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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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So you are ok the Fox News and their 24 hour Romney rallies?

I really don't give a shit - I don't really even watch any cable news channels for anything but entertainment because they don't report the actual news.

I just find it disingenuous when people are like "FOX NEWS BIAS! FOX NEWS BIAS!" and then completely ignore the same bias that goes on for the other side on other channels. All it shows is that you don't really care about the bias as long as it's the "right kind" of bias (i.e. bias you agree with).
I really don't give a shit - I don't really even watch any cable news channels for anything but entertainment because they don't report the actual news.

I just find it disingenuous when people are like "FOX NEWS BIAS! FOX NEWS BIAS!" and then completely ignore the same bias that goes on for the other side on other channels. All it shows is that you don't really care about the bias as long as it's the "right kind" of bias (i.e. bias you agree with).

This is pretty miserable retread of a point that has been discussed to death. What is it about the term "false equivalency" that you don't understand, exactly? It is not merely the case that FOX and MSNBC present different opinions about an agreed upon set of facts. FOX persistently and systematically manufactures its own facts, and accuses people who don't hew to their version of the facts of bias.

I don't know what other words need to be used to enable this point to penetrate your apparently impossibly dense skull, but please stop claiming that FOX and MSNBC are merely different sides of the same coin. It is the hackiest of partisan hack claims, and belies your risible attempts at claiming to be something other than that.


I really don't give a shit - I don't really even watch any cable news channels for anything but entertainment because they don't report the actual news.

I just find it disingenuous when people are like "FOX NEWS BIAS! FOX NEWS BIAS!" and then completely ignore the same bias that goes on for the other side on other channels. All it shows is that you don't really care about the bias as long as it's the "right kind" of bias (i.e. bias you agree with).

The reason we get all up on FOX news is because unlike MSNBC which doesn't even begin to hide their bias or affiliations, FOX news continues to this day to use the slogan "Fair and Balanced". MSNBC has gone out of its way from differentiating itself as a normal news network into a 'political news network.' They had slogans that said as much several years ago. "We know Politics". But here is the thing, even if they have their prime time slot dedicated to people that are unabashedly liberal or democratic cheer champions, they at least have a normal news hours before that, that isn't blasted by any specific talking point, and they have shows in the morning before people go to work with a moderate/right wing person.

At this point its almost become 24 hours propaganda for the right wing that is only interrupted occasionally by Shepard Smith on FOX news. They go out of there way to blatantly twist the truth or out right lie and call it news. Can MSNBC twist the truth sometimes? Yes, has misinformation happened? Yes but the difference is they tend to correct the mistakes on their show either during the show or the next morning. They have had people fired for falsifying news reports for the sake of a story.

All 3 news channels and their affiliates are steaming piles of crap (CNN, MSNBC, and FOX) when it comes to being actual news organizations but FOX news is the crap king of them all without a shred of dignity or shame. On top of this they are also significantly more damaging to the public compared to the likes MSNBC since it seems most of the people who watch FOX religiously only seem to get their news from them and no one else (Because of the "Liberal Bias" nonsense they continually spout) where as MSNBC at least, most of the people that watch the 7:00-11:00 time slot are usually informed of the topics they are talking about from other sources and are mostly in it for a second opinion or entertainment.



This is pretty miserable retread of a point that has been discussed to death. What is it about the term "false equivalency" that you don't understand, exactly? It is not merely the case that FOX and MSNBC present different opinions about an agreed upon set of facts. FOX persistently and systematically manufactures its own facts, and accuses people who don't hew to their version of the facts of bias.

I don't know what other words need to be used to enable this point to penetrate your apparently impossibly dense skull, but please stop claiming that FOX and MSNBC are merely different sides of the same coin. It is the hackiest of partisan hack claims, and belies your risible attempts at claiming to be something other than that.

Clearly you've never tuned into MSNBC for their evening programming. Move along.


If that west firewall collapses you might as well hand it to Romney now. Nevada's economy is horrible and Colorado is becoming an evangelical haven.
Is there any scenario in which you won't hand it to Romney? "Awww mayne, if Hilary Rosen makes fun of Mitt's wife one more time, it's gonna be like Obama's pastor all over again but worse!" Jesus fucking Christ. Colorodo was a semi-Democratic stronghold in 2008 and now it's a God-fearin' ground game for Romney? Come on, man. It'll be competitive but not a lost cause.

