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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
And Government can?!

The government has a built in mechanism for accountability. The free market is also accountable in theory, but the ideals of "freek market optimization towards the best service" doesn't always produce results that are socially acceptable. I trust the government more with the stuff that really matters.
Here's where I think we differ, please correct me if I'm wrong. You seem to want the government to be in the forefront with regards to creating jobs (Is that correct?), where I would much rather see the government step back and allow the free market do it's work, via corporate tax cuts, less regulation, etc. .

Incorrect. He pointed out that the private sector is currently not hiring enough to meet employment demands. Subsidizing the unemployed by either giving them money directly or at the very least put them on the government payroll to do something is better for the economy than giving that same money to the wealthy. At least until the private sector starts to pick up the slack again.
New socialist commercial going up in Wisconsin. It even has that horrible forward word in it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=D4nwXHc2_Rc I wonder what would happen if Obama made up his own numbers on jobs when he did not agree with the BLS?

Edit: I also like how he shifts the dates. I guess you could use the regular year end from January, 2011 to December 2012 to get positive job numbers. But if you change that to include more months it's actually negative.


The free market has failed us time and time again which is why we tax and regulate it. What is wrong with government jobs? They are one of the biggest providers of middle class jobs, teachers, firefighters, policeman etc etc. infrastructure spending is also extremely beneficial to everyone along with providing jobs. The free market creates economIc inequality while the government provides much needed middle class jobs to boost the economy

<snark> When the free market fails, we get things the the Red Ring of Death. When Government fails we get things like Greece. <snark>
<snark> When the free market fails, we get things the the Red Ring of Death. When Government fails we get things like Greece. <snark>

Apples and Oranges. Why is everything compared to Greece? We aren't Greece. Something really big separates us. 1) We control our own money supply. 2) Our GDP is 100 times theirs. 3) The US dollar is one of the safest monetary units in the world.

He was permed since he was a Jr. at the time. That's pretty much all there is to that.

Actually he was pro South in a Civil War thread. It was actually hilarious watching him bring up heritage and all that.


<snark> When the free market fails, we get things the the Red Ring of Death. When Government fails we get things like Greece. <snark>

So I take it in your world no-one's died from companies failing to label that they process the food in the same location as peanuts? Or people haven't been poisoned by drinking contaminated water? That no-one has died from faulty brakes in an automobile? Nor have millions/billions of fish, birds, and other wildlife died from poor decisions made for the 'efficiency' of stock holders? Hmmmmm.


<snark> When the free market fails, we get things the the Red Ring of Death. When Government fails we get things like Greece. <snark>
When the market fail we get the great depression and the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire.

Also, without regulation, Microsoft would've probably crushed all their competitors, so good luck voting with your wallet against the red ring of death.
Incorrect. He pointed out that the private sector is currently not hiring enough to meet employment demands. Subsidizing the unemployed by either giving them money directly or at the very least put them on the government payroll to do something is better for the economy than giving that same money to the wealthy. At least until the private sector starts to pick up the slack again.

That is correct. I am talking about the government hiring the people who want to work but that the private sector, for whatever reason, does not want to hire. Right now, in particular, there's a bunch of those people. When the economy improves (thanks to the government jobs program that stimulates aggregate demand), the private sector will hire away people from the government. And if it doesn't, that's fine, too.


<snark> When the free market fails, we get things the the Red Ring of Death. When Government fails we get things like Greece. <snark>
So basically you have no argument?? Frankly it's embarrassing for you to even bring up Greece. Our situations could not be more different and I could list a bunch of "socialist" countries doing just fine if you want to play that dumb game. Are you admitting that you have no counter argument then? And government is evil just because you say so!


<snark> When the free market fails, we get things the the Red Ring of Death. When Government fails we get things like Greece. <snark>

When the market fails, we get shit like the 2008 financial collapse. And if free marketers had their way then, the auto industry would be gone too, along with the collapse of the modern banking system. The number of jobs lost would be well into the millions. You think 8% UE is bad? It would have easily been double that of free marketers had their way back then.


