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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Which is funny, since apparently (or perhaps, allegedly) he didn't come up with that title...
Yeah, but as a party that mocked nuance for so long, it is hard to feel sorry for him being the victim of a snap judgment.

But I've read Mitt's longer explained version and it isn't much better. He says that a lot of what he suggested ended up actually being done. OK, fine . . . but that is also an admission that Obama did a good job. But he seems to indicate that he would have protected the Wall Street people more and the union working stiffs less . . . not exactly something that will resonate well with many.
Romney has not answered a voter question in months.

i think his run-in with a gay veteran in New Hampshire diner has made him go mum on talking to voters ever since

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Yeah, Michigan and Arizona are both on the 28th, a Tuesday.

It looks like Romney will win Arizona but he might lose Michigan to Santorum. Is there a chance that Gingrich will drop out and endorse Santorum if Santorum does win in Michigan? In that case, Santorum might also win Georgia. After that is Ohio which Santorum is also projected to win.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Yeah, Michigan and Arizona are both on the 28th, a Tuesday.

It looks like Romney will win Arizona but he might lose Michigan to Santorum. Is there a chance that Gingrich will drop out and endorse Santorum if Santorum does win in Michigan?

I think Gingrich is in it until at Super Tuesday at least. Then, if he makes no splash, will probably endorse Santorum.

Romney splitting Arizona and Michigan is not looking too positive for his otherwise very strong campaign.
Santorum's rise also coincided with the return of culture war issues, from Washington legalizing gay marriage to the contraceptive issue. It really seems like that social conservative base has finally chosen a candidate, while admitting he's not perfect.

Romney is spending a shit ton in Michigan though, so he should be able to make a come back soon; there are two weeks until the primaries, anything can happen. I think Romney has too much of a structural, on the ground advantage for Santorum to overcome.

It only really returned to social issues with the GOP base. Polls show that the general populace is largely ignoring it, preferring to talk about the economy.


Romney is relying on his money to keep him competitive. I've said it before and I'll say it again but his attacks are too intangible to make much of a difference. He needs better material.

Money is always percolating around in politics and we as a country grudgingly accept it's corrupting influence on the electorate. I think Mitt's mistake is that he's being too up front about trying to buy the election. People don't like that -- and they don't like him as a result of it.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
The benefit of his money is him staying strongest in winner-take-all states, where proportional delegate states are the ones where Santorum and Paul are splitting votes and delegates with Romney.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
It's worth noting that it's technically not "his" money, it's PAC money. He'd probably be in the red heavily self financing his campaign Hillary style if it wasn't for Citizens United.

In fact none of the candidates are doing pretty well in terms of small donors


It could be that the Santorum surges have impaired my critical capacity, but at this point it seems to me to be the stupidest fucking thing ever for Pawlenty to have dropped out so early. I bet he's kicking himself right now.


Do you disagree with Ghost_Protocol and Chichikov that it basically boils down to being for or against a woman's right to control her body?
That's not what I meant to say.
The deep philosophical questions are when life begin, and if all life have equal value.
The only point I was driving at is that both sides intentionally frame their position without using the pivotal term in this discussion - "abortion".
That could be because, with Citizens United, they don't need to court small donors anyway.

I wouldn't go that far. You can only count on big donors, even billionaires, for so long. There's really no direct return on investment here, so these presidential runs are basically vanity projects for them.

One of them deciding he's had enough or deciding he's better off backing someone else will completely tank any of their campaigns at this point.

and we haven't even hit the general!

It could be that the Santorum surges have impaired my critical capacity, but at this point it seems to me to be the stupidest fucking thing ever for Pawlenty to have dropped out so early. I bet he's kicking himself right now.

nah, pawlenty inspires nobody- Santorum swept minnesota even WITH pawlenty backing romney. He would have gone out the exact same way huntsman did.


