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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Democrats have not been effective enough in differentiating between investors who invest because they want a company to succeed and investors who ruin people's pensions to pay their own fees and walk away with a profit even if hundreds get fired. Sure the ads are great, but they could have done better in avoiding the ''Democrats hate job creators'' narrative. It will always stick obviously, but it feels like they could have done more.

Thats not fair characterization of what Bain Capital did with GTS Steel. GTS was a dieing, over unionized company. If anything, Bain gave them an 8 year life extension in an attempt to turn the company around.

But thats only the surface of why all this talk of Bain Capital is going to blow up in BO's face.


I'm still relishing one of the atypical instances where our foreign policy establishment uniformly performs adequately. The concern for democracy is presented as paramount, but this was transparently a move to wrest Burma away from China's sphere. And it's heretofore been successful.
I'm not a regular here, but I agree. Or at least post a short description. Just posting a URL doesnt help the reader in determining whether they should click through.
Totally. Although only mildly annoying, it detracts from the conversation.
Right, so he didn't think enough of her to make her a recess appointment. Not exactly what I'd call "going to bat" for her, especially since he needed to bypass the senate to appoint Cordray.

You have to remember how hostile republicans were to Warren. They were terrible, and foaming at the mouth about the agency already. This isn't about Obama not thinking enough of Warren. This is a case of republicans being so hostile that it became ridiculous, and both Obama and Warren decided it was best to move on without her.


This is why I Love TPM

Emails between Arizona SoS and Hawaii officials where he tries to show his birther credentials


Hawaii officials are AWESOME!

Edit: One good thing out of Booker's statements is Bain is left, right and center in the current campaign at the moment.

Those emails are an amazing read. The Hawaii officials are both on point and have a sharp sense of humor.

I think the most interesting part of the email release was the reveal that Bennett has been telling birthers that if Hawaii would not release what he requested, he'd deny Obama a spot on the ballot. IIRC, in public he's only said he'd consider it. But in private he was much more specific.

With all due respect, the MCSO investigation has not proven anything other than raised probable cause that the birth certificate posted on the Whitehouse website “may be” a forgery. The next lawful step would be for the Sheriff’s office to turn their findings over to the County Attorney for prosecution. Evidence would be brought on both sides and a judge should issue a decision. Whether or not that happens, if Hawaii can’t or won’t provide verification of the President’s birth certificate, I will not put his name on the ballot.
Hilarious. If Hawaii does not relent's he's painted into a corner.

I would not be surprised to see Arizona try to pass a law specifically granting them the kind of access Hawaii is requesting. Though given the nature of the Hawaii law, I'm not sure any that Arizona could pass would qualify.


Thats not fair characterization of what Bain Capital did with GTS Steel. GTS was a dieing, over unionized company. If anything, Bain gave them an 8 year life extension in an attempt to turn the company around.

But thats only the surface of why all this talk of Bain Capital is going to blow up in BO's face.

Got proof of that?
And ignoring that Obama is as big a Wall Street stooge as we've ever had in the White House.

Yup, my point. I don't remember many democrats pointing out Obama's extensive Wall Street ties/support in 2007, outside of Matt Taibi and some folks on FDL.

It's unfortunate that Booker is being crucified over something MOST liberals turned a blind eye at with Obama 4-5 years ago


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Those emails are an amazing read. The Hawaii officials are both on point and have a sharp sense of humor.

I think the most interesting part of the email release was the reveal that Bennett has been telling birthers that if Hawaii would not release what he requested, he'd deny Obama a spot on the ballot. IIRC, in public he's only said he'd consider it. But in private he was much more specific.

Hilarious. If Hawaii does not relent's he's painted into a corner.

I would not be surprised to see Arizona try to pass a law specifically granting them the kind of access Hawaii is requesting. Though given the nature of the Hawaii law, I'm not sure any that Arizona could pass would qualify.

I'm still confused as to how this bullshit is even allowed. A state AG can decide whether or not to put a presidential candidate on the ballot? These people are running for president of all 50 states, you can't have each state create their own set of rules to see who is and isn't eligible. What the fuck?

