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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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If Michelle Obama said "whitey" in college 15 years ago, does that really mean anything? Oh no, she called white people white.
I bet the video is something like Obama commentating on Malcolm X's autobiography or something like that. Regardless it'll be edited enough to make it a "big" story and Brietbart will criticize the media for not covering it 24/7

I don't get it. This type of fear mongering didn't work four years ago, and despite a shitty economy MOST people still like Obama/have positive opinions of him. So what does a video of College Obama saying controversial things accomplish, besides further enrage the 20-30% of the country who already hates him?
True, but those videos did destroy Acorn and did get that one lady fired.

I can't possibly imagine a video that would destroy or hurt Obama, the president of the United States. Unless he's on tape saying white girls are fun because they swallow, I just don't see this mattering with the economy improving; even if it doesn't improve, the economy will be the deciding factor.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I can't possibly imagine a video that would destroy or hurt Obama, the president of the United States. Unless he's on tape saying white girls are fun because they swallow, I just don't see this mattering with the economy improving; even if it doesn't improve, the economy will be the deciding factor.

I am guessing breitbart is just fluffing up some video of Obama stoned or something, it won't touch him. Especially since a huge portion of the adult populace has experimented at one point in their lives ei some drug or another. Some crazy misogynistic stuff or vile racist stuff would definitely bring him down a peg, though. Obama seems better than that, though. He already said he had done coke before, right? It would be awesome to see a video of him snorting some coke and then screaming, eyes bloodshot and wide, " I love cocaine!!!!!!!"
I am guessing breitbart is just fluffing up some video of Obama stoned or something, it won't touch him. Especially since a huge portion of the adult populace has experimented at one point in their lives ei some drug or another. Some crazy misogynistic stuff or vile racist stuff would definitely bring him down a peg, though. Obama seems better than that, though. He already said he had done coke before, right? It would be awesome to see a video of him snorting some coke and then screaming, eyes bloodshot and wide, " I love cocaine!!!!!!!"
I would totally love to see a high-as-fuck Obama staring belligerently into the camera asserting, "Cocaine is a hell of a drug."

But the fact that we're even talking about this means Breitbart is already winning. Ugh.
Reminds me of Hannity claiming to have video of Obama trying to call off the Bin Laden raid. It could just be pure bullshit, but most likely I think it's some out of context hit job. Regardless it'll be irrelevant and I'd imagine Breitbart knows it. Like his other stunts this will ultimately boil down to him complaining that the mainstream media doesn't pay attention. boo hoo

Between Obama and Romney I don't think we'll be stumbling across any major personal scandals. Both seem like prototypical family men, especially by Washington/White House standards.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Lol, right, the commander in chief of the armed forces called off the bin laden raid, but the military went through with it anyways.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Lol, right, the commander in chief of the armed forces called off the bin laden raid, but the military went through with it anyways.

The truth is that Blackwater took on the mission that the president was too afraid to even order. That's why we haven't seen any pictures, they took the body and kept it on ice somewhere, just waiting. And then when the first general election debates come around, frankenladen will emerge and Romney will pull out dual Tec9's and empty them in his general direction, sealing a Republican victory in all the national elections.


You know it amazes me that the church is having trouble getting young people to support them and they know this but they decide anyways to go all out on crazy issues such as this contraception debate. I mean of all things.....its promoting womens health and they are against it. It somehow turns into this government war against religion and yet all its doing is turning more and more people away from religion because they look like a bunch of crazies.


You know it amazes me that the church is having trouble getting young people to support them and they know this but they decide anyways to go all out on crazy issues such as this contraception debate. I mean of all things.....its promoting womens health and they are against it. It somehow turns into this government war against religion and yet all its doing is turning more and more people away from religion because they look like a bunch of crazies.

You mean they aren't already a bunch of crazies? Because before this issue they certainly were doing a damn good job of getting that impression across.




It's nice to see a Democrat attacking the fax issue head on instead of running away from it.
I can't possibly imagine a video that would destroy or hurt Obama, the president of the United States. Unless he's on tape saying white girls are fun because they swallow, I just don't see this mattering with the economy improving; even if it doesn't improve, the economy will be the deciding factor.

Repubs try so hard to my make a controversy out of nothing. They must be so frustrated that Obama is such a scandaless President. And the reverend Wright and Ayers stuff just shows how miserably pathetic the media can be. Hannity was stretching that Wright stuff to absurd levels.
Mostly people claiming that Kerry was a fraud combined with the fact that Kerry is not a likable person even among their own voters.

