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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
So does anyone actually thing Santorum has a chance of securing the nomination? Because I honestly don't know what I think anymore.

Based on money--no. I still think Mitt takes it and picks Santorum for VP.

An Obama/Santorum matchup would be insanity just for the "religious persecution" card that would get played everywhere.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I can't possibly imagine a video that would destroy or hurt Obama, the president of the United States. Unless he's on tape saying white girls are fun because they swallow, I just don't see this mattering with the economy improving; even if it doesn't improve, the economy will be the deciding factor.

Holy shit! LOL!


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Based on money--no. I still think Mitt takes it and picks Santorum for VP.

An Obama/Santorum matchup would be insanity just for the "religious persecution" card that would get played everywhere.

A Mitt/Santorum card would be interesting. I was thinking Mitt/Daniels or Christie, but I guess if Santorum's numbers stay relatively high, it might be the safest pick for Mitt. Not saying it will make much of a difference, mind you.
A Mitt/Santorum card would be interesting. I was thinking Mitt/Daniels or Christie, but I guess if Santorum's numbers stay relatively high, it might be the safest pick for Mitt. Not saying it will make much of a difference, mind you.

Mitt needs to pick a running mate that strongly appeals to southerners and/or evangelicals. Santorum fits the bill. Mitch Daniels and Chris Christie really don't at all- and I doubt Christie would even be interested unless Romney was a lock to beat Obama in the GE.
Santorum has written and said so many anti-women's rights shit that he'd bog down the ticket. Plus he can't deliver his home state. While Bob McDonnell wrote some similar things in college, overall he's a safer pick and could possibly deliver Virginia, while consolidating the conservative base behind Romney.


So does anyone actually thing Santorum has a chance of securing the nomination? Because I honestly don't know what I think anymore.

I still kind of doubt it. Part of me wants him to, because I think Obama would stomp him into the ground so much it would be hilarious. But then the other part of me doesn't want to live in a world where a man like that could even get the nomination of any party...
I still think it's gonna be Romney, but its clear that the GOP as a whole is not entirely satisfied with any of these candidates. There's been no consensus runaway winner of the primary season yet. Romney is winning on points, but not with style. He hasn't been able to win without dumping loads of money in (Florida), being near his home (New Hampshire and Maine) or being in a state with a high Mormon population (Nevada).

At least not yet. There's still plenty of time for this to change.
I don't think Romney will totally slam Santorum in Michigan like he did Gingrich in Florida, but I'm sure the spending will be high and effective. Michigan is a smaller media market/state than Florida too, which might be an advantage to Santorum

Gingrich is not only getting destroyed by Romney, GOP leaders were doing the same. Any republican had to look at that and think "ok, something is wrong with Newt" and back away. What is "wrong" with Santorum outside of him voting for earmarks and Medicare part D (which older republicans like)? I fail to see how any of that is worse than say, being pro-choice when it's politically expedient or passing a state mandated health insurance program.

The problem is that Santorum still isn't raising the money needed to survive. He needs Evangelicals and Catholics to jump on board heavily, but so far they seem upset that he's not a great politician. He's not Reagan or even Bush. Pretty shitty reason for a group to not support someone they clearly agree with 80% of the time.


I don't think Romney is too worried yet. I still think, they think, their money and organizational strength will decimate Santorum on Super Tuesday. That means going hard in places like Ohio, Virginia and Georgia and geting easy wins in Idaho, Mass and Vermont.
Santorum and Gingrich failed to qualify for the ballot in Virginia; unless they break for Paul, Romney's assured a victory. Moreover, he should win MA handily. Thus, he'll concentrate on other essential states. Ohio is obviously the primary target. And I suspect he'll campaign heavily in Tennessee.
Don't worry, she totally didn't say it herself.

It was a ghost writer.
A ghost writer who used a teleprompter after shopping for wipes at Target.
I would say it worked against him. There were many people convinced his election was going to tip the courts on Roe v Wade.
Perhaps. Bush actually underperformed in many areas where social issues were most salient, although the evidence is inconclusive. Altogether, it was probably a push.
New Jersey same sex marriage will finish of chance for Christie for VP, now someone needs to do same voting in Florida and finish of chance for Rubio for VP


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Mitt needs to pick a running mate that strongly appeals to southerners and/or evangelicals. Santorum fits the bill. Mitch Daniels and Chris Christie really don't at all- and I doubt Christie would even be interested unless Romney was a lock to beat Obama in the GE.

