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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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29/33 here.

Re: Contraception, redux: Are they really going to fight this issue out? Some Catholic groups have already come out and said "this is ok." There is a small minority that opposes the rules but you're never going to please everybody unless you agree to go back to the dark ages.
Everyone here knows that I'm smarter than any politician. But are you?

This is a little civics quiz that I found fun to take. The most interesting to me was a table at the end showing how elected officials scored on this test.

"The average score for all 2,508 Americans taking the following test was 49%; college educators scored 55%. Can you do better?"

Intercollegiate Studies Civics quiz

Ill tell you my score if you tell me yours.


got the one about why the free market>government wrong. go figure.



Got this wrong:

So those people in the "Federalist Society" have a proud tradition of being the opposite of the people that got the Bill of Rights past? Yeah, that makes sense actually.[/spoiler]

Yeah it's all in the name. Federalists = strong central government. Anti-Federalists = more power for the states. But if you would believe the Tea Party, our founders did not have any disagreements. They also did not compromise their beliefs, like when Thomas Jefferson, an Anti-Federalist, changed course and approved the federal government's purchase of Louisiana since that type of action was not clearly laid out in the Constitution. It should also be mention that the Federalists also reversed their position to oppose Jefferson because they did not want to fund Napoleon's war with Britain or anger them, trade and neutrality ran deep with them.
Those types of surveys are worse than SOTU when it comes to derailing this thread.
You're just mad because you scored poorly. :p

It does certainly lend to the impression that we're all just patting ourselves on the back about how well-educated/knowledgeable we are. I wonder how this plays in gen-pop.

29/33 here.

Re: Contraception, redux: Are they really going to fight this issue out? Some Catholic groups have already come out and said "this is ok." There is a small minority that opposes the rules but you're never going to please everybody unless you agree to go back to the dark ages.
This isn't any more the case than it was before. You could say this about the GOP on a range of issues.


Junior Member
So, the GOP is going insane:

McConnell: GOP Will Fight To Let ANY Employer Deny Contraception Coverage

Not satisfied with President Obama’s new religious accommodation, Republicans will move forward with legislation by Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) that permits any employer to deny birth control coverage in their health insurance plans, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said Sunday.

“If we end up having to try to overcome the President’s opposition by legislation, of course I’d be happy to support it, and intend to support it,” McConnell said. “We’ll be voting on that in the Senate and you can anticipate that that would happen as soon as possible.”

The Blunt amendment he was specifically referring to would “ensure that health care stakeholders retain the right to provide, purchase, or enroll in health coverage that is consistent with their religious beliefs and moral convictions” under the Affordable Care Act. Similar legislation was introduced by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) before the White House announced Friday that it would allow religious nonprofits such as charities, hospitals and universities to opt out of paying for contraception coverage and force the insurance company to do so instead.​
Yes, you old white men. Please turn to doubling down on the wrong side of hugely popular social issues. This will work out well for you. Please ride it all the way to the election.

I honestly never thought they would take the "oppose anything Obama supports" memo this far.


chair ain't reconize yo ass

You know what we've heard surprisingly little about so far? The payroll tax extension. Is it dead?

Last I read, the GOP was working to 'extend' it, while also slashing the unemployment benefits that are being extended along the way. IIRC, by cutting the window for benefits from 99 weeks to 60 or so, and reducing payments. Gotta find ways to damage the economy somehow, since the budget and debt fights come to a head too late for the election.

Edit: Baucus, in his infinite wisdom, is negotiating down.

Congressional Democrats made their first proposal on one of the more contentious elements of the payroll tax cut package with an offer to trim maximum U.S. unemployment benefits by six weeks.

The plan offered to Republicans yesterday would end unemployment benefits after 93 weeks instead of the 99 weeks now available in states with the nation’s highest jobless rates, according to a document explaining the proposal. Republicans have proposed reducing the expanded jobless benefits to 59 weeks.


