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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Because they want to be able to support something called the Jobs Act. If they truly gave a fuck about spending, I'd agree with you, but we both know they don't.

This plan lets both parties do what they secretly want without enraging their base too too much.

Why should they pass the Jobs Act? Obama has no credibility on the economy in many people's eyes, and republicans have maintained for years that the stimulus didn't do anything (and the public agrees). Romney is also vehemently opposed to the bill. Passing it would undercut the conservative message of this election.

Plus, can Boehner even get the house to pass it?


anyone who breaks out visual aids during a televised speech can't be ALL bad.


Is that a retractable pointer?

That's a vote.


Why should they pass the Jobs Act? Obama has no credibility on the economy in many people's eyes, and republicans have maintained for years that the stimulus didn't do anything (and the public agrees). Romney is also vehemently opposed to the bill. Passing it would undercut the conservative message of this election.

Plus, can Boehner even get the house to pass it?

Because the Jobs Act provides a lot of local funding that will help congressmen puff out their chests. The public still wants spending in their district, they just don't want the other guy to spend.


Calling a politician a charlatan is hilariously redundant.

I think Jim Trafficant is the last sincere politician and that's only because he was fucking insane.


CiC deploy!

In the first 12 days of June, Obama has attended 21 fundraising events. All told, he has now attended 163 re-election fundraisers for his campaign and the Democratic Party – almost double the number George W. Bush attended in his entire first term (86) and more than any other president in history

In June alone, Obama has held six private roundtables with deep-pocket donors who each paid more than $40,000 for face time and influence with the president.


Poor Barrett. Barack could only muster a tweet for him while he was "too busy" being the president.
Why should republicans give democrats anything here? If they simply demand all the cuts are extended and democrats don't comply, taxes go up. Guess who will get the blame. It's a similar situation to the government shut downs and debt ceiling fights in the sense that one side might have more leverage.

Likewise, democrats have the leverage to let the tax cuts expire and then propose middle class tax relief - daring republicans to vote against it. A lot of that hinges on keeping the senate obviously

I see no harm in playing around with the offer.
I love that Obama is spending this entire year hopping around on Air Force 1 fundraising while the DA in Milwaukee is combing through hundreds of thousands of emails trying to find one instance of Walker using state resources to campaign.

It's because Obama doesn't have Koch Brothers and Karl Rove to rely on :\
Probably a couple rounds of golf in there as well LOL. Not sure if this is up to date or not.

Do you golf during the winter? Jesus Christ, you are a hack. [Should that be 'an hack?']

I see no harm in playing around with the offer.
The harm is winding up with the Satan Sandwich at the end. If you think the complaint that Obama has been shit at negotiating is a compelling one, this is not a good start.
The harm is winding up with the Satan Sandwich at the end. If you think the complaint that Obama has been shit at negotiating is a compelling one, this is not a good start.
How so? If he starts with "Okay, I'll extend the Bush tax cuts for a year in exchange for the entire passage of the American Jobs Act," I don't see the harm in it. If they say no then just leave it at that. At least he tried.
The harm is winding up with the Satan Sandwich at the end. If you think the complaint that Obama has been shit at negotiating is a compelling one, this is not a good start.

This is another major problem. Given Obama's record with this stuff, I'd imagine he would agree to extend all the tax cuts for 70m in spending.
How so? If he starts with "Okay, I'll extend the Bush tax cuts for a year in exchange for the entire passage of the American Jobs Act," I don't see the harm in it. If they say no then just leave it at that. At least he tried.
By "just leave it at that," I assume you mean that he'll then try for parts of AJA in exchange for the extension of EGTRRA, and then eventually we'll just end up with a full extension of EGTRRA. This is precisely the wrong way to go about these negotiations, especially given the leverage afforded Democrats by the fact that Republicans do not want revenue increases at all. Democrats should be forcing Republicans to accept some revenue increases, not tying efforts at stimulus to an EGTRRA extension.