Wanting your insights/opinions on a few questions:

Would Obama stand a better chance against Romney or Santorum? Would non-Republicans (Dems, 'Independents') be more inspired to keep Romney or Santorum away from the presidency? Would more Republicans be more likely to refuse to vote for Romney or Santorum?
Wanting your insights/opinions on a few questions:

Would Obama stand a better chance against Romney or Santorum? Would non-Republicans (Dems, 'Independents') be more inspired to keep Romney or Santorum away from the presidency? Would more Republicans be more likely to refuse to vote for Romney or Santorum?

Santorum is cookier, Obama would landslide Santorum while Romney's more ''intelligent'' flexible'' campaign would be tougher.

vs. Romney is not a free win but Mitt is making things more complicated for himself now lessening his chances over time.

But Santorum? LOL Obama would Reagan Landslide him
Wanting your insights/opinions on a few questions:

Would Obama stand a better chance against Romney or Santorum? Would non-Republicans (Dems, 'Independents') be more inspired to keep Romney or Santorum away from the presidency? Would more Republicans be more likely to refuse to vote for Romney or Santorum?

as things stand now, Obama obliterates them both, but for different reasons.

Romney has been seriously, seriously damaged by this primary. numerous gaffes, plus his tax returns, etc have put him in a position where the working class (even working class republicans) don't trust him (and conservative republicans never really have). He's gotten a reputation for trying to buy his candidacy with negative campaign ads, and his favorables are in the basement. people absolutely loathe this guy, and there really isn't a clear way to turn this around. He's been exposed, and Independents have abandoned him for Obama.

Santorum has better favorables, but is on the record for such extreme nonsense that he's poison to moderates. Independents were never for him in the first place, but the hard right loves him. he gets the nomination, and you have another sarah palin situation. Mitt isn't a terrible debater, but Santorum is so hard right in his positions that he'll get absolutely destroyed by Obama in a debate, and then it's game over.

Romney gets the nomination and republicans won't stay home per se, but you're not going to see a lot of enthusiasm. Santorum gets the nod, and conservatives will come out in force, while independents vote democrat en masse.

either one is lose/lose.


That's not what I meant to say.
The deep philosophical questions are when life begin, and if all life have equal value.
The only point I was driving at is that both sides intentionally frame their position without using the pivotal term in this discussion - "abortion".

Ah, sorry about that. You were pretty clear, don't know how I misread.


GM posting their biggest profits ever so soon after Romney writing that second Op-Ed was just horrible timing by the Romney Camp.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Santorum REALLY needs to stay out of the spotlight.

Every GOP candidate that has taken the lead has gotten more exposure and subsequently hurt themselves.

The less people know about Santorum, the better.

I still think he gets crushed in a general election. I worry, though, that the far-right media turns this into a "Obama vs. Christianity" election which could have disastrous consequences.
Santorum REALLY needs to stay out of the spotlight.

Every GOP candidate that has taken the lead has gotten more exposure and subsequently hurt themselves.

The less people know about Santorum, the better.

I still think he gets crushed in a general election. I worry, though, that the far-right media turns this into a "Obama vs. Christianity" election which could have disastrous consequences.

A big part of that was either opposition research being leaked (cain) or negative ads burying the opposition (newt part 1 and 2).

Perry I admit did it to himself. The man can't put a coherent sentence together to save his life.

Santorum is lucky because Romney is currently in a position where running an onslaught of negative ads is going to hurt Romney just as badly as it would Santorum. I don't think we'll see Florida part II in Michigan.


We should be doing the opposite. We should eliminate the wage cap and raise taxes to pour that money into SS so people can retire earlier, creating more jobs sooner.

