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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Chumly. Are you capable of have a political discussion without being confrontational (or mentioning FOX news)? If so, I'll entertain your questions. If not I'll continue to ignore you.

Attacking Bain for not being able to save GTS Steel is lame for a lot of reasons....

1) Romney had already departed Bain when GTS was shut down.
2) GTS was a failing company - Bain basically gave them an 8 year life extension. Steel production as a whole is declining in the US.
3) It's not helpful for Dems to look as if they are somehow against private equity firms.
4) Most people would rather investors risk their OWN money then have the government risk ours (see Solindra).

My guess is that BO will drop it as an issue.

I've stated this before, but Romney has taken credit for the jobs created by Bain when he wasn't there. If he can do that, I'd say it's fair game to blame him for the bad shit Bain did without him as well.


I wish Obama would bring up the fact that Romney wants to cut taxes for himself, while Obama wants to raise taxes on himself. I think a lot of people forget Obama is rich as fuck, and him raising taxes isn't "punishing the rich". HE WANTS TO RAISE HIS OWN TAXES IN THE NAME OF FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY. This whole Bain thing is beating around the bush. Romney is a sociopathic, greedy SOB that only cares about his own bottom line. You think he wants to president because he wants to serve the public good? lol

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
I wish Obama would bring up the fact that Romney wants to cut taxes for himself, while Obama wants to raise taxes on himself. I think a lot of people forget Obama is rich as fuck, and him raising taxes isn't "punishing the rich". HE WANTS TO RAISE HIS OWN TAXES IN THE NAME OF FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY. This whole Bain thing is beating around the bush. Romney is a sociopathic, greedy SOB that only cares about his own bottom line. You think he wants to president because he wants to serve the public good? lol

I'm sure that is going to come up in debates.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
No offense but your descent to liberal outrage machine/Obama slappy has been quite annoying

oh pd...

Is the insinuation here that Rush is a pedophile or did something wrong by allowing a kid to join a female conservative club he created?

Clearly the former. You don't think it's pretty creepy for a dude in his 50s (60s?) to call a 14 year old girl a "babe".
No offense but your descent to liberal outrage machine/Obama slappy has been quite annoying

Is the insinuation here that Rush is a pedophile or did something wrong by allowing a kid to join a female conservative club he created?
The insinuation is that limbaugh is a sleazeball but thats a foregone conclusion


Honestly, there’s nothing to get worked up about in Rush’s comments. It’s clearly a joke. If this becomes an issue, it’s going to be one of those faux outrage things that makes liberals look bad. Let it be.

having said that – Rush finds 14yo girls attractive? GAFfer confirmed amirite.


Chumly. Are you capable of have a political discussion without being confrontational (or mentioning FOX news)? If so, I'll entertain your questions. If not I'll continue to ignore you.

Attacking Bain for not being able to save GTS Steel is lame for a lot of reasons....
I apologize......... I'll stop making "snarky" comments when you start defending yours.

1) Romney had already departed Bain when GTS was shut down.
Romney was there for 6 out of the 8 years. You cant just magically absolve him because he wasn't there when they finally made the decision to shut them down. He was more than willing to make blanket statements accepting all credit for good things that Bain has done.

2) GTS was a failing company - Bain basically gave them an 8 year life extension. Steel production as a whole is declining in the US.
Then they should have known better than to saddle the company with extremely high debt and charge outrageous fees. O wait..... Bain capital didn't actually care if it went bankrupt since all they cared about was extracting as much money as possible from GTS. So again. How was the company an over unionized dying company? By all reports it was a successful company that Bain ran into the ground.

3) It's not helpful for Dems to look as if they are somehow against private equity firms.
They aren't. Just not for Romney's type.
4) Most people would rather investors risk their OWN money then have the government risk ours (see Solindra).

My guess is that BO will drop it as an issue.
Government has pumped hundreds of billions of dollars in R&D over the years that has helped us out a lot. In addition the government makes investments for the good of the country as a whole instead of trying to make a few people rich.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
No offense but your descent to liberal outrage machine/Obama slappy has been quite annoying

Is the insinuation here that Rush is a pedophile or did something wrong by allowing a kid to join a female conservative club he created?

Ignoring the whole 14 year old thing, you don't find the term 'Rush babe' a bit demeaning for a female conservative club? The insinuation that conservative women have to be sexualized? I thought you were all about women's rights and how they are portrayed by politicians ?
DNC out with new Video going off Obama's awesome press conference answer yesterday


Priorities USA piles on using primary statements from other Republicans


The Arizona SoS who is a Birther is Romney's Arizona Campaign Chair


Imagine the media firestorm if an Obama campaign chair said something about mormonism...


Rush compliments 14 year old girl who is fishing for a compliment. RUSH IS A PEDOPHILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All of the internet needs to be locked up for sexualizing that little Harry Potter girl.

