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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Free market for thee, not for me:

The U.S. must retain tax breaks that help independent oil and gas producers, said Harold Hamm, chairman and chief executive officer of Continental Resources Inc.

Companies should continue to be able to expense intangible drilling costs rather than deduct them over time, said Hamm, who also is an energy adviser to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Again, what leverage does Obama have? Letting the tax cuts expire? Would the GOP be willing to protect those tax cuts, despite the fact that the massive spending cuts that will also take place, put the economy back into a recession, upon which Obama will most likely get the blame?
Bush tax cuts are the GOP's sacred cow.

I think one thing is that the more times Obama and the Democrats extend them, the more difficult it is to make the argument that we should let them expire.

Obama should have rescinded them first thing as president to pass more stimulus.

Especially if Obama's re-elected, the GOP's #1 priority (stopping his re-election) is gone and they've got nothing going for them.
Bush tax cuts are the GOP's sacred cow.

I think one thing is that the more times Obama and the Democrats extend them, the more difficult it is to make the argument that we should let them expire.

Obama should have rescinded them first thing as president to pass more stimulus.

Especially if Obama's re-elected, the GOP's #1 priority (stopping his re-election) is gone and they've got nothing going for them

I disagree. They'll merely pivot to further sabataging his record, preparing for 2014, and ultimately continuing to attempt to turn Obama into the democrats' W Bush. I can't possibly imagine republicans saying "oh well, we lost. Time to work with Obama!" Especially if government remains divided


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I know Republicans aren't big on reading, but it shouldn't be that hard to actually understand what's in Obamacare:

Rep. Jo Ann Emerson (R-Mo.) offered a similar view. “There is plenty of room for solutions in the private market, and a primary objection to the ACA remains the heavy-handed, bureaucratic approach, which necessarily compels millions of employers and beneficiaries to leave private insurance in favor of a public option,’” she said in an email.

It's been more than two years since the President's signature piece of legislation's been passed. I would think that would be more than enough time for some of these clowns to familiarize themselves with what's actually in it.

I disagree. They'll merely pivot to further sabataging his record, preparing for 2014, and ultimately continuing to attempt to turn Obama into the democrats' W Bush. I can't possibly imagine republicans saying "oh well, we lost. Time to work with Obama!" Especially if government remains divided
No, not every Republican will. But I think there are a handful of "good government" types still in Congress who would rather attach their names to some decent legislation instead of fighting Obama over lightbulbs and school lunches.

Boehner in particular, I think his agenda is to make himself look good. That's why he cut a deal with Obama over cutting the deficit, but his crew mutinied when they found out 10% of it would raise taxes.

If Obama wins a second term, even if Republicans don't win the House, I'm inclined to believe Democrats would make up some of their lost ground. A smaller majority for Boehner means he'll probably come to the table more often.
I disagree. They'll merely pivot to further sabataging his record, preparing for 2014, and ultimately continuing to attempt to turn Obama into the democrats' W Bush. I can't possibly imagine republicans saying "oh well, we lost. Time to work with Obama!" Especially if government remains divided

I agree. Republican politicians are so disciplined only because the conservative base is so radicalized. (That's largely due to Fox News and AM Radio, themselves products of earlier deregulation championed by business interests.) That radicalization isn't going to change with Obama's reelection. Radicalization will only dampen as the party suffers more and more electoral defeats and old people continue to die, as old people are wont to do.

No, not every Republican will. But I think there are a handful of "good government" types still in Congress who would rather attach their names to some decent legislation instead of fighting Obama over lightbulbs and school lunches.

All politicians are good government types. They only act intransigently when forced to do so, either by benefactors or well-organized constituents (whether or not those organized constituents represent an authentic majority).


I know Republicans aren't big on reading, but it shouldn't be that hard to actually understand what's in Obamacare:

Have you seen Winter's Bone?
She's their representative.
This is not surprising.

Okay, I'm being a dick here, and not a truthful dick at that. She pandering to the crazies because she was too moderate for today GOP and she's facing a serious primary challenger.
All politicians are good government types. They only act intransigently when forced to do so, either by benefactors or well-organized constituents (whether or not those organized constituents represent an authentic majority).
Dunno if I agree.

Of course, it's impossible to tell what goes on behind the scenes.
Lindsey Graham second big GOP guy to disagree with Norquist publicly
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) broke with anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist on Tuesday, telling ABC's Jonathan Karl that he supported eliminating tax deductions in order to help get the country back on solid fiscal footing.

