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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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It's ok to admit you like a liar, but it's naive to pretend they are some altruistic saint. For instance, I like Ryan Braun.

So she talks about politics every day on TV for years, gets a few things wrong, and she's a liar. I merely state that in spite of anything, she's still obviously a genuine person who is trying to sincerely do what she can in her position to do some good, and yet I am pretending that she's a saint. Great insight.
The difference (to me) between Fox and MSNBC is that while MSNBC's evening programs are all opinion/commentary/bias based, their morning to day news reporting is just that...news reporting. They may focus a bit more than some other stations on fringe stories that hurt republicans (like the Romney haircutting shit) but overall their news is rather regular by US standards, and many of their afternoon guests are typical Beltway types

Fox is a right wing talking points machine from morning to evening. Everything is framed in a way to create some image of controversy, by of course claiming the issue is controversial and then asking viewers which side they land on - all while presenting one side. This often turns it into a medium where far right positions no other news organization discusses are propagated, and the audience is then given a wink and a nod to make their own decision. Was Obama's speech at Gabby Gifford's memorial highly partisan? Is Obama speaking to children in public schools crossing the line? We report you decide.
Dude. Get a grip. This kind of ad hominem accusation is baseless and demonstrably false.

Kosmo also talks in total horseshit, outright lies, distorted and incoherent talking points and cooked up fucking nonsense. He is so utterly disingenuous or intellectually bereft that I sometimes think the mods put him in as a control of some kind.

In his defense, he may well get paid to do it.
Obama's camp continues their ridiculous campaign. The new narrative: Romney failed as governor of MA

The irony of them releasing an add hitting someone for coming into office with huge promises only to fail to create jobs is hilarious. The ad features a bunch of democrat mayors and congressmen from MA as if anyone could possibly take their word seriously.

What's going to happen when Obama hits Romney on this at a debate and Romney just says "unemployment was under 5% during my term. How about yours?"


24-hour news is universally horrible. CNN, MSNBC, and Fox are all horrible and just hinders political dialog. However, until CNN or MSNBC do something as blatantly partisan as producing a 4-minute attack ad against one-side, Fox will remain the king of the trash heap that is 24/7 news.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Obama's camp continues their ridiculous campaign. The new narrative: Romney failed as governor of MA

The irony of them releasing an add hitting someone for coming into office with huge promises only to fail to create jobs is hilarious. The ad features a bunch of democrat mayors and congressmen from MA as if anyone could possibly take their word seriously.

What's going to happen when Obama hits Romney on this at a debate and Romney just says "unemployment was under 5% during my term. How about yours?"

I guess I will just never understand how a dislike of one candidate over another from the same party, with the same policies and in some ways, the same style, can lead to this kind of corrosion.
Obama's camp continues their ridiculous campaign. The new narrative: Romney failed as governor of MA

The irony of them releasing an add hitting someone for coming into office with huge promises only to fail to create jobs is hilarious. The ad features a bunch of democrat mayors and congressmen from MA as if anyone could possibly take their word seriously.

What's going to happen when Obama hits Romney on this at a debate and Romney just says "unemployment was under 5% during my term. How about yours?"
One of these days people will come to understand causality. One of these days.

I'm sure the Obama campaign is planning to advance some claims about consecutive months of job growth or whatever.


In other news, Romney's aides shout down Obama campaign conference:

Here's a vivid illustration of just how badly Mitt Romney wants to avoid any discussion of his record as governor of Massachusetts: he sent his campaign aides to shout down speakers at a press conference organized by the Obama campaign to discuss Romney's governorship. Romney aides and supporters repeatedly shouted, screamed, and even blew bubbles and vuvezelas in an effort to disrupt the press conference, which was held in Boston.

Obama campaign senior strategist David Axelrod, who was the featured speaker at the event, told the Romney aides that their efforts to drown out discussion of Mitt Romney's record as governor would not succeed. "You can shout down speakers," he said. "But it's hard to Etch A Sketch the truth away."