Booker is getting ripped up.

Good. He's a goddamned twit.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Yup, my point. I don't remember many democrats pointing out Obama's extensive Wall Street ties/support in 2007, outside of Matt Taibi and some folks on FDL.

It's unfortunate that Booker is being crucified over something MOST liberals turned a blind eye at with Obama 4-5 years ago

Eh...just speaking for myself, I'm more annoyed at his idiotic false equivalency rather than any possible undercutting of Obama's message he may have done.
People make mistakes. I don't really care about what Cory Booker said or does. He doesn't represent me anyway. I'm sure he'll redeem himself later. I have only one scoreboard. One side says this:"Days where the main discussion was the economy or jobs." The the other side says this: "Days we are not talking about the economy or jobs." Which side do you think has more points? Romney is doing an excellent job making this a referendum on the president. We are constantly talking about him and his job performance and not the newest shiny object to capture the media's attention. Don't you agree PD?

Mike M

Nick N
I'm still confused as to how this bullshit is even allowed. A state AG can decide whether or not to put a presidential candidate on the ballot? These people are running for president of all 50 states, you can't have each state create their own set of rules to see who is and isn't eligible. What the fuck?

You're not voting for president, you're voting for who you want your state's electoral college members to vote for. The states get to write the rules on what determines how their delegates vote, just like primaries.

Yet another reason the EC should get chucked out the window posthaste.


Yup, my point. I don't remember many democrats pointing out Obama's extensive Wall Street ties/support in 2007, outside of Matt Taibi and some folks on FDL.

It's unfortunate that Booker is being crucified over something MOST liberals turned a blind eye at with Obama 4-5 years ago

I remember a decent amount. Not mainstream criticism, but there almost never is with that type of stuff. And that's not the main reason Booker is being "crucified." He made a stupid false equivalence of Bain and Wright, and tried to self aggrandize as being the adult in the room. It was a really dumb move, both in a cynically political way, and in trying to make a legitimate point.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
You're not voting for president, you're voting for who you want your state's electoral college members to vote for. The states get to write the rules on what determines how their delegates vote, just like primaries.

I get that, but not being able to put the only challenger on the ballot? Just seems absurd.
And ignoring that Obama is as big a Wall Street stooge as we've ever had in the White House.

Kosmo, I would love to hear your thoughts on Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren. I'm sure you are a unwavering on this issue when it comes to Wall Street money in politics. You are so consistent like the Republican candidate for president.
Is Obama's campaign now, in 2012, receiving as much money from the financial sector as Romney? If he's as big of a wall street stooge as there has ever been in the WH, one would think so, right?

Well he's not. It's not even remotely close. Why is that?
Is Obama's campaign now, in 2012, receiving as much money from the financial sector as Romney? If he's as big of a wall street stooge as there has ever been in the WH, one would think so, right?

Well he's not. It's not even remotely close. Why is that?

Alec MacGillis has written several pieces about it. This one is the longest and most extensive, but he wrote about Cory Booker today in which he summarized it, I think:
Well, where it’s coming from is from one side of the rift that I described in this piece: the split between the Obama administration and the hedge fund and private equity managers who, only a few years ago, felt a special bond with Candidate Obama. Many of the same Wall Street types who saw Obama as a new kind of Democrat, a brilliant superstar floating above the hacks (not unlike themselves, floating above the time-serving i-bankers!) saw the Ivy League-educated, magnetic Booker much the same way, and supported him accordingly—Booker’s campaigns for mayor got huge backing from across the river, as his decidedly hackish opponent Sharpe James liked to point out. Well, three years later, Obama has lost many of these supporters, for the reasons I describe in my piece. But Booker—who does not have to worry himself about things like financial reform and the carried interest loophole—has managed to remain in their good graces. He has not had to seriously confront the inherent contradictions that have defined the Wall Street-Democratic alliance of the Bob Rubin/Chuck Schumer era. That is, until now.

