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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Looks like they're watching porn.

I love how Hollande's body language screams "I'm trying to find how this is interesting."


Already getting tired of the anti-Bob Kerrey ads here. I'm afraid to even leave a TV on lest my brain starts bleeding.

I guess they're trying to get a "New York Bob" nickname going for him.


Mark Steyn is hilarious

As The Fordham Law Review reported, “Harvard Law School hired its first woman of color, Elizabeth Warren, in 1995.” There is no evidence that Mrs. Warren, now the Democrats’ Senate candidate, is anything other than 100 percent white. She walks like a white, quacks like a white, looks whiter than white. She’s the whitest white since Frosty the Snowman fell in a vat of Wite-Out. But she “self-identified” as Cherokee, so that makes her a “woman of color.” Why, back in 1984 she submitted some of her favorite dishes to the Pow Wow Chow cookbook, a “compilation of recipes passed down through the Five Tribes families.”

The recipes from “Elizabeth Warren — Cherokee” include a crab dish with tomato mayonnaise. Mrs. Warren’s fictional Cherokee ancestors in Oklahoma were renowned for their ability to spear the fast-moving Oklahoma crab.
It’s in the state song: “Ooooooklahoma! Where the crabs come sweepin’ down the plain . . . ” But then the white man came and now the Oklahoma crab is extinct, and at the Cherokee clambakes they have to make do with Mrs. Warren’s traditional Five Tribes recipe for Cherokee Lime Pie.
Anyone else catch Cory Booker committing suicide on MTP earlier today? There's precious little room for public sympathy towards private equity on the left, it would appear.
"To me, it's just we're getting to a ridiculous point in America. Especially that I know I live in a state where pension funds, unions and other people invest in companies like Bain Capital. If you look at the totality of Bain Capital's record, they've done a lot to support businesses, to grow businesses."


Honestly, kinda stupid of him. Bain's tactics were good for them, not for the country.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Dems can't help but do false equivalencies that hurt them.

Their collective ineptitude is almost hilarious.

Seriously. Booker's a goddamned twit.

I also decided to take away the props I awarded him for rescuing people in a burning building. Sorry, Cory, but there are limits!

In other news, this is the worst image macro I've ever seen:



Seriously. Booker's a goddamned twit.

I also decided to take away the props I awarded him for rescuing people in a burning building. Sorry, Cory, but there are limits!

In other news, this is the worst image macro I've ever seen:


This image is like the image maker wanted the last word but he was the only one talking


Professional Schmuck
Anyone else catch Cory Booker committing suicide on MTP earlier today? There's precious little room for public sympathy towards private equity on the left, it would appear.

Yeah, I was watching it. I was confused for a moment, especially after he was doing some other ads with Chris Christie. His demeanor and look in his eyes reminds me of Harold Ford, Jr.

He's already tried walking it back, but the damage
to his career
is already done.
Yeah, I was watching it. I was confused for a moment, especially after he was doing some other ads with Chris Christie. His demeanor and look in his eyes reminds me of Harold Ford, Jr.

He's already tried walking it back, but the damage
to his career
is already done.
He's always been a Beltway type, it's just that overall he's more liberal on other issues. But he's been playing the bipartisan card for years. That might work in NJ where republicans are more moderate, but I don't see how any democrat could watch national politics over the last four years and blame both sides for being the problem. Even Obama speaking to scho children has been attacked and other-ized.

I would have less of a problem with Romney's business record if he wasn't pretending he was creating jobs; in fact I'd have next to no problem with it
Booker trying to get into national politics? Pretty clumsy way to go about it if his is.

Any politician with a NJ-NY base has to appease Wall Street, only he had no reason to say what he did. He could have easily said the attacks are about Romney's record at Bain and not about the Private Equity industry as a whole and things would have been fine. In fact that is what every Democrat should be saying when asked about Bain attacks.


Booker is going for dat above the fray look to up his national profile, please his financial benefactors, or maybe, just maybe,
genuinely feels that way about private equity.

Edit - re: the obama ad

"Mitt Romney is the opposite of Robin Hood"

Jesus Christ, straight for the jugular.


Professional Schmuck
He's always been a Beltway type, it's just that overall he's more liberal on other issues. But he's been playing the bipartisan card for years. That might work in NJ where republicans are more moderate, but I don't see how any democrat could watch national politics over the last four years and blame both sides for being the problem. Even Obama speaking to scho children has been attacked and other-ized.

I would have less of a problem with Romney's business record if he wasn't pretending he was creating jobs; in fact I'd have next to no problem with it

♪ Bah-rock Oh-bahma, mmmmmm mmmm mmmmmmmmmm ♪
What's wrong with private equity?
I didn't say I had a problem with it, just that the left as a whole does. I think the extent to which the success of PE firms can occur independently of the success of the companies they take over is somewhat troubling, but as Booker rightly points out, many of the benefits of PE go to institutions such as pension funds and unions and the like, so it's kind of a wash?

Cory Booker trying to build dat independent cred
Pretty much. Plus, as other people have pointed out, with a donor base in New York, it's pretty much impossible for him not to take on pro-business positions like those he expressed on Tuesday.

What's ridiculous, though, is that for these remarks some people on Twitter compared him to Clarence Thomas and Herman Cain. Absolutely outlandish.


Walker releasing the actual compiled jobs numbers seems to have accomplished its goal. Barrett has abandoned talking jobs and is now focusing his campaign almost solely on the John Doe investigation and Walker's refusal to comment....which of course by law he is forbidden from doing.

Desperate times I suppose. I thought Walker had a nice response which was essentially "for a lawyer Barrett seems to have a tenuous grasp on the law."

The party spent all weekend melting down over the Journal's endorsement of Walker. @gjzielinski is especially fantastic to follow. I think a lot of you guys watch Maddow so you probably already know who Zielinski is. He's hilarious and over the top and watching him melt down is high humor and the levels of DU'ers and freepers during the '00 and 08 presidentials.


Considering the fact that dem super PACs are basically non-existent as of right now, that isn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Likewise. Though it may grow as the election gets closer.

A lot of it was money Romney had to raise to fend off Santorum and Gingrich as well. Obama actually has a cash on hand advantage, according to the source article:

And, while Romney’s campaign and its allies spent heavily during the primary, their combined bank accounts still held $95 million. To be sure, that’s significantly less than the total $133 million cash on hand tally for the president and the groups supporting him, according to the most recent figures available.


Likewise. Though it may grow as the election gets closer.

A lot of it was money Romney had to raise to fend off Santorum and Gingrich as well. Obama actually has a cash on hand advantage, according to the source article:

Yeah, at the Presidential level spending really isn't going to be an issue ever, unless you are voting for Gary Johnson.....

Likewise. Though it may grow as the election gets closer.

A lot of it was money Romney had to raise to fend off Santorum and Gingrich as well. Obama actually has a cash on hand advantage, according to the source article:

Don't you expect that gap to also grow a lot closer as Rep. SuperPACs step up their fundraising efforts too? We will have to see how May fundraising numbers come out I guess, that will be the first full month of GE campaigning.

Priorities USA only raised 1.6 million dollars in April. Pathetic from Dem Donors.
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