"Bush Tax Cuts" is beginning to be a ridiculous anachronism.
By "just leave it at that," I assume you mean that he'll then try for parts of AJA in exchange for the extension of EGTRRA, and then eventually we'll just end up with a full extension of EGTRRA.
Nope. By "just leave it at that" I mean don't pursue the negotiations anymore, or maybe make the same offer closer to expiration, but no further. Besides, I'm not sure another temporary extension of the Bush tax cuts would be an entirely bad thing because, as the CBO has said, letting them all expire could plunge the USA back into recession given the weak recovery.
Democrats should be forcing Republicans to accept some revenue increases, not tying efforts at stimulus to an EGTRRA extension.
Why in the world not? The number one priority of the Democratic party (as the Republican party) should be to get Americans back to work. If stimulus measures have to be tied to the extension of the Bush tax cuts in order to force the Republicans to swallow them, then so be it. Right now I'm more concerned with that than this stupid ideology that can be addressed at a later date.
Nope. By "just leave it at that" I mean don't pursue the negotiations anymore, or maybe make the same offer closer to expiration, but no further. Besides, I'm not sure another temporary extension of the Bush tax cuts would be an entirely bad thing because, as the CBO has said, letting them all expire could plunge the USA back into recession given the weak recovery.

Why in the world not? The number one priority of the Democratic party (as the Republican party) should be to get Americans back to work. If stimulus measures have to be tied to the extension of the Bush tax cuts in order to force the Republicans to swallow them, then so be it. Right now I'm more concerned with that than this stupid ideology that can be addressed at a later date.

Why do you believe republicans would agree to such a deal, and why do you believe Obama would accept a decent one? What historical basis over the last 4 years convinces you this will work out fine and dandy?
Nope. By "just leave it at that" I mean don't pursue the negotiations anymore, or maybe make the same offer closer to expiration, but no further. Besides, I'm not sure another temporary extension of the Bush tax cuts would be a bad thing because, as the CBO has said, letting them all expire could plunge the USA back into recession given the weak recovery.
What have you seen in the last three years that indicates that Obama is going to draw that he would then refuse to cross?

Why in the world not? The number one priority of the Democratic party (as the Republican party) should be to get Americans back to work. If stimulus measures have to be tied to the extension of the Bush tax cuts in order to force the Republicans to swallow them, then so be it. Right now I'm more concerned with that than this stupid ideology that can be addressed at a later date.
I think rewarding Republicans for their instransigence ultimately makes the unemployment problem harder to fix if Democrats retain control of the presidency and Senate. I don't think it's just an ideological question.
What have you seen in the last three years that indicates that Obama is going to draw that he would then refuse to cross?
I think you're viewing both of these in the wrong perspective. It's a question of priorities. If the BTCs get extended, I don't believe it'd be because Obama "caved," but rather he's doing it so the economy get grow faster and has a sounder footing. The CBO has said what impact the full expiration of the Bush tax cuts will have in the short time. Had they reached a different conclusion, or without that information, I'd be pissed if Obama did extend them. As is, though, I can't say I blame him if it happens.
I think rewarding Republicans for their instransigence ultimately makes the unemployment problem harder to fix if Democrats retain control of the presidency and Senate. I don't think it's just an ideological question.
Again. Priorities: putting Americans back to work. It seems to me you're only viewing this deal in terms of political affects rather than (or including) real world ones. I think the economy needs anther boost in stimulus spending. Let them expire when the economy is on sounder footing. As long as he lets them expire at some point in his term, I'll be happy.
Why do you believe republicans would agree to such a deal, and why do you believe Obama would accept a decent one? What historical basis over the last 4 years convinces you this will work out fine and dandy?
Where have I said that Republicans would agree to such a deal? You are wildly misreading my posts. I've never said anything about the chances of a deal passing. I have said that if offered the chance of the passage of the entirety of the American Jobs Act coupled with a one-year extension of the Bush tax cuts, I'd take it. Chances are Republicans won't accept a deal, but I don't see why it shouldn't be tried.

Obama got a pretty good deal out of the last extension-stimulus pairing. As much money as the extension of the Bush tax cuts if not more.
Neither did Walker when he was the county executive. (That's the time period being investigated, two+ years ago...talk about fishing).
I was specifically addressing the part about Obama's fundraising blitz. As far as Walker is concerned, we don't know for sure if he misused campaign funds. What Obama is doing is perfectly legal.


I was specifically addressing the part about Obama's fundraising blitz. As far as Walker is concerned, we don't know for sure if he misused campaign funds. What Obama is doing is perfectly legal.

It's not about funds it's about resources and the use of those resources to aid in campaigning. Why flying around Air Force One to fundraisers is legal but sending emails from your work email address is illegal is beyond me.

I'm not claiming Obama is doing anything illegal, just that the laws are moronic.
It's not about funds it's about resources and the use of those resources to aid in campaigning. Why flying around Air Force One to fundraisers is legal but sending emails from your work email address is illegal is beyond me.

I'm not claiming Obama is doing anything illegal, just that the laws are moronic.

