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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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This worshiping of Obama is well beyond pathetic. Your Great Savior stumbles and bumbles almost as bad as Bush without a teleprompter or pre-written speech in front of him.

When Obama says hyperbolic crap like "Disguised as deficit reduction plan, it is really an attempt to impose a radical vision on our country. It is thinly-veiled Social Darwinism. It is antithetical to our entire history as a land of opportunity and upward mobility for everybody who’s willing to work for it..."

The average American rolls his or her eyes. And then when listening to Romney saying stuff like "I don't think President Obama is a bad guy or anything. I just don't think he knows what he's doing."

People then look at their stagnant paychecks and 401ks, nod, and say "maybe I should start listening to what this Mitt guy has to say."

The average American doesn't give a shit about income equality; they care about their own actual incomes. There's a reason why the "the 99% vs the 1%" is currently a national punch-line and not a serious political talking point.
What the fuck are you talking about?





Why are people still bitching about Obama's oratory and how he talks? They are obsessed with tearing it down for some reason.
People then look at their stagnant paychecks and 401ks, nod, and say "maybe I should start listening to what this Mitt guy has to say."

The average American doesn't give a shit about income equality; they care about their own actual incomes.

So what you're saying is, the government should spend more? How else, exactly, do you expect people to get more money?

Also, you live in some kind of bubble. What southern state do you live in? And what suburb of what city?
Why are people still bitching about Obama's oratory and how he talks? They are obsessed with tearing it down for some reason.

Same reason why John Kerry was transformed from an American war hero to a traitor. Reverse the strength into weakness by any means.
Why are people still bitching about Obama's oratory and how he talks? They are obsessed with tearing it down for some reason.

Who cares, it hasn't stuck. Birth certificate: That stuck. Secret Muslim / angry America-hating Christian: That stuck (especially impressive because those stuck simultaneously.) Socialist: That stuck, despite being completely meaningless.

Of course, he got elected anyway. So much for all their best efforts, much less trying to force a mainstream "teleprompter" meme to no avail for like three years.


Passing metallic gas
This worshiping of Obama is well beyond pathetic. Your Great Savior stumbles and bumbles almost as bad as Bush without a teleprompter or pre-written speech in front of him.

When Obama says hyperbolic crap like "Disguised as deficit reduction plan, it is really an attempt to impose a radical vision on our country. It is thinly-veiled Social Darwinism. It is antithetical to our entire history as a land of opportunity and upward mobility for everybody who’s willing to work for it..."

The average American rolls his or her eyes. And then when listening to Romney saying stuff like "I don't think President Obama is a bad guy or anything. I just don't think he knows what he's doing."

People then look at their stagnant paychecks and 401ks, nod, and say "maybe I should start listening to what this Mitt guy has to say."

The average American doesn't give a shit about income equality; they care about their own actual incomes. There's a reason why the "the 99% vs the 1%" is currently a national punch-line and not a serious political talking point.

Mitt is that you?


This worshiping of Obama is well beyond pathetic. Your Great Savior stumbles and bumbles almost as bad as Bush without a teleprompter or pre-written speech in front of him.

When Obama says hyperbolic crap like "Disguised as deficit reduction plan, it is really an attempt to impose a radical vision on our country. It is thinly-veiled Social Darwinism. It is antithetical to our entire history as a land of opportunity and upward mobility for everybody who’s willing to work for it..."

The average American rolls his or her eyes. And then when listening to Romney saying stuff like "I don't think President Obama is a bad guy or anything. I just don't think he knows what he's doing."

People then look at their stagnant paychecks and 401ks, nod, and say "maybe I should start listening to what this Mitt guy has to say."

The average American doesn't give a shit about income equality; they care about their own actual incomes. There's a reason why the "the 99% vs the 1%" is currently a national punch-line and not a serious political talking point.


I like how you pick the big hyperbolic statement by Obama which was clearly a retort to all the shitty hyperbolic rhetoric being thrown around the Republican primaries, and then compare it to the one sort of sane thing Romney's ever said in this entire process. And even that was pretty hyperbolic when you consider he's basically calling Obama stupid.


That 57-38 gap in women in the Washington Post poll is a devastating statistic for Romney to overcome. If he's losing women by over 10 points by November, I can't see how he'll win. And the Obama camp knows it, which is why they are hitting Romney and the GOP hard on women issues.


Something Wicked loves to enact the Kosmo tactic of disappearing completely when he's proven wrong by a multitude of people.


Would it make sense for Romney to name a vp soon? Or does it benefit him more to wait until closer to the convention? I was just thinking if he were to name sooner he can have double the campaigning ability and maybe have to spend less in places, but there is extra time for the vp candidate to screw stuff up. I dunno, just something I was wondering about.


Would it make sense for Romney to name a vp soon? Or does it benefit him more to wait until closer to the convention? I was just thinking if he were to name sooner he can have double the campaigning ability and maybe have to spend less in places, but there is extra time for the vp candidate to screw stuff up. I dunno, just something I was wondering about.

After the last election cycle they really, really need to wait to find a VP and instead 'float' ideas in the air and let the media vet them before hand just like Obama did. You don't want to do what McCain did and try to grab an untapped market with a no-name candidate with absolutely zero vetting of how that choice could be publicly received. A VP candidate is, as they say, the first official presidential decision you will ever make and is justly scrutinized. He wants someone who fills a niche but at the same time can't become a distraction. No one questioned Obama's reasoning for taking Biden and still no one questions it.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
This worshiping of Obama is well beyond pathetic. Your Great Savior stumbles and bumbles almost as bad as Bush without a teleprompter or pre-written speech in front of him.

