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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Don't you expect that gap to also grow a lot closer as Rep. SuperPACs step up their fundraising efforts too? We will have to see how May fundraising numbers come out I guess, that will be the first full month of GE campaigning.

Priorities USA only raised 1.6 million dollars in April. Pathetic from Dem Donors.

Well yeah, that's what I meant by the gap growing as we get closer to the election. IIRC, Crossroads alone is aiming at $200m.


Don't you expect that gap to also grow a lot closer as Rep. SuperPACs step up their fundraising efforts too? We will have to see how May fundraising numbers come out I guess, that will be the first full month of GE campaigning.

Priorities USA only raised 1.6 million dollars in April. Pathetic from Dem Donors.

Does it really matter, all they have been doing is rehashing 2008 arguments that did not work for McCain when Obama was unknown and untested.

Let them waste the money imho, money is good but having no message makes the money worthless.
Does it really matter, all they have been doing is rehashing 2008 arguments that did not work for McCain when Obama was unknown and untested.

Let them waste the money imho, money is good but having no message makes the money worthless.

Ads are good and all, but I think Obama's main hurdle is getting people, esp. young people, to get out and vote.
Does it really matter, all they have been doing is rehashing 2008 arguments that did not work for McCain when Obama was unknown and untested.

Let them waste the money imho, money is good but having no message makes the money worthless.

Yes, ad money does matter. If nothing else, media will spend time talking about ads campaigns have released, more negative ads from GOP = more air time to those talking points.

It didn't work in 2008, Obama outspent McCain by a mile in 2008 too.



Hmmm I thought Outpatient care was becoming more encouraged because it was cheaper. Is the price still really low compared to impatient care? Is the rise because of the push for Outpatient care and providers taking advantage of that, or even because more and more (expensive) things are being handled through outpatient care?


The RNC is capitalizing on comments from Newark Mayor Cory Booker by sending out a fundraising email and creating an “I Stand With Cory” petition, asking signers not to let “The Obama Campaign Silence Support for Job Creation.” Booker created a small firestorm Sunday when he said on “Meet the Press” that he’s “uncomfortable” with the Obama campaign’s ads going after Bain Capital for laying off workers – comments he tried to smooth over in a video Sunday evening.
It's funny seeing Daily Kos and other liberal blogs attacking Booker for apparently being a Wall Street stooge due to his Yale/Harvard connections. They love pointing out Romney is getting Wall Street's support this year as well. Where were these people in 2008?

Booker will be fine. He's young enough, and once Christie runs for president, Booker will become NJ's governor.
Only Booker is an idiot. He tried to stretch his five minutes of fame as a superhero mayor into launching a national career. In the end he hurt the democrats, the president and even his own future political career.
Democrats have not been effective enough in differentiating between investors who invest because they want a company to succeed and investors who ruin people's pensions to pay their own fees and walk away with a profit even if hundreds get fired. Sure the ads are great, but they could have done better in avoiding the ''Democrats hate job creators'' narrative. It will always stick obviously, but it feels like they could have done more.


It's funny seeing Daily Kos and other liberal blogs attacking Booker for apparently being a Wall Street stooge due to his Yale/Harvard connections. They love pointing out Romney is getting Wall Street's support this year as well. Where were these people in 2008?

Booker will be fine. He's young enough, and once Christie runs for president, Booker will become NJ's governor.

And ignoring that Obama is as big a Wall Street stooge as we've ever had in the White House.
And ignoring that Obama is as big a Wall Street stooge as we've ever had in the White House.
I won't argue on this. He did surround himself with Wall St veterans like Summers. But then again, he also advocated for Wall St.'s worst nightmare: Elizabeth Warren.


And ignoring that Obama is as big a Wall Street stooge as we've ever had in the White House.

I bet you're just all torn up about that money flooding to Romney now, huh. This reminds me of you pretending to give a shit about gay rights because it was something to slam Obama on.


I won't argue on this. He did surround himself with Wall St veterans like Summers. But then again, he also advocated for Wall St.'s worst nightmare: Elizabeth Warren.

Yes, that was pretty bold of him to back a frontrunner to a Senatorial seat he desperately needs back this fall.


Yes, ad money does matter. If nothing else, media will spend time talking about ads campaigns have released, more negative ads from GOP = more air time to those talking points.

It didn't work in 2008, Obama outspent McCain by a mile in 2008 too.

But if the talking points are 2008 talking points nobody will care, you are not going to persuade independents like that

The media can only push you so far, then its up to the candidate to connect to bring the voters home. Romney has no personality so billions spent on ads are not going to make him anymore personable or memorable
Didn't he back down on that or am I misremembering?
Republicans were holding up Warren's nomination process for close to a year. Eventually Warren saw greener political pastures in Massachusetts and resigned her nomination, and Richard Cordray was nominated in her place (and executive power-ed into the position).


Republicans were holding up Warren's nomination process for close to a year. Eventually Warren saw greener political pastures in Massachusetts and resigned her nomination, and Richard Cordray was nominated in her place.

Right, so he didn't think enough of her to make her a recess appointment. Not exactly what I'd call "going to bat" for her, especially since he needed to bypass the senate to appoint Cordray.
Hillary's approval circa Gallup is at a whopping 66% - with 29% disapproving.

Have to say if she takes the plunge in 2016 she's got it in the bag.

I think this Booker shit is overplayed. He didn't like one of Obama's ads, whatever. It's funny though how Republicans are trying to make this a "Stand with Cory Booker!" thing. See how much they like him when he runs for Lautenberg's seat in 2014.
Right, so he didn't think enough of her to make her a recess appointment. Not exactly what I'd call "going to bat" for her, especially since he needed to bypass the senate to appoint Cordray.