What plane should a president use to go to fundraisers, home, and other non-presidential functions? And ultimately wouldn't this just result in the spending of more federal money, considering the SS wouldn't allow a president to ride on a regular plane?


What plane should a president use to go to fundraisers, home, and other non-presidential functions? And ultimately wouldn't this just result in the spending of more federal money, considering the SS wouldn't allow a president to ride on a regular plane?

Yeah, the solution is obviously at the other end.


It's not about funds it's about resources and the use of those resources to aid in campaigning. Why flying around Air Force One to fundraisers is legal but sending emails from your work email address is illegal is beyond me.

I'm not claiming Obama is doing anything illegal, just that the laws are moronic.

Technically, using Air Force Once solely for fundraising is illegal (or at least the campaign committee is responsible for reimbursing costs), but they get around it by scheduling a short "official event" (visiting a solar panel plant, grab-assing with other politicians, etc.) and then hit it up with fundraisers in the evening.
Technically, using Air Force Once solely for fundraising is illegal (or at least the campaign committee is responsible for reimbursing costs), but they get around it by scheduling a short "official event" (visiting a solar panel plant, grab-assing with other politicians, etc.) and then hit it up with fundraisers in the evening.

Now what will Obama do now that Burlesconi is no longer in office?



A headline about Obama's tough sell to voters on the economy coupled with a pic that makes him look like a twerp.

It's like John Kerry all over again. Clearly the media is trying to erase the "king of cool" picture parade from 2008.
It's not about funds it's about resources and the use of those resources to aid in campaigning. Why flying around Air Force One to fundraisers is legal but sending emails from your work email address is illegal is beyond me.

I'm not claiming Obama is doing anything illegal, just that the laws are moronic.


A headline about Obama's tough sell to voters on the economy coupled with a pic that makes him look like a twerp.

It's like John Kerry all over again. Clearly the media is trying to erase the "king of cool" picture parade from 2008.

You're thinking way too hard about this stuff.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Probably a couple rounds of golf in there as well LOL. Not sure if this is up to date or not.

I've always maintained that someone who schmoozing with wealthy people and goes out golfing all the time ignoring the plight of the American people, would be a pretty terrible socialist dictator.
Obama Will Lose Unless He Shifts the Narrative
James Carville and Stan Greenberg sound the alarm in a new Democracy Corps memo:

"What is clear from this fresh look at public consciousness on the economy is how difficult this period has been for both non-college-educated and college-educated voters - and how vulnerable the prevailing narratives articulated by national Democratic leaders are.[1] We will face an impossible headwind in November if we do not move to a new narrative, one that contextualizes the recovery but, more importantly, focuses on what we will do to make a better future for the middle class."

"It is elites who are creating a conventional wisdom that an incumbent president must run on his economic performance - and therefore must convince voters that things are moving in the right direction. They are wrong, and that will fail."

The economy is not getting better for young people and many other groups. Outside of the auto rescue I can't think of any economic achievement Obama can run on. You don't win elections like that.
If Obama went for a one-year tax cut extension, he should also get

- Jobs Act (this is being discussed so there you go)
- Debt ceiling raise, as the tax cuts will add a significant amount to the deficit
- A fix for healthcare reform, assuming SCOTUS strikes down the mandate
- ENDA (moving its way through the Senate apparently)

Considering the bounty he received in the last lame duck, it's only fair.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
If Obama went for a one-year tax cut extension, he should also get

- Jobs Act (this is being discussed so there you go)
- Debt ceiling raise, as the tax cuts will add a significant amount to the deficit
- A fix for healthcare reform, assuming SCOTUS strikes down the mandate
- ENDA (moving its way through the Senate apparently)

Considering the bounty he received in the last lame duck, it's only fair.

Again, what leverage does Obama have? Letting the tax cuts expire? Would the GOP be willing to protect those tax cuts, despite the fact that the massive spending cuts that will also take place, put the economy back into a recession, upon which Obama will most likely get the blame?
Black Support for Obama Ebbs In North Carolina

President Barack Obama won a squeaker in North Carolina in 2008 thanks in large part to overwhelming support among the state’s African-American voters, who made up nearly a quarter of the electorate.

Today, his support among the state’s blacks has dropped sharply, potentially tipping North Carolina back to the red. A new PPP poll found that if the election were held today, a fifth of the state’s black voters would side with Mr. Obama’s Republican rival, Mitt Romney. In 2008, according to exit polls, just 5% of North Carolina black voters went for Sen. John McCain.

