.
National polls are informative because they identify the broader trend of the electorate. If a candidate performs well nationally, it will largely translate into the states. Not that state polls are immaterial. If the election is close, national performance does not necessarily translate proportionally. Consequently, state polls are essential at projecting the outcome of the EC.


Santorum did a fabulous job of seriously weakining Romey's chances this November. He made Obama's job over the last few months much easier and gave him a ton of ad material for the rest of the year. He forced Romney to the right and caused him to say several things he's likely going to regret during the general. We should all thank him for this.


Obama's speech on the Buffet Rule getting ready to start. I hope he really hammers this in by reminding how much lower Romney's tax rate is compared to the average person.


Man, watching this speech is really making me wonder how the hell Romney's going to counter this stuff in a debate. His rhetoric from the primaries isn't going to work at all.

Also, how in the world is Romney going to fight Obama on the inequality thing? Obama is literally repeating over and over that he doesn't want the money and doesn't need the money and Romney is pretty literally saying "I want bigger tax cuts for myself. I'm entitled to them." I would think the American people, left, right or independent will tend to like the more generous person no matter any of the other politics behind it. It just garners a lot more sympathy.


Man, watching this speech is really making me wonder how the hell Romney's going to counter this stuff in a debate. His rhetoric from the primaries isn't going to work at all.

Also, how in the world is Romney going to fight Obama on the inequality thing? Obama is literally repeating over and over that he doesn't want the money and doesn't need the money and Romney is pretty literally saying "I want bigger tax cuts for myself. I'm entitled to them." I would think the American people, left, right or independent will tend to like the more generous person no matter any of the other politics behind it. It just garners a lot more sympathy.
I have no idea why the GOP is fighting the Buffet rule so hard.
Even with it, we'll still have amazingly low tax rate and a pretty regressive system.
But doing it will take the wind out of the sails of the reformers.

But the GOP has long stopped being even tactically rational about taxes.
Also, how in the world is Romney going to fight Obama on the inequality thing? Obama is literally repeating over and over that he doesn't want the money and doesn't need the money and Romney is pretty literally saying "I want bigger tax cuts for myself. I'm entitled to them."
People pretty much realize that disparity between them. But they want someone who can work the economy, and for some godforsaken reason they think Romney and Obama are pretty alike in that regard. This comes from right wing stupidity that espouses that business experience means you know how to handle a country's economy.


I have no idea why the GOP is fighting the Buffet rule so hard.
Even with it, we'll still have amazingly low tax rate and a pretty regressive system.
But doing it will take the wind out of the sails of the reformers.

But the GOP has long stopped being even tactically rational about taxes.

What's crazy to me is that the Buffet rule doesn't even seem to be enough. I really don't get it. Why in hell, during a recession, and during a time when so many people are apparently scared of the deficit, are we having to fight tooth and nail for those that make over a MILLION dollars to pay the SAME percentage in taxes as the middle class? Fuck that. They should be paying a HIGHER percentage.

Wisconsin is starting to become the Arizona of the north.

Don't say that :(

We've still got a very large liberal swath throughout some of the state, it's just that 2010 republican sweep hit us hard...


It's going to be pretty hilarious seeing Romney get frustrated during debates when Obama destroys him on points like this. He had no one directly arguing common sense to him in the republican debates, so I don't think his prior performances are an indicator to how he'll do against Obama.

Hell, Rick Perry was able to get Romney worked up during debates and he was high on pain pills. Dis gon' be good.
It's going to be pretty hilarious seeing Romney get frustrated during debates when Obama destroys him on points like this. He had no one directly arguing common sense to him in the republican debates, so I don't think his prior performances are an indicator to how he'll do against Obama.

Hell, Rick Perry was able to get Romney worked up during debates and he was high on pain pills. Dis gon' be good.

wonder if he's gonna keep cutting off Obama mid sentence, "Time Time! its my turn to speak! excuse me! Obama! Obama! will you let me speak! excuse me?! hello?! Andersooooooon!?!"
Obama's speech on the Buffet Rule getting ready to start. I hope he really hammers this in by reminding how much lower Romney's tax rate is compared to the average person.