What the hell? Did Romney hire a bunch of kids in middle school or something?
Bathing in the conspiracy pool again, eh?

You're the one with the conspiracy theory that the marketing profession doesn't really exist. It's apparently all an elaborate show orchestrated for some unstated gain. Seriously, you have the most bizarre conspiracy theories on GAF.


You're the one with the conspiracy theory that the marketing profession doesn't really exist. It's apparently all an elaborate show orchestrated for some unstated gain.

Marketing continues when it is effective. If you want to elaborate on how Kosmo's posting history is a representation of positive marketing, I am all ears. In fact, it would be one of the greater delights of my week.

When you accuse someone of viral marketing (for real), the burden of proof is on you. Not me.
Marketing continues when it is effective. If you want to elaborate on how Kosmo's posting history is a representation of positive marketing, I am all ears. In fact, it would be one of the greater delights of my week.

When you accuse someone of viral marketing (for real), the burden of proof is on you. Not me.

I didn't accuse anybody of anything and have no intention of proving anything. I find his style of posting--passing along easily refuted talking points without any concern for personal integrity--suspicious in this regard. I humorously expressed the suspicion ("In his defense...").

For somebody eternally complaining about the lack of humor amongst poliGAF, it might be time for you to have a look in the mirror.
If you know reporters and journalists, you know that Fox News is absolutely terrible.

No one respects them. Not Local or National, credible or non-credible. They will give you the same answer every time, it's only about the money.

Low-mid level employees are embarrassed to admit that they work for the company.

This does not happen to MSNBC or really anyone else but Fox News.


If you know reporters and journalists, you know that Fox News is absolutely terrible.

No one respects them. Not Local or National, credible or non-credible. They will give you the same answer every time, it's only about the money.

Low-mid level employees are embarrassed to admit that they work for the company.

This does not happen to MSNBC or really anyone else but Fox News.



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Bloomberg is better than CNBC though, Kudlow is a disgusting human being.

Agreed BUT, CNBC does have Michelle Caruso-Cabrera who has some really sweet jugs.

Granted, that might not be enough to make up for Kudlow, but hey...boobs! :D~~

Bets on when he's going to just start calling him Obozo?

He's gonna start mentioning his middle name.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Oh, look it's Joe Walsh again:

WASHINGTON -- Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) made another controversial remark last week, telling constituents that Democrats want Hispanics to be dependent on government -- and claiming that African Americans already are.

"The Democratic Party promises groups of people everything," Walsh, a conservative freshman from suburban Chicago, said during a Schaumburg, Ill., speech caught on video provided by CREDO SuperPAC, an anti-tea party group. "They want the Hispanic vote, they want Hispanics to be dependent on government, just like they got African Americans dependent on government. That's their game."

Walsh goes on to say that civil rights activist Jesse Jackson "would be out of work if [African Americans] weren't dependent on government."


"We're not racists! It's the democrats who are the ones that think you're lazy, slothful, unwilling to work and can't think for yourselves. Not us!"
Massachusetts Senate aspirant Elizabeth Warren (D) fired back at Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) on Thursday, writing in a statement that the Republican incumbent should apologize for suggesting that Warren’s parents were dishonest when they informed her of the family’s Native American heritage.

Warren has not provided any documentation of her heritage, but instead has said that she learned of her ancestry through family lore.
On Thursday, Brown quipped to reporters, “My mom and dad have told me a lot of things, too, but they’re not always true.”

From Warren’s statement:

“Scott Brown’s comments about my parents are totally out of line. I resent him questioning their honesty. My mother and father are not here to defend themselves and should be off limits. Don and Pauline Herring are not fair game and Scott Brown should apologize.”

