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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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I love MHP and Chris Hayes. After seeing them both in action, MHP seems much more niche than I expected. Don't get me wrong, Saturday mornings on MSNBC have some of the smartest conversations on television. But no way does MHP need a daily.

Chris Hayes could do it, though there's no way he could keep his professorial presentation (which I freaking love). Crystal Ball could as well, but she wouldn't last long.

I'm personally rooting for Ezra Klein, but he's still pretty meh with the teleprompter. I question whether he can officiate a conversation rather than be in one of the corners, but he's probably the most marketable and smartest product that could fit in a daily.

Personally, I think MSBNC should go like this:

  • Morning Joe's Morning Cocktail Hours
  • Chuck Todd's Amazing Political Circus
  • Andrea Mitchell's False Equivalence, Never Lets on How Fucking Smart She Is
  • Alex Wagner's Tennis Audience Cosplay, First Left, then Right
  • Ezra Klein's Lispy Economic Sweetness
  • Martin Bashir's Forced Outrage, Uncomfortable Repertoire With Basically Everyone
  • Chris Matthews' No Longer Quite Hardball
  • Chris Hayes' and the Technicolor Dream Brain
  • Lawrence O'Donnell's Righteous Angry True-Liberalism
  • Rachel Maddow's Best First-15 Minutes on Nightly Television

They need to axe Ed and Al as soon as possible, but apparently they both play extremely well. If you haven't noticed, Rachel has somewhat taken over the network (in terms of "coaching trees") and I can't imagine a better person to do so.

Shows I definitely can't stand: Ed, Al, and Morning Joe. Most of the other programming is merely tolerable. I like Alex Wagner, MHP, Tamron Hall, and Rachel when she's not on a gay crusade. That being said I rarely watching 24 hour news channels anymore.


Professional Schmuck
Why did the Gilded Age make your list? I don't know enough about it to have an educated discussion one way or the other, just wondering why it makes your list of worst times ever? Even the 1893 Panic was really only a huge deal for like a year, right? And the economy was mostly fully recovered within a few.

Also, you missed FDR.

The late Guilded Age is what I posted, and for good reason.

and no, I didn't miss FDR.



Good read. Sounds like a softsell to me. I still think Obama will go big in his second term.

I used to think that too, but I haven't seen anything out of Obama that tells me he can attract or push anyone from the opposing party to vote for one of his ideas, let alone get people from his own party to back him. Congress has become a shitstain on politics where getting re-elected is the most important thing starting in the first year. At least they waited a few years before being complete scumbags (they were always partial scumbags)

Good read. Sounds like a softsell to me. I still think Obama will go big in his second term.

Go big with who? Congress will remain divided, and if democrats keep the senate I'd expect Reid to back down from filibuster reform again. Obama seems to think republicans will come to their senses after he is reelected for some reason. Boehber and company are quite invested in destroying his presidency and brand; I get the impression they want to make him the democrat W Bush in terms of being seen as a failure

Republicans don't believe in climate change, won't touch immigration unless ridiculous border security quotas are met, and don't support any spending bills Obama supports. So how will he get anything done?

I maintain Romney could get the ball rolling on a number of fronts, and ultimately be better for 2013 than Obama. With him we'd just get another debt ceiling fight, the slow death of health care, and a bunch of drone attacks


I maintain Romney could get the ball rolling on a number of fronts

The privatizing Medicare front, the cutting taxes further for the wealthy front, the cutting Medicaid front, the raising the Social Security retirement age front, repealing bank and investment regulations. Yup, lots of fronts.
Go big with who? Congress will remain divided, and if democrats keep the senate I'd expect Reid to back down from filibuster reform again. Obama seems to think republicans will come to their senses after he is reelected for some reason. Boehber and company are quite invested in destroying his presidency and brand; I get the impression they want to make him the democrat W Bush in terms of being seen as a failure

Republicans don't believe in climate change, won't touch immigration unless ridiculous border security quotas are met, and don't support any spending bills Obama supports. So how will he get anything done?

I maintain Romney could get the ball rolling on a number of fronts, and ultimately be better for 2013 than Obama. With him we'd just get another debt ceiling fight, the slow death of health care, and a bunch of drone attacks

You are an immaculate troll.


Oil production highest it's been in 13 years.

