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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Damned if you do damned if you don't. I thought most people didn't want Obama involved. Now they are going to blame it on him?? If they wanted Obama's help the recall should have been during the general election in November
DailyKos is going to erupt if Walker wins by a small (less than 1%) margin.

Some people are convinced Obama endorsing gay marriage would have killed the amendment in NC, and that passed by a huge margin. Imagine a close WI recall election.
David Shuster's facebook page can't be wrong! lol

Can't believe that guy has turned into a low rent facebook blogger.

Again, it stands to reason there would be a better chance of finding something with more time. I don't believe the case will produce anything but if I was a Barrett supporter I'd want more time in general, not less
Bleh, mark me down as Romney winning in 2012.

Contrary to Klein's silly prediction in his editorial (yes, I read the last paragraph. No, it doesn't change anything, in that the scenario described will never come to pass. The U.S., at this point in time is a more conservative nation), Romney won't adopt a half-hearted Keynesian economic policy.

He'll adopt Christie-style policies, which the vast majority of this country will think is being wildly successful while they continue to lose their jerbs. However, it's going to be ok, because Romney is sticking it to those evil unions on behalf of the job creators!

*Cue post from TA, PD, Kosmo, or eznark highlighting how Christie has been a great governor for New Jersey.


It's only because most negative ads Obama has run have blown up in his face (kind of hard to run anti-Bain ads when the godfather of the Democratic party in Bill Clinton is calling Romney's business record 'sterling') - all he can do is try to convince people his record is good. As far as Romney, how many people running against an incumbent have won (or even tried) to run a positive campaign - it's always about the incumbent and if you're running against one, the most effective things you can do is point out what they are doing wrong.
No. The disparity stems from Romney having engaged Obama for months. As a consequence of the Republican primary, Republicans have been campaigning against Obama since last summer. Obama lacked an opponent until recently. It's difficult to campaign negatively sans an opponent. As the campaign progresses, that will change.
Biden's wife told the Today show that Joe might be open to running in 2016.
No, thank you. I would be slightly disconcerted with a senile Joe Biden bemusedly roaming the West Wing.


As a born and raised Wisconsinite (currently located in Ohio), I guess it shows just how out of the political loop I am that I'm just now finding out about this whole recall election thing. Good luck to Berrett I guess, even though it appears he's not really favored to win at the moment.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
It's only because most negative ads Obama has run have blown up in his face (kind of hard to run anti-Bain ads when the godfather of the Democratic party in Bill Clinton is calling Romney's business record 'sterling') - all he can do is try to convince people his record is good. As far as Romney, how many people running against an incumbent have won (or even tried) to run a positive campaign - it's always about the incumbent and if you're running against one, the most effective things you can do is point out what they are doing wrong.

Oh so that's why he ran all those negative ads in the primaries. When he was being accused of not being conservative enough.

This is worse than shaking an etch-a-sketch. This is burying the toy in a shallow grave and then spraying graffiti on your competitor's house.
As a born and raised Wisconsinite (currently located in Ohio), I guess it shows just how out of the political loop I am that I'm just now finding out about this whole recall election thing. Good luck to Berrett I guess, even though it appears he's not really favored to win at the moment.
If it makes you feel any better, Republicans are already accusing Democrats of busing in voters from Detroit (what?). So they're probably losing!


fucking CNN focusing on the queen again... 4 days of that SHIT wasn't enough?!?!

I don't give a FUCK about a Jubilee, unless it's the girl from Xmen. Christ.

Suite Pee

Willing to learn
Shoot, accidentally voted for Hari Trivedi (olol)

I live in an extremely liberal neighborhood so I haven't a clue what the average polling center is like today. I was discouraged by how many people showed up, didn't know they had to register for change of address, and didn't have any mail with them. It's possible that June was a bad time because so many young people moved to new apartments/back home and it just confuses the whole process.
PPP just polled Florida, and - wait for it...

PPP said:
PPP's newest Florida poll finds little change in the state compared to mid-April. At that time Barack Obama led Mitt Romney 50-45 there, and now his advantage is 50-46. Voters in the state narrowly approve of Obama, 49/46, and continue to dislike Romney, giving him a 39/53 favorability rating.
fucking CNN focusing on the queen again... 4 days of that SHIT wasn't enough?!?!

I don't give a FUCK about a Jubilee, unless it's the girl from Xmen. Christ.

Which is why Jon Stewart's segment yesterday was all the more awesome. He slammed CNN for going apeshit over Queen's parade in UK.

Suite Pee

Willing to learn
Obviously, it would be great if Barrett won today (IMO), but what will happen when he does? Would the Republican reps really take it as a sign that they don't have to follow the party line anymore? Or is it just going to be a record-setting year for vetoes?

