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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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That would open the door to striking down social security and medicare....

How so, given those are government operated entities funded via taxation?

Didn't Kennedy or Roberts or somebody specifically say during the hearings that if a single payer system had been implemented instead of a system in which people are required to buy products from private companies, there'd be no issue?

Though striking down the mandate would pose problems for the Republican plan to privatize Social Security.


Though striking down the mandate would pose problems for the Republican plan to privatize Social Security.

How? I've never spent much time reading through the language of those plans (since none have a chance of passing any time soon, fucking Bush) but never understood them to mandate participation.

Happy election day. After today politics gets boring again.


The Vita is as doomed as Tom Barrett

(I'm trying to see if I can reference it in every thread in my sub)

If it weren't for Neogaf, I would have no idea what a Vita even is.


Obama gives his kiss of death to Barret (sic)

Obama tweet: "It's Election Day in Wisconsin tomorrow, and I'm standing by Tom Barret. He'd make an outstanding governor. -bo."



How? I've never spent much time reading through the language of those plans (since none have a chance of passing any time soon, fucking Bush) but never understood them to mandate participation.

Happy election day. After today politics gets boring again.
come on, you got days of people crying about the SCOTUS after this!


That's such an asshole token of support. Obama was in Illinois and Minnesota all weekend, he couldn't make a quick stop for Barrett? What a clown.

A smart move would have been to stop by in Racine at an event for John Lehman. Lehman's likely victory will be spun as a win for the democrats (despite the fact that the GOP will easily regain the senate in November thanks to some gerrymandering) so Obama could have 1. gone to a Union stronghold to show support for those folks and 2. claimed credit for the sole victory in an overwhelming gigantic victory for the Republicans. He was already here (the district in question is 30 minutes from Chicago), seemed like a no-brainer.

come on, you got days of people crying about the SCOTUS after this!
I'm not convinced they will overturn it. If it's overturned then yeah there should be some amusing scrambling.
That's such an asshole token of support. Obama was in Illinois and Minnesota all weekend, he couldn't make a quick stop for Barrett? What a clown.
Obama showed up in support for Martha Coakley when she faced Scott Brown for Ted Kennedy's seat, but still Coakley lost despite Obama having close to 70% favorability rating in Massachusetts. He doesn't want to repeat the same mistake twice, especially when every poll and pundit says Barret cannot win. People who call Obama a fool for this are fools themselves.


Obama showed up in support for Martha Coakley when she faced Scott Brown for Ted Kennedy's seat, but still Coakley lost despite Obama having close to 70% favorability rating in Massachusetts. He doesn't want to repeat the same mistake twice, especially when every poll and pundit says Barret cannot win. People who call Obama a fool for this are fools themselves.

You should have read the rest of my post, I laid out how he could have looked like a fantastic (and underdog) winner while showing support for the unions, who are about to get flat humiliated.


I'm not convinced they will overturn it. If it's overturned then yeah there should be some amusing scrambling.

i'm not either, but no matter what happens its going to be the end of the world. You have days of amusement from either outcome


i'm not either, but no matter what happens its going to be the end of the world. You have days of amusement from either outcome

Nah, if it's upheld there is really nothing that can be done and no real moves to be made until next years budgeting process. Whining is not interesting. Political machinations and scheming are what I'm looking for!


Nah, if it's upheld there is really nothing that can be done and no real moves to be made until next years budgeting process. Whining is not interesting. Political machinations and scheming are what I'm looking for!

Then sadly you are out of luck for a few months.


Then sadly you are out of luck for a few months.

I know. It's just going to be Romney stepping on his own dick day in and day out. If he were a mildly competent politician, he would have won. I think Mitch Daniels (or even Jeb Bush) would have won going away. All the GOP needed to make this interesting was a "presidential" looking stiff and a guy who can strongly oppose the mandate. I don't think 50% of that equation will cut it.
You should have read the rest of my post, I laid out how he could have looked like a fantastic (and underdog) winner while showing support for the unions, who are about to get flat humiliated.

Which world do you live in? If Obama went for a public support for Barret and Barret lost, GOP, Romney camp and the fox news parrots will be talking about how Obama is toxic and lost the election for Barret for days to come. Unions already got humiliated. They deserve what happened to them to be honest, for being voter lazy and apathetic in 2010. No presidential force is going to magically come in on a bald eagle and save their asses for their own troubles.


Which world do you live in? If Obama went for a public support for Barret and Barret lost, GOP, Romney camp and the fox news parrots will be talking about how Obama is toxic and lost the election for Barret for days to come.

eznark said:
A smart move would have been to stop by in Racine at an event for John Lehman.

event for John Lehman.
John Lehman.

A world in which he goes and supports likely Democrat victor, John Lehman.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Obama gives his kiss of death to Barret (sic)


Oh, I took that to mean he was physically standing next to Barret.