I'd be more worried about the $1 billion SuperPACs will be investing in Mitt's race. That's my top concern. It's truly frightening.

Plus, you figure McCain raised ~330 mil in 2008, and that was before SuperPACs. You can expect that figure to grow to 400+ mil. So we're looking at $1.4 billion on Romney's side for the election, and that's a conservative estimate.

I don't see Obama losing Iowa, Nevada and Colorado... as well as Florida, Ohio, Virginia. He might lose some but not all. Romney has to win them all. And he sure as hell isn't getting Pennsylvania, so at a bare minimum all he needs is Ohio or Florida, and that is looking to be probable. The electoral math is good. I'm more worried about PAC money swaying the vote more than traditional GE bullshit. That is the real fight.

Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to make a pop tart.


Haha .. I can't believe the lengths people will bend over to excuse MSNBC.

FOX news continues to this day to use the slogan "Fair and Balanced"

Do you even realize why they use that slogan? Conservatives have often decried that the entire media landscape is slanted to the left. That's why Fox's existence is seen as bringing 'fairness and balance' to the equation. In the same way that Rush Limbaugh exclaims he is 'always right'. It has a double meaning.

All cable news is absolute junk food for your mind. If any news organization is immediately following each news bit with analysis, it's bad for you.


Haha .. I can't believe the lengths people will bend over to excuse MSNBC.

Do you even realize why they use that slogan? Conservatives have often decried that the entire media landscape is slanted to the left. That's why Fox's existence is seen as bringing 'fairness and balance' to the equation. In the same way that Rush Limbaugh exclaims he is 'always right'. It has a double meaning.

All cable news is absolute junk food for your mind. If any news organization is immediately following each news bit with analysis, it's bad for you.

But the way Faux News goes about it is completely arrogant. It has a double meaning but some yuppie just watching the news station that hurts his brain the least truly thinks Fox is giving him quality reporting. They might be "fair and balanced" to the extent that they offer one source for rampant conservative "news" and opinion in a sea of supposed center left/left bias, but that's not what they're saying. What they're more likely to say is, in the midst of spewing blatant lies during an interview that go beyond traditional bias, is "we're telling you this, sir, because we're fair and balanced here at Fox." It's fucking bullshit. They have no agenda other than to lie and distort. Traditional bias might try to paint a prettier picture, but it's nowhere near the kind of shit you see on Fox day in, day out.

That said, I would agree that all cable news networks are a fucking trainwreck in their own ways.
Haha .. I can't believe the lengths people will bend over to excuse MSNBC.

Do you even realize why they use that slogan? Conservatives have often decried that the entire media landscape is slanted to the left. That's why Fox's existence is seen as bringing 'fairness and balance' to the equation. In the same way that Rush Limbaugh exclaims he is 'always right'. It has a double meaning.

All cable news is absolute junk food for your mind. If any news organization is immediately following each news bit with analysis, it's bad for you.
I'd hardly call saying FOX is substantially worse than MSNBC bending over backwards to defend MSNBC.


Anyway, regarding the GOP and their anger over the "vetting" bias -- LOL. Give me a fucking break. Obama had to not only put up with accusations made by the Clintons plaguing the media, but then the GOP had a field day with him as well. It's almost like Obama had to deal with two general election campaigns back to back. It's amazing he even won the primary, but he did. He to put up with more false accusations, exaggerations/distortions, and guilt by (typically hardly any) association than any other Presidential candidate I can think of. To date, Mittens has basically had to do nothing but wear that shitty smile on his face through the snoozefest GOP primary. He had to barely lift a finger and won anyway. Only now is he starting to have to play the game. Obama was on the ground running long before Mitt will ever have to be, that's for damn sure. So the GOP can shove their stupid accusation of there being too much bias up their fucking ass. They're full of shit and they know it. And with over $1 billion to back them they can always buy their own fucking bias anyway.

FUCK I hate the GOP. I wish all the moderates who bailed out over the past 10 years would get together and fight to take their party back so we can at least have a more sane and measured level of debate in Washington. They won't, though, because they're pussies.