Pathetic. Isn't here entire campaign based on evening the playing field and getting rid of loop holes? Yet here she is exploiting the system to get ahead, like some Wall Street CEO. What a shame


I didn't accuse anybody of anything and have no intention of proving anything. I find his style of posting--passing along easily refuted talking points without any concern for personal integrity--suspicious in this regard. I humorously expressed the suspicion ("In his defense...").

For somebody eternally complaining about the lack of humor amongst poliGAF, it might be time for you to have a look in the mirror.

Wouldn't suspicious be someone that never posts in video game threads and never posts opinions on pop culture threads, but posts in every thread loosely related to politics?

Not saying I know anyone like this ... But that's the kind of person that would make me scratch my head.

Pathetic. Isn't here entire campaign based on evening the playing field and getting rid of loop holes? Yet here she is exploiting the system to get ahead, like some Wall Street CEO. What a shame

Did she claim that ancestry when she was working at the University of Pennsylvania? Because a jump from Pennsylvania to teaching at Harvard isn't something so unprecedented that you would need a diversity boost to get there.

What the hell? Did Romney hire a bunch of kids in middle school or something?

His campaign is taking on his prankster ways.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member

) - Former presidential candidate John Edwards was found not guilty on one of six campaign fraud charges Thursday, and the jury could not reach a verdict on the other counts, leading the judge to declare a mistrial on them.

Edwards was accused of masterminding a plan to use money from two wealthy donors to hide his pregnant mistress during his run for the White House in 2008.

It was not immediately clear whether prosecutors would retry Edwards on the other counts.

Edwards did not react when the verdict and mistrial were announced, but he was happy and smiling about an hour earlier when the jury said it had reached a verdict on one count after nine days of deliberations.

The acquittal and mistrial highlighted a day of confusion when the judge mistakenly believed jurors had reached a verdict on all six counts.

Instead, the jury told the judge they had a unanimous decision on only one charge, and the panel was sent back to the jury room for more talks. About an hour later, the jury sent the note to the judge saying it had exhausted talks.

Prosecutors accused Edwards of knowing about roughly $1 million being funneled to former aide Andrew Young and the candidate's mistress Rielle Hunter. They also said he was well aware of the $2,300 legal limit on campaign donations.

The weekslong trial has gone into the most intimate details of a sordid sex scandal that effectively ended Edwards' political career and the elaborate cover-up that involved his most trusted aide, the aide's wife, and the two wealthy donors.

Edwards' lawyers have argued that the ex-U.S. senator never knew that taking the money violated campaign finance law, and that his personal transgressions weren't illegal.

The jury has made more news in recent days of the trial, as Eagles has closed the court to discuss unspecified issues with jurors. Four alternate jurors began wearing matching colored shirts to court and one of them was said to be exchanging smiles with Edwards. Eagles told the alternates on Wednesday that they no longer needed to come to court during deliberations.

The jurors, whose identities have been withheld throughout the trial, asked to see dozens of trial exhibits during deliberations, relating to Mellon and Baron's donations.

Was there ever any doubt that this would happen?
Wouldn't suspicious be someone that never posts in video game threads and never posts opinions on pop culture threads, but posts in every thread loosely related to politics?

No. I find a poster who seemingly has no regard for posting integrity to be suspicious in the particular regard of which we are speaking. I also find jokes funny.

(And, not that you were referring to me, but I post in many a pop-culture threads, albeit not extensively. Plus, people do not ever get paid to disseminate non-mainstream opinions supporting upending the status quo and equitable distributions of income. Only the rich have political slush funds built up from lack of appropriate taxation.)
No. I find a poster who seemingly has no regard for posting integrity to be suspicious in the particular regard of which we are speaking. I also find jokes funny.

(And, not that you were referring to me, but I post in many a pop-culture threads, albeit not extensively. Plus, people do not ever get paid to disseminate non-mainstream opinions supporting upending the status quo and equitable distributions of income. Only the rich have political slush funds built up from lack of appropriate taxation.)

Bullshit. Soros!!!111!11!!