Agreed--this is why I think a Romney/Santorum ticket is a near sure thing.
New Jersey same sex marriage will finish of chance for Christie for VP, now someone needs to do same voting in Florida and finish of chance for Rubio for VP

que? He's going to veto the bill. The people who like that will vote for him regardless, and the people who don't won't vote for him regardless

Mike M

Nick N
Romney's campaign is almost certainly savvy enough to realize that Santorum will provide more drag than benefit in the general election, I have difficulties thinking they'll make a blunder that big. Santorum lost his senate seat by 18%, he's not even useful for putting Pennsylvania in play.


My ultra conservative dad is hilarious sometimes. Just got this email:

Wednesday obama is coming to Milwaukee. That means highways near airport will be shut down or severely hampered.

Apparently old BEEROCK is heading for “Master Lock” to make a speech on how great he is. I’m not sure were Master lock

Is so be aware of your travel time. Pres tends to cause a lot of travel problems as him being the king (he thinks he is)

Everyone one should wait till he passes.

Just an FYI

Even just a warning email that traffic will be bad is filled with weird snide remarks that barely mean anything.
Romney's campaign is almost certainly savvy enough to realize that Santorum will provide more drag than benefit in the general election, I have difficulties thinking they'll make a blunder that big. Santorum lost his senate seat by 18%, he's not even useful for putting Pennsylvania in play.

VP ticket is there for satisfying the perceived lack of a qualification or an advantage needed for a President. For Obama, it was lack of experience so he went with Biden with over 5 decades of FP experience. For McCain, it was lack of enthusiasm. For Romney, it's lack of conservative credentials. Santorum satisfies that criteria for him.

Mike M

Nick N
VP ticket is there for satisfying the perceived lack of a qualification or an advantage needed for a President. For Obama, it was lack of experience so he went with Biden with over 5 decades of FP experience. For McCain, it was lack of enthusiasm. For Romney, it's lack of conservative credentials. Santorum satisfies that criteria for him.

I'm aware, but Santorum's energizing of the < 30% of the population ultra die-hard Republican base comes at the expense of him being repugnant to everyone else.

Romney's campaign lately has been showing that it's not the well oiled precision system it was largely imagined to be, but I still don't believe they'd be so short sighted as to pick Santorum for the VP slot. There are far safer choices for shoring up his conservative credentials, it's not like he's limited only to other primary candidates.



House GOP leaders drop demand that payroll tax cut be offset

House Republicans said Monday that they would offer a measure to extend the current payroll tax cut for the rest of the year, dropping a previous demand that the tax break be offset.

The move marks a sharp turnaround for GOP leaders, who just last week were maintaining that the payroll tax holiday for 160 million Americans would have to be offset. But after taking a political pounding in December, House Republicans are adopting a new strategy.


The GOP move would decouple the payroll tax cut from two other policies set to expire at the end of February. Republicans are demanding that an extension of federal unemployment benefits and the "doc fix," which prevents a scheduled cut in physician payments under Medicare, by offset with other spending cuts


Does your dad include you in rightwing email chains, even though you don't agree with his politics? Just curious.

Nah. He hates email chains and stuff like that, so I'm pretty sure he doesn't do that. He used to get angry hen my aunts and uncles would forward something stupid to him. So, thankfully he doesn't do that. That's about the only respite I get from his views, though. He's insanely outspoken about it. You can't be around him more than a few hours sometimes without something political coming up. He also writes scathing letters to the newspapers up here that they seem to publish only for controversy sake. And he loves being controversial and riling up people with his opinions. For Christmas he asked for a Scott Walker shirt (that really offended my wife, that he would ask for that from us...). He's also got a bit Scott Walker sign up by his house, and he's been outspoken to petition signers (I think he joked about flipping some off, too...)

And he gets most of his info from Fox News, the drudge report, and Glenn Beck. Last time I was over he pointed to Glenn Beck's book on tape (my dad doesn't really read books), and said I need to read it because it's full of truth!

Also practically ruined my Christmas morning when we had a huge political argument only a half hour or so after waking up...



The GOP move would decouple the payroll tax cut from two other policies set to expire at the end of February. Republicans are demanding that an extension of federal unemployment benefits and the "doc fix," which prevents a scheduled cut in physician payments under Medicare, by offset with other spending cuts
This is critical, and is the key behind their strategy. The UI benefits have much more impact on the economy. Their plan is to cut them, or force offsetting cuts. Dems should reject this 'offer'.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Nah. He hates email chains and stuff like that, so I'm pretty sure he doesn't do that. He used to get angry hen my aunts and uncles would forward something stupid to him. So, thankfully he doesn't do that. That's about the only respite I get from his views, though. He's insanely outspoken about it. You can't be around him more than a few hours sometimes without something political coming up. He also writes scathing letters to the newspapers up here that they seem to publish only for controversy sake. And he loves being controversial and riling up people with his opinions. For Christmas he asked for a Scott Walker shirt (that really offended my wife, that he would ask for that from us...). He's also got a bit Scott Walker sign up by his house, and he's been outspoken to petition signers (I think he joked about flipping some off, too...)