“U.S. oil output in the first quarter of 2012 rose 12% from a year earlier and topped six million barrels a day for the first time in 13 years,” according to the Wall Street Journal.
Hey Kevitivity, it doesn't seem that Bain is going to blow up in Obama's face as you put it.

The consulting firm Purple Strategies found in a poll that 47 percent of voters agree with the statement that private equity acquisitions lead to an unfair result: “Investors walk off with big returns, and working folks get stuck holding the bag.” Only 38 percent agreed with a more upbeat characterization of private equity.

The Democratic firm Public Policy Polling, meanwhile, found that by a 40 percent to 11 percent margin, independents say Romney’s Bain Capital background makes them less likely to vote for him. And ABC News reported last week that focus groups in Virginia found bubbling doubts about Bain Capital among voters there.


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Romney's campaign of blatant distortion and dishonesty continues


Takes a quote that Obama made during a speech asking Congress to pass his jobs bill so states don't lay off workers to argue Obama liked that those workers lost their jobs.

The idea, wrote Romney spokeswoman Ryan Williams in the press release, is that Obama “said the real weakness in the economy was state and local government employment — yet a month earlier, he touted the fact that government employment had fallen on his watch.”

The problem: Obama was not “touting” anything. What he was arguing, as he has for months as part of a legislative push to pass a $447 billion jobs bill, was that public-sector layoffs were hurting the economy, and that opposing action on the issue out of fears of “big government” was misguided. Obama also rebuked Congress for not freeing up cash to hire more teachers as part of the same statement.


Obama's approval on Gallup is 50%.

Four more years, baby!
...and Romney ahead by one.

Romney's campaign of blatant distortion and dishonesty continues


Takes a quote that Obama made during a speech asking Congress to pass his jobs bill so states don't lay off workers to argue Obama liked that those workers lost their jobs.

I'm going on sabbatical this week - two months consecutive paid vacation - with my first day being Thursday. And I'm tuning out completely from the political space. I'll tune back in around September for the final run up to the election. One of the things I'm not going to miss is the ongoing frustration with the way the media generally lets Romney lie his sorry ass off every single day, not calling him out for it. He's just pathological, saying and doing anything, totally independent of any internal logic, consistency or reality.

Told you guys.

The only people bothered by this are the people in large media outlets. They likely have friends who work in private equity so they are much more hesitant to criticize them. Regular folk, far from that bubble, actively dislike the idea. When I explain what Bain does and how an LBO operates, people are flabbergasted.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So there's a lot of talk about some "great compromise" on tax reform going about. How the hell is this supposed to work exactly? The Republicans don't want any net tax increases on the wealthy, and the democrats, who may be willing to increase taxes on the lower classes won't have much reason to do so if the Reps don't give in on some concessions. What possible leverage does Obama even have?


So there's a lot of talk about some "great compromise" on tax reform going about. How the hell is this supposed to work exactly? The Republicans don't want any net tax increases on the wealthy, and the democrats, who may be willing to increase taxes on the lower classes won't have much reason to do so if the Reps don't give in on some concessions. What possible leverage does Obama even have?

no net tax rate increases or no net tax liability increase. I think the compromise from last year kept the tax rates "equal" but raised more money by simplifying the code and removing loopholes (or the abilities to create/use loopholes by minimizing deductions).


I maintain Romney could get the ball rolling on a number of fronts, and ultimately be better for 2013 than Obama. With him we'd just get another debt ceiling fight, the slow death of health care, and a bunch of drone attacks
Are you a troll?

No, seriously.

Romney's "ball rolling" efforts with a GOP House and Senate would be, as Clinton said, Bush on steroids. And it's true. Get your head out of your ass...

Obama's approval on Gallup is 50%.

Four more years, baby!
And they're still basically tied for the GE. Don't celebrate just yet.

It's really amazing how they're giving Romney a free pass in the media. I guess they favor him. Dickless twits.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
no net tax rate increases or no net tax liability increase. I think the compromise from last year kept the tax rates "equal" but raised more money by simplifying the code and removing loopholes (or the abilities to create/use loopholes by minimizing deductions).

But what are these deductions? Who are they targeted at? That's kind of important.
And they're still basically tied for the GE.

It's really amazing how they're giving Romney a free pass in the media. I guess they favor him. Dickless twits.
The GE tracking poll is calculated differently than the approval poll for some reason. I think it' spread out over a week while the approval poll is the last 3 days.

If Obama's approval is 50% on election day there's no conceivable way he loses.