<snark> When the free market fails, we get things the the Red Ring of Death. When Government fails we get things like Greece. <snark>

Greeces problems were at least partly caused by american financial institutions giving out loans that could not be paid back. Though the government was also undertaxing and overspending. It is pretty complicated.
The story of Greece has little to nothing to do with government management or mismanagement. Greece is actually a story of exploitation of poorer European countries (called "the periphery") by larger ones (primarily Germany, but also France), although an especially inelegant attempt that is coming back to bite the richer ones in the ass. For that reason, it may be that it can be chalked up to the economic stupidity of European neoliberal elites. In plain English, the design of the Eurozone was fundamentally flawed. It was designed to give Germany a trading advantage, but they didn't understand how that would all be lost once the periphery had to start taking counter-cyclical measures in economic bust times.
<snark> When the free market fails, we get things the the Red Ring of Death. When Government fails we get things like Greece. <snark>

<no snark> When free market fails we get BP oil spill/WV Coal Mine disaster, when Government fails we get to vote out the bastards <no snark>

Really dude, stop projecting Government as an evil overlord entity. Government is simply us doing things collectively when doing things individually isn't feasible.
Here's where I think we differ, please correct me if I'm wrong. You seem to want the government to be in the forefront with regards to creating jobs (Is that correct?), where I would much rather see the government step back and allow the free market do it's work, via corporate tax cuts, less regulation, etc.

lol, so much facepalm


You'd think after the 2008 banking collapse, people--particularly free marketers--would have at least a little more skepticism about the free market. But no. They are as fiercely a proponent of it as they ever were. The "free market" is almost like a religion to many.


Romney's comments on Bain Ads

"Their problem, of course, is that the steel factory closed down two years after I left Bain Capital. I was no longer there, so that's hardly something that should be on my watch."

The former Massachusetts governor also implied that Obama was a hypocrite for signing off on the ad, which was released Monday. That same day, the president held a fundraiser at the Manhattan home of Tony James, head of the Blackstone Group, another private equity firm that, Romney noted, he and Bain had "previously made investments with."

"He has no problem going out and doing fundraisers with Bain Capital and private equity people," Romney said of Obama. "The president is just misguided in his effort to try and divide Americans from one another and to try to disparage one part of our economy from the other or one person from another. This is not what America is."
You'd think after the 2008 banking collapse, people--particularly free marketers--would have at least a little more skepticism about the free market. But no. They are as fiercely a proponent of it as they ever were. The "free market" is almost like a religion to many.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
What were the policies that Bush created that destroyed the economy?

-tax cuts for the rich
-fighting two wars (one of which was under false pretenses)

You know. Pretty much the standard Republican platform?
The only reason why this country isn't ass indignant as it should be is because we're too distracted. We're too fat, lazy, ignorant, and self centered.


You'd think after the 2008 banking collapse, people--particularly free marketers--would have at least a little more skepticism about the free market. But no. They are as fiercely a proponent of it as they ever were. The "free market" is almost like a religion to many.

I think anybody who can look at the vast spread of business scandals and ethical misdoings of the 2000s up to today and say this is living in another reality. Enron, CEOs taking greed to a whole new level, the stock market collapse and the list goes on and on. And after all this, they still insist that regulation is the problem.
Why do you hate George Washington? :(

What's ironic to me is that the guys that hate every facet of government are often insinuating that the people that DO trust the government to some degree are unpatriotic. For other reasons, of course, but the disparity there still exists.

/used to be one of those people


I think anybody who can look at the vast spread of business scandals and ethical misdoings of the 2000s up to today and say this is living in another reality. Enron, CEOs taking greed to a whole new level, the stock market collapse and the list goes on and on. And after all this, they still insist that regulation is the problem.

If you keep repeating the talking points loud enough, Americans get distracted easily. What else would explain 2004 or how Romney is seen as viable in this country?


-tax cuts for the rich
-fighting two wars (one of which was under false pretenses)

You know. Pretty much the standard Republican platform?

While I don't doubt Bush deserves some of the blame, Clinton and the 90s Republican Congress deserve a lot of it for their deregulation.
While I don't doubt Bush deserves some of the blame, Clinton and the 90s Republican Congress deserve a lot of it for their deregulation.

Yeah, it was a build-up of issues over a good 20 years there.

All our hard work to prevent another Great Depression went out the window, because people used our relative economic stability under regulations as evidence that we no longer needed regulations.


While I don't doubt Bush deserves some of the blame, Clinton and the 90s Republican Congress deserve a lot of it for their deregulation.

Bu-but the market is self regulating. Yeah, I don't blame de-regulation as a cause, it still takes affirmative steps by the corporations to "take advantage" of the repeal of regulation. No one was out there forcing banks to convert mortgages into bond packages and securities which they would then re-sell/trade.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
While I don't doubt Bush deserves some of the blame, Clinton and the 90s Republican Congress deserve a lot of it for their deregulation.