Adp: 133,000 pvt sector jobs added in may

Good or bad

Middle of the road, leaning slightly towards good. But anything other than a clear positive will just lead to people spending another month concern trolling Obama.

Tomorrow's jobs numbers [My guess] will be a slight improvement of +145k.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
So what do you guys think is the likelihood of Obamacare getting struck down and what effect do you think it will have on the election and politics in general going forward?

I suspect that it being struck down will be an enormous morale boost for both the far right and the party establishment as both have been demonizing it ferociously since day one. There will be victory laps for months and I don't think Romney will be able to resist constantly reminding voters that his party beat back socialism or some shit.

In short, Obama's re-election battle tilts uphill. All Romney will have to do is not shit his pants on stage.
So what do you guys think is the likelihood of Obamacare getting struck down and what effect do you think it will have on the election and politics in general going forward?

I suspect that it being struck down will be an enormous morale boost for both the far right and the party establishment as both have been demonizing it ferociously since day one. There will be victory laps for months and I don't think Romney will be able to resist constantly reminding voters that his party beat back socialism or some shit.

In short, Obama's re-election battle tilts uphill.

I believe Obama loses the election if the law is overturned.
I'm sure I understand this "summer" worries. As long as there is growth, it's a positive for Obama. All that will be heard by the public is the word "growth;" the only people who will focus on "bububu it's not lowering the unemployment rate by 2%!!!!" are conservatives who wouldn't vote for Obama anyway.

Summers are always semi-stagnant. As long as there's some semblance of improvement and growth from June to August, Obama's fine. PD is just playing devil's advocate with a troll hard-on for the slim chance that Romney wins.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I see we had our weekly "MSNBC is just as bad as Fox" false equivalency discussion already.

In other news, Romney's aides shout down Obama campaign conference:

Here's a vivid illustration of just how badly Mitt Romney wants to avoid any discussion of his record as governor of Massachusetts: he sent his campaign aides to shout down speakers at a press conference organized by the Obama campaign to discuss Romney's governorship. Romney aides and supporters repeatedly shouted, screamed, and even blew bubbles and vuvezelas in an effort to disrupt the press conference, which was held in Boston.

Obama campaign senior strategist David Axelrod, who was the featured speaker at the event, told the Romney aides that their efforts to drown out discussion of Mitt Romney's record as governor would not succeed. "You can shout down speakers," he said. "But it's hard to Etch A Sketch the truth away."

"Systematically" was a fairly central part of of my assertion. I'm not staking out the position that MSNBC is some paragon of journalistic virtue, I just think they are substantially less bad than FOX.

Or like RustyNails, for instance!
You don't think reasonable people can disagree about whether or not Politifact is good at what it does? Or what it claims to do?

Writing 200 words on why Hardees is worse than Sonic is bending over backwards. By any metric.

(my comment was directed more at Allard, tbh)
I think you've been out of school much longer than I have.


You don't think reasonable people can disagree about whether or not Politifact is good at what it does? Or what it claims to do?

Maddow lied, many people (including politifact) called her on it, but Rusty ignores that and says "lol teh biaz"

That's exactly what you accused FOX News fans of doing.

You mopes should all be watching CNBC anyway. You'll live longer.
Maddow lied, many people (including politifact) called her on it, but Rusty ignores that and says "lol teh biaz"

That's exactly what you accused FOX News fans of doing.

You mopes should all be watching CNBC anyway. You'll live longer.

Not that this topic isn't completely tired, it has to be said: if you can watch Rachel Maddow and not understand that she is a genuine person with a sincere cause to expose injustice and shine a light on the bad guys... you are not a decent judge of character. You're missing something integral to understanding people.


Not that this topic isn't completely tired, it has to be said: if you can watch Rachel Maddow and not understand that she is a genuine person with a sincere cause to expose injustice and shine a light on the bad guys... you are not a decent judge of character. You're missing something integral to understanding people.

She may be a liar, but she seems super duper nice on my TV!
Maddow lied, many people (including politifact) called her on it, but Rusty ignores that and says "lol teh biaz"

That's exactly what you accused FOX News fans of doing.