Also: Read John Marshall's take on Cory Book to find out why.
Some of this shouldn’t surprise us, I suppose. President Obama has pushed more regulation of business than his predecessor. It’s certainly a change after eight years of George W. Bush; and it’s an eight years over which quite a lot has changed in the country. He’s supported — though as yet not acted on — his call to roll back the Bush tax cuts. But Bill Clinton did all of this and more. The key is that by most objective standards the President is actually more solicitous of the business community than most or all Democratic presidents over the last half century.

So what’s the explanation? Over recent weeks I’ve come to think that something else is in play. And I think it’s tied to the dramatic run up in wealth at the top of the income scale, not just over the last 35 years but particularly over the last 15 years. More or less since the beginning of the Clinton years. In a sense it’s the other side of the 99% vs 1% meme that has been the most successful legacy of the Occupy Wall Street Movement.

In summary: Dodd-Frank, Obama wasn't what these bankers were hoping he would be, they've grown accumulated to their vast sums of wealth, etc.


Thats not fair characterization of what Bain Capital did with GTS Steel. GTS was a dieing, over unionized company. If anything, Bain gave them an 8 year life extension in an attempt to turn the company around.

But thats only the surface of why all this talk of Bain Capital is going to blow up in BO's face.
So why is this going to blow up? After Romney/fox news is able to find a way to spin this??!?


Kosmo, I would love to hear your thoughts on Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren. I'm sure you are a unwavering on this issue when it comes to Wall Street money in politics. You are so consistent like the Republican candidate for president.

I have no thoughts on Brown v. Warren other than Warren's claim she was part Cherokee, then claiming she didn't know anything about it when it was pointed out, is a complete joke. I am not their constituent, so Massachusetts can elect whoever they want.

On Obama and Wall Street (and numerous other things) it's not that he's worse than many Republicans, it's that he's the same, but when you point that out to his supporters, they are basically like "Well yeah, whatever, he's a likable guy and the first black President and I voted for him, so go away racist."


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I assume by "advocated for her" he means not fighting for her appointment to lead the bureaucratic monster she created.

You mean the CFPB? The same agency that consists of 3 employees: Richard Cordray, the janitor (who Cordray occasionally takes over from time to time), and the janitor's seeing eye dog? That CFPB? I'm pretty sure it doesn't even four walls. And mind you all that is BEFORE the Republicans budget cuts kicked in.
You mean the CFPB? The same agency that consists of 3 employees: Richard Cordray, the janitor (who Cordray occasionally takes over from), and the janitor's seeing eye dog? That CFPB? I'm pretty sure it doesn't even four walls. And mind you all that is BEFORE the Republicans budget cuts kicked in.

You are mistaken on all parts of that post.
This is why I Love TPM

Emails between Arizona SoS and Hawaii officials where he tries to show his birther credentials


Hawaii officials are AWESOME!

The thing is, Ken Bennet says in his emails to those raising concerns about Obama's birth that
I can tell from the tone and language of your letters that the only acceptable outcome for you is that his name not be on the ballot, period. That may be what happens, but under my watch, it won’t happen based on opinions, petitions, probability or pledges to support or oppose me in the 2014 Governor’s race. My oath of office is to uphold the Constitution and laws of our State and country, and I’m going to do that by following the law. I look forward to continuing to work this issue under those parameters. Otherwise, I will respectfully agree to disagree.

I mean, the Birtherism stuff is obvious nonsense, but I do like that Ken Bennet seems to be trying to be as objective as possible. It seems to me like he's really only doing something he knows he doesn't have to just so he can attempt to shut up the crazies. Of course, we know that no evidence will shut them up. He knows it too, and admits such. But it looks like he's just trying to do enough to say "I did everything I could." I don't think he's a birther.
The thing is, Ken Bennet says in his emails to those raising concerns about Obama's birth that

I mean, the Birtherism stuff is obvious nonsense, but I do like that Ken Bennet seems to be trying to be as objective as possible. It seems to me like he's really only doing something he knows he doesn't have to just so he can attempt to shut up the crazies. Of course, we know that no evidence will shut them up. He knows it too, and admits such. But it looks like he's just trying to do enough to say "I did everything I could." I don't think he's a birther.