Oh, come on. I know you're a right winger, but I didn't think any rightie here on gaf would be stupid enough to actually believe that moronic talking point.

When Obama says hyperbolic crap like "Disguised as deficit reduction plan, it is really an attempt to impose a radical vision on our country. It is thinly-veiled Social Darwinism. It is antithetical to our entire history as a land of opportunity and upward mobility for everybody who’s willing to work for it..."

That's neither hyperbolic nor inaccurate.

People then look at their stagnant paychecks and 401ks, nod, and say "maybe I should start listening to what this Mitt guy has to say."

The average American doesn't give a shit about income equality; they care about their own actual incomes. There's a reason why the "the 99% vs the 1%" is currently a national punch-line and not a serious political talking point.

...which is related to how much inequality there is. There is no first world country on the planet that thrives from having such a huge gap in income equality.


This worshiping of Obama is well beyond pathetic. Your Great Savior stumbles and bumbles almost as bad as Bush without a teleprompter or pre-written speech in front of him.

When Obama says hyperbolic crap like "Disguised as deficit reduction plan, it is really an attempt to impose a radical vision on our country. It is thinly-veiled Social Darwinism. It is antithetical to our entire history as a land of opportunity and upward mobility for everybody who’s willing to work for it..."

The average American rolls his or her eyes. And then when listening to Romney saying stuff like "I don't think President Obama is a bad guy or anything. I just don't think he knows what he's doing."

People then look at their stagnant paychecks and 401ks, nod, and say "maybe I should start listening to what this Mitt guy has to say."

The average American doesn't give a shit about income equality; they care about their own actual incomes. There's a reason why the "the 99% vs the 1%" is currently a national punch-line and not a serious political talking point.



Something Wicked loves to enact the Kosmo tactic of disappearing completely when he's proven wrong by a multitude of people.

That's what I hate most. The hit-and-run tactic. Yet often these same people accuse PoliGAF of being too insular and biased against conservatives. What the hell do they imagine PoliGAF would think when they do stuff like this?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
One of my favorite parts about the little battle between Obama and the House Republicans was something that came a day after they finished. I forget what news network it was, and I forget who they interviewed (probably Cantor), but the host asked him if the Republicans were gonna pursue more debates like this, and the Republican in question basically said that there was no need because they humiliated Obama enough.

:lol x Avogadro's number

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
This worshiping of Obama is well beyond pathetic. Your Great Savior stumbles and bumbles almost as bad as Bush without a teleprompter or pre-written speech in front of him.

When Obama says hyperbolic crap like "Disguised as deficit reduction plan, it is really an attempt to impose a radical vision on our country. It is thinly-veiled Social Darwinism. It is antithetical to our entire history as a land of opportunity and upward mobility for everybody who’s willing to work for it..."

The average American rolls his or her eyes. And then when listening to Romney saying stuff like "I don't think President Obama is a bad guy or anything. I just don't think he knows what he's doing."

People then look at their stagnant paychecks and 401ks, nod, and say "maybe I should start listening to what this Mitt guy has to say."

The average American doesn't give a shit about income equality; they care about their own actual incomes. There's a reason why the "the 99% vs the 1%" is currently a national punch-line and not a serious political talking point.

Wut? It's a figure of speech. He doesn't actually think he is godlike
It is absolutley astunding that even after the deepwater oil crisis and the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression, 37% of the country still thinks over-regulation is a problem, never mind a bigger problem than an unfair economy that encourages rising inequality instead of shared prosperity.

How about the guy who had Bin Laden killed having only a 7 point lead on terrorism over a guy with 0 foreign policy experience?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
How about the guy who had Bin Laden killed having only a 7 point lead on terrorism over a guy with 0 foreign policy experience?

1. Bush deserves the vast majority of the credit because obama wouldn't have caught Bin Laden if it wasn't for the intel that was gathered thanks to water boarding.
2. Obama wouldn't have even gotten a chane to get Bin Laden if Bush didn't spend most of his time on Iraq.
3. What's the Obama Amin's contingency plan if/when OBL comes back to life?
That 57-38 gap in women in the Washington Post poll is a devastating statistic for Romney to overcome. If he's losing women by over 10 points by November, I can't see how he'll win. And the Obama camp knows it, which is why they are hitting Romney and the GOP hard on women issues.

The GOP primary clown show really devastated any nominee's chances with all that crazy mean-spirited rhetoric. Much of it will be forgotten but commercials will bring it all back.

Obama really needs thank clowns like Santorum, Rush Limbaugh, and others for exposing the mean-spirited theocratic underbelly of the GOP for all to see.
I have no idea why the GOP is fighting the Buffet rule so hard.
Even with it, we'll still have amazingly low tax rate and a pretty regressive system.
But doing it will take the wind out of the sails of the reformers.

But the GOP has long stopped being even tactically rational about taxes.

It is amazing. Perhaps the party has become so 'purified' that it is largely down to the crazy true believers. I mean jeez . . . the whole birth control flap? And the oil company subsidies . . . how can they possible keep defending subsidies to oil companies during a time of massive government deficits and massive profits for oil companies.

The polling on this is just terrible for them . . . but they stick with it. And they can't even come up with rationalizations for these policies.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Well, hasn't their great governor solved all their problems?

Florida is a natural state for above-average unemployment . . . it is a travel destination and vacations are probably one of the first things cut back on by the rest of the country.

Yeah, that line won't work well when the state hates the governor far more then Obama.
I've got my parents (registered republicans) calling him Voldemort.

They also hate Mittens... I guess you can say the GOP left them behind.
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