And he gets most of his info from Fox News, the drudge report, and Glenn Beck. Last time I was over he pointed to Glenn Beck's book on tape (my dad doesn't really read books), and said I need to read it because it's full of truth!

Also practically ruined my Christmas morning when we had a huge political argument only a half hour or so after waking up...

why was your wife offended by the request of a Scott Walker t-shirt?


why was your wife offended by the request of a Scott Walker t-shirt?

It's kind of shitty to bring politics into gift giving and ask for something that you know the person giving you the gift disagrees with. You're kind of forcing their hand to spend money for your cause, which is diametrically opposed to their cause. At least he picked a shirt that wasn't from the party...

Even though it wasn't going toward the party, my money did go toward a person who sells other shirts such as:

"Nothing runs like a democrat"
a picture of obama as the grinch holding a santa ornament with the word cancelled on it
"You can't fix stupid, but you can vote it out"
"Sore losers: you are what democrazy looks like"
"Flunk the teachers union"
A picture of obama as robin hood and the phrase "spread the wealth around"
"Can't read your diploma, thank a union teacher"
"Obamacare makes me sick" - complete with communist sickle as the c

At least he didn't pick one of those shirts.... ugh... I wouldn't have done it.


Even though it wasn't going toward the party, my money did go toward a person who sells other shirts such as:

"Nothing runs like a democrat"
a picture of obama as the grinch holding a santa ornament with the word cancelled on it
"You can't fix stupid, but you can vote it out"
"Sore losers: you are what democrazy looks like"
"Flunk the teachers union"
A picture of obama as robin hood and the phrase "spread the wealth around"
"Can't read your diploma, thank a union teacher"
"Obamacare makes me sick" - complete with communist sickle as the c

At least he didn't pick one of those shirts.... ugh... I wouldn't have done it.

I see slogans like this all the time. They're so frustrating. I'm thoroughly convinced at this point that liberals use logic while conservatives use fear.
It's kind of shitty to bring politics into gift giving and ask for something that you know the person giving you the gift disagrees with. You're kind of forcing their hand to spend money for your cause, which is diametrically opposed to their cause. At least he picked a shirt that wasn't from the party...

Even though it wasn't going toward the party, my money did go toward a person who sells other shirts such as:

"Nothing runs like a democrat"
a picture of obama as the grinch holding a santa ornament with the word cancelled on it
"You can't fix stupid, but you can vote it out"
"Sore losers: you are what democrazy looks like"
"Flunk the teachers union"
A picture of obama as robin hood and the phrase "spread the wealth around"
"Can't read your diploma, thank a union teacher"
"Obamacare makes me sick" - complete with communist sickle as the c

At least he didn't pick one of those shirts.... ugh... I wouldn't have done it.
Should have turned the tables and gotten an anti-Scott Walker shirt. "What, you said you wanted a shirt with Walker on it?" My family in Iowa does this with sports gifts (my wife who lived in Wisconsin all her life recieved a "4" Viking Jersey a few years ago). I guess in this case it would have more likely sparked some uncomforatableness vs laughs.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
It's kind of shitty to bring politics into gift giving and ask for something that you know the person giving you the gift disagrees with. You're kind of forcing their hand to spend money for your cause, which is diametrically opposed to their cause. At least he picked a shirt that wasn't from the party...

Even though it wasn't going toward the party, my money did go toward a person who sells other shirts such as:

"Nothing runs like a democrat"
a picture of obama as the grinch holding a santa ornament with the word cancelled on it
"You can't fix stupid, but you can vote it out"
"Sore losers: you are what democrazy looks like"
"Flunk the teachers union"
A picture of obama as robin hood and the phrase "spread the wealth around"
"Can't read your diploma, thank a union teacher"
"Obamacare makes me sick" - complete with communist sickle as the c

At least he didn't pick one of those shirts.... ugh... I wouldn't have done it.

I still don't get it. I wouldn't be offended, I would just laugh it off. How dare someone ask for something that razzes the other person, especially politically!


This is critical, and is the key behind their strategy. The UI benefits have much more impact on the economy. Their plan is to cut them, or force offsetting cuts. Dems should reject this 'offer'.

see the looming "the bush/obama tax cuts need to be offset" at the end of the year. Good luck finding 1+ trillion to offset


This is critical, and is the key behind their strategy. The UI benefits have much more impact on the economy. Their plan is to cut them, or force offsetting cuts. Dems should reject this 'offer'.
Ugh, glad you pointed that out. I probably wouldn't have caught it.