To be honest I don't really fault either Obama or Warren for her resignation. Because she was held up for close to a year (or over?) and had to sit through countless, never ending grilling sessions in front of Republicans who had no intention of giving her the vote any way. In the end, she decided to pursue election in MA. It's like saying Obama didn't think much of Rahm because he decided to pursue the election in Chicago. In the end I'm pretty sure both the administration as well as Warren were tired of the whole thing, and that's where Obama said fuck it, we'll do it live and bypassed the Senate for Cordray.
To be honest I don't really fault either Obama or Warren for her resignation. Because she was held up for close to a year (or over?) and had to sit through countless, never ending grilling sessions in front of Republicans who had no intention of giving her the vote any way. In the end, she decided to pursue election in MA. It's like saying Obama didn't think much of Rahm because he decided to pursue the election in Chicago. In the end I'm pretty sure both the administration as well as Warren were tired of the whole thing, and that's where Obama said fuck it, we'll do it live and bypassed the Senate for Cordray.
This smacks of historical revisionism. There was ample opportunity for Obama to make a recess appointment for Warren if he had any inclination to do so before her running for the MA Senate seat became a serious proposition.

He's barely made recess appointments though.
I wouldn't say it's clear that that's a point in RN's favor.


Yeah, Obama could have put her in if he wanted. But if she manages to win that seat (doubtful, I think) it will have unintentionally worked out for the better anyway.
if you turn off the news you'll only then realize how impactful and harmful to the president booker's statements on MTP were: that is to say, no one gives a shit about what some mayor from newark cares or thinks.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
But if the talking points are 2008 talking points nobody will care, you are not going to persuade independents like that

The media can only push you so far, then its up to the candidate to connect to bring the voters home. Romney has no personality so billions spent on ads are not going to make him anymore personable or memorable

Exactly, everything he's tried so far is to either make Obama's administration seem radically liberal, or make Obama himself seem un-American or unqualified. Neither of those things will ever stick.

Obama can attack Romney on his honesty, charisma, and experience in the private sector. With arguments that voters will easily believe. Well to be fair, Santorum and Gingrich already shattered any claims Romney had about his integrity.

Right now, polls are close because most voters probably don't pay much attention to what anybody is saying. I guarantee it'll widen up by November.


I don't think the GOP really wants to make this a election about private equity or Bain Capital.

If they managed to tarnish the military record of someone with a Purple Heart, I don't think they'll have any problem making Bain out to be saintly job creators. I'm visiting my parents right now and my dad had Fox News on and holy shit this panel they had on were pushing "Private Equity/Bain Capital IS AWESOME!" so hard for the five minutes I was watching it. It was seriously like a god damn infomercial.
Obama's not relenting on Bain:
“Cory Booker is an outstanding mayor,” Obama said, “but it is important to recognize this issue is not a distraction. This is part of the debate we will be adding in this campaign about how do we create an economy where everybody from top to bottom, folks on wall street and main street, have a shot at success.”

“Understand that their priority is to maximize profits,” Obama added of those who work in private equity. “That is not always going to be good for communities or businesses or workers. The reason this is relevant to the campaign is because my opponent, Governor Romney, his main calling card for why he thinks he should be president is his business experience. He is not touting his experience in massachusetts. He is saying he is a business guy, and this is his business.”

Obama further defended his campaign’s attacks of Romney’s time at Bain Capital, saying the company was fair game.

“When you are president as opposed to the head of a private equity firm, your job is not simply to maximize profits,” Obama continued. “Your job is to figure out how everybody in the country gets a fair shot.”

“If your main argument for how to grow in the economy is ‘I knew how to make a lot of money for investors’, then you are missing what this job is about,” Obama said. “That does not mean you are not good at private equity. That is not what my job is as president. My job is to take into account everybody, not just some.”

In fact, that's the hardest I've ever seen him hit Mitt Romney about the issue.

Video at the link: http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entries/obama-on-bain-as-president-your-job-is
This is why I Love TPM

Emails between Arizona SoS and Hawaii officials where he tries to show his birther credentials


Hawaii officials are AWESOME!

I asked you for legal authority that establishes your right to obtain verification, and your email of May 17, 2012 provides me with references to Arizona Revised Statutes 16-212, 16-301, 16-502, 16-507, and unnamed others. These statutes seem to deal with election of presidential electors, nomination of candidates for printing on official ballot of general or special election, form and contents of ballot, and presentation of presidential candidates on ballot, but none, as far as I can tell, establish the authority of the Secretary of State to maintain and update official lists of persons in the ordinary course of his activities. I researched other sections of the Arizona Revised Statutes and was unable to find the necessary authority.

If I have missed something, please let me know. My client stands willing to provide you with the verification you seek as soon as you are able to show that you are entitled to it.

Edit: One good thing out of Booker's statements is Bain is left, right and center in the current campaign at the moment.
Glad to see I no longer need to worry about people telling me I'm wrong about Booker being fairly mediocre.

Yeah, I'm going to bask in this glory for a little bit.
Really good Josh Marshall quote about wealthy complaints against Obama:
So what’s the explanation? Over recent weeks I’ve come to think that something else is in play. And I think it’s tied to the dramatic run up in wealth at the top of the income scale, not just over the last 35 years but particularly over the last 15 years. More or less since the beginning of the Clinton years. In a sense it’s the other side of the 99% vs 1% meme that has been the most successful legacy of the Occupy Wall Street Movement.

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