Obviously if you wait until Tuesday to throw out your endorsement, the general public will take that to mean you think the candidate is hopeless. Voters will be too demoralized to turn out.

Maybe from both camps even.
Oh, I took that to mean he was physically standing next to Barret.

Obviously if you wait until Tuesday to throw out your endorsement, the general public will take that to mean you think the candidate is hopeless. Voters will be too demoralized to turn out.

Maybe from both camps even.

The one thing that cannot be said about turnout for this election is that it is going to be low. It's more of a game of who can up it even higher.


Why did everyone decide to spell Barrett's name wrong after the President did?

--- /// ---

Biden's wife told the Today show that Joe might be open to running in 2016.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Why did everyone decide to spell Barrett's name wrong after the President did?

--- /// ---

Biden's wife told the Today show that Joe might be open to running in 2016.

Language is a living, organic thing. It's got to change with the times.

I think Biden's too old. And with the gradual rightward swing of the Republican party, he'll be labeled as a radicalist minion of Obama. Actually that would work in his favor as the Republican primaries have shown us, that would paint the party into a corner where they either have to go with a Santorum or "settle" for whoever can actually win.

But ultimately, he'd be running against Hillary so he doesn't really have a chance of even getting the nomination.


I know. It's just going to be Romney stepping on his own dick day in and day out. If he were a mildly competent politician, he would have won. I think Mitch Daniels (or even Jeb Bush) would have won going away. All the GOP needed to make this interesting was a "presidential" looking stiff and a guy who can strongly oppose the mandate. I don't think 50% of that equation will cut it.

Its sad when a Bush would have had a better shot at the election then your current candidate. 4 years removed from one of the worst presidencies in history and the name has a better shot then the current stiff (on name alone, Jeb is miles better then his brain dead brother). This purity test bullshit in the GOP is going to cause all kinds of problems for them, and hopefully they learn the right lesson later this year when/if they lose.


Its sad when a Bush would have had a better shot at the election then your current candidate. 4 years removed from one of the worst presidencies in history and the name has a better shot then the current stiff (on name alone, Jeb is miles better then his brain dead brother). This purity test bullshit in the GOP is going to cause all kinds of problems for them, and hopefully they learn the right lesson later this year when/if they lose.

f' you


Minnesota moving against marriage ban

Minnesota's constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage now appears to be in serious danger of failing, a reversal from a PPP poll four months ago when it led for passage by a 48/44 margin.

Now only 43% of voters support the proposed amendment, with 49% of voters opposed to it. The shift since then has come with independent voters. After previously supporting the amendment by a 50/40 spread, they're now opposing it 54/37. Republicans continue to strongly favor the amendment (74/21) while Democrats are almost equally strong in their opposition (71/22).

Independents coming a lot closer to Democrats than Republicans on gay rights is becoming something of a constant in our polling. The GOP seriously risks antagonizing voters in the middle if it continues to pursue a far right social agenda.

Would be great to have a state turn it back; could be a tipping point on ballot measures.
Remember how the Media keeps telling you that Obama is running a very negative campaign?

Remember how the Media keeps telling you that Obama is running a very negative campaign?


Exactly, thank you for the proof of the completely negative campaign that Obama is running. Thanks to Poligaf yesterday I learned that Maddow is a liar so now I believe the exact opposite of what she says, thus Obama is running 70% negative adds compared to noble Romney who isn't even up to 30% negative adds.


You guys were outing Maddow as a liar again and I missed it? Damn it, guys. PM me or something next time.

Pikmin looks cool...


Exactly, thank you for the proof of the completely negative campaign that Obama is running. Thanks to Poligaf yesterday I learned that Maddow is a liar so now I believe the exact opposite of what she says, thus Obama is running 70% negative adds compared to noble Romney who isn't even up to 30% negative adds.

It's only because most negative ads Obama has run have blown up in his face (kind of hard to run anti-Bain ads when the godfather of the Democratic party in Bill Clinton is calling Romney's business record 'sterling') - all he can do is try to convince people his record is good. As far as Romney, how many people running against an incumbent have won (or even tried) to run a positive campaign - it's always about the incumbent and if you're running against one, the most effective things you can do is point out what they are doing wrong.
I know. It's just going to be Romney stepping on his own dick day in and day out. If he were a mildly competent politician, he would have won. I think Mitch Daniels (or even Jeb Bush) would have won going away. All the GOP needed to make this interesting was a "presidential" looking stiff and a guy who can strongly oppose the mandate. I don't think 50% of that equation will cut it.

Crack. Lay off of it. A short, balding closeted gay man from the least interesting state in the country would have lost to Obama by 15 points.
Who outside of the biased blogs were even writing about it? All the MSM stuff has been about Shieffer's questioning.