"We are so far in debt that if you don't give up some ideological ground, the country sinks," Graham said.

Graham is one of over a thousand Republicans nationwide who have signed Norquist's anti-tax pledge to oppose and vote against any effort to increase taxes.

The pledge also opposes raising revenue by eliminating tax deductions and credits. Graham voiced his disagreement with that component, saying "when you eliminate a deduction, it's OK with me to use some of that money to get us out of debt."

He praised Norquist for "doing a great service" but said that due to the country's poor fiscal climate, the Republican party's position must evolve.

"When you talk about eliminating deductions and tax credits for the few, at the expense of the many, I think over time the Republican party's position is going to shift. It needs to, quite frankly, because we are $16 trillion in debt," he said.

"I'm willing to move my party, or try to, on the tax issue. I need someone on the Democratic side being willing to move their party on structural changes to entitlements."

Mitt Romney, the GOP's presumptive presidential candidate, signed the anti-tax pledge before his 2008 run for office.

Another GOP heavyweight, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, criticized Norquist's pledge recently, saying, "I don’t believe you outsource your principles and convictions to people.” He urged Romney to accept some tax increases in order to reduce the government’s budget deficit.

Asked whether Romney agreed with him, Graham said he wasn't sure. "Someone needs to ask him," he quipped.
If nothing else, I'm glad Norquist's treasonous anti-tax pledge is finally being talked about (but not as much as it should). Pretty sure majority of Americans don't know who Norquist is and whether their representative secretly signed the anti-tax pledge.
Democrats held onto Gabby Giffords' seat tonight, by a decent margin too.

Some beltway chatter indicated it was close, so I'm glad there's still one district in Arizona that's sane.



Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member

Doesn't it usually go the other way? A politician schmoozes up to some industry and then quits his political career to become a lobbyist or board member?

and for the record, I don't hate Monsanto. Well at least not the work they do, they are pretty scummy in some legal matters.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Some decent grilling by John King to Rick Scott:


87% of people in their voter purge are independents and democrats. Can these assholes be a LITTLE more subtle about the shit they're pulling?

You have people on this very forum criticizing the college kids in wisconsin for trying to vote on election day in response to outrage over the purge that happened there.

Republicans don't give a damn, so long as they "win." Whatever the fuck that means.


You have people on this very forum criticizing the college kids in wisconsin for trying to vote on election day in response to outrage over the purge that happened there.

Republicans don't give a damn, so long as they "win." Whatever the fuck that means.

No one criticized college kids for trying to vote. I criticized college kids who had gone home for the summer for claiming they were disenfranchised. There is a reason the voting was open for 16 days prior to the election.



Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Tuesday introduced the Preserving Freedom from Unwarranted Surveillance Act, which would require the government to get a warrant before using aerial drones to surveil U.S. citizens.

More broadly, Paul's bill is aimed at preventing "unwarranted governmental intrusion" through the use of drones, according to the lawmaker.

"Like other tools used to collect information in law enforcement, in order to use drones a warrant needs to be issued," Paul said Tuesday. "Americans going about their everyday lives should not be treated like criminals or terrorists and have their rights infringed upon by military tactics."
Here is hoping it gets support.
They will just use the fallback they have already put out there, basically "Hey, we're going to put up a drone for something legal, but if we just "happen" to see some illegal activity going on, we have to respond, right?"

I'm confused as to what you want here? Are you against this bill? Do you want it to go further? In a general sense what do you want the rules to be for drone surveillance on American soil to be? This sounds like most of your complaints you throw against a lot of policies suggestions by Democrats (I know Rand Paul is not a Democrat), "Here is a potential hole, might as well do nothing." That is the problem I see with the generalized Republican view of government so I guess it's not too suprising it's your typical argument.


I'm confused as to what you want here? Are you against this bill? Do you want it to go further? In a general sense what do you want the rules to be for drone surveillance on American soil to be? This sounds like most of your complaints you throw against a lot of policies suggestions by Democrats (I know Rand Paul is not a Democrat), "Here is a potential hole, might as well do nothing." That is the problem I see with the generalized Republican view of government so I guess it's not too suprising it's your typical argument.

I am against drones flying over the US - period.


Very good.
But I really wish this bill was more broad, the 4th amendment have been pooped on this past decade, and drone surveillance is not even a big part of it.

I assume he made it narrow to try and get more support. Hopefully he is using the nanny-state technique of starting small and creeping broad.