You're just mad because you scored poorly. :p

It does certainly lend to the impression that we're all just patting ourselves on the back about how well-educated/knowledgeable we are. I wonder how this plays in gen-pop.
Hey, I don't hate on thread derails, that political compass crap saved my ass more than once when I was staking a dump position in an argument.

"What? you're saying you found a study that refute my thesis that the only way to fix medicare is by training monkeys to treat the elderly? well I don't know, that was like 4 pages ago; can't we focus on the real issues? like who is more conservative, eznark or ToxicAdam?"
So, the GOP is going insane:

McConnell: GOP Will Fight To Let ANY Employer Deny Contraception Coverage

Not satisfied with President Obama’s new religious accommodation, Republicans will move forward with legislation by Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) that permits any employer to deny birth control coverage in their health insurance plans, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said Sunday.

“If we end up having to try to overcome the President’s opposition by legislation, of course I’d be happy to support it, and intend to support it,” McConnell said. “We’ll be voting on that in the Senate and you can anticipate that that would happen as soon as possible.”

The Blunt amendment he was specifically referring to would “ensure that health care stakeholders retain the right to provide, purchase, or enroll in health coverage that is consistent with their religious beliefs and moral convictions” under the Affordable Care Act. Similar legislation was introduced by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) before the White House announced Friday that it would allow religious nonprofits such as charities, hospitals and universities to opt out of paying for contraception coverage and force the insurance company to do so instead.​
Yes, you old white men. Please turn to doubling down on the wrong side of hugely popular social issues. This will work out well for you. Please ride it all the way to the election.

If Democrats Machine was good here they would deploy all their existing Women in Congress, women candidates (they got a lot for 2012) and associated women's group in the Media and everywhere.

You got a party dominated by men opposing something that is a completely Women's health issue. Same thing with Catholic groups.

One would think that everybody would be on board with something that can help avoid unwanted pregnancies.
If Democrats Machine was good here they would deploy all their existing Women in Congress, women candidates (they got a lot for 2012) and associated women's group in the Media and everywhere.

You got a party dominated by men opposing something that is a completely Women's health issue. Same thing with Catholic groups.

One would think that everybody would be on board with something that can help avoid unwanted pregnancies.
How can a gift from the Lord ever be unwanted?



Missed the anti-federalists question because I skimmed the question and mistakenly read it as asking about the federalists...doh.
How can a gift from the Lord ever be unwanted?
From the Santorum thread . .

How can a gift from the Lord ever be unwanted?

Actually had that argument over Obama's "I don't want my daughter punished with a baby [due to lack of education on contraception.]" Of course it was from a dumb ass without a kid on top of that. Having had two children under great circumstances, I can say unabashedly that they can be a pretty shitty deal if you aren't ready (as one can be).


How can a gift from the Lord ever be unwanted?
Truly. The disregard for the sanctity of life displayed in this thread is appalling.
Yeah it's all in the name. Federalists = strong central government. Anti-Federalists = more power for the states. But if you would believe the Tea Party, our founders did not have any disagreements. They also did not compromise their beliefs, like when Thomas Jefferson, an Anti-Federalist, changed course and approved the federal government's purchase of Louisiana since that type of action was not clearly laid out in the Constitution. It should also be mention that the Federalists also reversed their position to oppose Jefferson because they did not want to fund Napoleon's war with Britain or anger them, trade and neutrality ran deep with them.
Jefferson presents a unique case. He was obviously a DR during the Federalist Era. But his inclination during the Convention was a bit more ambiguous as he lived in France. We know he favorably received the Federalist Papers from his correspondence with Madison. Yet he favored the Bill of Rights which was primarily an Anti-Federalist position. It's intriguing to speculate how Jefferson's presence would have affected the outcome.
You answered 31 out of 33 correctly — 93.94 %

After question 25 or so, it was less a civics exam and more, "Capitalism is great, amirite?".