That's a way you can lower unemployment short term and stem the tide of the disastrous effects the upcoming AI revolution is going to have on unemployment rates.
The only problem with your premise is early retirement fails to increase employment for other workers. Rather, inducing early retirement may actually diminish employment for other workers.
That was the joke. ;)

I do really appreciate his posts though. I've learned a lot about history and foreign policy from reading his stuff.
Thank you. I await the day I can reciprocate.
I love the way you write, no matter when I agree with you or disagree. Different from Jackson50, for example. :)
With all due respect, you have bad taste.
The only problem with your premise is early retirement fails to increase employment for other workers. Rather, inducing early retirement may actually diminish employment for other workers.

I'm trying to wrap my head around how this is possible. Ideally, those workers who would take retirement early serve a necessary function and would need to be replaced.

Currently we're in a situation where those that ARE employed are already doing the work of 2 or 3, thanks to layoffs a couple of years ago.


Thank you. I await the day I can reciprocate.


I probably had that coming.
I forgot about this, but if Santorum needs a counterpunch to Romney in Ohio:


Kasich is toxic, Issue 2 is what's killing him in the state after it got soundly rejected and Romney supported both of them.

Mitt really doesn't seem to have a history of making good choices on what to support and what not to support, does he?

That's a good point. Ohio being an important swing state is going to create some very difficult narratives for Mitt if he can't win it from someone like Santorum.

Mitt getting Huckabee'd by Santorum- a dark horse with no money, ground game, or organization to speak of- is a THOUSAND times worse than if this were Newt Gingrich.
Ugh, it's not really surprising, but the whole baptism of dead Jews story is making a comeback -
Elie Wiesel calls on Mitt Romney to make Mormon Church stop proxy baptisms of Jews

Man, that's some stupid-ass story, I'm fucking embarrassed as a Jew that it's even an issue, also, fuck Elie Wiesel.
But regardless, that can't be good news for Romney.

oh, the timing is definitely designed to hurt mitt romney- make no mistake.

But regardless it's a dumbass practice and they need to cool it. As an atheist I find it extremely offensive.
Just reading that Chris Christie will have the flags lowered to half-staff in honor of Whitney Houston. Really? Thought that honor should go to more deserving people, not some (very talented) singer who did a lot of drugs.

Despite that, his presupposed vetoing of the gay marriage bill, and many, many other factors, the still number one reason I would never vote for him is simply the fact that his name is Chris Christie.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Does Santorum have a path to the nomination, or is it virtually impossible?
If you're Mormon you'd think it's a good thing, if you're not, you would think this does nothing.

As an atheist, you shouldn't care.

really? so as an atheist I shouldn't have any concept of respect for the dead, or their beliefs?

I think of how I would feel about someone "baptizing" my non religious friends posthumously into mormons, and its very upsetting.

Does Santorum have a path to the nomination, or is it virtually impossible?

It's actually quite possible. a good showing in michigan, ohio, and a couple key swing states on super tuesday would essentially damage romney so badly I don't think he could recover.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GM posting their biggest profits ever so soon after Romney writing that second Op-Ed was just horrible timing by the Romney Camp.

Didn't he know that GM was posting their quarterly records this week? Why not wait until afterward to wright the Op-Ed?


Professional Schmuck
Does Santorum have a path to the nomination, or is it virtually impossible?

Yes, it really is possible. It starts with Michigan. Now, it's not likely, esp. considering he missed the Virginia (and one other?) ballot, but it starts with MI.


oh, the timing is definitely designed to hurt mitt romney- make no mistake.

But regardless it's a dumbass practice and they need to cool it. As an atheist I find it extremely offensive.

I don't think it's as bad news as it could be for Mitt. The worst timing would have been just prior to Florida. Regardless, "some Mormons do weird stuff sometimes" stories are just not good news for Mittens. I imagine it's quite embarrassing to have to explain these sort of things away.

I don't really find it offensive as I do strange. I'm gonna out myself as an uber nerd here but it reminds me of

that wall in Planescape: Torment where they recorded the names of all dead people. I imagine ancient scribes scribbling down names of recognizable figures to be baptized.

I think it would be interesting to see who else is on that list.
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