Limbaugh is a fucking idiot who provides tons of material, why go searching for nonsense? He provides tons of actual fodder daily.
I have no thoughts on Brown v. Warren other than Warren's claim she was part Cherokee, then claiming she didn't know anything about it when it was pointed out, is a complete joke. I am not their constituent, so Massachusetts can elect whoever they want.

On Obama and Wall Street (and numerous other things) it's not that he's worse than many Republicans, it's that he's the same, but when you point that out to his supporters, they are basically like "Well yeah, whatever, he's a likable guy and the first black President and I voted for him, so go away racist."

In this political climate, A republican would have NEVER signed anything like the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act into law.


You have to remember how hostile republicans were to Warren. They were terrible, and foaming at the mouth about the agency already. This isn't about Obama not thinking enough of Warren. This is a case of republicans being so hostile that it became ridiculous, and both Obama and Warren decided it was best to move on without her.
They plied the same unscrupulous tactics with Peter Diamond, the NLRB vacancies, and various other appointees. And while the 60-vote majority persists, the problem will not abate.
They plied the same unscrupulous tactics with Peter Diamond, the NLRB vacancies, and various other appointees. And while the 60-vote majority persists, the problem will not abate.
Dead on. I think the idea that Republicans specifically opposed Elizabeth Warren as head of CFPB is a profound misreading of the history that ignores their intransigence on all the other nominees mentioned here, and that's without even taking judicial nominees into consideration. But I think this also exposes just how wrong the idea that Obama "went to bat" for Warren is; given that he was going to have to strongarm someone into heading CFPB, Warren would have been just as easy to recess appoint as Cordray.


Dead on. I think the idea that Republicans specifically opposed Elizabeth Warren as head of CFPB is a profound misreading of the history that ignores their intransigence on all the other nominees mentioned here, and that's without even taking judicial nominees into consideration. But I think this also exposes just how wrong the idea that Obama "went to bat" for Warren is; given that he was going to have to strongarm someone into heading CFPB, Warren would have been just as easy to recess appoint as Cordray.

that was my point


I haven't been disagreeing with you.

Just emphasizing it.

I assume Warren asked to be removed so she could run for the Brown seat. There was talk of that happening even while she was being held up, I assume it just got to the point where she said "fuck it" I'll just run.

I hope she wins and is put on all the same committees as Rand Paul. I would watch so much CNET


The Cryptarch's Bane
Let's be real for a second, and I apologize if this is rehashed, common knowledge.

PD, are you going to be voting for Willard Romney?
Karl Rove group putting out a new ad with more false claims (that Obama raised taxes for people earning under 250k). Buy is worth 9.25 million dollars, so expect to see a lot of that.

Dems have got nothing to fight back on that front, i.e. Groups that can go negative in subtle or flamboyant ways on Romney while being not part of the Obama Campaign.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Let's be real for a second, and I apologize if this is rehashed, common knowledge.

PD, are you going to be voting for Willard Romney?

There is no way in hell he is voting for Mitt.

taxes for people earning under 250k). Buy is worth 9.25 million dollars, so expect to see a lot of that.

Dems have got nothing to fight back on that front, i.e. Groups that can go negative in subtle or flamboyant ways on Romney while being not part of the Obama Campaign.
is that a lie-lie or a semantics-lie though?


Karl Rove group putting out a new ad with more false claims (that Obama raised taxes for people earning under 250k). Buy is worth 9.25 million dollars, so expect to see a lot of that.

Dems have got nothing to fight back on that front, i.e. Groups that can go negative in subtle or flamboyant ways on Romney while being not part of the Obama Campaign.

Depends what you consider a tax, I guess, if you don't think he's singed things that will/have raised taxes on those making under $250K.


The Cryptarch's Bane
He's probably referring to the EGTRRA extension. Sunset provision = ZOMG OBAMA RAISING TAXES
That's... god, you're probably right about that being what he meant, but


Can you please detail how Obama has raised taxes overall (net raise) on people making less than 250K?

Oh, is that where the goalposts are now?

Speaking in Dover, New Hampshire on Sept. 12, 2008, candidate Obama said:
"I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes."

I guess new taxes could be an exception, if we're playing semantics.


That is a web video, with hardly any dollars behind it. Even the Bain ad they are airing has a 800k buy. Compare that to Rove groups' 25 million dollar buy

I was just pointing out that Obama's PAC is trying, they just apparently aren't very good at it. How much does Priorities have now? Have they even cracked $10m?
I was just pointing out that Obama's PAC is trying, they just apparently aren't very good at it. How much does Priorities have now? Have they even cracked $10m?

No, lol. Last month they raised on 1.6 million. Some OK billionaire just cut a million dollars for Romney's SuperPAC last week. Singular donors on GOP side are matching Priorities USA. Not to mention GOP has 3-4 SuperPACs Democrats have 1.
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