You mopes should all be watching CNBC anyway. You'll live longer.
The same CNBC that employs luminaries like Jim Cramer, Rick Santelli, and Maria Bartiromo?


In any case, the behavior of network partisans (which I don't think RN is being, but for the sake of argument let's call it that) isn't as important to me as the behavior of the networks themselves. Obviously I think FOX tends to breed worse political behavior on the part of the people who watch it, but this is not central to my assertion that FOX is a worse journalistic actor than MSNBC.
can we all just agree that 24 hour news networks are all fucking atrocious

and let's actually talking about stuff that matters

like how funny Dubya was today at his portrait unveiling


Also, I would think that the health care law being entirely or partially upheld is going to give more momentum to the GOP, because it will drive a lot of the same people out to the polls who voted in 2010 largely in part because they don't like it. One of the main platforms tea partiers campaigned on in 2010 was KILLING TEH OBAMACARE OMG. If it's not thrown out by the SCOTUS they'll feel all the more compelled to vote GOPers into the WH and House/Senate to repeal.

If it's completely thrown out, they will be happy, but will have less things to "blame" Obama for in November.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Kosmo only talks in false equivalencies

Dude. Get a grip. This kind of ad hominem accusation is baseless and demonstrably false.

Kosmo also talks in total horseshit, outright lies, distorted and incoherent talking points and cooked up fucking nonsense. He is so utterly disingenuous or intellectually bereft that I sometimes think the mods put him in as a control of some kind.


Writing 200 words on why Hardees is worse than Sonic is bending over backwards. By any metric.

(my comment was directed more at Allard, tbh)

Meh like others have said its a tired subject, I dont even know why I bothered writing normally I just let it go. No doubt all the cable news organization suck and in large (or even small) congestion hurt the general political discourse of this country. I guess my biggest issue with FOX news (And I guess part of their 'genius') is they set all the negative trends that the other networks either try to emulate or oppose either to be contrarian (MSNBC) or to try and shed the 'liberal bias' image (CNN), and because they do it they drag their whole network through the mud to the point where they are all irreparable at this point. I both respect and hate FOX purely because of how easily they did this as a company.


Dude. Get a grip. This kind of ad hominem accusation is baseless and demonstrably false.

Kosmo also talks in total horseshit, outright lies, distorted and incoherent talking points and cooked up fucking nonsense. He is so utterly disingenuous or intellectually bereft that I sometimes think the mods put him in as a control of some kind.
Kosmo is a bot!

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Maddow lied, many people (including politifact) called her on it, but Rusty ignores that and says "lol teh biaz"

That's exactly what you accused FOX News fans of doing.

You mopes should all be watching CNBC anyway. You'll live longer.

Maddow lied. Yes, but have you seen the Daily show segments (yeah, i know, comedy show) where they detail how the entire Fox News network is set up to disseminate Republican talking points. How they set an agenda early in the morning, repeating certain buzz words and phrases, escalating on their fear tactics throughout the day. You can't really compare the networks.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
eznark, on your Network Blowhard Liars List where does Rachel Maddow rank? I presume below Sean Hannity and Glen Beck?

Nobody is worse than Hannity. Beck is bad, to be sure, but most of his nonsense arises from fear-mongering and insults, not as much in outright misinformation and total lies (just half lies).

Hannity and Levin are the worst people on radio/tv, period.


eznark, on your Network Blowhard Liars List where does Rachel Maddow rank? I presume below Sean Hannity and Glen Beck?

I don't think she is a blowhard at all. She's just an agenda driven ideologue. Good delivery though. She'd be at the top of my agenda driven ideologue list probably, behind maybe only Randi Rhodes because she is craaaaaaaaaazy and entertaining as hell. I like listening to them both.

I've never actually heard Levin but he must have a show in syndication around here on some station. Just based on his commercials I assume he is the worst of all. Beck is frighteningly insane while Hannity seems fake.

Dr. Laura is probably the worst of all but I don't know if she is even around anymore.

John Stossel is obviously the best. I love Napolatano as well. I don't even know if Fox Business News exists anymore either. Baseball season, I don't watch cable news.

have you seen the Daily show segments
The Daily Show died with Craig Kilbourn.
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