Politico (Article tying closing in polls to Obama going negative), US News, MSNBC, there was article linked on Political Wire that claimed Obama had gone too negative too early, there have been quite a few of these before this Sunday's segment.
Republicans are so full of hate.

They generally are and that's why they win more. However, Daniels having any chance of winning the presidency was, and will forever be, a pipe dream of self-loathing Republicans who are embarrassed by where the fringes of their party have steered it.
Obama should continue with the Bain ads, I don't really see how it has been backfiring right now--despite how conservatives are salivating over Clinton's words. Bain has been bashed Democrats and equally by Mitt's own Republican opponents--which Obama should be replaying over and over in ads. It's been fair game a long time.


They generally are and that's why they win more. However, Daniels having any chance of winning the presidency was, and will forever be, a pipe dream of self-loathing Republicans who are embarrassed by where the fringes of their party have steered it.

I was mocking your unhinged hatred of short people from flyover country who don't share your views on sexuality.


It's only because most negative ads Obama has run have blown up in his face (kind of hard to run anti-Bain ads when the godfather of the Democratic party in Bill Clinton is calling Romney's business record 'sterling') - all he can do is try to convince people his record is good. As far as Romney, how many people running against an incumbent have won (or even tried) to run a positive campaign - it's always about the incumbent and if you're running against one, the most effective things you can do is point out what they are doing wrong.

Kinda hard to do that when you're simultaneously trying to piggyback off those mistakes.
Some bloggers are already accusing Obama of betrayal for not jumping on the sinking Barrett ship. Why should the national party reward Wisconsin democrats for doing something stupid? If the recall was held in November - you know, which would make a lot of fucking sense - Barrett could actually be at Obama events alongside the other Wisconsin democrats on ballots. It would also give investigators even more time to fish for nonsense evidence on Walker/John Doe, and potentially set up a nice October surprise. Instead news broke about the case last weekend when no one was paying attention. Now it's tuesday already and no one cares, whoops


Some bloggers are already accusing Obama of betrayal for not jumping on the sinking Barrett ship. Why should the national party reward Wisconsin democrats for doing something stupid? If the recall was held in November - you know, which would make a lot of fucking sense - Barrett could actually be at Obama events alongside the other Wisconsin democrats on ballots. It would also give investigators even more time to fish for nonsense evidence on Walker/John Doe, and potentially set up a nice October surprise. Instead news broke about the case last weekend when no one was paying attention. Now it's tuesday already and no one cares, whoops

It's been two and a half years, I think that John Doe ship has probably sailed.
Some bloggers are already accusing Obama of betrayal for not jumping on the sinking Barrett ship. Why should the national party reward Wisconsin democrats for doing something stupid? If the recall was held in November - you know, which would make a lot of fucking sense - Barrett could actually be at Obama events alongside the other Wisconsin democrats on ballots. It would also give investigators even more time to fish for nonsense evidence on Walker/John Doe, and potentially set up a nice October surprise. Instead news broke about the case last weekend when no one was paying attention. Now it's tuesday already and no one cares, whoops
Obama campaigning for Barrett would have made the election about him.

Like in the debates, Barrett kept Walker on the defensive by talking about John Doe and jobs, weak areas for Walker.

If Obama maintained a heavy presence during the campaign, Walker would just have been able to use the debates as a plateau to complain about Obama and pin Barrett to some of his unpopular policies.

Obama wouldn't have swung this election.
It's been two and a half years, I think that John Doe ship has probably sailed.

I agree, but logically if you were fishing for info, you'd sure as hell want more time (especially now that things are apparently moving on that front). Also, a few extra months could result in more stagnant job growth. Again, I'm not saying I agree with those various assessments, just that delaying the election would give Wisconsin democrats a better narrative to run on

edit: I agree, Obama was right to stay away


Some bloggers are already accusing Obama of betrayal for not jumping on the sinking Barrett ship. Why should the national party reward Wisconsin democrats for doing something stupid? If the recall was held in November - you know, which would make a lot of fucking sense - Barrett could actually be at Obama events alongside the other Wisconsin democrats on ballots. It would also give investigators even more time to fish for nonsense evidence on Walker/John Doe, and potentially set up a nice October surprise. Instead news broke about the case last weekend when no one was paying attention. Now it's tuesday already and no one cares, whoops

Damned if you do damned if you don't. I thought most people didn't want Obama involved. Now they are going to blame it on him?? If they wanted Obama's help the recall should have been during the general election in November


I agree, but logically if you were fishing for info, you'd sure as hell want more time (especially now that things are apparently moving on that front). Also, a few extra months could result in more stagnant job growth. Again, I'm not saying I agree with those various assessments, just that delaying the election would give Wisconsin democrats a better narrative to run on

edit: I agree, Obama was right to stay away

David Shuster's facebook page can't be wrong! lol

Can't believe that guy has turned into a low rent facebook blogger.
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