He believes the certificate Obama released last year is a forgery. He is part of the crazies.


Typical. Obama getting his Hawaiian co-conspirator buddies to block real American patriots from learning the truth.



So why is this going to blow up? After Romney/fox news is able to find a way to spin this??!?

Chumly. Are you capable of have a political discussion without being confrontational (or mentioning FOX news)? If so, I'll entertain your questions. If not I'll continue to ignore you.

Attacking Bain for not being able to save GTS Steel is lame for a lot of reasons....

1) Romney had already departed Bain when GTS was shut down.
2) GTS was a failing company - Bain basically gave them an 8 year life extension. Steel production as a whole is declining in the US.
3) It's not helpful for Dems to look as if they are somehow against private equity firms.
4) Most people would rather investors risk their OWN money then have the government risk ours (see Solindra).

My guess is that BO will drop it as an issue.


Chumly. Are you capable of have a political discussion without being confrontational (or mentioning FOX news)? If so, I'll entertain your questions. If not I'll continue to ignore you.

Attacking Bain for not being able to save GTS Steel is lame for a lot of reasons....

1) Romney had already departed Bain when GTS was shut down.
2) GTS was a failing company - Bain basically gave them an 8 year life extension. Steel production as a whole is declining in the US.
3) It's not helpful for Dems to look as if they are somehow against private equity firms.
4) Most people would rather investors risk their OWN money then have the government risk ours (see Solindra).

My guess is that BO will drop it as an issue.

I'm still waiting on your proof that GTS Steel was over unionized.
1) Romney had already departed Bain when GTS was shut down.
I agree with you that he left before the eventually shutdown. But if we are going to nick pick about underhandedness, then our lists our going to get long. I could point you to a video of Obama talking about McCain saying, "Talking about the economy will lose us the election."

2) GTS was a failing company - Bain basically gave them an 8 year life extension. Steel production as a whole is declining in the US.
Why buy a failing company then? If the whole industry was going down the toilet, then why bother investing? Was it to squeeze the company of assets and saddle it with debt to pay Bain shareholders?

3) It's not helpful for Dems to look as if they are somehow against private equity firms.
Why not? I think when most people hear the term private equity the image of Gordon Gecko comes to mind. Wall Street is not that popular at the moment. Bain Capital is fair game. Romney needs a viable defense, or he is going to lose like in South Carolina.

4) Most people would rather investors risk their OWN money then have the government risk ours (see Solindra).
Where was this brought up? As far as I know Obama is not offering to do this. Please show me where this straw man is located. Or are you talking about tax payer money? I hate to tell you this, but a lot of the items you use to day were funded by tax payer research. Maybe another company invents a real high tech battery with the Dept. of Energy's loan guarantee program and eliminates the need for oil. Who knows what could be saved?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Typical. Obama getting his Hawaiian co-conspirator buddies to block real American patriots from learning the truth.


He's openly joked about it several times, many of which took place during White House correspondents dinners. When mocking the constitution and the American people so blatantly, you can't help but expect some eventual blowback. The turkeys have finally come home to roost, so to speak.


New Washington Post poll.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Poll Watch: Washington Post/ABC News 2012 Presidential Survey
Washington Post/ABC News 2012 Presidential Poll

Barack Obama 49%
Mitt Romney 46%

(Among Obama Voters) Would you say you are very enthusiastic about supporting Obama, somewhat enthusiastic, not so enthusiastic, or not enthusiastic at all?

Very enthusiastic 51%
Somewhat enthusiastic 41%
Not so enthusiastic 4%
Not enthusiastic at all 4%

(Among Romney Voters) Would you say you are very enthusiastic about supporting Romney, somewhat enthusiastic, not so enthusiastic, or not enthusiastic at all?

Very enthusiastic 26%
Somewhat enthusiastic 48%
Not so enthusiastic 15%
Not enthusiastic at all 9%​
I remember a decent amount. Not mainstream criticism, but there almost never is with that type of stuff. And that's not the main reason Booker is being "crucified." He made a stupid false equivalence of Bain and Wright, and tried to self aggrandize as being the adult in the room. It was a really dumb move, both in a cynically political way, and in trying to make a legitimate point.