That said it's probably closer to 47-48% now, which indicates a toss-up.


But what are these deductions? Who are they targeted at? That's kind of important.

removing deductions but lowering the tax rate in unison i believe was the plan, although i can't find that many articles outlining their proposals now (or i missed the final proposal that sucked ass).

We could have had that big compromise if Boehner didn't shit the bed last year


The surprising thing to me isn't that some in the media are letting Romney slide - most journalists (so that excludes anyone at Fox News, obviously) are absolutely petrified at being seen as having a dog in the race, even when that dog is blatantly lying his/her ass off - it's that the media is letting the fact that Romney has as yet failed to really detail any of his plans for fixing any of the things he claims are "broken." He has the vaguest, most broad-brushed bs. His sole strategy seems to be "distract peoples attention by tagging Obama to economy, maybe they'll ignore the fact that I haven't said a word about how I'd make anything better!" Say what you will about Obama, but he laid out many plans prior to his election.


The surprising thing to me isn't that some in the media are letting Romney slide - most journalists (so that excludes anyone at Fox News, obviously) are absolutely petrified at being seen as having a dog in the race, even when that dog is blatantly lying his/her ass off - it's that the media is letting the fact that Romney has as yet failed to really detail any of his plans for fixing any of the things he claims are "broken." He has the vaguest, most broad-brushed bs. His sole strategy seems to be "distract peoples attention by tagging Obama to economy, maybe they'll ignore the fact that I haven't said a word about how I'd make anything better!" Say what you will about Obama, but he laid out many plans prior to his election.

its still June. I'll start getting more worked up about a free pass for no plans in September. They usually aren't afraid to call that one out, but its still early now
So there's a lot of talk about some "great compromise" on tax reform going about. How the hell is this supposed to work exactly? The Republicans don't want any net tax increases on the wealthy, and the democrats, who may be willing to increase taxes on the lower classes won't have much reason to do so if the Reps don't give in on some concessions. What possible leverage does Obama even have?
The useful thing about the "fiscal cliff" (i hate this phrase already) is that because of the expiration of EGTRRA, it's fairly heavy on tax increases (expiration of lower rates, AMT, estate tax, marriage penalty, etc) as opposed to spending cuts.


Get your head out of your ass...
I guess he really loves the smell in there.

Also, 50% approval doesn't mean much. Poppy was at 54% when he got clobbered by Slick Willy in 1992. But then again, you need the charisma of The Bill Clinton in order to make an incumbent's 54% approval rating meaningless.
its still June. I'll start getting more worked up about a free pass for no plans in September. They usually aren't afraid to call that one out, but its still early now

yeah. besides, i want the media focusing on romney in september/october, not during the dog days of summer. like ghaleon is doing, everyone should just take a two month sabbatical...
so the fact sen barrasso couldnt give a straight answer on morning joe if obama pushed forward with the simpsons bowle plan was pretty telling

i mean really? the best he could say was i would discuss and debate on it?


removing deductions but lowering the tax rate in unison i believe was the plan, although i can't find that many articles outlining their proposals now (or i missed the final proposal that sucked ass).

We could have had that big compromise if Boehner didn't shit the bed last year

Since we are definitely not getting any tax increases, id be perfectly fine with a simplified, but tax neutral tax overall. I really can't fathom the reason why anyone would be opposed to it. Though im sure there will be a few dumb asses who are butt hurt that it is tax neutral (no cuts) or it eliminated one of their precious state-centric deduction/credits.

Well, those douches can go fuck themselves since you can always put forth a tax cut/hike bill after you simplify it.


Since we are definitely not getting any tax increases, id be perfectly fine with a simplified, but tax neutral tax overall. I really can't fathom the reason why anyone would be opposed to it. Though im sure there will be a few dumb asses who are butt hurt that it is tax neutral (no cuts) or it eliminated one of their precious state-centric deduction/credits.

Well, those douches can go fuck themselves since you can always put forth a tax cut/hike bill after you simplify it.

Such a pleasant individual.


I really can't fathom the reason why anyone would be opposed to it.
You think those campaign donations are free?
Tax loopholes are the most common way politicians pay back industries that supported them.
It would take a big headwind from the electorate to make them change their ways.


Contrary to what Limbaugh said about teachers not creating econonic growth, I would say teachers DO create economic growth by educating the population and earning higher income.
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