I'm not going to pull the whole "I'm moving if Walker wins" deal, because I'm starting work on my Master's at UWM and plan to do my PhD at Madison, so I'm probably stuck here for the long haul. I'm just not really looking forward to the increased amount of self-righteousness we'd see afterwards (looking at you, Charlie Sykes).
Seems the right-wing trolls have wised up, now they're saying Minnesota instead.

Detroit :lol

suite pee said:
Obviously, it would be great if Barrett won today (IMO), but what will happen when he does? Would the Republican reps really take it as a sign that they don't have to follow the party line anymore? Or is it just going to be a record-setting year for vetoes?
I'm guessing if Barrett wins, Democrats will win the State Senate as well.

So you'll just see the dynamic that exists between GOP House/Dem Senate/Dem President on the federal level, though divided state governments tend to find common ground more easily (since no one gives a shit about state legislatures).
If Barrett wins I hope the GOP senators flee the state.
This would actually be really funny, so yeah. I love quorom shenanigans, though nothing will ever top Abe Lincoln jumping out of a window to avoid taking a vote.

I think I'll go for a walk. Twitter's making me dizzy.



Some interesting tidbits about the economic health of the 50 states, from the government’s annual estimate of growth by state, released Tuesday:

Six state economies shrank last year.

While the nation’s gross domestic product grew by 1.7 percent in 2011, economic output shrank in five states: Wyoming, down 1.2 percent; Alabama, down 0.8 percent; Mississippi, also down 0.8 percent; Maine, down 0.4 percent; New Jersey, down 0.5 percent; and Hawaii, down 0.2 percent.

Only one of those states, Wyoming, also declined in 2010.

Manufacturing is the past (future).

Increased production of durable goods was the largest contributor to growth in 26 states. Oregon benefited most. The state’s economy expanded by 4.7 percent last year — and more than 80 percent of the growth came from manufacturing

In Michigan, manufacturing accounted for half of the 2.3 percent expansion.

Resource extraction is the future.

Excepting Oregon, fuel states posted the strongest growth. North Dakota’s economy expanded by 7.6 percent; West Virginia’s, 4.5 percent; Alaska’s, 2.5 percent.

Or maybe Texas is the future.

The Texas economy grew 3.3 percent in 2011, and the growth was broad-based. Not just oil, not just manufacturing. Texas now accounts for 8.7 percent of the nation’s economy, up from 7.4 percent a decade ago.
Meh. It's not like they lose anything by doing it.

Walker spent 30 million on this election. Barrett didn't even reach 4 million. That's chump change.

It's politics. Its always bad to lose, after elections the loss will be associated to Democrats and Labor/Unions.

I don't think it will affect November, but it will affect 2014. Walker will be favorite for re-election after this.


Which is why Jon Stewart's segment yesterday was all the more awesome. He slammed CNN for going apeshit over Queen's parade in UK.

just watched it, I love john oliver lol.

It's like they paid for the airfare to send people to cover the event, and wanted to get the most out of it. But there wasn't really anything to cover, so stupid.
It's politics. Its always bad to lose, after elections the loss will be associated to Democrats and Labor/Unions.

I don't think it will affect November, but it will affect 2014. Walker will be favorite for re-election after this.
Possibly, but I think Walker would benefit more from a better economy than winning the recall.

The sense I'm getting is that plenty of swing voters don't like Walker, but are sitting out this election or voting for him anyway because they oppose recalls.

Although if Walker wins, that will bolster his profile in the short term, yes.
Shoot, accidentally voted for Hari Trivedi (olol)

I live in an extremely liberal neighborhood so I haven't a clue what the average polling center is like today. I was discouraged by how many people showed up, didn't know they had to register for change of address, and didn't have any mail with them. It's possible that June was a bad time because so many young people moved to new apartments/back home and it just confuses the whole process.

In my town the place was packed. I was the youngest person there by twenty years.



Mitt Romney apparently hasn't learned that lesson. According to a raft of old emails from his days as governor of Massachusetts released today by the Wall Street Journal, Romney used the address "mittromney@hotmail.com" to communicate with his staff as recently as 2006. According to this Associated Press story, the Hotmail account was still active as of March 2012.

Hackers :/

Although really, who uses Hotmail?
Madison City Clerk tells me turnout is on pace to hit 119% in Madison, adding "That would be unprecedented."

Madison of course would be a liberal strong hold.

It would be awesome now if Barrett won, so Republicans can cry voter fraud ignoring WI allowing same day registrations (actually they will argue that should not be allowed)
Obama's always had a good lead in Wisconsin, regardless of the Governor numbers.
The punditry class is pushing a meme that if Walker wins, Obama will lose WI.

cartoon_soldier said:
It would be awesome now if Barrett won, so Republicans can cry voter fraud ignoring WI allowing same day registrations (actually they will argue that should not be allowed)
Walker did try to eliminate same-day, I believe.
The women-led invasion of privacy, also known as the Equal Pay Act, failed in the Senate today.

We have avoided much dissension in many workplaces across America.
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