So now the press is running with pushing this won't really amount to much revenue and as such won't have much impact on the debt. Fair enough but while not rail against the things that really impact the debt such as military spending. I get tired of them overemphasizing the magnitude of our debt while at the same time being disingenuous in their reporting. They claim that pushing the Buffet rule is all political which is ironic since all they do is really report along political lines....almost repeating the narrative from each side.


so now Mitt will be tuning his needle to the center

He's tuned his needle so frequently that he's going to be called out on it every step of the way. He's going to try it, too, because his campaign staff are oblivious to the fact that Romney is infamous for being a robot flip-flopper.

So now the press is running with pushing this won't really amount to much revenue and as such won't have much impact on the debt. Fair enough but while not rail against the things that really impact the debt such as military spending. I get tired of them overemphasizing the magnitude of our debt while at the same time being disingenuous in their reporting. They claim that pushing the Buffet rule is all political which is ironic since all they do is really report along political lines....almost repeating the narrative from each side.

The media has to be constantly creating reasons to get people to yell at each other on TV to fill 14 hours of programing a day. It's depressing.


It's going to be pretty hilarious seeing Romney get frustrated during debates when Obama destroys him on points like this. He had no one directly arguing common sense to him in the republican debates, so I don't think his prior performances are an indicator to how he'll do against Obama.

Hell, Rick Perry was able to get Romney worked up during debates and he was high on pain pills. Dis gon' be good.

Exactly, whenever anyone directly challenge Romney in the GOP Primaries he lost his temper and came off sounding like a tool

In this field Obama is like the God of debates, and Romney has said a lot of stupid shit to win the GOP side and Obama is going to just poke the bear left and right and either make Romney commit to stupid shit or look like a flat out liar for saying he is not what he said he was already for

Bill Clinton said it best about Romney, all political candidates pander but nobody ever admits to the pandering or does it so blatent


I read an interesting paper yesterday on the effect of medical marijuana laws on the interaction between America's various strata of government. The consequences of the first state to legalize marijuana, and it's only a matter of time, should be momentous.

Sam Kamin
University of Denver Sturm College of Law

My contribution to this special issue will describe the phenomenon of Colorado's medical marijuana industry and speculate about what Colorado can tell us about the future of marijuana regulation in the United States. I have had an opportunity to interview more than twenty players in this industry-including law enforcement officials, activists, lawyers, and dispensary owners-over the last year and to speak informally with a great many more. Based on these discussions and other research that I have done on the emergent industry in my state, this article describes how the industry has grown in Colorado since 2008, puts this transformative change into perspective, and then draws some tentative conclusions about the future of drug policy in the United States, the appropriate federal-state balance in this area, and the relationship between criminal laws and broader societal norms.

That's a whopper. A perfectly perverted nexus of race and gender.
The problem didn't happen because they didn't drill in shallow waters, though. (which I'm sure you know, just pointing out how ridiculous that argument is)
I think the point of the argument is that it would be much easier to clean up in shallower waters. Most of the problems related to the clean up were from the extreme depth, as I recall.

I really don't know enough about it either way, just presenting the arguments presented to me
Exactly, whenever anyone directly challenge Romney in the GOP Primaries he lost his temper and came off sounding like a tool

In this field Obama is like the God of debates, and Romney has said a lot of stupid shit to win the GOP side and Obama is going to just poke the bear left and right and either make Romney commit to stupid shit or look like a flat out liar for saying he is not what he said he was already for

Bill Clinton said it best about Romney, all political candidates pander but nobody ever admits to the pandering or does it so blatent

This worshiping of Obama is well beyond pathetic. Your Great Savior stumbles and bumbles almost as bad as Bush without a teleprompter or pre-written speech in front of him.

When Obama says hyperbolic crap like "Disguised as deficit reduction plan, it is really an attempt to impose a radical vision on our country. It is thinly-veiled Social Darwinism. It is antithetical to our entire history as a land of opportunity and upward mobility for everybody who’s willing to work for it..."

The average American rolls his or her eyes. And then when listening to Romney saying stuff like "I don't think President Obama is a bad guy or anything. I just don't think he knows what he's doing."