I completely agree that Clinton is as responsible for the mess we're in (which I'm pretty sure was the point TA was trying to get at), but let's not ignore that regardless of what letter the president had next to their name, the actual policies enacted were straight up Republican.


lacks enthusiasm.
Some regulation is necessary, I agree. But I still prefer the free market, where I can vote with my dollars, to a government run economy.

You don't have a vote with your dollars. Corporations don't care about you and your protest vote when you don't buy their product. They've got millions of other suckers to rely on. This is the free market illusion you've bought into and, unless you're a millionaire, you're actively voting against your own interests by perpetuating this worldview.

Come on people you know better than to take the bait.
While this might be true, his arguments are bog standard for a lot of conservatives so I think it's fair game to rip them apart for all those who aren't actively posting in this thread but only reading it.


So I take it in your world no-one's died from companies failing to label that they process the food in the same location as peanuts? Or people haven't been poisoned by drinking contaminated water? That no-one has died from faulty brakes in an automobile? Nor have millions/billions of fish, birds, and other wildlife died from poor decisions made for the 'efficiency' of stock holders? Hmmmmm.

No, did you not see the <snark> quotes? Why is everyone here so dang literal.

All I'm saying is that I trust the free market just a little bit more that I trust government. Thats all. Nothing more.

It's an interesting thought experiment however. Whats been more harmful to human welfare, Government or the Free Market? Do wars count as government failures?


testicles on a cold fall morning
-tax cuts for the rich
-fighting two wars (one of which was under false pretenses)

You know. Pretty much the standard Republican platform?

the housing boom and banking collapse would've happened with or without Bush. the accelerated boom-bust cycle that has defined the American economy over the last 20 years is a systematic failure of our entire government, one that no party is especially apt to correct. just look at JP Morgan. it may not be enough to become a drag on our economy, but the fact that it even happened highlights how regulation even under a purportedly 'regulatory' administration failed.

can't argue about the latter two, though.

t's an interesting thought experiment however. Whats been more harmful to human welfare, Government or the Free Market? Do wars count as government failures?
you mean completely as a thought experiment, right? because there's never been a 'free market' in the purest sense, and i'm not sure what that would even mean.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Kevitity sounds very familiar. Wasn't he a poligaf regular until we scared him away at some point a good while back?
No, did you not see the <snark> quotes? Why is everyone here so dang literal.

All I'm saying is that I trust the free market just a little bit more that I trust government. Thats all. Nothing more.

It's an interesting thought experiment however. Whats been more harmful to human welfare, Government or the Free Market? Do wars count as government failures?

Are you including all forms of government in that statement?

I mean, the American government and its relationship with its people is quite unlike that of, say, Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, the PRC, or Monarchies.

It seems absolutely silly. "Our government so far has done fairly well for us, but other governments were way WORSE for their people, so I don't trust government!" Those governments weren't exactly elected for the people, by the people.


No, did you not see the <snark> quotes? Why is everyone here so dang literal.

All I'm saying is that I trust the free market just a little bit more that I trust government. Thats all. Nothing more.

It's an interesting thought experiment however. Whats been more harmful to human welfare, Government or the Free Market? Do wars count as government failures?

How about you actually answer the questions people brought up? Why do you trust free market more than government? Other than being brainwashed into doing so.

-tax cuts for the rich
-fighting two wars (one of which was under false pretenses)

You know. Pretty much the standard Republican platform?
What I find extremely interesting is that it was patriotic to pay for wars after world war 2 but now the people that are war hawks don't want to pay for the wars. You can't be "patriotic" about the defense of our nation without wanting to pay for it yourself. Instead people would rather put the burden on the poor/middle class.
I think the question should be rephrased to "Why do you trust the market more than the U.S. government?" Or "more than a democratically representative form of government?"

There are many types of government, and saying government in general is bad because of the methods of certain governments would be like saying economics in general is bad because extreme capitalism and extreme socialism didn't work so well.


testicles on a cold fall morning
What I find extremely interesting is that it was patriotic to pay for wars after world war 2 but now the people that are war hawks don't want to pay for the wars. You can't be "patriotic" about the defense of our nation without wanting to pay for it yourself. Instead people would rather put the burden on the poor/middle class.
what i found more interesting about the Bush wars is that he rarely invoked any concept of shared sacrifice that the public needed or should endure. well, perhaps outside of accepting a massive national security apparatus with the ability to sneak into every facet of our lives and holes in our bodies. instead, he told us to go out and shop. literally. go out and buy things so the economy doesn't drag. that will defeat terrorism.

meanwhile he used accounting loopholes for years to keep the true cost of the war off the books. when Obama stopped that trend in his administration, Republicans jumped on him for massively increasing government spending.
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