Spot on as usual, Clevinger.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Why not? I think when most people hear the term private equity the image of Gordon Gecko comes to mind. Wall Street is not that popular at the moment. Bain Capital is fair game. Romney needs a viable defense, or he is going to lose like in South Carolina.

Eh..not to be nitpicky, but the Mittster losing SC didn't have as much to do with Newt's attacks on Bain, so much as it did on Newt demonstrating his ability to put certain people of colored persuasion in their place.


Professional Schmuck
I don't think you understand how private equity firms work, Kevivity. They don't buy struggling and "over-unionized" entities. Read:

Neither side gets the Bain story correct. Two concepts are missing from the conversation. The first missing concept is "Cash Cow." Bain did not target "troubled companies." Cash Cows, instead, are profitable, with good cash flows, but relatively-slow growth, and paying standard tax rates with few write-offs. The second missing concept is "Tax Arbitrage," which is, very simply, this:

You take the Cash Cow, paying, say, 30% in taxes, and use various strategies to drive the tax rate to near-zero without killing the cash flow. Then you pocket the 30%, and the investors pay lower capital gains and "carried interest" tax rates on those extracted "tax savings."

For roughly half of the companies receiving this "operation" will die because of the high debt and other obligations brought on by the Tax Arbitrage strategy. But you, the equity capital firm, get your investment out early. Half of the companies will prosper under this treatment (though not for existing employees who are outsourced or downsized), and you flip those to new owners for huge profits, taxed at capital gains rates.

This is NOT "Capitalism." This is manipulation of the tax code for profit for some, at the expense of others. Millions of Americans work for years for Cash Cow companies. Slow growth is not a sin; it is a reality in many businesses, and a good Cash Cow can provide employment and community stability to generations of workers and their families.

I don't expect you to read, understand, much less believe the above, because it goes against everything you're hearing from your targeted media. But seriously. They weren't trying "to save" GST Steel.

To your point about people preferring to risk "private" money rather than public ("see solindra," you said), you're clearly overlooking that their profit model is based on taking your tax dollars and making interest on them while putting good people out of work. They ARE taking your money.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
To your point about people preferring to risk "private" money rather than public ("see solindra," you said), you're clearly overlooking that their profit model is based on taking your tax dollars and making interest on them while putting good people out of work. They ARE taking your money.

Oh, silly Panther. It's impossible for corporations to take advantage of taxpayer monies. That only happens with poor people and the latte sippers at the Harvard faculty lounge.

I'm pretty amazed at how consistent Republican messaging is. Over half a century of the exact same stuff regurgitated against every single incumbent from the opposition party.
I have no thoughts on Brown v. Warren other than Warren's claim she was part Cherokee, then claiming she didn't know anything about it when it was pointed out, is a complete joke. I am not their constituent, so Massachusetts can elect whoever they want.

On Obama and Wall Street (and numerous other things) it's not that he's worse than many Republicans, it's that he's the same, but when you point that out to his supporters, they are basically like "Well yeah, whatever, he's a likable guy and the first black President and I voted for him, so go away racist."

Oh come on, you can do better than that.

The Wall Street bill is full of various loopholes and jokes. While Obama apologists will argue that Wall Street supporting Romney must mean Obama is being tough on them, it's more like they're upset they got 70% of the pie instead of 99%
This is why I Love TPM


I asked you for legal authority that establishes your right to obtain verification, and your email of May 17, 2012 provides me with references to Arizona Revised Statutes 16-212, 16-301, 16-502, 16-507, and unnamed others. These statutes seem to deal with election of presidential electors, nomination of candidates for printing on official ballot of general or special election, form and contents of ballot, and presentation of presidential candidates on ballot, but none, as far as I can tell, establish the authority of the Secretary of State to maintain and update official lists of persons in the ordinary course of his activities. I researched other sections of the Arizona Revised Statutes and was unable to find the necessary authority..

That gave me serious lols.

...and then I realized that the email exchange in that page probably cost the taxpayers 10,000+

And the lols ended.


