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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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The only entertaining thing that can come from the primaries at this point is Ron Paul getting enough delegates to be kind of obnoxious at the convention.

I think Romney continuing to come in third behind candidates that dropped out a month ago is a wonderful news line.
I wonder how Romney feels when he sees this kind of thing. Does he care? Do Republicans in general care that they can only win over the white and the elderly?


Professional Schmuck
Guess who's back, back again, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back

1. PD - not perma'd!
2. sorry for being a dick, AlteredBeast.
3. Cutting funding for Meals on Wheels? LOL this is the best GOP of all time.
Guess who's back, back again, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back

1. PD - not perma'd!
2. sorry for being a dick, AlteredBeast.
3. Cutting funding for Meals on Wheels? LOL this is the best GOP of all time.
Teach a man to fish and all that. I'm already missing Newt with his talk about the food stamp President.


Good lord, Primary needs to be over in NC, so damn sick of the commercials.

Although have seen almost no for/against Amendment One commercials.
Romney's rally in Cleveland:


That's a lot of white.

I'm talking about the glare from the light of course.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The 17,083,388, 343th piece of evidence why Obama hates White people:

Some asshole from the Washington Times said:
[H]alf-white Barack Obama (exactly my age) didn't say a word, even though he was talking to college kids that day.... Funny the "coolest president ever" doesn't say a word about the passing of MCA. Weird and kinda sad, actually. [...]

The president took time from his busy schedule to comment on the passing of black musicians. When Whitney Houston, a longtime crack addict, died this year, the White House put out a statement.... And when accused pedophile and drug addict Michael Jackson died in 2009, the White House weighed in with the president's thoughts. [...]

Mr. Obama is said to have 2,000 songs on his iPod, but he's never mentioned the Beastie Boys. Too bad. He could learn so much from them. Still can.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So, Romney said the other day that the unemployment rate shouldn't be higher than 4%, and people pointed out that there were only 4 times in our history that's happened. What I didn't know was that all those times were under Clinton. God, Romney can't do ANYTHING right.
Some insight into the Dem ground game


The campaign distributed glossy, full-color, beautifully designed tickets at its 13 offices around the state -- not because tickets were actually required to get in (they weren't), but to make people feel like they ought to show up.

The Obama campaign has opened 13 field offices, with a paid staff of dozens, and has been mobilizing its volunteers -- phone banking, holding house parties, registering voters -- for months. Last week, more than 500 people packed the office in Falls Church, in Northern Virginia's Fairfax County, for a "Women for Obama" event with the president's senior adviser, Valerie Jarrett.

For nearly an hour leading up to the president's late afternoon speech, the program consisted almost entirely of pleas for volunteer commitment. A video about the importance of voter registration was followed by testimony from two team leaders, followed by a video about the virtues of "the neighborhood team leader model," followed by a leader and four members of her team, followed by two field staffers talking up the grassroots campaign model. After Kaine spoke, two more organizers took the stage to drive home the point.

And, http://www.boston.com/news/politics...s/?rss_id=Boston.com+--+Top+political+stories

The presidential election is six months away but Democrats have already poured almost $25 million into key states where the get-out-the-vote ground game could tip the Electoral College in a potentially tight contest. Republicans say they will follow suit in the run-up to the election, but so far have sent just over $1 million to state parties.

Also, Obama campaign hit up Cinco De Mayo celebrations this weekend for voter registration





Fork 'em, Sparky!
Wow, that Obama recruitment stuff sounds like outright brainwashing/Amway sales stuff. Good luck with that.

Whenever I am approached by anyone in the streets hawking for a candidate, I always turn the other way.
Not this time, no

As stated above, Obama campaign has been full fledged into voter registration already. The WaPO article (on voter registration fall) was based on the 2010 census and the Obama campaign is already saying that things have changed:


First, the Census data the article cited is 18 months old—it's from November 2010, the month of the last midterm elections.Since that time, more than 1.4 million African Americans and more than 1.2 million Latinos have registered to vote.

For example, the Post article claimed that in Florida, the largest battleground state, the number of Latino registrants decreased by 10 percent from Election Day 2008 and Election Day 2010; in reality, it increased by 5 percent. That's a mistake 15 percentage points wide.

Now, I do agree that Democrats and Obama will need their best GOTV operation in ages this election. But, they already have a huge fucking head start over the GOP and Romney campaign.

Case in point, while Obama has 13 field offices in VA, Romney just appointed the state director last week.

Wow, that Obama recruitment stuff sounds like outright brainwashing/Amway sales stuff. Good luck with that.

Whenever I am approached by anyone in the streets hawking for a candidate, I always turn the other way.

People this early aren't attending Obama rallies to figure out who they are voting for (for the most part anyway). Early rallies are mostly firm supporters anyway, this is them trying to have them take the next step and volunteer.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member

Israel cancels early election. Apparently this suggests they are unlikely to do airstrikes in Iran.

Laugh all you want, but they're registered and actually vote.

Oh you won't appreciate just how broad that freedom is until you see a belligerent racist screaming at you thinking you can't speak English. Once you've served in an election booth, nothing else compares as a people watching experience.
So apparently that Politico/GWU poll that came out earlier today inexplicably has Obama down in California 51-43, has a demographic split overwhelmingly skewed to over-50 (something like 60% of the sample) & doesn't even measure Obama v. Romney but Obama v. Generic fucking Republican.
So apparently that Politico/GWU poll that came out earlier today inexplicably has Obama down in California 51-43, has a demographic split overwhelmingly skewed to over-50 (something like 60% of the sample) & doesn't even measure Obama v. Romney but Obama v. Generic fucking Republican.

Gotta create that narrative. I hate Politico


So apparently that Politico/GWU poll that came out earlier today inexplicably has Obama down in California 51-43, has a demographic split overwhelmingly skewed to over-50 (something like 60% of the sample) & doesn't even measure Obama v. Romney but Obama v. Generic fucking Republican.

Narrative building.


So apparently that Politico/GWU poll that came out earlier today inexplicably has Obama down in California 51-43, has a demographic split overwhelmingly skewed to over-50 (something like 60% of the sample) & doesn't even measure Obama v. Romney but Obama v. Generic fucking Republican.
Politico fucking sucks.
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