So what do you guys think is the likelihood of Obamacare getting struck down and what effect do you think it will have on the election and politics in general going forward?

I suspect that it being struck down will be an enormous morale boost for both the far right and the party establishment as both have been demonizing it ferociously since day one. There will be victory laps for months and I don't think Romney will be able to resist constantly reminding voters that his party beat back socialism or some shit.

In short, Obama's re-election battle tilts uphill. All Romney will have to do is not shit his pants on stage.

Obama landslide. Romney can't run on a Supreme Court victory lap and it would energize the left end of the political spectrum like nothing else while taking away the greatest fear tactic talking point the GOP has.

Seriously, there is no way Romney wins this thing without the economy tanking. If there is even slight moderate growth Obama has the election wrapped up about when Iowa finishes tallying most of their ballots.


(And, not that you were referring to me, but I post in many a pop-culture threads, albeit not extensively. Plus, people do not ever get paid to disseminate non-mainstream opinions supporting upending the status quo and equitable distributions of income. Only the rich have political slush funds built up from lack of appropriate taxation.)

'Do not ever' is a pretty strong statement. But you seem only to deal in absolutes.

Interesting theory tying propaganda power to the amount of taxation. That would imply there was a time in history where the rich, white male didn't have absolute control over the economy, politics and social norms because he was appropriately taxed.

Was it the glorious days of the 50's and 60's when all people were treated equal? Or was it those equally wonderful early 20's when the common man reigned supreme?
Obama landslide. Romney can't run on a Supreme Court victory lap and it would energize the left end of the political spectrum like nothing else while taking away the greatest fear tactic talking point the GOP has.

Seriously, there is no way Romney wins this thing without the economy tanking. If there is even slight moderate growth Obama has the election wrapped up about when Iowa finishes tallying most of their ballots.

The left doesn't even like the health care law.

The economy is in a holding pattern. Romney has the edge on that right now, and it should continue through another slow summer.

Obama is clearly leading right now, but by the fall it should be obvious he's finished.
You just joined the list of people who want to see Obama's college grades because he only got to where he is as a Black Man.

He probably did get into Columbia due to AA considering he has said his grades were bad, but actually I want to see what country of origin he put on his transcript.

I'd imagine his grades were initially bad, then got better at Colombia, and even better at Harvard. You don't become president of the HLR and graduate magna cum laude if you're a dumbass or an average student. Everyone who knew him at Harvard says he was brilliant, even conservatives
'Do not ever' is a pretty strong statement. But you seem only to deal in absolutes.

I almost never deal in absolutes. See.

Interesting theory tying propaganda power to the amount of taxation. That would imply there was a time in history where the rich, white male didn't have absolute control over the economy, politics and social norms because he was appropriately taxed.

Nah, just more or less control. Conversely, citizens can be more or less democratically empowered. It is no coincidence that the time in America where democratic participation and power was at its apex coincides with the time income inequality was at its lowest. It was just this "threat of too much democracy"--the very threat that caused elite opinion to change about the Vietnam war--that had to be checked. And boy was it ever.
He probably did get into Columbia due to AA considering he has said his grades were bad, but actually I want to see what country of origin he put on his transcript.

I'd imagine his grades were initially bad, then got better at Colombia, and even better at Harvard. You don't become president of the HLR and graduate magna cum laude if you're a dumbass or an average student. Everyone who knew him at Harvard says he was brilliant, even conservatives

And there is doubt that Warren is bad at law? At what she does? Do you believe Warren is not capable of being a US Senator at all? Will she be better at helping the American people than let's say Jim Demint or not?

You want to see Obama's country of Origin? You are now Kosmo.


Everyone who knew him at Harvard says he was brilliant, even conservatives

So then why do you want to see the grades and country of origin from his transcript?

Who is passionate about Scott Brown?
Townies that resent educated women. (ie. most of the surrounding areas of Boston)

I honestly think Mass. like electing good looking white guys above all other qualifications.
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