Question: What was the source of the following phrase: “Government of the people, by the people, for the people”?
Your Answer: Declaration of Independence
Correct Answer: Gettysburg Address
Question: If taxes equal government spending, then:
Your Answer: government debt is zero
Correct Answer: tax per person equals government spending per person on average
I hope Soros, Eric Schmidt, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates all throw their super major moola behind Obama SuperPAC and destroy the election process. Maybe that will make idiot GOP Congressmen take notice of how fucked up this system truly is and we'll finally have an amendment with 3/4ths majority.

They need to.

Koch Brothers have pledged of 100 million dollars to JUST defeat Obama. Dems need SuperPACs that can counteract that.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I hope Soros, Eric Schmidt, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates all throw their super major moola behind Obama SuperPAC and destroy the election process. Maybe that will make idiot GOP Congressmen take notice of how fucked up this system truly is and we'll finally have an amendment with 3/4ths majority.

This is an interesting idea i've not considered. Colbert can only do so much...
I hope Soros, Eric Schmidt, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates all throw their super major moola behind Obama SuperPAC and destroy the election process. Maybe that will make idiot GOP Congressmen take notice of how fucked up this system truly is and we'll finally have an amendment with 3/4ths majority.

That would be utterly hilarious, but then again I'd imagine there are far more republican billionaires than liberal ones
29 out of 33

Missed the one about the Puritans, Socrates/Plato/Aristotlte/Aquinas, the free markets ensuring more prosperity because blah, and misquoted "Government of the people by the people for the people."

27 out of 33.

I missed those two, as well as a couple of other ones on free markets.
Yea and the Republican ones on the top 10 list are more forthcoming with their wallets to conservative groups.


Koch, Adelson definitely Repub. Wal-mart people...I would say at least lean Repub?
Well, they pay their employees so poorly that many have to rely on public services to work there. So maybe they're secretly Democrats, what with their contributions to the expansion of government dependency.
I hope Soros, Eric Schmidt, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates all throw their super major moola behind Obama SuperPAC and destroy the election process. Maybe that will make idiot GOP Congressmen take notice of how fucked up this system truly is and we'll finally have an amendment with 3/4ths majority.


Hell no. A 3rd party pro-consumer candidate? Yes please.
WTF does that even mean?

It means the only modern difference between the democrat party and the GOP are ridiculous social issues. When it comes to bailing out corporations, removing civil liberties, enacting a corporate police state and screwing over the middle classes, both parties are pretty damn equal.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I think Swift-Boat and "not changing leadership in the middle of a war" had more to do with it than social issues. Plus, Kerry was a bit of a goof.

Don't forget the Kerry "Flip-flopping" on issues.


It means the only modern difference between the democrat party and the GOP are ridiculous social issues. When it comes to bailing out corporations, removing civil liberties, enacting a corporate police state and screwing over the middle classes, both parties are pretty damn equal.

Corporate police state? That doesn't even make sense.


Given his track record it'll be an edited video Obama saying something out of context. Or it'll be like the "Whitey Video" where they say there's a video out there, but never show it.
"Whitey Video"? What are you referring to?

There were rightwing and/or Hillary Clinton nutjob rumors in 2008 that a video existed of Michelle Obama railing against "whitey" in a speech at church. I think it was primarily and repeatedly claimed by former CIA guy Larry Johnson, who went full Clinton cuckoo-crazy during the election season.



Sen. Barack Obama on Thursday batted down rumors circulating on the Internet and mentioned on some cable news shows of the existence of a video of his wife using a derogatory term for white people, and criticized a reporter for asking him about the rumor, which has not a shred of evidence to support it.

“We have seen this before. There is dirt and lies that are circulated in e-mails and they pump them out long enough until finally you, a mainstream reporter, asks me about it,” Obama said to the McClatchy reporter during a press conference aboard his campaign plane. “That gives legs to the story. If somebody has evidence that myself or Michelle or anybody has said something inappropriate, let them do it.”
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