Isn't it a shame that politicians and talking heads have whored out the word 'freedom' and 'liberty' so much so that I feel gross anytime someone uses it? It's the same kind of willies I get when people use the word synergy or core values in the marketing world.

Even 'god bless america' make me roll my eyes now.


Isn't it a shame that politicians and talking heads have whored out the word 'freedom' and 'liberty' so much so that I feel gross anytime someone uses it? It's the same kind of willies I get when people use the word synergy or core values in the marketing world.

Even 'god bless america' make me roll my eyes now.

You're a food nazi, of course you hate when people bring of liberty and freedom.


I assume he made it narrow to try and get more support. Hopefully he is using the nanny-state technique of starting small and creeping broad.
Probably, but I don't think that's the right approach here.
They're all lawyers there, if you get specific they'll find a way around it
You know, they'll paint it blue and call it "airborne surveillance platform and totally not a drone" or put a midget in it and say "unmanned? what are you talking about?".

What you need is to be super fucking clear than anything obtained without a warrant is not admissible for anything, and any person looking at such information can be criminally charged personally.
And no, I won't think of 9/11, we had those fuckers under surveillance for months, in this country and abroad.
Of course they'll whine about legal obstacles, what are they going to say?
"Sorry, we suck at our job, can we get an extra [classified] billions of dollars?"

Yeah, the NSA budget is classified.
Because fuck you, that's why.


Isn't it a shame that politicians and talking heads have whored out the word 'freedom' and 'liberty' so much so that I feel gross anytime someone uses it? It's the same kind of willies I get when people use the word synergy or core values in the marketing world.

Even 'god bless america' make me roll my eyes now.

i still don't know when convention changed to having your hand over your heart on the national anthem.

Hand over heart - pledge of allegiance (which is a pretty creepy indoctrination thing in the first place... that can move to another discussion), hands down for national anthem unless you are wearing a hat, which you remove and hold over your heart.

Apparently i just grew up in a commie loving area... the pledge of allegiance still skeeves me out a bit
No one criticized college kids for trying to vote. I criticized college kids who had gone home for the summer for claiming they were disenfranchised. There is a reason the voting was open for 16 days prior to the election.

And the semester, including final exams, ended prior to the 16 days prior to the election. The day or day after the early voted started I was starting summer courses.

Isn't it a shame that politicians and talking heads have whored out the word 'freedom' and 'liberty' so much so that I feel gross anytime someone uses it? It's the same kind of willies I get when people use the word synergy or core values in the marketing world.

Even 'god bless america' make me roll my eyes now.

"Freedom" and "Liberty" don't even mean anything any more. "Freedom" and "Liberty" simply mean the freedom to dictate the society you want on others and liberty to have a talking head to achieve that to some extent.


And the semester ended prior to the 16 days prior to the election. The day or day after the early voted started I was starting summer courses.

Actually last day of exams were exactly 16 days prior to the election, I believe.

Wait, I think early voting started May 21st, last exams were the 19th. You were able to start getting absentee ballots on the 15th I think?
Actually last day of exams were exactly 16 days prior to the election, I believe.

Even if true it wouldn't matter. Only like 5% of students have exams on the last day. Once you are done with exams you HAVE to leave. They will make you.

Wait, I think early voting started May 21st, last exams were the 19th. You were able to start getting absentee ballots on the 15th I think?

It was the 21st. That's when summer classes started thus the semester was completely over.


Even if true it wouldn't matter. Only like 5% of students have exams on the last day. Once you are done with exams you HAVE to leave. They will make you.

It was the 21st. That's when summer classes started thus the semester was completely over.

That is new. I remember partying in Ogg the last couple days with my then girlfriend after her exams were done.

I think you could start requesting absentee ballots be mailed to you beginning on the 15th, you couldn't go to pick them up (or submit them) until the 21st.


I don't put much thought into my posts, they just come from common sense and economic understanding
lol wut


Only 38 percent of those up-for-grabs Americans have favorable views of Obama's economic plans, with a majority (54 percent) disapproving. The good news for the embattled president? They aren't much more impressed by Romney's economic ideas -- 47 percent rate his approach unfavorably, with just 35 percent in favor.
Yeah Diablos, good stuff in that poll. I also think PD can stop his peddling his shtick that the voters believe that Romney will handle the economy better.


Look at that 9 point difference in strongly favor the economic plans. The voters aren't stupid. Obama just needs to keep rolling with the Bain ads and saying Romney is going to benefit the wealthy and not the middle class.
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