I agree with you that he left before the eventually shutdown. But if we are going to nick pick about underhandedness, then our lists our going to get long. I could point you to a video of Obama talking about McCain saying, "Talking about the economy will lose us the election."

I disagree that it's nitpicking.

Why buy a failing company then? If the whole industry was going down the toilet, then why bother investing? Was it to squeeze the company of assets and saddle it with debt to pay Bain shareholders?

Your guess is as good as mine. It might have been for assets (something I have no problem with), or maybe Bain was under the impression GTS could be saved (Bain specialized in saving troubled companies). There are lots of reasons equity firms invest in troubled companies.

Why not? I think when most people hear the term private equity the image of Gordon Gecko comes to mind. Wall Street is not that popular at the moment. Bain Capital is fair game. Romney needs a viable defense, or he is going to lose like in South Carolina.

Most people have no idea who Gordon Gecko is.

Dems have to play to center during an election cycle. One of the things that means is not coming across as anti-business. (In my opinion)

Where was this brought up? As far as I know Obama is not offering to do this. Please show me where this straw man is located. Or are you talking about tax payer money? I hate to tell you this, but a lot of the items you use to day were funded by tax payer research. Maybe another company invents a real high tech battery with the Dept. of Energy's loan guarantee program and eliminates the need for oil. Who knows what could be saved?

It's not a straw man. I was merely comparing Bain's investment of private money into a failing company, to the US Government investing $535 million (our tax dollars) into Solyndra and then losing it all.


I don't think you understand how private equity firms work, Kevivity. They don't buy struggling and "over-unionized" entities. Read:

I disagree with the "reader" Sullivan quotes above - I wish he could have provided some (any) details.

That fact is that Bain had a history of buying troubled companies and rebuilding them into thriving ones. Some examples... Sports Authority Inc., Domino's Pizza Inc, Sealy Corp, TRW/Experian Corp. There are many more.
New Washington Post poll.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Poll Watch: Washington Post/ABC News 2012 Presidential Survey
Washington Post/ABC News 2012 Presidential Poll

Barack Obama 49%
Mitt Romney 46%

(Among Obama Voters) Would you say you are very enthusiastic about supporting Obama, somewhat enthusiastic, not so enthusiastic, or not enthusiastic at all?

Very enthusiastic 51%
Somewhat enthusiastic 41%
Not so enthusiastic 4%
Not enthusiastic at all 4%

(Among Romney Voters) Would you say you are very enthusiastic about supporting Romney, somewhat enthusiastic, not so enthusiastic, or not enthusiastic at all?

Very enthusiastic 26%
Somewhat enthusiastic 48%
Not so enthusiastic 15%
Not enthusiastic at all 9%​
Bunk poll, everyone knows enthusiasm for Obama is down the tubes.

What sticks out to me is the question on "Who do you think has the better personal character to serve as president," where Obama leads Romney 52-38. If the economy gets booming again, I'm sure Obama will have that 52% locked up. Romney ain't got nothing going for him.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Limbaugh calls 14 year old caller "babe":

LIMBAUGH: Let's go to Katie, Island Park, Idaho. Glad you called, great to have you on the program. Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. Yeah, my name is Katie, and I'm 14, and I'm not sure if I qualify to be a Rush baby or a Rush babe. What do you think?

LIMBAUGH: You're 14?

CALLER: I'm 14.

LIMBAUGH: You're four-- you're both. You are Rush baby and a Rush babe both. We'll count you both.

CALLER: All righty.

LIMBAUGH: Have you signed up at our Facebook page?

CALLER: Yes, I just did this morning.

LIMBAUGH: Well, then you're a Rush babe. That's it.

CALLER: All righty.

LIMBAUGH: Fourteen. Well, thanks very much, Katie, I appreciate it.

CALLER: Thanks. Thanks, Rush.

Ah, good ole Rushbo.
So why is this going to blow up? After Romney/fox news is able to find a way to spin this??!?

FOX News is already trying to downplay the hell out of it from what I've seen in the past couple weeks, so I'm personally inclined to see this as Kevitivity being Kosmo-lite again.
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