With just 36% of the state’s white voters siding with Mr. Obama in the PPP poll, Mr. Romney now leads the state, 48%-46%, the poll found, a sharp gain in Romney backing since PPP surveyed the state in April. Pollsters say Mr. Obama’s support for same-sex marriage could cost him votes among socially conservative black voters in the state.

Overall, a sizable 20% of all Democrats in the state say they would vote for Mr. Romney.

Still, the PPP pollsters suggested the finding among African Americans could be somewhat of an aberration. “That seems like an unrealistically low share of African American voters for Obama,” they said in a release accompanying the poll.

The poll of North Carolina voters, conducted June 7-10, has an error margin of 3.4 percentage points.

Might as well write NC off

Not yet. I was expecting a landslide shift after the NC gay marriage ban followed by Obama's gay marriage support. I'm little surprised it's still a dead heat. All Obama needs to do is work his ground game in NC more harder, and pull Black voters back from disillusionment. Dont forget, the DNC convention is in NC. It's way too early to write off NC.
Again, what leverage does Obama have? Letting the tax cuts expire? Would the GOP be willing to protect those tax cuts, despite the fact that the massive spending cuts that will also take place, put the economy back into a recession, upon which Obama will most likely get the blame?

Yes. Don't you remember the lame duck after the midterms? The GOP will do anything, ANYTHING, to extend the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.

Off the top of my head I remember:
- New START Treaty
- End of Don't Ask Don't Tell
- More stimulus
- Health insurance for 9/11 first respondants


You're thinking way too hard about this stuff.

Nah, you guys are just looking at it from the other angle (I'm not out to get the Messiah on this one). I'm not saying Obama should be doing anything different. I'm saying federal prosecutorial agencies shouldn't waste money trying to play gotcha on local politicians who are running for office.

If Obama went for a one-year tax cut extension, he should also get

- Jobs Act (this is being discussed so there you go)
- Debt ceiling raise, as the tax cuts will add a significant amount to the deficit
- A fix for healthcare reform, assuming SCOTUS strikes down the mandate
- ENDA (moving its way through the Senate apparently)

Considering the bounty he received in the last lame duck, it's only fair.
Lol, he should also demand a third term and a pony.
Not yet. I was expecting a landslide shift after the NC gay marriage ban followed by Obama's gay marriage support. I'm little surprised it's still a dead heat. All Obama needs to do is work his ground game in NC more harder, and pull Black voters back from disillusionment. Dont forget, the DNC convention is in NC. It's way too early to write off NC.

He barely won the state in 08. Given the economic situation of black voters in the state, plus a presumed lower youth vote turnout (another demographic heavily suffering) it's unlikely Obama wins there again.

I think we're going to see a rather massive drop in youth voting nationwide.
He barely won the state in 08. Given the economic situation of black voters in the state, plus a presumed lower youth vote turnout (another demographic heavily suffering) it's unlikely Obama wins there again.

I think we're going to see a rather massive drop in youth voting nationwide.

The demo shift since 2008 favor Obama in the state, but he will lose some Dem votes for gay marriage support to. It will again be a very close election in NC.


He barely won the state in 08. Given the economic situation of black voters in the state, plus a presumed lower youth vote turnout (another demographic heavily suffering) it's unlikely Obama wins there again.

I think we're going to see a rather massive drop in youth voting nationwide.


The youth vote is going to go up, not down. Simple demographic math. There are more people in the 18-29 bracket in this country then there was 4 years ago. Generation Y is arguably the biggest generation we've ever had in this country, and the majority of them were not eligible to vote in 2008.

Over the next 2-3 decades elections are essentially going to be Generation Y vs Baby Boomers. Two gargantuan generations in terms of sheer numbers.

The youth vote is going to go up, not down. Simple demographic math. There are more people in the 18-29 bracket in this country then there was 4 years ago. Generation Y is arguably the biggest generation we've ever had in this country, and the majority of them were not eligible to vote in 2008.

Over the next 2-3 decades elections are essentially going to be Generation Y vs Baby Boomers. Two gargantuan generations in terms of sheer numbers.

I'll believe it when I see it. Young people don't have much of a reason to vote for four more years of massive unemployment


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Yes. Don't you remember the lame duck after the midterms? The GOP will do anything, ANYTHING, to extend the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.

Off the top of my head I remember:
- New START Treaty
- End of Don't Ask Don't Tell
- More stimulus
- Health insurance for 9/11 first respondants

That's a good point, but I would think that even if Obama let those expire, it would be significantly easier to re-instate those cuts later on.
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