I still don't get it. I wouldn't be offended, I would just laugh it off. How dare someone ask for something that razzes the other person, especially politically!

Well it wasn't that he asked for it. We pretty much had to get him it. My sister and I dogged him for a month or so on what he wanted for Christmas, and the only thing he said was that shirt. He knew we'd have to get him that. That's kind of what offended us a bit. It's also that we were spending money towards that sort of political agenda. It's one thing to razz someone, like you said, but it's another to kind of force their hand into funding your political agenda. And we'd never ask him to buy us some sort of Human Rights Campaign shirt or something pro Planned Parenthood.

Really, I'm over it. It wasn't some overly offensive thing, really. It just struck us as a bit odd and slightly offensive in a way. Not a huge deal. it was only $40. I've spent money on dumber things I suppose.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Well it wasn't that he asked for it. We pretty much had to get him it. My sister and I dogged him for a month or so on what he wanted for Christmas, and the only thing he said was that shirt. He knew we'd have to get him that. That's kind of what offended us a bit. It's also that we were spending money towards that sort of political agenda. It's one thing to razz someone, like you said, but it's another to kind of force their hand into funding your political agenda. And we'd never ask him to buy us some sort of Human Rights Campaign shirt or something pro Planned Parenthood.

Really, I'm over it. It wasn't some overly offensive thing, really. It just struck us as a bit odd and slightly offensive in a way. Not a huge deal. it was only $40. I've spent money on dumber things I suppose.

I wouldn't have gotten it for him. And I would have told him why. He's your dad he should understand.
Well it wasn't that he asked for it. We pretty much had to get him it. My sister and I dogged him for a month or so on what he wanted for Christmas, and the only thing he said was that shirt. He knew we'd have to get him that. That's kind of what offended us a bit. It's also that we were spending money towards that sort of political agenda. It's one thing to razz someone, like you said, but it's another to kind of force their hand into funding your political agenda. And we'd never ask him to buy us some sort of Human Rights Campaign shirt or something pro Planned Parenthood.

Really, I'm over it. It wasn't some overly offensive thing, really. It just struck us as a bit odd and slightly offensive in a way. Not a huge deal. it was only $40. I've spent money on dumber things I suppose.
This is the most offensive part of that story.
This is critical, and is the key behind their strategy. The UI benefits have much more impact on the economy. Their plan is to cut them, or force offsetting cuts. Dems should reject this 'offer'.

I think the other factor here is the debt ceiling.

By caving now and not offsetting the payroll tax, republicans are most likely anticipating another debt ceiling fight in August or October. Which could be disastrous for Obama depending on how the White House handles it. It would also force him to return to Washington while Romney slams any deal that emerges from negotiations.


I wouldn't have gotten it for him. And I would have told him why. He's your dad he should understand.

We considered it, but then we were stuck with nothing. I really don't know what the hell to buy my dad nowadays. The weird shit that people usually put off and tell people to get them for gifts my dad usually buys, and other than that he doesn't really have any big hobbies or anything that requires constant stuff. That and my dad and I are almost as far apart as two people possibly can be as far as views on life and hobbies and fun. So we don't talk a ton about much, and so nothing ever comes up.

I think he did partially ask for it thinking we wouldn't get it for him.

This is the most offensive part of that story.

Just checked again, and 40 is a bit too high. It was $27.99 plus whatever shipping is, from this fine lady's cafe press. She's gotta be making bank on that tripe...


Fork 'em, Sparky!
If Obama wins by a landslide in November, the right is going to lose their collective minds.

If they nominate Romney and he loses in a landslide, it will just fuel their extreme positions and agendas. Garbage like Mark Levin and Monica Crowley are already suggesting as such.


If they nominate Romney and he loses in a landslide, it will just fuel their extreme positions and agendas. Garbage like Mark Levin and Monica Crowley are already suggesting as such.

That's what I've been thinking, too. If Romney wins the nom and then loses then the crazies will go into a frenzy and possibly take over the party. I think the party would be in shambles. If Santorum wins the nom and then loses to Obama I'm not sure the crazies would have much sway in the GOP anymore. The establishment would jus say their candidate got to try and then lost horribly.

I'm not sure which outcome I'd rather have.


pew pew pew pew (national)

Obama 52 Romney 44
Obama 53 Santorum 43
Santorum 32 Romney 30

i'm gonna sing the doom song now

In November, Mitt Romney was beating President Obama among independent voters, 53% to 41%. Now those numbers are upside down: Obama tops Romney among them, 51% to 42%. That's a net 19 point swing of independents in Obama's direction in three months.

What exactly can Romney do to win them back? Nada.
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