People then look at their stagnant paychecks and 401ks, nod, and say "maybe I should start listening to what this Mitt guy has to say."

The average American doesn't give a shit about income equality; they care about their own actual incomes. There's a reason why the "the 99% vs the 1%" is currently a national punch-line and not a serious political talking point.


When Obama says hyperbolic crap like "Disguised as deficit reduction plan, it is really an attempt to impose a radical vision on our country. It is thinly-veiled Social Darwinism. It is antithetical to our entire history as a land of opportunity and upward mobility for everybody who’s willing to work for it..."

Pretty low on the hyperbole scale these days, I think.
Don't say that :(

We've still got a very large liberal swath throughout some of the state, it's just that 2010 republican sweep hit us hard...

And its countered by the people who live in the sticks who think that the post office is an example of our nations socialist bureaucracy crippling a private enterprise.

I was in my town's post office the other day and this duder could not believe how much business the government had to do with the local UPS. Same with the post office clerk. They were like "how can government have so much power over the business?"


The average American doesn't give a shit about income equality; they care about their own actual incomes. There's a reason why the "the 99% vs the 1%" is currently a national punch-line and not a serious political talking point.


This worshiping of Obama is well beyond pathetic. Your Great Savior stumbles and bumbles almost as bad as Bush without a teleprompter or pre-written speech in front of him.

Maybe you can help me, but where is Obama's teleprompter during this?
This worshiping of Obama is well beyond pathetic. Your Great Savior stumbles and bumbles almost as bad as Bush without a teleprompter or pre-written speech in front of him.

When Obama says hyperbolic crap like "Disguised as deficit reduction plan, it is really an attempt to impose a radical vision on our country. It is thinly-veiled Social Darwinism. It is antithetical to our entire history as a land of opportunity and upward mobility for everybody who’s willing to work for it..."

The average American rolls his or her eyes. And then when listening to Romney saying stuff like "I don't think President Obama is a bad guy or anything. I just don't think he knows what he's doing."

People then look at their stagnant paychecks and 401ks, nod, and say "maybe I should start listening to what this Mitt guy has to say."

The average American doesn't give a shit about income equality; they care about their own actual incomes. There's a reason why the "the 99% vs the 1%" is currently a national punch-line and not a serious political talking point.
Did someone tax you in a bad place, buddy? Do you want to talk about it?


The award for most horrifying suggestion goes to: Richard Land!
Richard Land, the president of the ethics commission at the Southern Baptist Convention, said as much an hour before word of Mr. Santorum’s decision reached the press.

“As his friend, I would say, you know you’ve done an incredible job resurrecting your career. You’ve done better than anybody thought you could,” Mr. Land told reporters and editors of The New York Times.

Mr. Land said that if Mr. Santorum pressed ahead, he would jeopardize that success. And he said that Mr. Santorum had a good future if he acknowledged Mr. Romney’s claim to the nomination this year.

“In eight years, Rick Santorum will be three years younger than Romney is now. He’s only 53 years old,” Mr. Land said. “He’ll be a significant player. I would think he could have a significant role in a Romney administration if he wanted to. Maybe H.H.S. secretary?”


When Obama says hyperbolic crap like "Disguised as deficit reduction plan, it is really an attempt to impose a radical vision on our country. It is thinly-veiled Social Darwinism. It is antithetical to our entire history as a land of opportunity and upward mobility for everybody who’s willing to work for it..."

The average American rolls his or her eyes.

What's hyperbolic about it? It seems like a pretty good summation of a budget written by an Ayn Rand worshiper.

This worshiping of Obama is well beyond pathetic. Your Great Savior stumbles and bumbles almost as bad as Bush without a teleprompter or pre-written speech in front of him.

The difference between Obama and Bush's pauses and uhs is that Obama usually pauses to intelligently articulate things while Bush paused and then said dumb things. As for debates, Obama isn't the best, but he isn't really bad either. Romney will probably "win" them, but not because he has better or more intelligent points or whatever. He's just better at being coached to quickly spout out talking points.
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