And to no surprise I sound like I am describing Romney.
Romney is a phony. Kerry wasn't. He was an actual war hero, smeared and dragged through pig shit by the America Loving Patriotic Party/Republicans.
This speaks to something I mentioned earlier:

PPP said:
Michigan is perceived as a state where Romney really has a home field advantage, but only 26% of primary voters actually consider him to be a Michigander while 62% do not. Only 39% have a favorable opinion of George Romney with a 46% plurality having no opinion about him. Romney really doesn't have some great reservoir of goodwill in Michigan to fall back on. Only 49% of voters have a favorable opinion of him to 39% with a negative one. That's down a net 28 points from our last poll of Michigan in July when he was at +38 (61/23).

Full write-up from PPP on Michigan is here.
Don't worry, she totally didn't say it herself.

It was a ghost writer.

Wasn't supposedly from a talk with her saying something to the effect of: "Why'd he ....?, Why'd he....?"

Also, I have video proof of Obama flipping Hilary the bird in a victory speech and his people cheering!

God 2008 was AMAZING.
I suspect we'll see the usual pattern when the Romney campaign has time to focus--the SuperPAC Death Star laser will be fully trained on Santorum for the next two weeks and Romney will pull out the win.

But that's still not a great narrative for Romney, and if he still loses, it's devastating.
Or as Dave Weigel put it,
@daveweigel said:
BREAKING: Candidate does very well in poll after a week of positive media coverage and no negative campaigning against him.
Or as Dave Weigel put it,

Well, I don't think anyone's really been looking at it as a good thing for Santorum, but as a terrible harbinger for Mitt. Also, it seems like one of those situations where he could sort of land in the position Meg Whitman found herself in CA, with too many people who won't change their mind about her, no matter how much advertising they would buy.
Santorum's lead is technically within sampling's margin of error, but that has to be a big error, which I doubt it is. All trends are pointing downward for Mitt though. He has to be fuming.


I'll be curious to see what sort of negative ad campaign Mitt is going to hit Santorum with. The guy is basically Beck/Limbaugh 2012. Attacking him will amount to attacking the very core of what conservatism is in this country today.
I'll be curious to see what sort of negative ad campaign Mitt is going to hit Santorum with. The guy is basically Beck/Limbaugh 2012. Attacking him will amount to attacking the very core of what conservatism is in this country today.

It will be interesting. I think all we've heard that they intend to attack (so far) is Santorum abusing earmarks.
It will be interesting. I think all we've heard that they intend to attack (so far) is Santorum abusing earmarks.
Yeah, that's pretty weak tea so far. Other things I've heard are that Santorum voted against right-to-work and supported Arlen Specter. Again, nothing so damning as
I can't believe this is a liability. this fucking country
passing universal healthcare.

I nearly spit coffee all over my laptop when I heard a conservative blogger assert that the current field is entirely composed of moderates. Moderates.


I don't think Romney is too worried yet. I still think, they think, their money and organizational strength will decimate Santorum on Super Tuesday. That means going hard in places like Ohio, Virginia and Georgia and geting easy wins in Idaho, Mass and Vermont.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
That's what I've been trying to tell people numerous times on this board. Michigan is WAY more conservative on the GOP side than you'd think. The entire state is red except for a few counties. Wouldn't shock me at all to see Santorum take Michigan.
It's because Michigan has an unnaturally high Evangelical population there. They're going all out of Santorum.

Methinks Ohio will get Santorummed too, but it will be a nailbiter.
It's because Michigan has an unnaturally high Evangelical population there. They're going all out of Santorum.

Methinks Ohio will get Santorummed too, but it will be a nailbiter.

"unnaturally high"? Not sure what that means, but I'm not sure I believe Michigan has a high amount of evangelicals.
Anyway, Romney took the evangelical vote in Michigan in 2008 -over Huckabee and McCain, so I don't see a big problem this time.

Pie Lord

So does anyone actually thing Santorum has a chance of securing the nomination? Because I honestly don't know what I think anymore.

... that is awful for Mitt. Oakland County is a swing county (bunch of rich people in the northern townships, suburbs in the south). Romney should be winning the western half of the state because that's where the old money GOP base is, with a smaller evangelical base that would swing Santorum's way. But if he's not ... if he can't take western Michigan and put a bigger dent in Metro Detroit, he cannot win the state, primary or general.

And Ohio, Santorum or Gingrich can win. Especially if Romney and Kasich get tied together because Kasich is awfully unpopular right now.
Speaking of Kasich, he would lose with over a 20 point margin to Ted Strickland in a hypothetical match up.

A new Public Policy Polling (D) survey shows only 33 percent of Ohio general election voters approve of his job performance, while a majority of 53 percent are disappointed with it. Those numbers translate into a serious case of buyer’s remorse on the behalf of Ohioans, as Kasich would lose a rematch against former Gov. Ted Strickland (D) by twenty points in the poll.
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